Realm: Europe Your name: ZiGGY. Hacker name: mendex Replay: http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/159544-3v3-terran-protoss-dig-site Replay2: http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/159570-3v3-terran-protoss-dig-site
I just had a funny little game on the EU server with a guy who was reacting so fast to reaper harass I was sure he had an observer.. then proceeded to roll me with stalkers lol.
Upon looking at the replay I have noticed the player Mendex is randomly staring at the fog of war via minimap clicking and viewing the fog, I have paused the replay at these times and every single time there has been a reaper in the location, even before (afaik) reapers were revealed to be in play. Now, I'm not saying he's cheating but it does look really suspicious to me and I was hoping some of you folks would take a look at it and tell me what you think.
EDIT: Ok I just played this guy again, there is no question this time the guy is maphacking, in the second replay he just insta views over a reaper way off in the fog for a split second then back to his base.
caught quite a famous Player of RAZERS serious-gaming Team!
Realm : EU
Your name: GehHeim Hacker Name: RAZERservyoa Replay: http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/159700-1v1-terran-zerg-gutterhulk
Description: (watch the replay at normal speed!) 4:23 He scrolls over my Mainbase without giving any orders 5:13 When I sent out 2 Lings for Scouting the map he moves with 3 Marines and WBF out to catch them, its quite unusal in Mastersleague to go out with 3 Marines after the 5 Minutemark when these are your only Units! cause 10 Zerglings will make you lose the Game 5:53 when he pokes up my front he scrolls up over the whole natural without giving any orders 6:23 he selects his Marines before and gives themattackorder the order the milicsecond my overlord gets in line of sight - but ok that could just be perfect control and minimapwatching 9:36 he pokes again my front with some Hellions, before he retreats he scrolls again over my natural to see how many roaches there really are, the hellions could only see the first few but the ultimate proof is: 10:29 he grabs all his units and attackmoved in his own base right on the position of my nydusworm building. He did not not scouted before if got nydustech, he did not knew there was an overlord in that corner, he did not spot that area the whole game long (not only fog of war, there was dark fog so he never spotted that area) for 10minutes and 29seconds but he sent all his units there about 1 second after i started nydusworm
On April 04 2011 14:10 majestouch wrote: i have no hackers to identify, however, i have a question regarding hacker-reporter(s).
are any hacking reports (submitted AND confirmed) by tGNoStrA [scrub zerg on NA server] taken seriously? this dipshit calls ANYONE he loses to a hacker. And I mean ANYONE. He has called my friend a hacker once(and all of his team mates), called me a hacker twice (spread 1 month apart); the guy is a total tool his way of alleviating rage is manifested through calling opponents hackers and I wouldn't want anyone wrongly accused.
did a quick search of thread and saw nothing submitted by this guy, however, if he does submit it make sure to watch with scrutiny
edit: i know the guy from ladder he was 3700masters last season (na)
I can confirm he is a terrible terrible Zerg player that calls anyone he loses to a hacker.
Just ignore him and report him for harassment/spam.
+ Show Spoiler +On April 06 2011 01:46 sieesch wrote:caught quite a famous Player of RAZERS serious-gaming Team! Realm : EU Your name: GehHeim Hacker Name: RAZERservyoa Replay: http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/159700-1v1-terran-zerg-gutterhulkDescription: (watch the replay at normal speed!) 4:23 He scrolls over my Mainbase without giving any orders 5:13 When I sent out 2 Lings for Scouting the map he moves with 3 Marines and WBF out to catch them, its quite unusal in Mastersleague to go out with 3 Marines after the 5 Minutemark when these are your only Units! cause 10 Zerglings will make you lose the Game 5:53 when he pokes up my front he scrolls up over the whole natural without giving any orders 6:23 he selects his Marines before and gives themattackorder the order the milicsecond my overlord gets in line of sight - but ok that could just be perfect control and minimapwatching 9:36 he pokes again my front with some Hellions, before he retreats he scrolls again over my natural to see how many roaches there really are, the hellions could only see the first few but the ultimate proof is: 10:29 he grabs all his units and attackmoved in his own base right on the position of my nydusworm building. He did not not scouted before if got nydustech, he did not knew there was an overlord in that corner, he did not spot that area the whole game long (not only fog of war, there was dark fog so he never spotted that area) for 10minutes and 29seconds but he sent all his units there about 1 second after i started nydusworm
I dont think this guy hacks at all
so what made him running all his units to a corner exact the second my nydus starting?
