Woot woot, didn't think there would be so many poeple posting in this thread. So I decided to add poll, to get a more general overview Even tho i know this picture list is far from complete ( where the hell is Commander Keen?!) i will look out for some other/similar pictures lists etc.
Poll: How many of these games have you played?26-50 (16) 26% 11-25 (13) 21% 51-75 (13) 21% 100+ (10) 16% 75-100 (9) 15% 1-10 (0) 0% 61 total votes Your vote: How many of these games have you played? (Vote): 1-10 (Vote): 11-25 (Vote): 26-50 (Vote): 51-75 (Vote): 75-100 (Vote): 100+
120 for me
EDIT: After seeing some of the other numbers posted I have to ask.. am I an addict?
Never considered myself a true gamer...until I went over that graphic.
Very low games/year on the last few years, guess I can blame wow
15 LOL
Man, I knew I didn't play games, but... yeesh.
o wow... so many...
By played, I meant by played for at least 2 hours. For example by this definition I have "played" starcraft before. Bolded titles are the ones I spent a lot of time on.
C&C Sim City 2000 Warcraft 2 Heroes 2 Red Alert Quake 2 Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines Delta Forces Starcraft Sim City 3000 Heroes 3 Quake 3 Rollercoaster Typhoon Age of Empires 2 Homeworld Diablo 2 Warcraft 3 Guild War Plants vs Zombies <-- fuck yea! --- 19 in total.
There are tons of stuffs missing, however. For example:
Heroes 4 and 5 are not listed. I played them extensively. Red Alert 2, 3 are not listed. I played 2 extensively. Age of Empire 3 is not listed (WTF?!). I played aoe3 extensively. Sim City 4 is not listed (WTF???!!!). I played it extensively.
85, hardly beat most of them though.
I'd say i've played just about 95 of them 10 hours or more.
Around 20, I lost count somewhere but I think it's like 20-22.
edit: I took it literally, as well. Many of these games I've only played for an hour.
53. Funny thing is the majority of them are on the left side
On July 09 2010 09:01 ZoW wrote: 53. Funny thing is the majority of them are on the left side Most of mine are on the right. Guess I'm more of a new school gamer.
9, with the literal definition.
Do I win?
I have played at home 65 or something Mostly 1996-2001 and i didn't beat many lol :<
But i have played some more at friend's houses, and i also know things about many games that i haven't played. For example i have not played Crysis myself but i have watched tons of videos / reviews etc ... So i have a decent knowledge about most of those games, i know their genre, if it is good / medium / bad etc ...
edit: lot of meh/crap on the right side lol.
By year ( got my first comp in 1995 ) + Show Spoiler +1 of 1990: ( Keen 1, but i have played Keen 4 & 5 too ), ( Completed :p ) 1 of 1991: ( I have tried Civ I but in the late 90's ) 0 of 1992: 0 of 1993: 2 of 1994: ( Raptor fucking awesome ) + Tie Fighter ( or maybe it was X-Wing i don't remember, it was really hard anyway and i was too young ). 4 of 1995: Sim City 2000, Full throtle, CnC, Warcraft 1 8 of 1996: Diablo, Close Combat ( demo ), Duke nukem, Civilization 2, Warcraft 2, Tomb Raider ( on PS ), Red Alert, The Settlers. Beat Civ II and Diablo. 3 of 1997: Dungeon Keeper ( beat ), Riven, Monkey Island III. 8 of 1998: Baldur's Gate ( beat ), Commandos, Half life, GTA, Rainbow Six ( beat ), Fallout 2 and Unreal, starcraft 10 of 1999: Planescape Torment ( Beat ), System Shock II, WormsA, Heroes III ( beat some campaigns ), Avp, Gta 2, AoE 2, Homeworld, Quake III, Team fortress ( both vs bots lol  ) 7 of 2000: Baldur's gate 2 ( beat ), Deus Ex ( beat ), Diablo II ( beat normal :o ), CS, Icewind Dale ( beat ), UT ( beat ), Sims 8 of 2001: Arcanum, Commandos 2, Ghost Recon, Black and White, Return to CW, Max Payne, Civ III ( beat ), Operation Flashpoint. 6 of 2002: War III ( beat ), NwN, Gta III (beat ), Dungeon Siege ( almost beat but it sucked so i quit ), Unreal 2003, Battlefield 1942 2 of 2003: Max Payne 2 ( beat ), Vice city 0 of 2004: 1 of 2005 : Civ IV ( beat but didn't played a lot ) 2 of 2006: Oblivion, NwN 2, i hate both. 2 of 2007: Bioshock ( almost beat but it sucked so i quit ), CoD4 ( horrible ) 1 of 2008: Mount and Blade ( spend a couple of hours on the demo ) 0 of 2009 0 of 2010 Didn't play many recent games because when i look at the reviews and videos i don't think they are worth my money. Also i became addicted to bw when i got an internet connection in 2004 so i have spend less time on other games :p Lot of games i have played aren't in the list too.
130 games.
I played almost no games before 1998, and my most active period of gaming was from 2001 to 2008, I would say. I haven't played many of the new games.
PS: I actually "beat" maybe half of that number at best, since some games are mmos and others are turn based strategies that you can replay hundreds of times.
Also a lot of stuff is missing. Like where's Master of Orion 1, where's Dune 1 and 2 ? The Lost Vikings?
played 137, beat 58. most of them from the 96-2004 period.
Didn't beat/play more than a couple of hours on like half of those though.
183. I'm too old... And some of the games I played and really enjoyed are not even on that list!
I'm not even talking about niche games. Where the fuck is Dune 2, Flashback and the likes? I've spent countless hours playing these...
Pretty even distribution through the years with the highest concentration 2000-2004 and there are plenty of games i've played that are not on there.
