On December 24 2011 00:22 prock wrote:Show nested quote +On December 23 2011 21:13 Vei wrote: zvp TDA
protoss builds 3 pylons + cannon inbetween main and hatch, what the fuck are you supposed to do? what kind of joke is this? Do as CatZ does - take your scouting probe and proxy hatch in their main, and once the pylons complete and he starts building cannons cancel the hatch at your natural and build a 2nd proxy outside their cannon wall. Lair tech asap, lings at the inside proxy (if possible), hydras (w/range) at the outside proxy. That is an option, but it requires suboptimal play on the part of the Protoss to work. I do this cheese pretty frequently and once the walloff is in place, getting complete vision of your base to prevent proxy hatches and nydus attacks is a top priority, as is scouting around your entrance for proxy hatches. If you see a hatchery going down, you just drop a pylon and cannon it, and the threat is completely removed.
On December 23 2011 22:52 renegadeandy wrote:TheSituation http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=247244Drives me mad - I CANNOT beat a protoss my all in 1:1:1 succeeds - this game it didnt, so i started to macro, but i just cannot beat storms, i was 3:3 upgraded - he was 3 / 2 yet my troops just get massacred in the storms - its so unbelivably OP. I am not good enough with ghosts to ensure emps hit, so dont tend to use them. The game shouldnt be decided upon the 5 second micro ability of a player at macro level, which it is if the answer is simply emp the high templars.
If you don't like playing with ghosts, try stimming a couple marauders and running them at the HT that is going to storm. Alternatively, get two tanks. It doesn't make your army less efficient... just less mobile. The tanks can snipe the HT that goes for the prebattle storm. Just remember to focus fire with them.
It is fair to say however, that if they are spending their APM using HT, then you can spend some time using your APM to use ghosts.
Please don't complain that the game is OP... this is no place for that discussion.
Hello everyone, I like to save up my questions to post them all at once. Thanks in advance for answers. I am a protoss player btw.
1) Why do some zergs choose to go pure roach against me while others go hydra/roach? Are there any benefits towards going one or the other than I should know about?
2) Vs Terran, I use the Huk 20 nexus build just about every game. Once I have ruled out a 2 rax (they haven't moved out of their base or expanded by 6 minutes) I build a robo at 6:00. I always get 2 observers out, but I don't think it is completely necessary and it hurts me having 1 less immortal when a 111 push comes. Is my robo late to hold 111? Should I generally only build 1 obs and keep it near my base if I know 111 is coming?
3) Vs Terran, I have been placing my tech buildings (robo, bay, forges) in my main base generally but they get picked off in drops so easily. Is it a good idea to place them in my natural?
4) Vs Zerg, because I open gateway style rather than forge, I have the option to pressure. If I hallucination scout him and he has taken a greedy third base, I will generally go and force a cancel. If I scout him still on 2 bases with no third yet, should I attempt "shark mode"?
5) Vs Zerg, when I don't scout a third base yet using hallucination, should I sit on two bases and rest peacefully knowing that because we are on equal bases, I will have an advantage? Or should I attempt to gain a bigger advantage by taking another base and being 1 ahead of him? This might be too general to answer, so I understand if there is no correct answer.
6) At what time do people generally add double forges in PvT?
7) This is just something I thought up in my daydreaming moments but I'd like some thoughts on this. I have a new idea to deal with the 3 rax marine-scv rush. Basically, once you see his scv train coming, you wait to mine 400 minerals, get as many stalkers as possible, then take all your probes and send them to his base to attack. Now you take your stalkers and (in no hurry - mind you) just gradually pick off units while they are in your base attacking stuff. Even if your probes were not able to make it in his base due to walloff, because he sent all his scvs all you have to do is kill everything off with stalkers and expand somewhere if your main base is taken down. The main idea is to not lose your probes/use them to fight and instead make your stalkers last forever while taking only building losses.
Thanks in advance for any insight on these questions.
When would it be better to feedback medivacs vs storming a T bio ball?
