I've been silently reading TL for a long time, I figured it is time to contribue! I've been trying to do this as proper and scientific as possible, although more tests should probably be conducted to draw definite conclusions.
/Tenn (Sweden)
Edit I've updated some conclusions and explanations for test 5 to better explain how I did the actual extractor trick. --
Introduction So, each game you play you have a different set of options to choose from, especially as zerg with the (so called) extractor trick element. Granted, this has little effect on the overall game (or has it?), but it is still 1-2 minutes when you have nothing else to do, so you might as well be as efficient as possible!
I've always been curious if the extractor trick is really worth it or not, seeing some top players using it while others doesn't. Moreover, I've been curious if microing the workers to make sure they go to an empty mineral patch is really worth it or not. While I was at it, I decided to see how 9 OL builds compares to 10 OL builds.
For those of you who don't know, the extractor trick is done by building an extractor when you're supply blocked, building a drone and then cancelling the extractor, giving you an extra supply until an OL pops out (usually used to get 11/10 supply).
Method I used one of the build testers to be able to get a reliable timer for the different builds. After some thinking I settled on going for timing when the 15th drone spawns (stopping building drones when I've started the 15th), as well as the current minerals when that happens.
With the exception of Test 1 I will not be using any mineral micro since it adds another parameter to the test, and the the disadvantage of not microing should be roughly the same anyway.
Test 1: New drone first or moving all drones to mineral line first Conclusion: If you build a new drone first you will get between 0 and 20 more minerals after the 15th drone pops out. + Show Spoiler +Method: I've been using no micro but putting the rally point at the closest mineral patch. Build: 9 OL Create drone -> move workers Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 270 2 2:06 265 3 2:07 265
Move workers -> create drone Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:05 255 2 2:06 255 3 2:07 270
Granted, this is only viable when I am playing. Other players might be much more efficient when moving workers first, but I decided to post it anyway.
Test 2: Efficiency of mineral micro Conclusion: You barely gain anything on microing drones (workers?) to empty mineral patches. + Show Spoiler +Method: When microing I did the following: Splitting the drones by first moving all drones to one mineral patch, and then, while they're on their way, moving 3 drones to a mineral patch at least 3 mineral patches away from the first one (so that all drones will quickly find an empty patch). This is how I've seen most top players do it, correct me if I'm wrong. Moreover, I've been putting rally point on empty patches as much as possible. Build: Create drone - move workers - 9 OL No micro Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 270 2 2:06 265 3 2:07 265
Using micro Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 270 2 2:06 270 3 2:06 260
If you compare the stats, you see that you indeed get a little advantage using micro, but it is minimal. But you have to bear in mind the risk when microing of misclicking etc. More tests (by more players) should probably be made to get more accurate figures on this.
Test 3: 9 OL build or 10 OL build Conclusion: 9 OL build is more economic. + Show Spoiler +Micro used: Moving all workers to closest patch and rallying to the same patch. Create drone - move workers - 9 OL Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 270 2 2:06 265 3 2:07 265
Create drone - move workers - 10 OL Attempt Time Minerals Minerals at 2:06 1 2:10 300 265 2 2:12 320 260 3 2:11 310 265
The 15th drone pops out roughly 5 seconds later than if doing the 9 OL build, but the mineral count up until 2:06 is roughly the same. This makes me believe that 9 OL build is more economic, but the 10 OL build might have other advantages as being able to afford spawning pool earlier. Although I never tested it, I think you get your first 200 minerals faster if doing 10 OL build.
Test 4: Extractor trick before overlord (11 OL) Conclusion: Doing extractor trick gives you 10-15 minerals LESS than if skipping it. Edit: Note: This isn't how you're supposed to do ETs. Test 5 is more appropriate  + Show Spoiler +Micro used: Moving all workers to closest patch and rallying to the same patch. Create drone - move workers - 10 OL Attempt Time Minerals Minerals at 2:06 1 2:10 300 265 2 2:12 320 260 3 2:11 310 265
Create drone - move workers - 10 OL - 11 Extractor (extractor trick) Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 250 (254) 2 2:07 250 (254) 3 2:06 255 (259)
Note that you cannot use 4 minerals after you've done the extractor trick since everything you can buy is rounded by 10 (uh, best way i could explain it). The only way to get some of those 4 minerals is to make another extractor trick (at 18 supply for example). As you can see the minerals after the 15th drone pops out are much lower than when doing nothing at all. Interesting, seeing many top players doing this extractor trick!