50ish, i might've counted one twice or not seen them all so i'll say 50-55, but most of the games i've played aren't on that list, at least 90% of them. i've always been more of a console gamer, and i'd say the amount of time i've spent on console games compared to pc in terms of hours is easily in the hundreds for every hour of pc time.
i don't know if anyone else gets a huge wave of nostalgia from this thread like i do, just remembering all the old games you used to play. i never played those "theme" games but the box art reminds me SO much of the sim spin-offs. anyone ever played this gem? i felt like the most badass kid in the world while driving in this game.
~20, but only ~10 for any length of time.
93, my count severely dropped off post-2001. All of my favorites are pre-2000, which makes sense.
Cool poster/image/whatever.
121. But I got to 100 in 2003, so you can see that I was playing a lot more when I was younger and I often return to old games (hell I love Civ4 for example, but I play civ1 every single year for a few days!, same goes to almost all old classics, like I finish Might and Magic 6,7,8 every now and then).
Played 73 of them... probably played about 50 of those a decent bit. Sheesh.
7 .-. (Assuming you can only count games you've played for a reasonable length of time) The most recent being The Sims 2. I was more of a N64 kid.
Low considering the other posters here :/
49 played, 14 'finished'. i didn't actually play any of the older ones around the time they were released, have just gone back and played them
104 for me. Most of my plays have been the old classics and the very recent games.
33 and whoever made this gets bonus points for including tribes
Lots of them that I missed that everyone looks back at so longingly (Deus Ex, System Shock, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, to name a few).
35, mostly from the earlier years on the chart. Of course, years ago I used to play more than about 5 games per year too....
Played at least once in my life? 68 total. Passed and or have bought? closer to 50.
I just realised that as the years passed from 1990 to 2010, I played less and less of these titles. From the newer ones I only have Mass Effect 1/2, Call of Duty 4 andFEAR 2.
+ Show Spoiler + Commander Keen (yes!) Wolfenstein 3D Doom Descent Myst Rise Of the Triad (really underrated) Sim City 2000 Warcraft Full Throttle Duke Nukem 3D Close Combat Warcraft II Diablo Command and Conquer: Red Alert Baldur's Gate Half-Life Sim City 3000 Starcraft Shogo Mobile: Armor Division (also underrated) Unreal Worms Armageddon (awesome for college LAN) Aliens vs Predator Age of Empires II Home World Roller Coaster Tycoon Diablo II Baldur's Gate II Unreal Tournament The Sims Serious Sam Black and White (never seen such a good game ruined by such a buggy release) Tribes II (awesome multi-player ruined by rampant hacking) Grand Theft Auto III Dungeon Siege Neverwinter Nights Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Doom 3 The Sims 2 Unreal Tournament 2004 Civilization IV Battlefield 2 Star Wars Battlefront 2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Neverwinter Nights 2 Sins of a Solar Empire Fallout 3 Spore Dragon Age: Origins
The only games from this decade I've returned to after at least a year long break are Civ IV and Oblivion, and I would have ditched Oblivion if I wasn't a semi-active modder. I still play SC:BW and I always return to the BG games every few years or so.
Starcraft Rollercoaster Tycoon D2 Half Life Half Life 2 CSS L4D
I have a PS2, PS3 and a PSP though D:
Not much of a PC gamer =(
131 good times... some awesome games missing though
Around 50. I played a lot more console games in the past 5-6 years.
64, which isn't too bad considering I was born after a lot of those were released!
101 wow. I had no idea I had played so many bloody games. So many from the 90's too.
103! wow that list really takes me back, so many good games. I think out of all of those I played Quake 2 the most. That game had the best multiplayer and mods of any game I think. I just wonder where all those games went that I bought. I don't have any of the boxes before like 2005.
18, bias for the older people
On July 11 2010 11:32 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:18, bias for the older people  I was born in 96 and played 64
On July 09 2010 09:32 Herculix wrote:anyone ever played this gem? i felt like the most badass kid in the world while driving in this game. + Show Spoiler + Haha, I had forgotten about this game. It was freaking awesome.
From the OP's picture, I played about 100 games, pretty evenly distributed. Probably didn't finish most of them though.
113 of these I have played. God damn I didn't know I was so addicted.
Vatican City State1650 Posts
1998 was a beast. Wow. Starcraft, Half Life, Baldur's Gate, Grand Theft Auto, Unreal...
14 and im total addict ;d my first game was starcraft for few months (i was such a noob haha), then wc 2 , wc 3 for a year, lineage 2 for 2 years, world of warcraft for 2 years up to now, and now starcraft bw again. I played some games inbetween, but only for a short short time. I was playing lineage 2 and wow about 10 hours a day ;d (l2 was such a good game too bad so much grind ; s )
123, but they are missing a lot of titles.
14 Anyone play Master of Magic or War Wind? (or flight simulator?)
I thought I played a lot of pc games... I've played five of these games ;;;;; Starcraft, Diablo II, Warcraft 3 (dota), Portal, and Guild Wars I feel so... left out
On July 11 2010 11:32 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:18, bias for the older people 
haha yea i guess, its actually weird to think that now. I am starting to feel older and older only 2 1/2 years from 30
How are you guys with 1XX games played counting them all? >___<"
Not that big of a PC gamer. My count took a huge dip at 2008. haha.. Shows how I feel about modern games.
100. A lot of the older games I haven't played, and those old ones I have played have mostly been in recent years (Baldur's Gate, for example).
So many games not listed, but there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just happy VVVVVV was there
99. I actually had a lot of hits in the last couple of years and near the beginning; very few in the middle.
I played like 4 of those on the computer, but for any system I have played 20. Yeah I am kinda young plus I just never really got the chance to buy a lot of games.
About 30.. I did notice that the variety of games was greater before SC/big blizzard titles came out, stopped then rose again after they started losing interest a bit for me. Damn blizzard and their long lasting games.