On April 06 2011 03:42 sieesch wrote: so what made him running all his units to a corner exact the second my nydus starting?
It's suspicious but not proof. Some people are dumb enough that what they do proves they hack. This is just odd but not proof in my book. If there are more replays with this kind of stuff about I'm sure they will surface.
Stopped at page 16, so ill be updating this through page 20 sometime today.
Sorry for the delay but as Foreplay noted i was banned
On April 06 2011 03:49 Deja Thoris wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 06 2011 03:42 sieesch wrote: so what made him running all his units to a corner exact the second my nydus starting?
It's suspicious but not proof. Some people are dumb enough that what they do proves they hack. This is just odd but not proof in my book. If there are more replays with this kind of stuff about I'm sure they will surface.
Well we talking about high masters here, so ofc he is a good player and for sure he is smart enough to hide his mh overall, which you see especially when he pokes my front to to scroll over the natural. But when he got in panicmode cause there was a nydus there was no choice for him he had to show is maphack tricks or lose.
Playing vs high master makes ppl also predictable, when you poke at frnot and have to retreat 99% of good terrans will first check if their macro is going Orbital/Rax etc. and call some mules, noone pokes and scroll over the natural under fog of wall after that
Realm : North America Your name : mizzao Hacker Name : ZoXc Replay: Replay Description : Zerg does a 6 pool, 5 drone all in without any scouting. Also looks at my base a few times under the fog of war. I defend the rush, he keeps looking at my base. Obvious things to note : I defend it with a lucky supply depot completing my wall, so the zerg goes back to his base and starts mining. The few minutes after my rush defense are the obvious tells: he keeps looking at my choke several times with no vision of it. Quits after seeing there's no hope.
This game is pretty short, but the many peeks at my base with no vision are telling. I hope other people who have played against this creep can corroborate.
Edit: The guy actually responded to messages afterward:
You: you should probably stop maphacking before you get banned my friend ZoXc has reconnected. You: stay on the good side ZoXc: did i win? You: nope, you lost ZoXc: then why u mad You: and after you lost you were dumb enough to look at my base 4 more times in the fog of war not mad, just reporting you and also posted the replay in the TL database enjoy your account while it lasts ZoXc: good for u You: gj wasting 60 bucks for sc + whatever you paid for the maphack ZoXc: mizz ? are u a girl?
I have a feeling that I am going to get wrongfully reported and conformed
-I have a low APM but I beat alot of high APM players -I constantly check the geography of the map in Fog of war to formulate how I should attack or siege my opponent's base. -Sometimes, I randomly drop at the expansion assuming that they would have a third base by this time. Sometimes I'm wrong and there is nothing there and sometimes I am right. -In PvP, if I don't get enough info, I just blindly assume my opponent is four gating me -If my opponent is Z and doesn't expand and has a spawning pool and a gas, I just assume that they'll probably roach rush me. -If my opponent is Terran and doesn't wall off, I assume that they are going to play aggressive -Sometimes I mess up my scout queue and the probe goes to a middle base and it is the correct base -Sometimes I forget to scout but my standard built is just to well-rounded
I don't know but I am paranoid. I like taking risks and being greedy.
Format: 1v1 Realm : North America Your name : zimz Hacker Name : evotakahishi Replay : [url blocked] Description : watch from his pov, he never sees my base on a 4 player map yet he proxy 2gate inside my base on delta quadrant.