On December 24 2011 06:58 mahi29 wrote: When would it be better to feedback medivacs vs storming a T bio ball?
It depends on your army size in comparison to him, if he's got mainly marines or marauders, how many medivacs he's got and how many templars you have with how much energy. Personally I prefer both; i cut A LARGE chunk of his army off with forcefields, storm the entire chunk and then feedback the medivacs when they move forward to heal while the rest of my army cleans up. I like playing HT heavy
On December 24 2011 06:58 mahi29 wrote: When would it be better to feedback medivacs vs storming a T bio ball?
Damage is almost always preferable. Storm as much as possible, feedback, turn into archon.
DISCLAIMER: I suck. I'm giving these answers the way I figure them, it may be completely off base, so take it if you want to, but don't say i didn't warn you 
On December 24 2011 06:17 Epishade wrote: Hello everyone, I like to save up my questions to post them all at once. Thanks in advance for answers. I am a protoss player btw.
1) Why do some zergs choose to go pure roach against me while others go hydra/roach? Are there any benefits towards going one or the other than I should know about?
When do they do this? Early in the game or through the middle-game as well? What are your builds? Impossible to give a general answer to this one i suppose 
2) Vs Terran, I use the Huk 20 nexus build just about every game. Once I have ruled out a 2 rax (they haven't moved out of their base or expanded by 6 minutes) I build a robo at 6:00. I always get 2 observers out, but I don't think it is completely necessary and it hurts me having 1 less immortal when a 111 push comes. Is my robo late to hold 111? Should I generally only build 1 obs and keep it near my base if I know 111 is coming?
I wouldn't say your robo is too late to hold a 1-1-1, but you probably want to go obs-immortal-obs and keep the first observer close by if you KNOW there's a 1-1-1.
3) Vs Terran, I have been placing my tech buildings (robo, bay, forges) in my main base generally but they get picked off in drops so easily. Is it a good idea to place them in my natural?
Imho keep them in your main and use observers and pylons to scout the drops so you can defend.
4) Vs Zerg, because I open gateway style rather than forge, I have the option to pressure. If I hallucination scout him and he has taken a greedy third base, I will generally go and force a cancel. If I scout him still on 2 bases with no third yet, should I attempt "shark mode"?
Yes, definitely. Don't let him drone more than you can help.
5) Vs Zerg, when I don't scout a third base yet using hallucination, should I sit on two bases and rest peacefully knowing that because we are on equal bases, I will have an advantage? Or should I attempt to gain a bigger advantage by taking another base and being 1 ahead of him? This might be too general to answer, so I understand if there is no correct answer.
It depends on what you scout. Generally you need to prepare for aggression and shouldn't take a third until you've been doing a trade or two in your favour.
6) At what time do people generally add double forges in PvT?
I rarely do that, really, i don't see the point. I try getting an earlier forge and using it non-stop instead of getting double forge later.
7) This is just something I thought up in my daydreaming moments but I'd like some thoughts on this. I have a new idea to deal with the 3 rax marine-scv rush. Basically, once you see his scv train coming, you wait to mine 400 minerals, get as many stalkers as possible, then take all your probes and send them to his base to attack. Now you take your stalkers and (in no hurry - mind you) just gradually pick off units while they are in your base attacking stuff. Even if your probes were not able to make it in his base due to walloff, because he sent all his scvs all you have to do is kill everything off with stalkers and expand somewhere if your main base is taken down. The main idea is to not lose your probes/use them to fight and instead make your stalkers last forever while taking only building losses.
Thanks in advance for any insight on these questions.
Well, if the opponent is dumb enough not to try and kill your stalkers instead of your buildings when he see all your probes heading out that should work fine I think a better way is to force-field your ramp and try to pick off his SCVs from the high ground while teching to colossus.
On December 24 2011 06:17 Epishade wrote: Hello everyone, I like to save up my questions to post them all at once. Thanks in advance for answers. I am a protoss player btw.
1) Why do some zergs choose to go pure roach against me while others go hydra/roach? Are there any benefits towards going one or the other than I should know about?