United States13896 Posts
53. Most/all are from 2005 of before. Been telling myself for 5 years I'll wait until the next generation of consoles, but now I'm not sure I'll ever get back into console gaming.
93, gotta love having a gaming mom and a gaming dad.. So many good games, how do people avoid playing these gems??
Edit: age~18
37, most of which are in part VI of that picture.
30. Never was into video games as a kid.
50. It would seem i practically stopped playing new games around 2005.
106. Though there are a LOT of older games that aren't in there and should at least be mentioned.
...like the entire NFS series. And many more.
Around 100 of them. But 80 of those were games released 2000 or before. Have played 90% of the games released before 2000 and maybe 20% of the games on that list released after that.
The list made me realize I never finished Arcanum. Downloading it now
~50 PC gaming ftw!! Some of these games here i totally forgot lol! Most of the games i played were during 2000-2005
90~ they missed a bunch too....
78.... I went in thinking "wow how could anyone play near those numbers."
I didn't play too many of the early ones, nor most of the later ones. I think the reason a lot of folks see a drop off in their numbers towards the modern games is that they're almost all full priced games, and some folks had an ugly wow addiction (guilty).
79. Most were demos, but I DID play!
Like 30 or so from that list. Severely lacking things, of course (; old console era and so. But yeah difficult to count otherwise than by a list.
140, wow, that's a lot. Thanks to 1996-1997. I was such a gamer when I was younger. 2005-2007 kills my stats though.
Wow, exactly 200. What the hell have I been doing all these years ? I think I've beaten like 60% of those games. But I remember them all. Curse my memory. And don't you dare even count Consoles games. It would be insane.
(By the way, no Outcast on this list ? THIS. IS. INSANITY. é_è)
On July 09 2010 09:20 Manit0u wrote: 183. I'm too old... And some of the games I played and really enjoyed are not even on that list!
I'm not even talking about niche games. Where the fuck is Dune 2, Flashback and the likes? I've spent countless hours playing these...
lol I also got 183... And most of them were older games... I'm such a nerd
And yeah, a lot of classics like Outcast, Drakan, Nox... Even Red Faction is missing.
188 out of 264 not bad didn't know alot of the new games. only 5 out of the 09' ones. lol. First time seeing an actual cover for Doukutsu too, very cool looking. gonna have to do some nostalgia gaming now
Also sad how the amount of games you remembered to have enjoyed became less and less the further forward you went.
35 and most of them quite old, damn wow
43 but it feels like lots of good titles are missing...
142 I've finished maybe 10 :/ ugh lol. Some of them played on consoles though... cut maybe 10 if we're going solely by PC experienced.
Speaking of whiche, I wonder how awesome Flower would be on PC.
34 That's actually more than I thought as I usually stick to one-two games religiously at a time.
Only 132.
Played pretty much every game from the 90s, but hardly anyone in teh 2000s.
So many classics. If you don't have at least 25 from the first three columns, I think you really missed out. 90s games were just so much more entertaining than todays rubbish.
93 if I counted correctly.
Man, those games bring back some memories.
I see there's some hardcore og gamers played almost over 2 decades of pc games, congratz and keep it up.
However most were in the 1/2/3 column. it brought back good memories, like the incredible machine, THAT was an awsome game.
Lots of good game are missing, i really wonder how many games it would be if everything was here. Or not, it would be kinda sad.
I counted each big column separately, and - not surprisingly - it got less and less: 33, 27, 24, 13, 9, 7 (This also shows my age I guess)
8748 Posts
24 years old and I've played 9 of these games!
On July 11 2010 23:50 Liquid`NonY wrote: 24 years old and I've played 9 of these games! Oh you wacky scoundrel. To be honest that's really bad, you missed out on alot of the good stuff.
got 64, 50 of them before 2000
most of the games i've played are from the early part of the decade.i'm starting to become old now.
I got 71, lol i never thought that i played so many different games. And there are quite a few missing like the whole need for speed series and the EA sports series.
2nd and third columns are the best by far imo  That's the golden age of PC gaming.
8748 Posts
On July 11 2010 23:56 Hynda wrote:Show nested quote +On July 11 2010 23:50 Liquid`NonY wrote: 24 years old and I've played 9 of these games! Oh you wacky scoundrel. To be honest that's really bad, you missed out on alot of the good stuff. got 64, 50 of them before 2000  Console gaming was pretty awesome too! PC gamers missed out on things like Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Final Fantasy. For multiplayer, Goldeneye, Twisted Metal, Halo, a ton of fighter games. I got some RTS and MMORPG love from PC gaming, since consoles couldn't fulfill those, but otherwise console gaming was great!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Psb2P.jpg)
Notice the drought right when counter-strike came out...
39. Such a low number... not my fault its my PC that sucks.
'round 80, around half of them I only played for an hour or 2 though Really do notice how many old classics I've been missing out on... quite a new school gamer I guess
11. Funny thing is, the only 2 games I played that's from after 2003 were Plants & Zombies and League of Legends. EDIT: Ohh and World of Warcraft after 2003 as well. So it's 12 games instead.. Didn't notice it on the list.
Holy shit. I have to play Tyrian, Raptor, Commander Keen and Kings Quest again. It's been like a year. T_T
I was just under 80. If you include demo's and playing them at friends houses I've played most of them.
22 taking the question literally for PC games only i'm 87 for pc + other consoles
81, a lot of them were demos and most were unfinished though
Looks like 41. Probably missed a couple though.
God Strife was such a good game.
I gotta get that and finish beating it -- I was like 80% done at one point, but I emailed the wrong save file back from out of state (oh the days of dialup, tt).
I'm 70, plus/minus a couple.
125, Of course the amount that i have played through is significantly less.