Test 5: Extractor trick after OL (10 OL) Conclusion: If doing extractor trick this way you have 0-30 minerals LESS than if skipping it. Edit: Some additional tests have been made, and it seems that you can make it the ET better and gain 5-10 minerals on that. But to do that you need to have practiced doing this alot in my experience. + Show Spoiler +Micro used: Moving all workers to closest patch and rallying to the same patch. Edit: When doing the extractor trick I tried to limit the time the extractor being built, as well as the time the drone have to wait as long as possible. So basically I waited until I had 75 minerals before starting doing the extractor, and I moved the drone closest to the gas as soon as it had left its minerals at the hatch. I believe this is how you do it best, but again, I might have missed 5 or 10 minerals. Create drone - move workers - 9 OL Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 270 2 2:06 265 3 2:07 265
Create drone - move workers - 9 OL - 10 Extractor (extractor trick) Attempt Time Minerals 1 2:06 240 (244) 2 2:06 235 (239) 3 2:07 265 (269)
Again: Note that you cannot use 4 minerals after you've done the extractor trick since everything you can buy is rounded by 10 (uh, best way i could explain it). The only way to get some of those 4 minerals is to make another extractor trick (at 18 supply for example). As you can see the minerals after the 15th drone pops out are much lower than when doing nothing at all. Interesting, seeing many top players doing this extractor trick!
Final conclusion It seems like the AI is intelligent enough without our efforts to help it out Extractor trick doesn't seem viable in any situation which is quite interesting IMO. In addition, the more micro you do the more likely you are to screw something up. For example, it took me like 5 tries to get 10 OL - extractor trick to get 3 perfect shots at it ( the numbers posted here), since it is so much more complex than just hitting "1sd" over and over.
Things to bear in mind 3 tests for each build is probably not enough to get reliable results, but I believe you can see some patterns still, and the numbers doesn't seem to differ very much within each tests so I think it's ok.
Larva timing is difficult to measure. For future tests it might be a good idea to measure when the next larva will spawn. The larva count has been at 1 when the 15th drone pops for all the different builds.
Thanks for the contribution. So far it looks like all these tests have agreed with previous ones. However; how efficiently are you doing the EX-Trick? Not sure how much minerals it costs exactly but you should only lose like 5 minerals mining time if you are doing it super fast and from a close patch. Most tests show 10 OL Ex-trick>10 OL
Good tests, I'm suprised at the lack of visible benefit on microing workers correctly, but the 9 and 10 pool tests show me I was right in my gut feeling of 9pool no extractor trick being the way to go.
Thanks for this. Always felt like this was the case, but I had never tested it. I've been using 9ovie with no extractor trick pretty much since the start. I only did extractor tricks when I accidentally made a drone on 9 because I was spamming, or had 16/18 and needed both a queen and lings asap.
As far as larvae counts go, as long as you're not sitting with 3 larvae, they will keep spawning at the same interval. It doesn't matter when you create something from your existing ones.
I thought 10 OL extractor was better. I've seen Sen do double extractor trick. But thanks for the info.
what I do is make 2 extractors and two drones then cancel the two extractors to make a spawning pool after that the overlord but is not that effective but whatever you can do in the fisrt 3 min of the game o help the economy even if it's just minimum
ti agree with with slayer91, 10OL ex-trick >10OL even if u have 10 or 15minerals less the larva econ is a hudge deal in the first steps of your build.
Are you sure the extractor trick is to 10 OL, then extractor trick? I thought you drone up to 11 and then start building the overlord.
On June 10 2010 01:52 fdsdfg wrote: Are you sure the extractor trick is to 10 OL, then extractor trick? I thought you drone up to 11 and then start building the overlord.
I did that in test 4, but the headings were confusing, I've edited it now. I realize 11 OL is the normal extractor trick build, but I wanted to see what happened if you did extractor trick after the OL as well.
extractor trick comes before overlord.