2) Vs Terran, I use the Huk 20 nexus build just about every game. Once I have ruled out a 2 rax (they haven't moved out of their base or expanded by 6 minutes) I build a robo at 6:00. I always get 2 observers out, but I don't think it is completely necessary and it hurts me having 1 less immortal when a 111 push comes. Is my robo late to hold 111? Should I generally only build 1 obs and keep it near my base if I know 111 is coming?
3) Vs Terran, I have been placing my tech buildings (robo, bay, forges) in my main base generally but they get picked off in drops so easily. Is it a good idea to place them in my natural?
4) Vs Zerg, because I open gateway style rather than forge, I have the option to pressure. If I hallucination scout him and he has taken a greedy third base, I will generally go and force a cancel. If I scout him still on 2 bases with no third yet, should I attempt "shark mode"?
5) Vs Zerg, when I don't scout a third base yet using hallucination, should I sit on two bases and rest peacefully knowing that because we are on equal bases, I will have an advantage? Or should I attempt to gain a bigger advantage by taking another base and being 1 ahead of him? This might be too general to answer, so I understand if there is no correct answer.
6) At what time do people generally add double forges in PvT?
7) This is just something I thought up in my daydreaming moments but I'd like some thoughts on this. I have a new idea to deal with the 3 rax marine-scv rush. Basically, once you see his scv train coming, you wait to mine 400 minerals, get as many stalkers as possible, then take all your probes and send them to his base to attack. Now you take your stalkers and (in no hurry - mind you) just gradually pick off units while they are in your base attacking stuff. Even if your probes were not able to make it in his base due to walloff, because he sent all his scvs all you have to do is kill everything off with stalkers and expand somewhere if your main base is taken down. The main idea is to not lose your probes/use them to fight and instead make your stalkers last forever while taking only building losses.
Thanks in advance for any insight on these questions.
1. With pure roach compared to roach/hydra the zerg can be more mobile because he doesn't hydras to slow him down, and he can save some gas for other units (broods, ultras, infestors).
2. Why don't you run some games and see? If T hasn't expanded by 6-7 minutes you should know some kind of 1-1-1 is coming. The robo timing should be ok, just use your chronoboost judiciously.
3. Ummm, that's up to you, but if you're losing them to drops you should improve your drop defense (having blink stalkers on a hotkey covering important air routes into your base). The problem with putting your tech at the front is that it's easily scoutable AND if you respond to drops by pulling your whole army back, they're vulnerable to being sniped by his main army.
4. If he's sitting on 2base, scout for a timing of some sort and keep macroing/teching. Really, your response depends on scouting what he's doing.
5. Again, depends what you're both doing.
6. In what situation? Are you opening 1gate into double forge build, did you go into colossi after your expand? It's a tech choice you have to make based on what you need. You'll want double forge eventually if you plan to go into the lategame, but you generally add it when you have the economy to support it, and you know you're safe while doing this tech. Don't try to go colossi+double forge+expand or something or you'll die a lot of the time. If you scout T going double ebay before you, or getting fast upgrades, you probably need to add double forge soon.
7. No, that's a terrible idea. T is still mining with mules and can keep pumping scvs and marines, and he already HAS a lowground walloff if he did the 3rax cheese correctly. Why the hell would you stop your mining completely? The right response to this build is typically to chrono out stalkers, and kite him down the middle of the map for as long as possible before he reaches your base. Then you can make some sentries at home, or more stalkers/zealots to hold. If you reduce your income to 0 for him, that's basically what he wants, because he can keep sending in marines to whittle down your stalkers.
Is there a general rule of thumb for how many production buildings you can support per base as terran?
On December 24 2011 12:20 thesideshow wrote: Is there a general rule of thumb for how many production buildings you can support per base as terran? General rule of thumb, according to Drewbies guide, is 3 production buildings per base until you stop building scvs and depots.
If your macro is subpar, like mine, you may end up adding an extra rax or two to compensate.
On December 24 2011 06:17 Epishade wrote: Hello everyone, I like to save up my questions to post them all at once. Thanks in advance for answers. I am a protoss player btw.