28 that I remember playing for more than 1 hour or so... I havent played any of those 2002+ games here though :D
Played 47. But 90-95% of my gaming in the last 12 years has been on wow, starcraft, diablo 2, war3, and counterstrike 1.6. I generally stick to the best of the best in gaming genres.
jesus... Played like 100 or more of them.
Most of the ones I'm missing are the newer titles. The first two columns I've played pretty much every single game.
Betrayal at Krondor, rofl wow that brings back some memories man. Honestly that game would still be fun to play even today. I think I'm going to go re-downloaded it. I downloaded it for some nostalgia like 3 years ago and played through a bit of it.
It's based on Raymond E Feist's books if anyone is a fan of his work. He did Magician, which is like my favourite fantasy book next to the silmarillion.
lol alone in the dark... I never played the game itself, but if you ever played day of the tentacle, there's an easter egg where you can log onto a computer and play the original alone in the dark inside of day of the tentacle.
I played all of those lucas arts games with the action grids (pick up, use, drop, etc.) sam and max was the hardest one.
If this list went back just a few more years it would be truly epic. I want to see some games like Dark Castle, Scarab of Ra, etc. Now that is truly oldschool.
16951 Posts
Wow, I've only played 14 of those games.
I tend to focus on a select number of games and play those a lot.
On July 12 2010 00:12 IPS.ZeRo wrote: I got 71, lol i never thought that i played so many different games. And there are quite a few missing like the whole need for speed series and the EA sports series.
Are you kidding? Need for Speed or any of their sports games wouldn't qualify for a list of classic PC games.
Does it mean you are in too deep if you recognize VVVVVV and would have been able to recognize Cave Story in 2004?
Also, I am very upset they never continued XIII. It ended on a cliffhanger. I seriously was gearing up to play the final scene when it just cut to credits. So sad, I really liked that game.
On July 12 2010 03:02 Shauni wrote:Show nested quote +On July 12 2010 00:12 IPS.ZeRo wrote: I got 71, lol i never thought that i played so many different games. And there are quite a few missing like the whole need for speed series and the EA sports series. Are you kidding? Need for Speed or any of their sports games wouldn't qualify for a list of classic PC games. NFS 1/2/3/4 are/were better than many post 2002 games...
I mean they have put Dungeon Siege in the list LOL
On July 12 2010 00:30 Liquid`NonY wrote:Show nested quote +On July 11 2010 23:56 Hynda wrote:On July 11 2010 23:50 Liquid`NonY wrote: 24 years old and I've played 9 of these games! Oh you wacky scoundrel. To be honest that's really bad, you missed out on alot of the good stuff. got 64, 50 of them before 2000  Console gaming was pretty awesome too! PC gamers missed out on things like Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Final Fantasy. For multiplayer, Goldeneye, Twisted Metal, Halo, a ton of fighter games. I got some RTS and MMORPG love from PC gaming, since consoles couldn't fulfill those, but otherwise console gaming was great! That is very true, I find it very fitting that I got 64 since I was a very avid Nintendo 64 gamer. I think I spent more hours playing Perfect Dark Multiplayer than I have any other game.
I played... 6. Big gamer huh?
34, but I only counted games I played for a decent amount of time and not just ones I have tried.
137. i'd say that's a lot considering i was born after the beginning of the list -_-
Can't magnify the picture for some reason. Will report back when I can! :D
Played around 45.
(When including game testing etc perhaps 80)
Probably 80-90.
Didn't play them all the way through though.
around 19 for me. i dont diversify my games much. most of the older ones were all rtses(blizzard ones, C&C, AoE) holy shit "raptor:call of shadows"? that shit was oldschool. that was like my childhood up until warcraft and starcraft blew my mind. the twin lasers just ripped shit apart.
I feel really ashamed of myself for calling myself a a gamer nerd and have only played so few of thees games T_T but now I got a summer of catching up to do ^^
what is worse is that is that I have played more of the 1990-1993 games than the 2005-2007 games considering I was born 1991. but then again during that time period I was pretty much only in to wow...
edit: after a look again I think its 73 bit its still bad T_T
in the 30's I missed a lot of PC games
35.. lololol =D not that many!
32, really wish I had a better PC throughout most of my life. Some of the games I want to play now I cannot run. :[
16 but this will make a great list of games i should check out lol
._. my cousin whos younger than me played 12 games opposed to the 7 games i mentioned on page 2 .. ._.
145 over here. I'm 19 and now that I realize it, I've played a lot of video games in my life!
126, a lot of great games left out (I would have replaced a few). Not all were played on PC, a good 30% were on consoles.
On July 09 2010 08:13 Zanzabar Haberdasher wrote: 151.
EDIT: After seeing some of the other numbers posted I have to ask.. am I an addict? Depends on how old you are. TL has a lot of teens and younger people so there aren't so many who were into PC gaming early on and tended towards console gaming instead. I'm almost 26 years old, been a PC gamer my entire life. I remember inserting 1-7 5-inch floppies just to install a game and play it.
played 62 for at least 5 hours beat about 5 spent few thousand hours playing 2 games online  + Show Spoiler +obviously sc:bw and wc3:tft
Omg I was wondering what happened to my childhood. This is a summation of my life I think.
I did not count because I can't remember if I had even played them. I know I heard of most of them though.
I counted 116 games I've played, some of them were enjoyable, some not so much (couldn't bring myself to like Dungeon Siege at all for some reason), and it doesn't look like I'll like any of the ones I haven't played so far... plus it's missing some of the earlier stuff like Prince of Persia (I played that when I was 7). It's been one hell of a ride, quite the nostalgic image.
13 =\
i was more of a console person between the 1997-2008 period
Heh. 114 games played, of which 90 are at or before 2001. I didn't think I was that old. Or maybe I just need to buy a new computer so I can actually play something that's come out during the last 4 years. Then again, SC2 still runs mostly fine so why bother?
about 70 I didn't play lots of different game past 2-3years since my PC wasn't able to run them
from each of the columns, 19, 14, 16, 12, 15, 6.
