NOT a random comedian thread, I mean people on TL who are comedians!
Whats the only thing harder than Starcraft? That's right, Standup Comedy.
So I noticed a few weeks ago in a thread that there are a few other comedians on TL other than myself, this is where we shall gather!
Post videos of your performances, introduce yourself and say how long you've been doing comedy, post open mic nights or competitions your doing, etc etc.
Also describe what kind of comedian you are, always interesting to hear! ^_^
I'm Morrell "mOnion" Munyon and I've been doing standup since I was 14, so almost 7 years now. I don't have many good vids of my shows since I dont own a digital camera so this'll have to do.
kind of an older show of mine, most of that material I've sifted thru and replaced.
If you didnt notice I am a clean comedian, meaning no dirty jokes ^_^ I started that because I originally performed mostly in churches, but I kept doing it cuz I think it improves your writing a whole lotta buncha
Not funny + clean = not funny Not funny + dirty = not funny and CREEPY
I'm doing Texas' Funniest Comic competition on April 14th, did a similar competition last year (Dallas's funniest) and got to the quarter finals so I'd feel good about this year, except I'm going up against paid pro's who've been on TV T________T
Anybody else? I know there's Day[9] and a couple others I talked to before, gogogogo!
Sean "Day[9]" Plott is a great guy who I had the pleasure of talking with for almost 2 hours straight about SC/SC2/ and standup comedy at Blizzcon. He is a naturally HILARIOUS fellow who's been experimenting with a love for standup comedy and is doing a great job.
With an incredibly unique style of diction, and never shying away from a masturbation joke or 12, he en-captures the audience with his passionate delivery until the floor is moist with their tears of laughter.
On April 23 2010 07:09 unSpeake wrote: My roomate :
Idunno who the kid is, but this is his second show ever, and based on what he says in his set, that means his first time trying standup was on Last Comic Standing. Bravo!!!
On March 25 2010 04:23 Meta wrote: Funny + clean = Funny Funny + dirty = Extra Funny
I'll watch your act when I get home, stand up is ridiculously hard to pull off well, and I wish you luck in your endeavors!
It's a risk. Dirty gives you potential, though I'd consider hilarious jokes that are clean to be much better. More skill to be funny without throwing obscenities everywhere. That's just my opinion though.
EDIT: And you were hilarious. The only criticism I had was it was a bit unorganized. Either way, I enjoyed it.
I'm not sure why people think there is a bigger payout for being clean. It's just different topic matter with no relation to some supposed ceiling of potential funniness.
Your Terran example is exactly spot on. But I don't agree with your conclusion. Harder in the beginning but once you reach the upper echelon it doesn't matter what race you play.
On March 25 2010 04:32 GogoKodo wrote: I'm not sure why people think there is a bigger payout for being clean. It's just different topic matter with no relation to some supposed ceiling of potential funniness.
Your Terran example is exactly spot on. But I don't agree with your conclusion. Harder in the beginning but once you reach the upper echelon it doesn't matter what race you play.
...ya that makes more sense, i like what you said better. i'll leave my edit unedited just so you look cool in the future n__n
On March 25 2010 04:23 Meta wrote: Funny + clean = Funny Funny + dirty = Extra Funny
sigh, this is true....
durn family always watching me >_< i hate being a role model x.x
EDIT: YAAAA archaic knows whats up. clean comedy is like playing Terran. harder in the beginning but bigger payout ^_^
You know, after watching that video, I swear I can hear you in my head saying that with your voice. And I play Zerg... With my "sunken colonies" and my "ultralisk caverns"...
On March 25 2010 04:43 Excalibur_Z wrote: This was in the news, did you hear about this? Turns out the stock market is dropping faster than a Terran wall-in to a Baneling break.
How'm I doin? How'm I doin?
LOL i hope this does/doesnt start a trend in this thread classy sir, classy indeed.
On March 25 2010 04:43 Excalibur_Z wrote: This was in the news, did you hear about this? Turns out the stock market is dropping faster than a Terran wall-in to a Baneling break.
How'm I doin? How'm I doin?
Hey Kev, did you hear about this in the news? Another big internet company pulls out of China. Apparently wants to make sure it can qualify for TSL.
Finally got a chance to watch it, it was pretty funny but you also appear pretty nervous which was throwing off your segues. You have a knack for playing off the audience as well, which is important for development. Do you rehearse the path of topics you're going to discuss and the order you're going to recite the jokes? I've always wondered how comics do that (my only real experience with this is the movie Comedian).
EDIT: And I realize you mention that this video is pretty old, so who knows, you're probably completely over being nervous by now.
that was nice but, it seemed like there were points where you were trying to be forcingly funny with mainstream jokes like blondes and you dont have a girlfriend, be creative man.