3) Vs Terran, I have been placing my tech buildings (robo, bay, forges) in my main base generally but they get picked off in drops so easily. Is it a good idea to place them in my natural?
The easiest things to pick off are always the structures on the outer edges of the opponents base. Try placing your tech close to the ramp in your main. Its the hardest place to drop and often times the easiest to defend in my experience.
What is the advantages/disadvantages of 2gate fe in PvT as compared to 1gate fe and 3gate fe? In what scenarios/maps would one opt to execute/avoid 2gate fe?
Overall, why is 2gate fe less commonly seen?
p.s. asking about 2gate fe, NOT 2gate robo.
If you Neural Parasite an enemy worker and make a building with it (Barracks, Stargate... etc.), can you produce units from that building and have full control over them?
On December 24 2011 21:45 BeniZxLeGenD wrote: If you Neural Parasite an enemy worker and make a building with it (Barracks, Stargate... etc.), can you produce units from that building and have full control over them?
+ Show Spoiler +
On December 24 2011 23:30 Joedaddy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 24 2011 21:45 BeniZxLeGenD wrote: If you Neural Parasite an enemy worker and make a building with it (Barracks, Stargate... etc.), can you produce units from that building and have full control over them? really? + Show Spoiler + According to Liquipedia, you can.
On December 24 2011 23:30 Joedaddy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 24 2011 21:45 BeniZxLeGenD wrote: If you Neural Parasite an enemy worker and make a building with it (Barracks, Stargate... etc.), can you produce units from that building and have full control over them? really? + Show Spoiler + Of course you can... it's just very uncommon, because you have to neural a probe in a safe place, and neuraling an SCV takes a lot a time and effort.
What's the graphical display setting that is responsible for turning off pylon power grids? TIA.
On December 25 2011 01:21 coriamon wrote:Show nested quote +On December 24 2011 23:30 Joedaddy wrote:On December 24 2011 21:45 BeniZxLeGenD wrote: If you Neural Parasite an enemy worker and make a building with it (Barracks, Stargate... etc.), can you produce units from that building and have full control over them? really? + Show Spoiler + Of course you can... it's just very uncommon, because you have to neural a probe in a safe place, and neuraling an SCV takes a lot a time and effort.
Go try it in game (I did). You can neural a worker but you can only make them build cc/supply depot/refinery. You certainly can not make them build unit producing structures, make the structure build units, and then control the units as your own. Read the question x.x
Seriously people, use your noggins and don't post inaccurate information.
On December 25 2011 01:47 btsgreg wrote: What's the graphical display setting that is responsible for turning off pylon power grids? TIA.
Menu > Options > Gameplay > Display build grid
I think that's what you're asking. I don't know what TIA means.
On December 25 2011 02:05 Joedaddy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 25 2011 01:21 coriamon wrote:On December 24 2011 23:30 Joedaddy wrote:On December 24 2011 21:45 BeniZxLeGenD wrote: If you Neural Parasite an enemy worker and make a building with it (Barracks, Stargate... etc.), can you produce units from that building and have full control over them? really? + Show Spoiler + Of course you can... it's just very uncommon, because you have to neural a probe in a safe place, and neuraling an SCV takes a lot a time and effort. Go try it in game (I did). You can neural a worker but you can only make them build cc/supply depot/refinery. You certainly can not make them build unit producing structures, make the structure build units, and then control the units as your own. Read the question x.x Seriously people, use your noggins and don't post inaccurate information.
have you not heard of the Zerglot achievement? Neural parasite a probe, build nexus, build a probe out of it, then pylon-gateway and produce a zealot out of it. it's clearly able to be done, and i personally have acquired that achievement, so i don't see how you can argue against what Blizzard has made possible and clearly presents it as so.
it's easiest with protoss because you can just neural a probe and have it build the nexus, and then lose mind control of the probe and still have the nexus producing (as opposed to having to constantly re-neural parasite a SCV to make command center)
dont be rude when posting inaccurate information also please