TL Mafia 2 [GG] - Page 330
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Canada259 Posts
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Armenia1590 Posts
now i excpect mafia giving up pointing out Chuiu's bias towards the town :D | ||
United States690 Posts
now hotzhot? | ||
United States942 Posts
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United States690 Posts
![]() Blonde, Orange, Blue. we should check nemy vs bwdero: nemy - 7 jtan hotzhot kf91 infinity21 siz.fantasy ahrara_ iNfuNdiBuLuM bwdero - 6 nemy qrs artanis[xp] bugz|toon| romance_us eti307 i remember nemy said something about infundibulum. Could he be blue? His pic is blue too. And his spinning hat could be the blade that always appears with him. actually i'm kinda convinced that he is blue. blue is one strong man (the viking) and when MTF died, something flew into him - the spinning thing on his head. so, hotzhot - blonde infundibulum - blue kf91 - orange??? | ||
United States3637 Posts
Clues Day 1: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + Great, DapperDan thought, as Sidewinder knocked over Mr. Red and Mr. Black. He jumped through the opening towards the door and was almost home free when he was cut off by Mr. Blonde, coming out of nowhere it seemed. He rammed into DapperDan knocking him to the ground. + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blue] + Mr. Blue got in the last word, before they finished up their little meeting, and said "Lets just hope the right mayor gets elected, that would speed things up as the town declares martial law." They all nodded in agreement, but no one knew how the elections tomorrow would turn out. + Show Spoiler [unidentified] + He almost made it out until finally someone pumped DapperDan's back full of lead. [ Day 2: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + Over at casa Mynock he was frying himself a late night snack and watching a rerun of the news from earlier that night. He turned around to get something from his fridge when he noticed the lights out in his living room. With great care he crept into the room and searched for the lamp. It was moved onto the table in the center of the room. He switched it on to reveal the man known as Mr. Blonde. Mr. Blonde had braced himself on the ceiling and swooped down from above diving straight into Mynock. As they fell to the ground Mynock struggled to get away, he bashed Mr. Blonde in the face with his elbow as he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown. They traded glares and Mynock dodged to the left and headed up his stairs not clearly deciphering the yells that came from behind him or caring. He tried to find the shotgun he had stashed in his closet but only found a smiley in its place. He panicked as he realized his only line of defense against two men was gone and he just about surrendered as Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him. He dived toward Mr. Blonde in effort to tackle him but Mynock's attack was cut short as he ate a mouthful of buckshot. Day 3: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + as he was dialing he noticed the phone line had been cut.... Mr. Orange came down with a pair of wire clippers in hand and bashed Dinmsab on the back with them. Dinmsab used the momentum to dive forward instead of fall and regained his balance after a roll... Day 4: N/A Day 5: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + Mr. Blonde and Mr. White got out of their car, the rest of their hit squad parked on the other side of the building. They had arrived at an office building where they noticed a group of people always worked late. Sure enough there were some cars parked around them. "When is d.arkive supposed to do it?" asked Mr. White, as he leaned against the car and stared at the building in expectation. "I don't know, they just said to wait for their signal" responded Mr. Blonde as he walked a bit closer to the building to get a better look. He could see d.arkive running through some corridors looking for someone, anyone. He found Hittegods. d.arkive ran towards Hittegods as he was examining some photos and hit a button. An explosion ripped apart nearly half of the building and it sent everyone outside ducking for cover as debris flew all over. "Holy shit! I guess we're supposed to go in and find the rest of them now?" said Mr. Blonde after dodging what was left of a door that flew at him. "I don't think we have to" said Mr. White as he pointed at some people getting out of the good half of what was left of the building. They