On June 10 2010 01:47 Slayer91 wrote: Thanks for the contribution. So far it looks like all these tests have agreed with previous ones. However; how efficiently are you doing the EX-Trick? Not sure how much minerals it costs exactly but you should only lose like 5 minerals mining time if you are doing it super fast and from a close patch. Most tests show 10 OL Ex-trick>10 OL
When I did the extractor trick I made sure to have more drones on the mineral patches closest to the gas, and I did try to do it as fast as possible. It would be interesting to see the numbers if it was done perfectly.
Maybe I wasn't as efficient as I could have been. But I believe I didn't do it any worse than 95% of the players out there. And as I mentioned, I believe the risk of doing it slightly wrong (so that you loose more than 5 mineral mining time) is quite huge.
I do the extractor trick, but for another reason, to scout (if i would not do the extractor trick I would do 9 ovie)
so, if I dont do the extractor trick I can send out the drone at 9 and only have 8 drones mining, or I can send it out after the ovie att 10 and have 9 drones mining, but sending it after the ovie makes me scout a lot later.
by doing 10 extractor trick then ovie. I can send out the drone that made the extractor to scout, this way I send it waay earlier than sending it after the ovie, but I still have 9 drones mining.
The problem with tests like this is you can't really distinguish between a worker having just deposited resources, versus a worker milliseconds away from depositing resources. It also takes a full minute for a worker to return its investment. So, something might cost you more in the short term, but give you more resources in the long term.
Having that 11th worker from the Extractor Trick earlier than waiting for the OL to appear, may in fact be a benefit, even if the numbers immediately after the fact don't represent that.
Oh and larvae pop up every 15 seconds. I think that's pretty static.
On June 10 2010 02:08 folke123 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I do the extractor trick, but for another reason, to scout (if i would not do the extractor trick I would do 9 ovie)
so, if I dont do the extractor trick I can send out the drone at 9 and only have 8 drones mining, or I can send it out after the ovie att 10 and have 9 drones mining, but sending it after the ovie makes me scout a lot later.
by doing 10 extractor trick then ovie. I can send out the drone that made the extractor to scout, this way I send it waay earlier than sending it after the ovie, but I still have 9 drones mining.
Yeah I was about to mention the same thing. I would like the stats with a scouting drone thrown in, but that will throw in a rather complex variable. Which number drone to send? A flesh drone or a already mining drone? Timing of said drone?
On June 10 2010 02:14 Bibdy wrote: The problem with tests like this is you can't really distinguish between a worker having just deposited resources, versus a worker milliseconds away from depositing resources. It also takes a full minute for a worker to return its investment. So, something might cost you more in the short term, but give you more resources in the long term.
Having that 11th worker from the Extractor Trick earlier than waiting for the OL to appear, may in fact be a benefit, even if the numbers immediately after the fact don't represent that.
Oh and larvae pop up every 15 seconds. I think that's pretty static.
Granted, and that's one of the reasons for that I mentioned that more tests should be conducted, that way you'll get an average of the millisecond differences. This is also the reason why I choose to build 15 drones and then stop production there. I figured that the difference between the different builds should be evident by that time. But maybe it would have been even better to wait another minute after the 15th drone had popped and measure the mineral count by then.
If you're doing the 10 or 11 OL build you will have 3 larvas at a period of time, and during that time no larvas will be on their way (right?), so it makes a little difference there. But thanks for noting that they pop every 15 seconds, didn't know that.
i usually just build 10 scvs.
Scouting drone is the key I think. With Extractor trick you can send an 11th drone to scout much earlier than 9OL. If you want a later drone, then 9OL -> 13th/14th scout is probably better.
Also remember that faster pool -> faster queen which may end up putting you ahead economically later on.
Hate to sound ungreatful (promise I'm not) but the ones that really matter are 10-OL-extractor and some doubles.
Thanks for confirming the others are bad though  And the micro! Wonderful to know
On June 10 2010 01:56 Madkipz wrote: extractor trick comes before overlord.
Doing the extractor trick before OL isn't as economic as doing OL then ET. You get that 11th drone faster, but you delay your 12-13-(14?)th drones.
Besides, 9OL is most economic if your not planning on pooling before 14.
Wait, so 9OL is better than 10OL for 14pool or 15hat openings, but not 12pool or overpool? Hm. Apparently I've been doing it wrong. Which doesn't surprise me because I'm awful at Zerg, but that's good to know.