Could you be any less clear? Your reply needs some context.
I don't really like what you're doing here. Giving purely subjective opinions about your opinions on how sc2 and scbw game design compare should not use the pretense of having some sort of quantitative rating scale. Lets face it, all of your numbers are made up. Its just misleading and adds nothing to your argument to discuss an equation for CBU, since the numbers you are using for the equation are fabricated ratings anyway.
Also, the term CBU is itself misleading. You are using two very different characteristics to define CBUs: variation and skill ceiling of a unit. There are units which you can micro and always be rewarded for doing so. For example, microing stalkers against marines early on against marines or taking potshots at the queen with hellions. These have very low variance, since you are just using your skill to get free damage in. On the other hand you have units like the reaver in scbw, where there is high variance. The variance is due to the randomness of the scarab ai, not player skill. I think you're talking more about the latter of these two, in which case the discussion should neglect player skill and only deal with random elements of the game (ie high ground miss chance, scarab ai, etc.)