- i just thought that you guys would be interested in this news
- check out fomos ^^;
- the reason? + 7 teams decided not to participate (MBC, Ongamenet, KT, Estro, Stx, SKT1, Kong Goon) a. teams just don't have enough time for the players to prepare for every games b. too much workload for progammers + Gom cannot risk themselves with 5 teams
Canada19447 Posts
Can you post a link to story please?
51342 Posts
51342 Posts
Gong Goon is just the Korean name for Air Force.
what do the korean comments of the article say? i want to know what they think =/
B team players are too busy sitting on the bench to participate in GOM 
If the teams don't want their star players to participate then okay, but it's not fair to their other players that yet to accomplish anything and do want to participate.
This is a shame.
At least we can say the first three years were a success. Winners? Jaedong, Bisu and Flash :D.
On October 23 2009 15:05 podorii wrote: - the reason? + 7 teams decided not to participate (MBC, Ongamenet, KT, Estro, Stx, SKT1, Kong Goon) a. teams just don't have enough time for the players to prepare for every games b. too much workload for progammers Too much workload?! did Flash complain?? We know that A-team work like horses, but this tournament gives chances to B or C teams. 
KeSPA probably have their foot on this.
Katowice25012 Posts
Unfortunate, I've always enjoyed that tournament and its always been the best way for me to get my friends into the game
Flash was out of every league, its not like he had anything better to do.
Katowice25012 Posts
wait didn't gomtv build studios just for that tournament? Did they use those outside of the sc casts?
what will tasteless do now?
So the things lilsusie posted on her twitters the other day? =/
This 1 BO 3 all 2-4 Weaks for sure is to much for the players that do nothing except playing SC/BW the whole day anyway...
oh man thats sad GOM was so cool. one less league means less matches for us to watch
On October 23 2009 15:09 Pioneer wrote: What is Kong Goon?
空军 air force team aka ACE
"too much workload for progamers"
what kind of horseshit is that? do these teams don't like winning prize money? they can't play an additional BO3 every other week with a very flexible schedule? they don't like to allow 3 to 4 b-team players enter a tourney asides from offline competition?
On October 23 2009 15:52 broz0rs wrote: "too much workload for progamers"
what kind of horseshit is that? do these teams don't like winning prize money? they can't play an additional BO3 every other week with a very flexible schedule? they don't like to allow 3 to 4 b-team players enter a tourney asides from offline competition?
Exactly, it's ridiculous to think the teams themselves decided not to play. Kespa is throwing a hissy fit over Blizzard taking back competitive Starcraft in SC2, and, because Blizzard sponsored GOM season 3, Kespa's retaliating the best way possible, by trying to drive Blizzard's best link to competitive SC as it stands out of business.
Not that I blame Kespa or anything, they're out to make money, and could stand to lose a lot with the coming of SC2, but it seems like it's us and the players that lose due to this series of events.