1 of 1990: ( Keen 1, but i have played Keen 4 & 5 too ), ( Completed :p )
1 of 1991: ( I have tried Civ I but in the late 90's )
0 of 1992:
0 of 1993:
2 of 1994: ( Raptor fucking awesome ) + Tie Fighter ( or maybe it was X-Wing i don't remember, it was really hard anyway and i was too young ).
4 of 1995: Sim City 2000, Full throtle, CnC, Warcraft 1
8 of 1996: Diablo, Close Combat ( demo ), Duke nukem, Civilization 2, Warcraft 2, Tomb Raider ( on PS ), Red Alert, The Settlers. Beat Civ II and Diablo.
3 of 1997: Dungeon Keeper ( beat ), Riven, Monkey Island III.
8 of 1998: Baldur's Gate ( beat ), Commandos, Half life, GTA, Rainbow Six ( beat ), Fallout 2 and Unreal, starcraft
10 of 1999: Planescape Torment ( Beat ), System Shock II, WormsA, Heroes III ( beat some campaigns ), Avp, Gta 2, AoE 2, Homeworld, Quake III, Team fortress ( both vs bots lol

7 of 2000: Baldur's gate 2 ( beat ), Deus Ex ( beat ), Diablo II ( beat normal :o ), CS, Icewind Dale ( beat ), UT ( beat ), Sims
8 of 2001: Arcanum, Commandos 2, Ghost Recon, Black and White, Return to CW, Max Payne, Civ III ( beat ), Operation Flashpoint.
6 of 2002: War III ( beat ), NwN, Gta III (beat ), Dungeon Siege ( almost beat but it sucked so i quit ), Unreal 2003, Battlefield 1942
2 of 2003: Max Payne 2 ( beat ), Vice city
0 of 2004:
1 of 2005 : Civ IV ( beat but didn't played a lot )
2 of 2006: Oblivion, NwN 2, i hate both.
2 of 2007: Bioshock ( almost beat but it sucked so i quit ), CoD4 ( horrible )
1 of 2008: Mount and Blade ( spend a couple of hours on the demo )
0 of 2009
0 of 2010
Didn't play many recent games because when i look at the reviews and videos i don't think they are worth my money. Also i became addicted to bw when i got an internet connection in 2004 so i have spend less time on other games :p
Lot of games i have played aren't in the list too.