decided on the first person they saw, xDark.Carnivalx. Mr. Blonde jetted towards him and knocked him to the ground with a punch square in the jaw. xDark.Carnivalx was dazed and still disoriented and shocked from the explosion, but he managed to stumble to his feet only to get kicked down again. The adrenaline was rushing but xDark.Carnivalx was getting frustrated, he looked around for something to use as a weapon and found a shattered pipe. He grabbed it and swung at Mr. Blonde, forcing him to back off and provide time for xDark.Carnivalx to get off the ground. But just as soon as he did Mr. White smashed another pipe laying around in the back of xDark.Carnivalx's head. Another couple blows and xDark.Carnivalx was dead. Day 6: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blue] + Things were still not quiet. Joe, Mr. Blue, and California Mountain Snake found aZnvaLiaNce working very late this evening. They intruded into the office buildings he was at and quickly found him doing repetitive boring paperwork in his drab cubicle. Mr. Blue pulled out the secret weapon he always wanted to kill someone with, a chainsaw. He tugged on the chord to get it started and aZnvaLiaNce shot up from his seat instantly and turned around to see the three men standing at the doorway. Mr. Blue lunged toward him aiming for his chest but aZnvaLiaNce dodged to the side and screamed out in pain as the chainsaw shredded down the side of his arm. Mr. Blue went in for another attack but this time aZnvaLiaNce was quicker and dived past Mr. Blue as he broke the chain of the saw on the metal part of the cubicle wall. Joe gave Mr. Blue a thumbs up for effort as he grabbed and held onto aZnvaLiaNce from behind. Joe kept a tight grip as California Mountain Snake took out his own weapon of choice. He sliced clean through aZnvaLiaNce in his chest, his gut, his arms and legs and pretty soon aZnvaLiaNce was a bloody mess, and they left him there to bleed out and die knowing he couldn't do a thing to save himself in the condition he was in. Day 7: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blue] + Mr. Blue was first up, and he was outside the house of fusionsdf. He noticed him in the living room and decided to try to sneak in from the back. All windows locked he tried the back door. When he was left with no other option he decided to kick in the door which alerted fusionsdf. He ran to the back of his house to see Mr. Blue coming in. fusionsdf knew exactly what was going on and grabbed an umbrella that was sitting by the door. He stabbed at Mr. Blue and flailed at him trying to fight him off but Mr. Blue evaded the blows and grabbed hold of the umbrella and yanked it out of fusionsdf's hands. He broke the handle hitting fusionsdf over the head with it and discarded it. fusionsdf dived forward and tackled Mr. Blue to the ground but Mr. Blue shoved him to the side and quickly got up. He grabbed up the umbrella again and stabbed down at fusionsdf. The tip was enough to do severe damage to fusionsdf, and he stabbed through his chest as if it were nothing. Pretty soon fusionsdf was dead from the beating. + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + G.s)NarutO was doing monk things in his monk place with his monk friends when he decided it was late and he wanted to go to sleep. On the way to his room he encountered Mr. Blonde. Mr. Blonde mocked G.s)NarutO for his failed attempts at helping the town and then pulled out a gun to kill him. G.s)NarutO wasn't ready to give up on life completely though and thought he could redeem himself by taking out this man for the town. He charged towards Mr. Blonde and tried to grab his gun but Mr. Blonde was a bit faster to respond and shot him twice in the leg. He finished it by shooting G.s)NarutO in the head and made his escape through a window before getting caught by a horde of monks. Day 9: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blue] + There was no plan. Five mafia set out tonight to get revenge for those they had lost. MTF was cruising along looking for a friend he had to give a ride home for. What he found was not normal to his eyes. Two men, Eddie and Mr. Orange were holding a man to the ground with their legs and pulling as hard as they could on his arms. MTF screeched to a stop and got out to help the man but it was too late and blood gushed all over the sidewalk as ~OpZ~ was literally disarmed. He gasped in horror and turned in retreat but found Mr. Blue in his way. MTF panicked, feeling his life in serious danger, and plowed through Mr. Blue