While browsing YouTube and checking my subscriptions, I noticed that there was a trailer for the new Wii game GoldenEye, which is an updated version of the greatest FPS games of all-time (insert Kanye West voice here).
I tend not to look at the comments sections (as YouTube is notorious for spammers and whatnot) but against my better judgement, I did. Here is just a few examples of what I found:
seen better graphics on psp
along with:
I'll stick with actually good graphics on my PS3 thank you very much.
and of course:
Fuck the Wii.
Now this is obviously just a petty flame war. People saying that the Wii sucks because of it's graphics or it's "kiddie appeal" (when did children not become gamers? I thought most people transformed into gamers around the time they were kids. Huh) and blah, blah, blah.
But I got to thinking: "What makes the game? Graphics or Gameplay?"
360 and PS3 have got Nintendo beat in the graphics department but, in my opinion, Nintendo has both of them beat in gameplay. So I want to know:
Poll: Which makes a game better?Gameplay (207) 92% Graphics (18) 8% 225 total votes Your vote: Which makes a game better? (Vote): Graphics (Vote): Gameplay
well considering this forum is about a game released in 1998 that people still play, i really doubt that many people will think that graphics are better.
Fuck gameplay, I want a fireworks show in my face so I can't even see what I am playing.
Obviously gameplay, but for a 2010 release, those graphics are terrible.
Thanks for the news though. My bro will be happy to hear that one of his fav games of all time is being remade.
Gameplay by far.
I was thinking this awhile ago, but all these kids nowdays, their first gaming experiences are going to be the shit, unoriginal-sequel number 3 uber graphics 10 hour long games on 360 and PS3.
And that's just really sad.
I bought both FF13 and Vagrant Story (a ps1 game) and I had a hell of a lot more fun on the latter. Games now days are just soulless, especially console ones.
This is a site for people who still play BW in 2010. What do you think the results will be?
Gameplay obviously. For example: final fantasy tactics.
Graphics are one of the least important things that should be considered when trying to make a good game. Unfortunately its not because most gamers are only looking for eye candy and have no real grasp on what even makes a good game. This subject actually infuriates me >_<
Canada19447 Posts
On August 21 2010 08:22 Cofo wrote:This is a site for people who still play BW in 2010. What do you think the results will be?  Exactly hahaha. Was typing this out when i saw you already posted it.
Gameplay ofc
But ancient graphics without any flare for a unique style or something will hurt the ability of a person to actually enjoy the game, esp if they are irritating graphics.
Gameplay, hands down. It can be seen by how often and how enjoyable playing old-school games still is. Like playing mario, zelda, megaman, etc. To some degree, I enjoy a lot of the old-school games more then the recent ones.
It always seemed like this to me. The old-school games were created for the sake of enjoyment and last over the years. While the new games come off as being quick fixes, like we are addicted to games so we need a new game to appease our addiction.
This question is always deceptive. It isn't one or the other, it's what combination of gameplay/graphics is optimum. Imagine the most amazing game gameplay wise, but it's all gray scale blocks. Now the other side is a pretty picture, and you walk around an empty room.
I think it's somewhere around 80% gameplay 20% graphics. The graphics create the immersion that is needed to get into and enjoy the story, but once you are inside the game, gameplay is what matters. FF7 is marked as a great as hell game, and really the graphics are pathetic. Look at Morrowind. Immersive, epic, and the graphics are good enough to pull off the feel of the land.
This is why the Wii is crushing the PS3 and XBox, because if people want nice pictures, they'll watch a movie. Same with DS vs PSP. People play games for a challenge, enjoyment, and the story. Now Wii graphics are much worse than they could be, but that is too keep the system cheap. Instead of trying to push the graphics engine of the PS3, developers should make good games (which is why the PS move and Kinetic are doomed to fail).
lol you didn't play ff7 when it first game out did you those graphics where pretty high end for the day esp the cut scenes.
On August 21 2010 08:22 Cofo wrote:This is a site for people who still play BW in 2010. What do you think the results will be? 
Couldn't have said it better.
Out of all of the SC2 posts I have seen at teamliquid.net: 50% complain about balance (gameplay) 30% concern strategy (gameplay) 10% show off the cool shit people can do (gameplay) 5% Single Player (gameplay) 4% I <3 Day[9]! have my babies 1% Technical support my fps is low, graphics slowing down my game (graphics?)
The only time people complain about graphics is when they reduce the gameplay.
I guess in 1999, Graphics were a big selling point for me. You know, when you can actually see the thing your shooting in Golden Eye instead of enemies being slightly different colored blob of pixels in Doom. But we have reached a graphical plateau for new games, where graphics now longer influence gameplay, and only add to artistry. For old games vs new games, graphics sometimes influence my choice of gaming. It is hard to tell do to the nostalgia effect. But I would choose super smash bro. Brawl over original, just because it looks better. But gameplay and nostalgia are far more important factor for me, when I haul out my N64 just to hear Kirby's taunt over and over again.
OP do you even need to make a thread about this?
At first glance and 5 minutes into the game - graphics, and from there on it's all gameplay.
sc2 graphics hinder my playing sometimes. I wish they didnt. (frames drop really low)
I voted graphics but I meant gameplay, I dont care if it doesnt look that great as long as it plays well.
Some of the greatest games ever looks really really bad.