Dip in column two is from me being out of the country and away from computers from 97-99. Dip in column 4 corresponds to my misadventure with Linux for a few years. Those aside, the trend is slowly downwards
Those I didn't play from the first column I remember reading about in PCGamer or seeing in the store or whatever. Fond fond memories of column 1.
played 45 of them and finished 30 (like morrowind, diablo 2, baldurs gate 1 + 2, gothic 1 + 2 - these should count twice because I played them trought at least 2 times @_@)
About 60 scattered throughout the different categories, although much more of them pre-05 than after. I must be growing up, a lot of new games just don't interest me in the slightest. Or maybe they just suck.
Oh yeah I only counted games I completed or spent at least 10 hours on.
i miss halo & need for speed, burnout alot, why not there wtf ??
also missing Age of Empires I as that gamewas epic as well.
36, at a stretch. I think it's partly because I'm relatively young, but I did see a lot of those games lying around our house. My dad must have had good taste or something.
148, but honestly there are a LOT of games I didn't beat, especially the earlier ones.
36.. but only counted games i have played through or at least - let's say - 24 hours of playtime on the whole.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
108 for me. I have a few of the newer ones on steam, but did not count them, because i had no time to play them. But the number will propably rise soon enough.
I stopped counting when I was over 130 and found out there are 2 more blocks >_> many of them are really good classics tho
Wow 77 more than I thought. And I am missing some must plays like System Shock + Show Spoiler + Wing Commander Monkey Island 2 The settlers Theme Park Mech Warrior 2 Myst Sim City 2000 Command and Conquer Warcraft 2 Diablo The Settlers 2 Tomb Raider Command and Conquer Red Alert Dungeon Keeper Riven Commandos Half-Life Starcraft Unreal Rainbow Six GTA 2 Age of Empires 2 Diablo 2 Baldurs Gate 2 Counter-Strike Unreal Tournament The Sims Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 Icewind Dale Gothic Black and White Empire Earth Max Payne Operation Flashpoint Clive Barkers undying Morrowind Warcraft 3 Tropico GTA 3 MoH: Allied Assault Battlefield: 1942 Dungeon Siege UT 2003 Call of Duty Splinter Cell Gothic 2 Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time Cave Story Doom 3 Half-Life 3 UT: 2k4 WoW Psychonauts CoD2 Civ 4 Battlefield 2 Fable Oblivion Rainbow Six: Vegas CoD4: MW Bioshock UT3 Portal TF2 Sins of a Solar Empire DMC4 Dead Space Spore Mass Effect Warhammer Online Dawn of Discovery Mirror's Edge Shattered Horizon Torchlight Cod: MW2 Street Fighter 4 Batman: Arkham Asylum
59. There goes my nerdy youth.
58, most of them I've played less than 5 hours...
wow 119. That seems crazy.
Didn't expect this many, came out to be 100 exactly from that list.
29, counting versions played on other systems, otherwise something like 15 or so. Not played many PC games until a couple of years ago.
Most of them were demos or I never beat the single player and just played online o;
135 funny compared to my girlfriend's 11. 
I actually really enjoyed that. I had forgotten about a lot of those games in the beginning.
57 and that is ONLY games before WoW. Havent tried any of those after
87 with like 90% before 2005 and 10% after... WoW killed me :'( Thanks all those memories of wonderful times. Boy I can see myself being 6-7 years old playing doom \o/
Only 21 of them. Some of which I didnt play on PC, but on consoles.
About 80, if I only count those I played for a reasonable time / beat.
What I found interesting, that I kept a fairly even of amount of games played throughout all of these years .
66 and almost everything from 2002 and before.
82 -- and like 85 if u count games u played over a friend's house that one time lol. and some of those games i played on consoles.
70 all of them before 2002. They also should have included some old but classic games like syndicate and ancient TSR/SSI rpg (pools of radiance, champions of krynn etc). Was playing them when i was in kindergarden.
Canada8028 Posts
36. I feel inadequate, somehow. The ones I've played are pretty evenly distributed over the years though. Guess I just need to play more games.
32. and I am just 15 (nearly 16) Some of them just once but oh god the nostalgia... Civilisation... It was epic... Quake one... GOD THAT WAS SO AWESOME... The buther from diablo one gave me nightmares when i played it as an 2 year old... OH sweet jesus, nearly forgot about you red alert 1... Where did age of mythology and empires go? Just realized how much I loved those games... Thanks for bringing the on the nostalgia. You're a champ
116 or so, though far more during those years that weren't on the list. Most to completion, if not multiple times, and most on the left side oddly enough. I'm a retro-gamer.
63, mostly before 2008. Made me want to play these theme park / hospital games again...
46 . A lot on there that I tried but don't consider myself to have played.
70 games wow I played too much!
104. SO many good games missing from this list.
109. I haven't beat most of them though. Mostly left-middle. Hardly any of the far right ones.
63 - poll would be interesting, eg: a poll of "how many have you played?" "0-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-50, 51-71, 71-100, 101-150, 150+
23. I've actually never finished a long computer game that I can remember. I beat sc campaign, wc3 campaign, and hell ball.
167 played for me.
