I have played a few games on SC2, but I have seen a lot of VODs of SC1 and BW looks a lot more intresting, and I would like to give it a go. I was wondering if there are any D/D- players on Iccup I can practice with so I can get better, and also any beginner Terran stratergys because I only know about Marine, Medic
welcome to brood war first you will most probably be doing mostly some wariation of 1 rax fast expansion vs every race (with factories and tanks for tvp and tvt, and 1rax fe with bio units vs zerg) http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Terran_Strategy its now your new bible :D I highly recomend you day9 podcasts for brood war http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=89581 also check out liquipedia frequently. If you encounter some bigger problem while playing, or want just to know what went wrong in a game you lost, make a post here and we will try to help  other than that there are some day9 vids that were made for sc2 but apply to bw too, namely two last dailies with low level rep analyzys, and #132 (mental checklist) that are really really worth watching no matter what rts you play. mind you; if you will be playing on iccup, be prepared for losses, and by losses i mean a fuckton of losses to about everybody from every strat. Try to have a good mindset while you play, dont expect too much when you start
Welcome to where real men play.
Liquipedia is a great place to start, if you still get raped over at iCCup, don't worry, happens to the best of us. StarCraft has a very steep learning curve, don't lose hope because it will be rewarding if you persevere. It is good to get a practice partners (there are a good number of them over here) but once you play with random people, prepare to get raped. StarCraft BW is fun to watch but it's very hard to play.
I encourage this and find your taste in games worthy of my #100 post on teamliquid. Now go get yourself enraged by iCCup Protosses (me being one of them). ;>
If you are online right now I will help you!
Hey , want to game?
I'm in channel "guru"
Add me on iccup. ID: hp.shell I'm a D- protoss.
if any wanna play or pratice im in channel MiX or Whisper me JiNHooN[MiX]
On August 13 2010 11:59 ella_guru wrote:Hey , want to game? I'm in channel "guru"
maybe another day, don't plan on playing starcraft tonight
So good to see people interested in playing broodwar, the best rts ever made
steep learning curve!! ha yeah nailed that part. first time i ever played starcraft was me trying to do those starcraft terran campaigns. well it was easy, for a while. due to common sense i made it to lv, 7 i think? and then i started getting beat by bots...i wasnt particularly good at lv 7 cuz it involved pushing with strong forces which was practically a new concept 2 me even though u still didnt even need to micro its all macro work with those siege tanks
anyway there was no way i was ready for multiplayer. well i looked over those lil uh starcraft strategy guides that came with the game and i read em over and over til i knew everything lolz i had an appreciation for starcraft at that point
so i tried a custom game 1v1 against a cpu. i was zerg, the bot was terran. and u wouldnt believe it. i was crushing him right? he set up 2 bunkers near his base and i think, 2 siege tanks behind em so i nailed em with spawn broodlings and rushed in my zerglings and hydralisks. unfortunately i was new to the concept of MICROING lol so i didnt do very good and i ended up destroying a bunker but accidentally made dumb decisions like pile 8 zerglings on 1 marine (FAIL) and i had to retreat my hydralisks. after that lil episode he rebuilt the bunker and got another tank and he pushed 1 of my expansions (successfuly my leftover hydras were no match for marines and tanks without good micro skills) and i felt like i lost when he set up defenses around that base. so i was like ah dang it did i just lose to a bot? so i used map reveal cheat cuz i was like, i lost anyways and i looked at his main and it was dry bones without defenses i was like omg i shouldve made a drop!! lmao that was so fail for me. he didnt have a starport, see...it was a noob cpu and i didnt know what 2 expect.
anyway thats my lil experience however pathetic it may have been (i assure u im much better naow lol)
oh yeah i went on multiplayer at some point and i was like, cool map triggers! lol. starcraft has some crazy cool maps on multi. i remember seeing this 1 map where there were tons of custom stuff like, CC was 9999 hp and renamed to gate and the player settings was like 6 guardians of heaven and 1 player was on team hell or something and i watched the game for a bit. it rolled like, the guardians try 2 stop the hell push (which was zerg. figures) with special buildings and units etc and at some point 1 dude said gate to c2 or something i had no idea what that meant xD it was cool though. i believe hell ended up losing. im not sure. 1 of the coolest maps ive seen so far. i have no idea if this still exists though
Welcome to the best RTS game man has ever created. As a fellow Terran, I will warn you that Terran is the most mechanically demanding race. It will be frustarting at first, losing to mutas and 2 gate pressure builds but bear through that. Go onto liquidpedia and read he Terran strats. For build orders read Stylish's guide for Terrans here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=86770 this man is the best teacher for Terrans Finally, go have fun don't get too mad when you lose and simply enjoy yourself. Good luck and have fun :D
Listen Stylish guides.
They are the best terran tutorial you will find. Just listen to them and copy what he does and says.
One advice: play agressive. Don't play stupid macro game cuz you won't learn anything until your mechanics are amazing. Don't hesitate to go for old school 2 rax vs zerg, and exercise to 3rd base timing push in TvP.
Thankyou for all your posts 
I made this before I went to bed, now I've woken up I will be playing on Iccup in 10 - 20 minutes or so under the name BbBoS
Tell me if any of you guys are on and if so what lobby your in :D
I will also have a look at those quides too in a sec ^^
well sure i'd be your practice partner
a little info about me though... i've been playing BW for just a little more than a month. Started sometime this summer
I play casually for the most part... 2 games a day perhaps
but playing it for the 5 weeks that i did those games add up so now i have around ~ 210 games under my belt
my record atm is i think .... 70:140 ish win:loss
so maybe i'd be too good for you seeing that i am more experienced.. haha ^^;; but if you still want to play (since most people on iccup have played 2 years +) then sure. add me.
naughtynights is my ign
see you online
Ok, I will still play with you ^^
Idc if I win or loss, just nice to play 
Will be on later today though, busy atm
Hey im new in BW but also in old battle net, where i can see my full name and how to join to game ? and also my hotkeys ctrl+1-9 doesnt work,
On August 13 2010 22:26 NIIINO wrote: Hey im new in BW but also in old battle net, where i can see my full name and how to join to game ? and also my hotkeys ctrl+1-9 doesnt work, the name you sign up with is your full name. nothing's hidden.
to join games just hit join game, unless it has a password in which case you'll have to manually input the game name and password.
hotkeys... they should work, 1-0, i can't imagine why they wouldnt... good luck playing! also if anyone's reading this i'm still looking for a D/D+ zerg to grind about a million PvZs with because i suck major ass at that mu
On August 13 2010 22:26 NIIINO wrote: Hey im new in BW but also in old battle net, where i can see my full name and how to join to game ? and also my hotkeys ctrl+1-9 doesnt work,
Sounds like it would be impossible to play without hotkeys, where are you from? What keyboard type to you have (language).