In addition to all of the great user-streams Team Liquid hosts, I am now hoping to be one of them. I have become very curious in streaming my game-play for many reasons, the main one to be able to improve my game-play from the insights of others.
I am currently a 1350+ rated diamond Protoss player (55% W/L) , who is working on the grind up the ranked ladder. One of my set goals is to attend an MLG event in the 2011 season and compete, even if I came in last place. I really just want the experience of playing at an MLG event as well as test the skill I have once I get there. I do have a ton of work to do in order to play at any level comparable to MLG and I am hoping this stream will allow users to help critique me along the long training ahead.
I appreciate any and all constructive criticism, and hope to make some new friends here as I am new to the TL community. Thanks so much and feel free to leave any comments below! =D
UPDATE---- 5/12/11
I haven't had time to keep up on my Starcraft 2 competitive play, so I have not been streaming it regularly.
I have just started up a Counter-Strike stream on because I would love to see the CS community started up there. I have not seen another Counter Strike stream on yet so I thought I would be the first. If you are a fan of Counter Strike, or a dedicated professional player, I hope you find the time to watch this!
Please support and follow!
Thanks! =]