toward his car. MTF was almost there when a flying object met contact with his neck and severed his head right off. + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + Mr. Blonde and Cottonmouth were at AmorVincitOmnia's convenience store right before closing. They wanted everyones attention right away so Mr. Blonde charged through the front door, a move that shattered all the windows. Inside AmorVincitOmnia was cashing Alventenie's purchase and they both immediately looked at Mr. Blonde shocked at what just happened. Both Mr. Blonde and Cottonmouth ran towards them and stabbed each of them through the shoulders with a knife. Mr. Blonde had AmorVincitOmnia pinned up against a wall and Cottonmouth had Alventenie on another. AmorVincitOmnia pushed and shoved and tried to get free but Mr. Blonde stabbed three more knives into each arm and three into each leg. Then to finish him off he stabbed two more into AmorVincitOmnia's chest. Alventenie already exhausted from the day he had put up little resistance as Cottonmouth stabbed three knives in his other arm and each leg. Then stabbed five more in the shape of a pentagon and finally killed off Alventenie. Day 10: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Mr. Orange had the help of Eddie as he went after Vharox. They were following behind Vharox as he was leaving a bar late at night. Once Vharox got his door open Eddie came from behind and grabbed him in restraint. Mr. Orange smashed an empty beer bottle over Vharox's head and it shattered into pieces and made Vharox flinch back in pain. He broke free of Eddie and charged into Mr. Orange knocking him on his side. Eddie tried to restrain Vharox again but had no luck as he fought him back. Vharox started inching his way to his cell phone to call the cops when Mr. Orange was back on his feet this time with a more lethal weapon. He stabbed Vharox in the arm with the beer bottle and then again in the chest. Vharox fell to the ground and Mr. Orange finished him off with a few more well placed stabs. + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blue] + smurfingchobo was the last the mafia were after that night. He let his dogs out before going to bed and they started barking at something in the yard. Neither smurfingchobo nor the dogs could see who it was but they all heard him moving about. The barking came to a stop as blades met their mark on each dogs head killing them all. smurfingchobo took a few steps closer to see one of his dogs decapitated from Mr. Blue's blades when he soon met the same fate as they had. Day 11: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blue] + The last victim of the night was in the same area as the first. Mr. Blue heard from California Mountain Snake about the white vans and killing off a medic so he decided to go in for his own kill. He quickly found HeRoS)Pink sitting alone in his van just listening to the radio. Mr. Blue was driving a rather over sized excavator and he grabbed the van from the front to the back and pinned HeRoS)Pink in place as he carried the vehicle to the town dump. HeRoS)Pink was helpless and couldn't move an inch the whole time as Mr. Blue dropped his van into a car shredder. Pretty soon HeRoS)Pink and his van were in tiny pieces. Day 12: N/A Day 13: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange, Mr. Blonde] + Losing two members that day the mafia decided to pull all the stops and hit the town where it mattered. They were through messing around and Mr. Orange, Eddie, and Mr. Blonde were about to prove that by taking out Fanatacist and Ace once and for all. Ace and Fanatacist were sitting at a desk going over detective files trying to find the remaining few mafia when the three barged into the room. Ace quickly grabbed the phone to call for backup but it was too late as Mr. Orange had landed a dagger right on the phone line cutting him off. Mr. Blonde shot across the room and grabbed all the notes dumping them into a trash bin nearby. He lit a match and set the whole thing on fire hoping this was the last copy the town had to go off. Mr. Orange, Mr. Blonde and Eddie all got out pistols and fired round after round at Ace and Fanatacist who were helpless to stop them. Eddie went up to Ace and he was terrified as Eddie finished him off but firing one last round into his head. Day 14: N/A Day 15: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + Cottonmouth organized a strike force of mafia to take on a few troublesome townies who had the tendency to keep watches at night. With three mafia it