+ Show Spoiler +1. The Secret of Monkey Island 2. Ultima VI 3. Civilization 4. Might And Magic III 5. Monkey Island 2 6. Ultima VII 7. Ultima Underworld II 8. Wolfenstein 3D 9. Doom 10. Sam & Max 11. X-Com 12. X Wing 13. Doom II 14. Heroes of Might & Magic 15. Mech Warrior 2 16. Myst 17. Sim City 2000 18. Warcaft 19. Command & Conquer 20. Duke Nukem 3D 21. Warcraft II 22. Diablo 23. Heroes of Might & Magic II 24. Quake 25. Tomb Raider 26. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 27. Carmageddon 28. MDK 29. The Curse of Monkey Island 30. Quake II 31. Riven 32. Theme Hospital 33. Total Annihilation 34. Ultima Online 35. Fallout 36. Baldur's Gate 37. Commandos 38. Grim Fandango 39. Half Life 40. Tribes 41. Delta Force 42. Starcraft 43. Grand Theft Auto 44. Theif 45. Sim City 3000 46. Rainbow Six 47. Shogo 48. Fallout 2 49. Unreal 50. Worms Armageddon 51. Heroes of Might & Magic III 52. Everquest 53. Aliens Versus Predator 54. Grand Theft Auto 2 55. Age of Empires II 56. Home World 57. Quake III Arena 58. RollerCoaster Tycoon 59. Team Fortress 60.Deus Ex 61. Diablo II 62. Baldur's Gate II 63. Sacrifice 64. Thief II 65. Counter-Strike 66. Command & Conquer: Red Alert II 67. Unreal Tournament 68. The Sims 69.Commandos 2 70. Ghost Recon 71. Serious Sam 72. Empire Earth 73. Wolfenstein 74. Aliens Versus Predator 2 75. Black & White 76. Civilization III 77. Dark Ages of Cmelot 78. Tribes 2 79. Max Payne 80. Operation Flashpoint 81. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 82. Warcraft III 83. Tropico 84. Grand Theft Auto III 85. Medal of Honor: Allied Assult 86. Age of Mythology 87. Battlefield 1942 88. Freedom Force 89. Hitman 2 90. Mafia 91. Medieval Total War 92. Neverwinter Nights 93.Unreal Tournament 2003 94. Beyond Good & Evil 95. Max Payne 2 96. Command & Conquer: Generals 97. Call of Duty 98. Splinter Cell 99. XIII 100. Galactic Civilizations 101. Grand Theft Auto Vice City 102. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 103. PlanetSide 104. Rise of Nations 105. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 106. Painkiller 107. Splinder Cell: Pandora Tomorrow 108. Dawn of War 109. Half Life 2 110. Doom 3 111. Farcry 112. Rome Total War 113. The Sims 2 114. Unreal Tournament 2004 115. World of Warcraft 116. Counter-Strike Source 117. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II 118. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory 119. Call of Duty 2 120. Civilization IV 121. Battlefield 2 122. Guild Wars 123. F.E.A.R 124. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 125. Fable 126. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 127. Hitman: Blood Money 128. Galactic Civilizations II 129. Neverwinter Nights 2 130. Medieval II Total War 131. Rainbow Six Vegas 132. Company of Heroes 133. Splinter Cell: Double Agent 134. Crysis 135. Supreme Commander 136. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 137. Bioshock 138. Europa Universalis III 139. Unreal Tournament III 140. Portal 141. Team Fortress 2 142. The Witcher 143. World In Conflict 144. Assassin's Creed 145. Crysis Warhead 146. Devil May Cry 4 147. Audiosurf 148. Left 3 Dead 149. Dead Space 150. Grand Theft Auto IV 151. Fallout 3 152. Mass Effect 153. Spore 154. Warhammer Online 155. Mirror's Edge 156. Dawn of War II 157. Dragon Age Origins 158. F.E.A.R 2 159. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 160. Empire Total War 161. Left 4 Dead 2 162. League of Legends 163. Borderlands 164. Street Fighter IV 165. The Sims 3 166. Mass Effect 2 167. Bioshock 2
109, pretty evenly spread throughout the years.
I played....four. yeaahh.......
75ish. Mostly concentrated in the 1993-2001 ones.
I've played around 31, and not many for very long. I feel the need to fix this..
I have played 56 at one point or another, and played extensivly/beat 26 of them. Some of those I played on game systems, not the PC.
I think Minesweeper should be in the picture though.
31 for me, though quite a few of those I didn't play for very long.
All, but 18 of these. Shame to say it - Monkey Island never grabbed my attention. I've seen it at a friend's house thou, but I didn't counted it.
85... and why is that flash game there in the last group? I played it for a long time, but I forget what it is called...
After a quick scan... 42.
63!!!! Although what I'm proud of is my playtime through CoD:MW, Counter-strike, CoD:MW2 and Counter-Strike:Source pretty much trumps any games I've played before, and most games I will play in the future.
About 75. Many of them were demos/shareware, or playing/watching a few hours at a friends, but I tried to keep it rather realistic. Man, I recognized virtually every single one of those games though. It's amazing to see how many great games I missed, but also just the sheer number of ones I've heard of.
However, Some of the games seemed a little strange. The only ones I really noticed was on 2010 they had this 2D flash game (forgot what it's called). Sure it's a good game, but I can't believe they would put it up there, I wouldn't consider it that good (I never played all of it though, so maybe the full version was better). I played better flash games like Sonny (1 and 2) and transformice, and probably some others I forgot (Gemcraft is pretty good).
I don't know if It's just me, but I didn't notice Puzzle Quest on that list.
The other game I thought was strange was Dragon Age: Origins (2009, right?) got the big picture. Yeah it was a pretty hyped-up game, but I thought it was overall quite lacking. The 2 great things about the game was character creation and graphics, but the story wasn't epic, the plot was essentially linear, the AI was bad, combat wasn't anything special (potions fail), and skills/spells were a bit lacking. I felt they spent too much time on the graphics and voice acting. If they spent some of their time/money on more story plot, better quality gameplay, or even non-linear storyline, I think it would have been much better. I was hoping to get a baldur's gate 2, or even Knights of the old republic or neverwinter nights, but it fell a bit short of both of them, and nowhere near Baldur's Gate 2.
Maybe I'm partial, but I think Guild Wars (and I guess WoW even though I haven't played it - and it would be against HL2 though) should have big picture too.
