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Both SKT and KHAN had a slow start last week, why do you think that happened?
OneOther: Let's face it: KHAN is not the hottest team right now. With JangBi and FBH slumping, combined with unfavorable Protoss maps, KHAN does not have the same force it boasted in previous seasons. But that's why I will keep rooting for them. Just when you think they will continue to decline, they come back and surprise us. Nobody expected KHAN to beat STX in playoffs last year or to come within a game of taking down CJ. See the thing is, KHAN likes to try only when they are playing versus a decent team. SKT qualifies as one I suppose.SKT losing to eStro doesn't mean much. Every player and team has off-days. SKT isn't quite as bad as they seemed then.
riptide:Well, SKT actually got off to a flying start by 3-0ing Stars. The loss to eSTRO was performed in the name of science. Winning too much early on can really mess up statistical analysis, and SKT knows and cares about the nerds who crunch numbers. Having said that, I dont really know why KHAN got off to aslow start. I'm surprised they actually got off to a start at all. I'm still laughing about how they played FireBatHero in their opener. I mean, did they want to lose? LOL.
Lets look at SKT vs KHAN right now, and specifically the lineups. Which game will be the key of winning the match.
OneOther:: KHAN needs to win the second match - Miracle vs Fantasy. Thankfully Fantasy has the habit of failing when it matters.As awesome as Great is, I hope KHAN wins it in three so he doesn't have to face Bisu. I expect Stork to stomp Hyuk (I realize Hyuk has been playing well lately but fuck it, he's still a SKT Zerg). I also think Chavi will get the big W just because BeSt's PvZ is pretty hilarious.
riptide: Actually, this week's opener is kinda the warmup for SKT. The fixture vs HERO is what everyone is really practicing for. Fantasy/Miracle, Best/Chavi(LOL) and Bisu/great - are you kidding me? The only game KHAN stands a chance in is Hyuk/Stork and even there, well, you don't need to be a Broodwar analyst to know that he's been at top form lately. This will be the closest, and thereby the most important match, but hey, I'm not going to mince my words - Stork is going down.
Ace match between Bisu and Stork seems like a possibilty as well, having in mind the map is Fighting Spirit. What do you think will be the outcome of this clash of the titans?
OneOther:: Stork. He's a different player when facing other powerhouses, i.e. Bisu, Jaedong, and Flash.Biased, blind fanboys such as you know who *cough cough* might say that Bisu will be the clear victor. Too bad they're wrong every time. Maybe they learned their lesson, I don't know.
riptide: Well GOMTV MSL S2 is gonna happen. WCG Korea 2009 is gonna happen. Years go by, seasons change, but to Bisu, PvP is still the definition of ez mode. He's 9-1 in his last ten games and sits at 68% in the matchup. Do I really need to say more? Besides, the only PvP Stork is good at is not Broodwar related.
SKT and KHAN are the two protoss heaviest teams in Proleague, but the maps seem bad for toss yet again. How do you think both squads will do in Round 1?
OneOther:: I expect both SKT and KHAN to do well in Round 1. Yes, the maps are bad for Protoss but both teams are too stacked and well-coached. I hope the two teams face each other in playoffs. There's nothing sweeter than my KHAN boys beating down SKT.
riptide: Well, for one, I wouldn't dump SKT and KHAN together. Their playing and coaching styles are different, and while KHAN is heavily dependent on the Stork/Jangbi duo, SKT has Bisu/Fantasy/Best to choose from in terms of aces. Admittedly, Best has been sliding out of that equation for a while with some less than stellar play, but he's still miles above the KHAN fail machine that used to complete their PPT trio. While Bisu will no doubt find it difficult on anti-Protoss maps, he is also the guy to find a way around the imbalances. I mean, let's not forget that it's him who downed Savior and brought in an era of FE darksair. The SKT frontman changed history, and some map imbalances aren't going to stop him from bagging an embarrassing amount of Proleague wins, just like last season.
Any last words?
