The day previous to that I originally told spunky come to seoul and lets go out real style, but he said, "fuck tomorrow we have gomtv teamleague finals let's just go out here and then tomorrow after we own everything go back to seoul and celebrate victorious"
(the OGS-TL house is in Bu-cheon on the border of Incheon which is very close to Mok-dong where the GOMtv studios is located, but a 1 hr drive to seoul)
I got in a cab and went there and when I arrived it was already around 12:30 AM. Everyone on the team was still practicing hardcore which is unusual that late as OGS-TL has very comfortable productive practice hours.
TheWind looked at me like WTF? (he knows i come to lead people into the night but they had teamleague the next day so that was impossible) then said "OH HI DAN!"
I looked at everyone then at my watch then a confused look to TheWind I asked him "WTF?"
with a chuckle (he knows going out that late in incheon which is the country side of seoul is only bad news LOL) he replied "we gotta win!"
Me and spunky decided to just have a simple night and drink a bit at a bar then rest up and chill to go watch teamleague the next day.
We drank a bottle at some random bar, I learned a few tricks (sorry, sensitive information cannot release it now), then we called it an early night.
Then back at the OGS-TL sookso for some reason decided to drink 2 huge bottles of beer with TheWind while watching some BS korean movie because I couldn't sleep (hence the wicked hangover beer on top of vodka ugh).
I got woken up at around 3:30 PM with people telling me to get fucking ready for the finals. Thankfully the cooking/cleaning ajuma they have employed at their house is the ultimate cook. I've lived in Korea almost 7 years now and recycled through countless amounts of these ajumas and this lady should be a master chef at a 5 star restaurant. The best part is all you have to say is "Bae go pa" which means "hungry" in korean then she will prepare it, then after you're done you just say "Jal mokossimnida" which means "I ate well" and she'll clean it. Easy life. Except I was still in pain.
I couldn't decide wtf I wanted to do so I just lazy'd around. Then everybody left and before leaving, MinChul told me "Dan Hyung u were snoring like crazy last night I couldn't sleep!!!" I apologized.
Despite the food my hangover was fking terrible, I had barely slept 4 hours because my sleep schedule is screwed up. I then made my mind up to fk the teamleague finals and just stay there and sleep and maybe watch online. Unfortunately for me some computer guys were there fixing some internet problems so TheWind had to stay behind. I screwed around not wanting to go but then TheWind told me "when these guys finish lets go together in an hour!"
I'm not a man to say no to honest requests so, "ok"
Me and Thewind took a cab there and the matches were just starting. We were in some backstage teamroom with a TV that displayed the match live on it (fuck sitting in the metal chairstands next to the stage when u can relax in nice chairs and use another one as a legstand in a backroom with the lights off). Zenio lost his first game. This was particularly funny for me because he's one of the top OGS-TL players in practice but he keeps screwing up in real games. After his loss he left the main area and came into the room I was sitting.
I was alone in that room. He came in and said nothing. I said nothing. Words weren't necessary. I felt some insane negative "FUCK" energy. I found it cute and succeeded at trying not to laugh. I could have attempted to comfort him but I've been there in that same situation (like when I lost wcg usa despite being in korea for a few months). Theres nothing to say really lol.
Then someone from OGS came into the room and made Zenio come back out to the booth because despite losing he still has to sit with the team. I found that hilarious as fuck but at the same time I was dying tired. I got comfortable and passed out at that point.
Suddenly the light got turned on and the prime team came in along with my old friend steve yea who has had success in war3/poker and now is a sc2 player in prime. It was now 1-3 with Werra in the lead and OGS needed a 3-kill to win it.
OGSTL-MC (Min Chul) was on the TV doing this pregame ceremony acting like a rockstar/wrestler basically telling the other guy he's going to fking rape him.
anypro/check/steveyea were all saying 'what the fuck how can he do that before his match? if he loses he'll look like a fucking idiot!'
I guess they didn't know that that MinChul's nickname in the korean community for SC1 was "suicide toss." In sc1 before one of his matches he went up to the camera and took his index finger and did the neck slice motion. Then he lost looking like a complete fool. Hence the term suicide toss was coined.
I knew this, but at the same time, TLO/Jinro had been telling me how good he is, plus in all my time spent at the OGS house I only saw him lose once. I told steve yea: "Okay let's bet. I'll give you 6-1 odds on 10$ I got MinChul. So if Minchul wins I get 10$ and if the werra guy wins u get 60."
He snap called. Thank you easy 10$ as Minchul steamrolled his opponent.
Game 2: "Okay I'll give you 7-1 this time." "Call"
Game 2 if you saw it MinChul opted not to get collusus range and all the prime guys were saying 'GG'
I almost got scared for a second then all the sudden MinChul just walked over the guy (apparently the units group better together and walk together over force fields (one group for collosus/unit and one group for immortal to target their collusus) + the money advantage from not having to invest 200/200 into it so it was good in that situation). Thank you.
I told steve not to fuck with a professional as he paid me 10$ more. Then I offered him 10-1 on the last game. He declined and everyone laughed.
As the suicide toss completed the triple kill I walked out to the main stage area and I could see the glee on every single OGS members' faces in person.
I was overwhelmed with memories. Not that we won very often when I was on hexatron: but the few days we did; it's a feeling that cannot be compared to anything. The best meal of your life, the best sex of your life, making alot of $....
Nothing can compare to that feeling. That feeling of ownage. That feeling of "we did it."
I saw MinChul and jokingly told him I was the reason he won: "If it weren't for me snoring you wouldn't have been able to wake up early and think about all your strategies today!!!!! BTW Thx for the 20$ u won me LOL"
I high fived everyone and they were soon after swarmed by press and fan girls. I stood on the outskirts looking at them proud as hell as they held up their check and trophy, these young boys with Nada on their team standing next to them. I haven't felt such a new fresh feeling in years. I was no longer hungover. I was just happy.
They had a team dinner afterwards and I came a bit late cause I had to do some stuff. I sat down at the far side of a very long table next to TLO and Haypro. Jinro was in the middle mingling with the koreans just like he was one of their very own. I saw everyone overjoyed, talking shit to eachother, clanging soju glasses, devouring good meat, as spunky handed out checks containing almost all 3k of the prize money split up amongst to the players. Thats what progaming is really about. (and P.s. the next day Zenio 7-0 all killed his round 1 of the new team league getting the monkey off his back. He's happy now LOL)
That being said there was no reason that night to go back to Seoul and drink like we always have. Tonight was the real night with the team. We realized there was no reason to go anywhere, and drank the night away in incheon.
Though I've talked about the possibilities with many people and the fact that I'll never be a competitive player again: at that very moment I realized: I want back in. Maybe not as a player. But I will be back.
The gamer pride can never be corrupted.