I'm a 1100 Platinum Terran player who is new to the RTS world. I have ground my way up from the bottom of bronze and have the intentions to rise even further through the ranks! I know for sure i will most likely be one of the worst players streaming but with help with from the viewers i hope to ditch that tittle. I have dual screen and play in windowed (full screen) so i can easily communicate with viewers and hopefully get some good banter while playing.
On the stream i will be playing mostly 1v1's although i do get coerced inot playing 3v3's with my baddie mates. I will most likely be playing music in the background which can range from Enter shikari to Susan Boyle with a bit of Eminem while speaking my thoughts (a load of crap).
Hope to see you around on my stream, jump in and speak on chat <3
Stream link: http://www.livestream.com/TWKgamingEski