OneOther:: I better see all of you with KHAN flags in the live report thread. We have to prove that KHAN in fact has the best fanbase.
riptide: I'm not a big fan of beatdowns. I think that the strong should play the strong, not the weak. Sadly, today, the reigning Proleague champions are being forced to play a team that barely made it into the playoffs last season, and being the gentlemen they are, will do so in style. KHAN isn't going to get any mercy from the Masters of the Universe, and rightly so. Yet we, as SKT fans should go easy on our counterparts in this thread. See, sometimes it's cool to root for the underdog, even when you know the underdog is going to be pounded into the ground. Thus, in conclusion, we applaud our compatriots in blue for their unwavering loyalty to their team and wish them all the very best as they step up to face the dynasty that forged Starcraft as we know it. Good luck KHAN fans, you guys are going to need it.
Poll: Who are you rooting for? (Vote): SKT (Vote): KHAN
Poll: Who is going to win? (Vote): SKT (Vote): KHAN
Obvious thing is = SKT > Khan
Strange predictions but BEAUTIFUL OP. Great work (:
Hyuk < Stork fantasy > Miracle Best > Chavi Bisu > great (FUCK MOON GLAIVE)
holy shit where you get that sexy boxer picture and bisu?
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
my favorite team against my least favorite team. if samsung had fielded jangbi it would be the perfect hater moment for me, but this will have to do.
hyuk > stork fantasy > miracle best > chavi
and if any of those are wrong bisu > great which should be a pretty good game
i'm slowly becoming a huge hyuk fan. come on dude, don't let me down! on fire + determined + pretty nice recent play = unstoppable!
I will definitely be waking up to watch this. Go Stork! Go KHAN!
Norway1530 Posts
Damn, Hyuk is 24-5 since july. Hyuk > Stork!
As much as I like Bisu, he doesn't face good odds against Great. He always loses to him.
Damn nice banner! HYUK HYUK!
SKT will take this shit. My favorite and 2nd fav team going at it. Won't be disappointed with whoever wins, but SKT is #1 in my heart
On October 17 2009 07:38 cosiant wrote: As much as I like Bisu, he doesn't face good odds against Great. He always loses to him.
TL says they're 1-1.
i really can't see skt1 losing with these maps and lineup.
SKT 3-0 KHAN ... what is there to predict?
Alright, in all seriousness: Game 1: Hyuk has been doing well recently, though Stork is no ordinary Protoss. He's not the best PvZer out there, but he's still Stork. It all depends on how much WoW Stork was playing during KHAN's pratice hours to predict the winner of this match. I do hope Hyuk will do well, but it's likely that KHAN will get a win here (still, HYUK I BELIEVE). Game 2: It's 50-50, depending on whether Myung Hoon will be fantasy or failtasy. He's been on a WLWL streak so hopefully it will end up with a win. Game 3: Best has been sucking and is currently on the edge of being B-team'd. I'm not sure if Match Point favors zergs, but anyway Best's PvZ is mediocre. Chavi should have this. Game 4: Bisu lost a PvZ not long ago, but it was OSL, so it's excusable (//fanboyism_ON). He should still be the favorite here.
So after the first four games, it should be a 2-2 or 1-3 (with KHAN winning). If it comes down to ACE, I would expect a Bisu vs Jangbi or Bisu vs Stork. And it's PvP so Bisu ftw!
Hyuk W Bisu W Hyuk W ACE match, it will happen. Best can't beat zerg, fantasy needs new glasses or something, he's been getting terrible results.
Yeah, I can't see SKT1 dropping this. No matter how bad he's been lately, there's no way Fantasy will lose to Miracle. Then as long as both BeSt and Bisu don't lose, it goes to Ace, SKT1 sends Bisu, SKT1 wins.
deciple OneOther:: I better see all of you with KHAN flags in the live report thread. We have to prove that KHAN in fact has the best fanbase.
doesn't look like it yet :D SKT1 will destroy khan.