would be sufficient enough to take on three regular joes. So he, along with the Wolf and Mr. Blonde, went to Jimtudor's house and broke in. This automatically set off their home made alarm system and the mafia squelched it right after but the damage was done and they were alerted to mafia presence. Supah, Alethios, and Jimtudor got ready with their handmade weapons, aware that most of the time Mafia did not carry weapons favoring to kill without alerting the neighborhood to their presence. Cottonmouth expecting more trouble went back to his car and handed five plumbata's to each of his comrades. Prepared for the fight to come they burst through the basement door and each threw one at their targets. Two missed and one hit a garbage can lid that Supah was using as a shield. The townies made their counter attack, the stairs leading down to the basement collapsed and the mafia came crashing down hard stunning and injuring them. Not enough though as they were able to ward off the crude melee weapons the town had fashioned from a yard rake, a baseball bat, and a broken chain. Mr. Blonde was able to grab a hold of the yard rake Supah was using and kicked it to break it in half, the Wolf grabbed hold of the chain and pulled it out of Jimtudor's hand then flung it to the side and tossed one of his remaining darts in his shoulder, and Cottonmouth deflected Alethios baseball bat and stabbed him in the foot with a dart. Mr. Blonde threw two plumbata's at Supah and then used the broken off rake handle and stabbed him with it, he then finished off Supah by stabbing a dart into his face. The Wolf lunged for the chain and wrapped it around Jimtudor's leg, then he pulled hard and caused him to fall to the ground. Cottonmouth finished off Alethios by stabbing the rest of the darts into his chest. And the three ganged up on Jimtudor and plunged their remaining darts into his face. Day 16: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Mr. Orange had just finished cutting off unsoundlogics house from the rest of the world when unsoundlogic came out the back door and spotted him. He ran back in and tried every phone in the house but they were all dead. Mr. Orange followed in and cornered unsoundlogic with a knife in hand. Maybe unsoundlogic didn't have anymore fight in him after surviving so many attempts, maybe he felt he was no match, but in the end he put up no fight and just let Mr. Orange stab him down. + Show Spoiler [unidentified (but has characteristics…] + rpf on the other hand was expecting someone, he felt the danger to his life for days and slept very little at night keeping alert and defensive. But what he didn't expect was someone to kill him without even setting foot in his home. A giant buzzsaw cut in from the side of his house and tore his body apart from the behind. It was overkill, but the mafia were sick and tired of wasting hits on people like rpf. Day 17: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Blonde] + In the dark shed in ShaLLoW[baY]'s backyard Mr. Blonde gleefully waiting in silence clutching his weapon. ShaLLoW[baY] made his way to the shed slowly inspecting his petunias after the storm had passed. He was shocked to say the least when he opened the door. Mr. Blonde swatting ShaLLoW[baY] with the front end of the yard tool causing him to stumble backward into a trap Mr. Blonde had set of several nails on the ground. Having punctured his foot on a rather rusty one ShaLLoW[baY] began hopping frantically trying to pry the devil from his foot as he screamed in pain. Mr. Blonde used this opportunity to maneuver himself behind his victim and he killed ShaLLoW[baY] in one swift vengeful blow by shoving the rake up his ass. Mr. Orange always thought out odd ways of killing his targets, attempting to stray from the dullness of his associates. And he planned on acting on this now stronger than ever desire by attempting to kill his target with fireworks. Scorch seemed the best for this opportunity he thought, so he set about waterproofing several rather potent explosives for the job. Once his target was sleeping Mr. Orange made his move, he injected a sedative to keep Scorch asleep while he worked on fireworks into every possible orifice of Scorch's body. Unrolling the long fuse he drug the body in the middle of the street, lit it, and like a little kid ran off to safety to watch in awe. Scorch's body was practically paper at the mercy of these overzealous fireworks as they tore him apart from several points. Many people missed out on a great show. Day 18: + Show Spoiler [all, not identified specifically] + Blonde. Blue. Orange. Cottonmouth. These names rang through the heads of every towns person. Many frantically tried to connect them with individuals within their community, many tried to connect them with neighbors. The names conveyed themes. One was a theme of panic. One of haste and arrogance. One of determination and humor. And one of a hidden agenda. Though the town had been making great progress in evicting the mafia from their once peaceful and flourishing town this evening they felt a sharp fear of pain with uncertainty of the remaining criminals. Within the first couple hours of the night the mafia had all made their move. Amber[LighT] had died first from sharp blades that tore at his skin. Pangolin suffocated in his sleep with no chance to even cry for help. And finally ZBiR had taken a sharp dive down a cliff which he never recalled scaling into the ground. Day 19: + Show Spoiler [unidentifed, but has characteristics o…] + Wind swiftly blew down from overhead as SiZ.Fantasy left the local 7-11 with his bright blue berry slushie in hand. Little did he know his life was in danger as he walked down the street towards his house. His soon-to-be killer jumped from roof to roof waiting for the right moment to strike. When SiZ.Fantasy accidentally dropped the lid to his drink was that moment. He bent over to pick it up, being the good little law abiding citizen he was he, but never got up because as SiZ.Fantasy was doing so a blade sliced him up like confetti. + Show Spoiler [unidentified, but has characteristics…] + Infinity21 was also slurping on a slushie as he followed the shadows that stalked Siz.Fantasy down the street. He never made it far enough to see his corpse, however, as he was assaulted from behind with several rocks. He turned around and reached down to grab some at the same time in effort to retaliate but he found several more flying his direction and couldn't fend off the next wave of stones. After recovering Infinity21 got up to retaliate only to find a massive rock flying down onto him smashing his face in. edit: updated with a couple kills that I missed the first time around | ||
United States3637 Posts
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United States3637 Posts
Quite a while ago, several people speculated that Mr. Blue was a lurker. I don't feel like digging up all the posts now, but MasterOfChaos may have been the first to make this connection, although not the only one. While this may have been speculative when it was first brought up, at this point, I think we can regard the lurker connection as practically confirmed. Skim through all of Mr. Blue's kills (handily quoted for you a couple of posts above). His themes seem to be: 1) Kills with blades, often a row of them (chainsaw, buzz saw), sometimes killing multiple things simultaneously (smurfingchobo's dogs), although his attacks can be dodged (aZnvaLiaNce) 2) Is rarely seen. These two things come up again and again, and fit the lurker motif to a T. (This may be what Chuiu meant by "a hidden agenda".) At the time, lurkers were connected to two different people: jtan and CDRdude (CDRdude's sig has now changed, but it used to be "sometimes a lurker has to unburrow..."), both of them still in the game. In this post, araav made a strong circumstantial case for CDRdude: BUT let's take the CDRdude guy, his posts and behaviour during the game are suspicious... read here - especially this: ok, we know he's not blue, so why would he be so excited about it? and this: 8. CDRdude CLEARLY NOT MAFIA btw, he has promted randombum, some people voted for randombum based on CDR's promotion araav makes three points there. His second, I don't find especially convincing, and the third has to be taken with a grain of salt, considering that CDRdude kinda promoted all of the candidates and ended up voting for Ace himself. The first point is also explainable (he was excited about the game being on), but it does seem somewhat suspicious. If you read through CDRdude's early posts (quoted in araav's blog, linked to in the quote from araav above), he was very involved in the mayoral election, making three lengthy posts (and some smaller ones) about the pros and cons of various candidates and their platforms, although later in the game he fell silent. This has an eery resonance with the only words that we have ever heard Mr. Blue speak, at the very beginning: "Lets just hope the right mayor gets elected, that would speed things up as the town declares martial law." Incidentally, CDRdude is on the Showtime! list. 1/4 of those are Mafia. If you consider that I have been relatively cleared by making the case for BWdero to be lynched (would I do that if I were Mafia, considering that there were only 4 of us left and no one had mentioned his name yet?), then it's 1/3. Summary: until I see a better case for someone else, I plan to vote for CDRdude next lynch. Even if he is innocent, Mr. Blue is almost certainly a lurker (which would probably mean jtan if it isn't CDR). | ||
