I was playing a random 2v2 in Plat and my opponent went for a zealot rush.. sure this is a good strat, but was his only plan for the whole 35-minute game -_-
I think one of the biggest thing new players need to learn is that if your first attack with T1 units doesn't outright win you the game, or put you at a *significant* advantage, you need to tech and expand.
I once played slightly worse than my teammate was expecting.
3v3, dont remember the map. Terran allie lifted off his cc and planted it in between his main and natural. scv's were gathering from both sets of minerals and taking ages to travel back and forth. I asked him what the hell he was doing, but I guess he was too stupid to even know how to reply.
On August 26 2010 22:31 Jaso wrote: I was playing a random 2v2 in Plat and my opponent went for a zealot rush.. sure this is a good strat, but was his only plan for the whole 35-minute game -_-
This happens all the time to me. Someone will go mass marine which i guess is ok for an opener, but for the next hour he will build nothing but marines from 4 raxes...
<Join 2v2 as Z> <See T ally> "Plan?" "Mass BCs" <Quit>
Well, on a rap which I don't remember the name, I was in a 2v2 with a random alli (i'm diamond in 2v2 random so I hope to also get a diamond ally). I play random, he his P and we cant see that our opponent are ZZ.
I spawn T so i'm like, shit I need rine ASAP + possibly a buker to survive Z ling/roach rush. By the time I setup y base, I see my ally chilling and going forge + pylon in front of oru base with going fast expand
raped incoming.
Ally got medivac dropped on Tempest (?). I went to help with my army, but he wouldn't let me into his base. Ended up killing his depo to get in, but was only able to clear up the army after he lost most of his stuff.
Hyrule18943 Posts
So I was playing with FuriousJodo, Kraken, and ryanrushia a little while ago. We were drinking. We decided to use mineral only builds. I made 15 proxy Barrackses. We went 8-4 that session.
My friend got teamed up with a guy in 3's who wrote:
"Good game this!" "Yeah, sure... Perhaps you should start mining?" "Ok, first time playing " At this point he lifted his CC and stood still. My friend replied: "Perhaps you should try doing some campaign or play vs computers before entering multiplayer just to learn the basics" "Ok!" *** has left the game.
* Edited for truth.
Usually my ally drops or dies to first rush which leaves me to 1v2 every game which tbh is much easier anyway.
On August 26 2010 22:48 mortar wrote:My friend got teamed up with a guy in 3's who wrote: "Good game this!" "Yeah, sure... Perhaps you should stop mining?" "Ok, first time playing " At this point he lifted his CC and stood still. My friend replied: "Perhaps you should try doing some campaign or play vs computers before entering multiplayer just to learn the basics" "Ok!" *** has left the game. Why would you ask someone to stop mining in your own team...?
On August 26 2010 22:35 Azile wrote: <Join 2v2 as Z> <See T ally> "Plan?" "Mass BCs" <Quit>
lol gg
I see a lot of colossus rushing from my allies... No zeals, no stalkers, no sentries, no cannons... Just colossus.
I usually fast expand since if we're rushed or cheesed we're pretty fucked over regardless since he wont have his first colossus out yet.
yeh i hate the allies who yell help but have supply depots blocking the ramp and they dont put themd own..... Also one last night who went 7 pool, and would of done serious damage to the terran who was going maruder or even deeper tech? Anyway he went in with his 6 lings and no units to greet him but scv's, as he didnt see an army other then scv's he decided to go tothe toss isntead to fight an "army" isntead of just staying and killing the scv's well by the time he got to the toss who had 2 zealots easily mopping the lings up...he then called me a noob and left.That was in diamond league too.. lol Also got to put the games where ive lost to reaper and then gone as terran which im alright with early game but late game I just plain suck so yeh for all my allies whos played with me as terran late game sorry
In a 3v3 i played i randomed and got P, my two allies also P but that's not really important one guy gets rushed and pretty much killed, my second ally sends like two zealots that also gets killed and he immediately leaves. I get alot of money cause this guy is still mining so i mass up gateways and kill their attacking army, counter and after a pretty long game 1v3 i eventually come out on top. I had over 100 kills probably more, my allies had a total of 1 kill combined
I'm usually the only person on my team that bothers to scout at all. I'm also the only person on my team that ussually responds to a proxy attack by actually modifing their strat.
Don't think that AT is always better than RT.
I never play RT, but I'm going to contribute. My friend got cannon rushed. The guy who cannoned was obviously not good because the cannon couldn't defend the pylon. So my friend who is a T who had 3 marines at the time could easily snipe the pylon. He goes and attacks the cannon. Then calls me a noob for teching and rage quits.
One time my ally pinged a new expo on the map, and I figured he was letting me know where the enemy player was expanding, so I just 1a2a the pinged nexus, and tore it to the ground just to see him screaming through chat that it was his nexus that I was destroying. It was a bit embarrassing. But we won. So yeah. Don't ping your own expansions.