The UNSW Starcraft Society - StarSoc - is a society founded around Starcraft, the best real time strategy game. We're a society that believes in bringing together people from all over the university to appreciate all aspects of the game, both competitive and casual.
What are we doing now?
Yayayay we're affiliated now! Stay tuned for the upcoming GSL finals viewing party!
Oh please!! Pick me!! I want to join!!
That's great! Join our mailing list here, and click here to join our mailing list!
Remember also to join our facebook group so you can get all the latest information about tournaments and events!
Prior Communications
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1. Communication #1 about the EGM
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Hi All,
Thanks for expressing interest in UNSW StarSoc!
In order to become affiliated with ARC, we must hold an Extraordinary General Meeting. The date I propose for our EGM is Thursday the 3rd of March, at 2-3pm - Location TBD. The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:
Thanks again and see you at the EGM!
Thanks for expressing interest in UNSW StarSoc!
In order to become affiliated with ARC, we must hold an Extraordinary General Meeting. The date I propose for our EGM is Thursday the 3rd of March, at 2-3pm - Location TBD. The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:
- Welcome/Meet and Greet
Getting to Know Everyone - Elections
There are currently 4 executive positions up for election. Additional positions may be created if there is general consensus on the day to do so.
To be a candidate for election, you must email me with the position that you would be running for, and why you want it. A short paragraph will be sufficient. You may run for more than one position. In your email, please also give me your contact details, and specify if you are/are not an ARC member.
Responsible primarily for the administration of the society, e.g. TeamLiquid thread, Facebook pages, overall organisation of tournaments
Signatory to the society bank account
Treasurer/Vice President
Responsible for the fiscal wellbeing of the society
Also responsible for any administrative duties of the society
Must attend every meeting (to the best of his/her ability), and take meeting minutes
Sending communications to the rest of the society - both through emails and social media networks
Arc Delegate
Ensures that the society continues to be ARC affiliated, and completes the necessary reporting and activities to do so. - Events
Currently we are holding Tuesday Night Fight Nights
Discussion for future events, and any other ideas that others may have, such as:
Renting auditorium for GSL finals/semi finals - Constitution
Any discussion regarding the constitution, which will be sent out in a following email.
Once I book a room, I'll send another email out with all the necessary details, and the agenda again if it has changed, or anything needs to be added.
Increasing Member Base and O week
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend much of O week, and hand out flyers like I originally intended. If anyone is able to do this, please get in contact with me ASAP. Otherwise, it is imperative that you tell friends about this society, and let as many people know about us as you can about this society, and attend the EGM.
Thanks again and see you at the EGM!
2. Minor updates
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Just a small update guys:
- ARC/UNSW still have not come back to me about room allocations. If they have not done so by COB tomorrow, I'll propose that we meet on the quad lawn, and try and find an empty classroom. It's not ideal, but given constraints...
- Please support the USYD 1v1 tournament by signing up here! More details are available in the thread that is linked. There will be live commentary, prizes and plenty of glory.
- If you haven't already done so, please sign up to the mailing list in the OP
Thanks all, and see you on Thursday!
Current Events
- Tuesday Night Fight Nights
+ Show Spoiler + - USYD StarSoc 1v1 Tournament
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Check it out HERE.- GSL Season 4 Finals!
All details can be found here:
May 14 @ UNSW CLB 6 4pm!!
SC2 Tea Party Podcast
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Tea Party is a Starcraft 2 podcast among three friends who discuss SC2-related things from a SEA perspective. Breaker is a member of DotA Society. Click here for more details.
+ Show Spoiler +You must be a student at USYD and/or an Access card holder. For this you get free entry into our tournament ($3) and subsidised prices at our lan events which happen every couple of weeks. If you go to even one lan, you will earn back the cost of joining the society in the first place.
How to join:
Send $5 to the paypal account
In addition send me a PM or e-mail in the following format:
Full Name:
Access ID: (ie the last 6 numbers of your barcode)
On the other hand if you are neither a student at USYD nor an Access card holder, we can add you to the mailing list regardless and you can still join our tournament for $3. For details on registration to the tournament open the relevant spoiler and head to the thread. - GSL Season 4 Finals!
Other Societies and Links!+ Show Spoiler +
USYD StarSoc
UQ StarSoc
UTS StarSoc
SEA SC2 Tea Party Podcast - Hosted by LAG
UNSW StarSoc Exec 2011