First off, I apologise for being in the beta instead of you. To make up for it, please ask any requests and questions and I'll try and work it out.
About me: I'm mostly playing Zerg at the moment, but fiddled with Protoss a little. Terran confuses me too much at the moment. I'm not a good player, but whatever.
Your free thoughts on the new macro mechanics? You can keep it brief because I know thats asking a lot, but in general how does it shift the style of the game?
The geysers only give you gas at half the rate as SC1, so how does the extra extractor that you basically need play into the flow of the game as well?
On February 19 2010 18:15 shindigs wrote: Your free thoughts on the new macro mechanics? You can keep it brief because I know thats asking a lot, but in general how does it shift the style of the game?
The geysers only give you gas at half the rate as SC1, so how does the extra extractor that you basically need play into the flow of the game as well?
Also, big thanks for taking questions!
I have no gas My games havn't been long enough to really let me feel the macro mechanics. Some of the mechanics seem a little forced like Queen/Charge for Nexus Both those require 25mana cast and speed up a building of some sort.
Nexus one I didn't really notice. Helped sometimes when in the 2gate mirror I think, not sure if it was the mechanic or just my opponents.
Queen's benefit was really obvious and helped me make an insane amount of units for my bad macro.
On February 19 2010 18:15 FragKrag wrote: I love you so much pachi
I haven't actually seen many mirror matches (ie ZvZ), you think you can get a ZvZ VOD up? :D
3 / 4 games I played was against 2Gate protoss. I'll see if I can steal a replay off someone better than me who did a ZvZ
On February 19 2010 18:17 Highways wrote: Do you feel there is a major lack of micro? As it seems everything is just left on attack move during battles.
At my noob level, the units seemed to move too much for me to bother microing much. Moving ranged away from zeals works ok until you realise zeals are pretty fast and they eventually get charge and rape anything trying to flee.
Apology accepted haha just kidding. You live somewhere in Victoria don't you? I'm going to track you down so I can get in on some game time haha.
Jokes aside, have you played any PvTs? How do you feel about it, and how vastly different is it from the PvT we know in SC1? Do you feel as if it's the same as every other match up in SC2.
Also are the colossus really expensive or something? I haven't seen very much of them in the streams. Do they still deal a lot of damage?
I have a request. Add djWheat to your F list and teach the poor guy a littil bit about starcraft. He is good for Esports, but after looking at his last two twitters he seems lost at starcraft lol.
"The novice maps in StarCraft 2 suck I'm walled into my base with a 50000 hitpoint rock blocking my way. Do not want. [djWHEAT]"
"Man I really suck at SC2 ^_^ it's like my brain knows what to do but my hands are stupid. I need an equal newb to play with! [djWHEAT]"
The poor man is in the novice league for gods sake . TL show him some love
On February 19 2010 18:20 Umbrella wrote: Do you feel that micro complaints are because of the lack of strong static defenses (like dark swarm, spider mines, lurkers)/unit AI?
Will there be micro once people figure out the correct unit combinations and tactics?
On February 19 2010 18:23 Kaboo wrote: The nydus worm seems like it could define much of how the zerg plays. What are your impressions of it?
PS Thanks man! Can you feel the love?
I've only played like 4 games so far, so I havn't actually gone very far in the tech tree. Everyone seems to like the aggressive builds with expansion builds being punished from what has been shown on streams.
On February 19 2010 18:21 Hyde wrote: Apology accepted haha just kidding. You live somewhere in Victoria don't you? I'm going to track you down so I can get in on some game time haha.
Jokes aside, have you played any PvTs? How do you feel about it, and how vastly different is it from the PvT we know in SC1? Do you feel as if it's the same as every other match up in SC2.
Also are the colossus really expensive or something? I haven't seen very much of them in the streams. Do they still deal a lot of damage?
Zealouts just seem too easy for me to bother up far up the tree, and the computer AI is so pathetic its not worth it unless you want to test build orders or look at stats. Since more people seem to be playing to win rather than exploring, zealots seem good enough at the moment.
On February 19 2010 18:26 Kiante wrote: any chance you can stream?
I think my net is way too bad for streaming in any decent quality which is why I'd prefer not to.
Much <3 for apologizing =) and it's np as long as you stream/update this etc ^.~.
Do you see any clear imbalances already? Some unit that is clearly better than the others, that needs the nerf stick? How's the general balance between the races? Which is the most fun for you and why? Did you get a chance to use the high tier units like ultras and that new defiler thing?
If you're wondering why all the toss you go against use 2gate, it's because they get pulverized if they're only producing out of a single gate. Generally progress to 3-4 gates pretty quickly myself. Unit production is much faster in SC2, especially against zerg using a queen.
(PS: I got stuck in the platinum league and think I'm around 1-5 now... wishing I'd get downgraded)
I've never liked the Thor and Mothership, feeling like they are just spectacular gimicky units without any real purpose except attract noobs. Is this true? Are they any good?
On February 19 2010 18:59 Scorch wrote: I've never liked the Thor and Mothership, feeling like they are just spectacular gimicky units without any real purpose except attract noobs. Is this true? Are they any good?
Honestly. I don't even know how to build a mothership.