United States3637 Posts
On July 13 2008 13:17 L wrote: Not to rely too much on the word of a dead mafioso, but L did help confirm Bockit's guilt with one of his zombie posts, so he may have let something slip again.And as a sidenote: Mafia has NEVER had all twenty members active. If we did, we'd have had random in the mayorship, and we'd have had a complete list of bodyguards to slaughter on day 1.... If we take L's post at face value, some of the Mafia were inactive at the time of the election and did not vote for anyone at all. This late in the game, I don't know whether that's even useful information, but it may be worth checking up on that first vote count. Wow, I just spent like 2 hours posting in this thread. I'll check back on Day 20, hopefully. | ||
United Kingdom6056 Posts
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United States690 Posts
If CDRdude is mafia, that means that ahrara_ Lysithea Ninja4ever. SoleSteeler Romance_us NatsuTerran SoMuchBetter one of they are Mr Orange (I am near certain that Blonde is Hotzhot). SoleSteeler and Lysithea were the first two to vote for BWdero; however Lysithea is on the randombum list. Ninja4ever is also on randombum list, NatsuTerran and Romance_us have like no info (Natsu is summer in Japanese), and SoMuchBetter has some creepy guy on his profile. What do we know about Orange? he has weird weapons: + Show Spoiler + wire clippers: ![]() beer bottle: ![]() pistol & dagger (these may be an exception): ![]() ![]() knife: ![]() fireworks: ![]() they're all kinda cylindrical. also, things get broken: "he noticed the phone line had been cut" "and it shattered into pieces" "Mr. Orange had landed a dagger right on the phone line cutting him off." "finished cutting off unsoundlogics house from the rest of the world" "as they tore him apart from several points" this may be of importance, but i don't see how: "Scorch seemed the best for this opportunity he thought, so he set about waterproofing several rather potent explosives for the job. Once his target was sleeping Mr. Orange made his move, he injected a sedative to keep Scorch asleep" waterproof??? sedative??? so assuming CDRdude is mafia, which of the rest of the people on the Mandalor list could these apply to? could it be solesteeler: "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold"? but why would he advocate lynching BWdero, unless he knew that BWdero was going to be lynched anyways? also, he is usually always in the top or middle when lynching, even for mafia, quite unmafia-like. jtan could be a better fit for Blue, but then either ahrara or iNfUnDiBuLuM would be Orange. ahrara: Afghanistan? that doesn't really fit, but he keeps saying he's mafia. iNfUnDiBuLuM is linked to Blue sorta, so if jtan is Blue, then iNfUnDiBuLuM would be presumed innocent. Anyways, I think the town has this won. Let's say we lynch CDRdude tomorrow. Then we have showtime list: qrs ahrara iNfUnDiBuLuM 3 members left, one mafia. Mafia kills three people, probably on Mandalor list, or maybe a mix 1/9 (~11%) Mafia. 2/14 (~14%) Mafia. or they kill the new comers. let's say they kill 3 of the guaranteed innocents. then town lynches another on showtime list, if CDRdude isn't mafia; two left on that list. Mafia kills the last 3 guaranteed innocents. town lynches another on showtime list, let's say he's not mafia either. one CONFIRMED mafia. probably on the mandalor list, leaving 6 confirmed innocents and one confirmed mafia on that list. mafia kills 3 confirmed innocents. town lynches confirmed mafia; mafia kills last 3 confirmed innocents. now we have 2/13 mafia on the non-mandalor list. suppose we lynch at random..and get it wrong. 2/12 mafia. mafia kills 3. 2/9 mafia. we lynch wrong again. 2/8 mafia. mafia kills 3. 2/5 mafia. mafia wins, even if we lynch correctly. but then we have all these clues tying townies to mafia. mafia would need at least 7 more days to win. now assuming we get one random lynch right because of clues, then mafia would need much more days to win. and we also have vets (one of whom is probably going to die tonight) so that would make it at least another day. the town just needs four active voters to outvote mafia each day. until we kill the one on the showtime list. then the town only needs 3. so lynching order is: CDRdude if CDRdude is green, jtan? showtime list? iNfuNdiBuLuM? i'd think reducing showtime list is the best. if CDRdude is red, hotzhot? solesteeler? | ||