145... which surprises me, as I would consider that I had played a wider variety of console games, as opposed to PC games, never having had a very good rig.
I played every single one of the year 2000 games. Apparently, that took so much time that it spilled into 2001, cause I haven't played any of those.
I would also agree with above. I loved Dragon Age to bits, but Street Fighter 4 is much more deserving of a big pic than it.
110.... instead of making me question my gaming habits it's just given me incentive to try some games I wasn't aware of or never got around to playing.
On July 14 2010 05:50 canucks12 wrote: 85... and why is that flash game there in the last group? I played it for a long time, but I forget what it is called...
It's an indie game called VVVVVV.
117, there's this void in 2005-2007 where i played wow religiously. =/
121. 1999 and 2002 were damn good years
47, Surprising to me most are from the latter years. And when I play games, I play them till they are dead. I beat the game on the hardest setting, explore and find all the secrets/achievements etc.
I blame Starcraft: Brood War, Warcraft 3, and WoW for making me miss out on all those games
Where the fuck is Return to Zork?
oh the memories haha
45 with an even spread from '93 to '09 i suppose. surprisingly low to the rest of you people on here. Maybe cuz i really enjoyed my mario games
25 of them for less then 3 hours about 6 of them for more than 10 hours
I didn't think I played much games but wow I guess i did lol.
What's this game? Caught my eye...
Around 50, and I'm absolutely shocked (much higher number than I expected)... that doesn't even count most of my 8bit real game obsessions. Luckily very few of those 50 I've played seriously. Most just count for the fact I've played them for a few hours to get an impression.
i played a poor 36 games out of hat list. seems like i'm a gaming-beginner compared to you guys here^^
although i'm missing some awesome games à la kane&lynch, zelda: ocarina of time, Army of two 1 + 2, and a few more
94, just noticed that I haven't really played any new games (1-2 year old) that are in this list.
My God.. I just realised I haven't played any games released after 2004 (since Bloodlines)... except Oblivion.
120, 10 of those maybe after 2003
On July 14 2010 13:52 CharlieMurphy wrote: 47, Surprising to me most are from the latter years. And when I play games, I play them till they are dead. I beat the game on the hardest setting, explore and find all the secrets/achievements etc.
I beat ya!
48 here :D
On July 14 2010 19:32 figq wrote:What's this game? Caught my eye... It's called VVVVVV, an indie platformer that came out this year I believe. Pretty fun.
But nearly all of them were released until 2003. Afterwards basically only WoW and Starcraft.
I don't like how DMC4 is there...
I remember almost all of them vividly. I also realized that I have been vividly remembering playing some of these games even when I was 3-4 years old.
Where's Ninja, Knight, Mario, Keen and Prince of Persia?:-)
I think I counted like 15 from that list.
i remember the times when we used to do all-nighters playing shogo,scbw and quake :D
ah good times
haha I have only played 37, so not much haha
27 just in the left column, stopped counting from there and looked at all the awesome covers Can't believe some of these games are that 'old' already.
Hungary11246 Posts
Interesting compilation. I played 46, but mostly 2001 and prior.
78, more than i thought, funny how i have played everygame in 1996 slot a lot and almost none in 08-10. Have to blame SC and WC3 for that. Hmmm, maybe this tells i didn't have childhood, i had a computer. Still this really brought back memories, good times, thanks OP. QUAKE. Might have to dig up my rusted moldy old comp and play some >1998 games. Especially Quake and MOO2.
70, most between 1995 to 2000. That´s the golden age of gaming, from Warcraft to NOLF...
Most of them post 1995 so i missed the real oldschool stuff! Im kinda shocked that from 2002-2007 i played almost every single game in the list (+ several unlisted).
On July 12 2010 20:51 Bigpet wrote:Wow 77 more than I thought. And I am missing some must plays like System Shock + Show Spoiler + Wing Commander Monkey Island 2 The settlers Theme Park Mech Warrior 2 Myst Sim City 2000 Command and Conquer Warcraft 2 Diablo The Settlers 2 Tomb Raider Command and Conquer Red Alert Dungeon Keeper Riven Commandos Half-Life Starcraft Unreal Rainbow Six GTA 2 Age of Empires 2 Diablo 2 Baldurs Gate 2 Counter-Strike Unreal Tournament The Sims Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 Icewind Dale Gothic Black and White Empire Earth Max Payne Operation Flashpoint Clive Barkers undying Morrowind Warcraft 3 Tropico GTA 3 MoH: Allied Assault Battlefield: 1942 Dungeon Siege UT 2003 Call of Duty Splinter Cell Gothic 2 Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time Cave Story Doom 3 Half-Life 3 UT: 2k4 WoW Psychonauts CoD2 Civ 4 Battlefield 2 Fable Oblivion Rainbow Six: Vegas CoD4: MW Bioshock UT3 Portal TF2 Sins of a Solar Empire DMC4 Dead Space Spore Mass Effect Warhammer Online Dawn of Discovery Mirror's Edge Shattered Horizon Torchlight Cod: MW2 Street Fighter 4 Batman: Arkham Asylum
System Shock 1 actually is in the list, look @ 1994
10-15 for me.. I know many game names out there, but I never tried most of them, Ultima Online took all my time  then WoW... doh!
LOLOL I don't fit in with you gamers 
6 Counter strike Guild Wars (once at a friends place) WoW (once at a friends place) Starcraft Plants vs Zombies. Roller Coaster Tycoon
if counting games that i didnt play on a PC but have played
10 in total you guys are too hardcore
Tried 55, but really played only about 25. But played only very few games the last couple of years, the best period was 1995 - 2001.
94, mostly pre 2006, hardly played any of the new titles so it seems
104, i noticed quite a few that i should've played, like fallout 3. Guess it's time for a single player game marathon.
44, most of them 1998-2004... Wow, I was expecting much more
mostly before 2005.
after this summer it's gonna be at least 80.
thanks op for this chart. it's amazing!