United States5625 Posts
On July 15 2008 01:56 ydg wrote: so lynching order is: CDRdude if CDRdude is green, jtan? showtime list? iNfuNdiBuLuM? i'd think reducing showtime list is the best. if CDRdude is red, hotzhot? solesteeler? CDRdude I think you should lynch jtan ![]() | ||
United States16096 Posts
whats going on with the game? | ||
Armenia1590 Posts
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United States942 Posts
19 mafia left to kill, 19 mafia left, you look one down, shoot him down, 18 mafia left to kill... (19 mafia cycles later) ..... ..... 4 mafia left to kill, 4 mafia left, you pick a random, shoot him down,....3 MAFIA LEFT TO GO I'M GETTING FUCKING TIRED OF SINGING THIS BEER SONG. HURRY THE FUCK UP | ||
Canada2299 Posts
All I got to say is... nemy hanging idiots =P ahrara_ still needs a lynch. (edit: I saw a list with his name crossed out, is he dead? I just checked day/night posts) Who knows when I'll have internet next, but this looks fairly wrapped up. | ||
United States3637 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Ace ahrara_ CDRdude Mandalor araav qrs RowdierBob Empyrean NatsuTerran ghar Ziel Last Romantic d.arkive randombum Lysithea Ninja4ever iNfuNdiBuLuM Dr.Dragoon Abstained HotZhot Didn't vote Romance_us SoMuchBetter Puosu KF91 Kuja900 KorvspaD jtan DTDominion BuGzlToOnl ieatkids5 randombum SpiritoftheTuna Evilmonkey This does seem to confirm that most of the Mafia who didn't vote for randombum didn't vote at all. Mandalor had a particular reason for voting for Ace, as he wanted to infiltrate the inner circle posing as a detective. Voting for Ace may have been intended to help his cover. With that exception, it seems unlikely that other mafiosi voted for Ace, as he was the one candidate standing between randombum and the mayorship. It was quite close at the end, too (30/28 by Chuiu's count), and judging by their last-minute vote switches, the Mafia were quite seriously trying to get randombum in as mayor, not just pardoner. By these lights, perhaps jtan/iNfuNdiBuLuM are better candidates for Mr. Blue/the Showtime! mafioso than CDRdude. Either way, we'll find out pretty soon, no doubt. updated | ||
United States3652 Posts
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Poland1092 Posts
One hundred years man! + Show Spoiler + of this mafia game lol ![]() | ||
3470 Posts
![]() Mr. Blonde started off the night with a bang as he charged into the home of SoleSteeler. SoleSteeler alarmed at the sound was on his way to investigate but no match for Mr. Blondes pure speed as he ran towards him and tackled him to the ground. Mr. Blonde jumped up from SoleSteeler's body and did a back flip then fell back to towards SoleSteeler's chest leading with his elbow landing a hard blow cracking several ribs. SoleSteeler couldn't even begin to match Mr. Blonde and was quickly finished off by his following attacks. Mr. Orange wanted to be a little more cautious but since Mr. Blonde had awoken the neighborhood to his presence he had to act quickly. He made sure all forms of escape were closed off as he made his way to his victim for the night. MasterOfChaos was at his window peering outward when Mr. Orange entered in the room. MasterOfChaos turned quickly around to see Mr. Orange right before he quickly unloaded several rounds into MasterOfChaos's body. Mr. Blue didn't wish to risk getting caught either, the police undoubtedly on their way already, so he went for his stealth kill from outside the building approach. He backed his truck up to the room Fen was in and slid out a huge buzz-saw contraption. With a little alignment and some prep work he flipped a switch and it went to work. Cutting cleanly and swiftly through the wall Fen had no chance to survive or get out of its way. [noCluesArea] Time to lynch someone! When voting I would like you to use this thread: As common courtesy to other players posting your vote in this thread also makes it easier for everyone to see which side you're on as you make your decisions. A vote count will be done tomorrow sometime and I will move to night the day after that. | ||
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