+ Show Spoiler +Secret to Monkey Island Wing Commander 1 Civilization Kings Quest VI StarControl II Wolfenstein 3D Doom Betrayal at Krondor X-Com System Shock Doom 2 Crusader Dark Forces Decent The Dig Mech Warrior 2 Myst Sim City 2000 Warcraft Full Throttle Commander and Conquer Duke Nukem 3D Civilization 2 Daggerfall Warcraft 2 Diablo Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Quake Tomb Raider C&C Red Alert Dungeon Keeper DF2: Jedi Knight Carmageddon A Bridge too Far MDK Myth Quake 2 Shadow Warrior Total Annihilation Fallout Baulder's Gate Commandos Grim Fandango Half-Life Tribes Starcraft Rainbow Six Shogo Fallout 2 GTA Thief Heretic II Placescape System Shock 2 Worms Armageddon Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Jagged Alliance 2 GTA 2 Age of Empires 2 Homeworld Quake Arena TFC Deus Ex Diablo 2 Thief 2 Alice Red Alert 2 Counter Strike The Sims Unreal Tournament Morrowwind Warcraft 3 GTA 3 Age of Mythology Dungeon Siege Hitman 2 UT 2003 Call of Duty GTA Vice City Rise of Nations KOTOR Dawn of War Star Wars Battlefront Halflife 2 Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines UT 2004 World of Warcraft CS: Source Guild Wars Fear GTA San Andreas Fable Oblivion Hitman Blood Money TF2 UT 2007 Portal GTA IV Mass Effect Warhammer Online DoW II L4D2 Borderlands Batman Arkham Asylum Mass Effect 2
107 I think? I'd say 75% of them are pre 2001. Great list.
Played 161, beaten 120. Good times, good times. The list is missing a LOT of good old classics like Dune 2 and One Must Fall 2097.
EDIT: Mixed up the Dunes!
63... Didn't beat all and hardly touched some
edit: Dune 2 was amazing
On July 14 2010 20:47 maybe wrote:It's called VVVVVV, an indie platformer that came out this year I believe. Pretty fun. Thanks a lot! Haha, the soundtrack is called "PPPPPP". Hot, hot, hot!
74, but admittedly havent beaten or played many of them for very long.
59 , but haven't actually finished more than 1/3 of them
Games today, more often than not, suck. This is not a nostalgia thing. There are just less and less great games because as the industry has grown larger, developers get pushed around by their publishers--Activision-Blizzard, anyone? The final word is that cash rules, and creativity is stifled by profit above all other priorities. Games like Planescape: Torment can't come out today because they fear today's generation of ADD/instant gratification console-tards wouldn't be able to handle many lines of text that create a brilliantly rich story. Hell, Black Isle Studios was laid off while developing Baldur's Gate III and THEIR OWN Fallout 3. WoW is not a true roleplaying game. Hell, even Oblivion has weaker dialogue than its predecessors. Here's hoping the great remaining developers, like Valve and Blizzard, can put out games that will shake the shit out of the business that's been becoming more dumbed down year after year. Half-Life 3, anyone?
United States3824 Posts
Just that one with the Alligator and the guy with the glasses on it
In 2001 and 2002 almost all of them, in total 50-60
Warcraft 3 and Company of Heroes kinda made me stop playing new games. =P
40, 20 in each decade. Probably 20 were just demos though and only 2 of these games have I completed (Starcraft, C&C 1 (this year lol)).
How many do I own is a better question: 3.
[Also, no AoE1??!]
55, a lot more than I would have thought
135 and I haven't even played a lot of those classics that I want to. I'd have a way higher number if the list was more extensive.
Shout out to Betrayal at Krondor. I can't believe it's been 17 years since your release.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
26, vast majority of which were pre-2000
Its a pretty good list. Really happy that I see neat neat indie games like braid and machinarium on there. Both games are highly recommended.
holy crap i played a lot of the games there then realized i only finished indiana jones and the fate of atlantis
47. Most of my hours on Counterstrike
42. Many on the left side
I have played 55 of them, and many of them I have played like crazy alot... I have played endless hours of World of Warcraft, Heroes 3, Doom, Starcraft, Red Alert, Counter strike(9 years) etc...
75, but i think like 65 of them were pre 2005. Haha. After that most of them were games i've played a bit a friends houses etc. And MM3 isle of terra I just recently replayed, lol.
i added a poll, so you can tell us better ! should be interesting
I asked some of my friends to do a count on the list and it got me even more worried that I need to play allot more of these games.
they got 115, 67, 54 (he don't play that many games ) and my younger brother beat me with 89.
I also looked at the spread of my games and its pretty even I got 12 11 10 12 7 19 that 7 is because of WOW
94, probably beat around 75-80 of them.
After seeing the poll and the posts I dont know if I should feel proud or embarrassed by my number. I counted 150 that I both owned and played.
No wonder I own pretty much everyone at pretty much everything.
damn, so close to being in the next category.
I counted 71, and that is mostly composed of games in the right half of the picture (since I was born in 1992 and was too young for most of the older ones). I have played a lot of almost every game in the 2007 list.
I thought I was going to end up with like less than 10, but I got 44 at least. ^-^
51. Have not beat all of them though. Commander Keen takes me back and so does the Incredible Machine (so much fun flinging a bowling ball off a tread into a cat! :D)
Anyone else played "Raptor" before? Only played at my cousins house when younger but I was pleasantly surprised by the how much I enjoyed it when I played.
98, and a ton of that is the left side, towards the right side I get more involved in the MP of games and stop playing as many because I put more effort into the few.
Jagged Alliance 2 what a game! I have a game going on since 4-5 years i am at the final Area now, i only need to kill Deidrana ... will go back to finish it one day ... great game BTW, this picture is full of great game anyway!