Realm : North America Your name : GenHarrison Hacker Name : HighTimeS Replay : http://topreplays.com/Replays/Details/5972/HighTimeS_vs_GenHarrison Description :
On four player map Tal Darim HighTimeS sends out a probe directly to my base without scouting. Then as my scouting probe moves out he moves his probe out of the way to avoid detection. After looking through the fog to make sure my scouting probe is gone he proceeds to place a proxy pylon and 2 gates all without scouting...This was a master league game so I'm not quite sure what kind of person would proxy on a 4 player map without scouting unless they had a maphack and knew where the other player was. Many examples of him looking through fog of war during the game.
On April 06 2011 03:49 Deja Thoris wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2011 03:42 sieesch wrote: so what made him running all his units to a corner exact the second my nydus starting?
It's suspicious but not proof. Some people are dumb enough that what they do proves they hack. This is just odd but not proof in my book. If there are more replays with this kind of stuff about I'm sure they will surface.
It was the only place he couldn't see, and he could hear it..
He doesn't move before he hears it so thats not suspicious at all. The roach issue was fine too, not sure why you think he was hacking.
Realm: NA Name: LaGTTDuckS Hacker Name: Samyaza Replay: LaGTTDuckS vs Samyaza ![[image loading]](http://www.topreplays.com/img/layout/download.png) Description: Sketchy game i've got here just played it. first he lags the game profusely, only scouts one spawn with an OL.. doesn't see my base or what i'm doing and blindly ling/bling's me. this could scream MH but he doesnt kill a probe i have on a xel tower for awhile, so i think it kinda rules it out.. just strange to blindly do something like that.
but what really registers with me is when i transition into a 6gate after surviving the all in. i take it to his base, easy game for me by here. i kill a few roaches but i don't think the hack is enabled at that point..? I think you can enable/disable whenever you feel. because when i took out his natural and started launching FF's, he started burrowing individual roaches like a boss, WHILE all of his roaches were selected.
Obvious things to note: His roaches are all selected while he burrows an individual one. His APM spikes to about high 300s-400s - this isn't counting the extra apm from normal time to blizz's faster time.. so it could be anywhere from 400s-500s His roaches aren't selected for a few seconds but they still seem to burrow.. It would also seem this hack was just released judging by the recent speculation, so, this can be much more than a coincidence.
+ Show Spoiler +On April 09 2011 09:23 DuckS wrote:Realm: NA Name: LaGTTDuckS Hacker Name: Samyaza Replay: LaGTTDuckS vs Samyaza Description: Sketchy game i've got here just played it. first he lags the game profusely, only scouts one spawn with an OL.. doesn't see my base or what i'm doing and blindly ling/bling's me. this could scream MH but he doesnt kill a probe i have on a xel tower for awhile, so i think it kinda rules it out.. just strange to blindly do something like that. but what really registers with me is when i transition into a 6gate after surviving the all in. i take it to his base, easy game for me by here. i kill a few roaches but i don't think the hack is enabled at that point..? I think you can enable/disable whenever you feel. because when i took out his natural and started launching FF's, he started burrowing individual roaches like a boss, WHILE all of his roaches were selected. Obvious things to note: His roaches are all selected while he burrows an individual one. His APM spikes to about high 300s-400s - this isn't counting the extra apm from normal time to blizz's faster time.. so it could be anywhere from 400s-500s His roaches aren't selected for a few seconds but they still seem to burrow.. It would also seem this hack was just released judging by the recent speculation, so, this can be much more than a coincidence.
Seen a few replays like this recently, the burrow micro is the only thing that spikes the APM, and you are right, he can still macro and burrow individual roach's while still selecting all of his units.
I think its a new hack with the new patch.
On April 06 2011 01:46 sieesch wrote:caught quite a famous Player of RAZERS serious-gaming Team! Realm : EU Your name: GehHeim Hacker Name: RAZERservyoa Replay: http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/159700-1v1-terran-zerg-gutterhulkDescription: (watch the replay at normal speed!) 4:23 He scrolls over my Mainbase without giving any orders 5:13 When I sent out 2 Lings for Scouting the map he moves with 3 Marines and WBF out to catch them, its quite unusal in Mastersleague to go out with 3 Marines after the 5 Minutemark when these are your only Units! cause 10 Zerglings will make you lose the Game 5:53 when he pokes up my front he scrolls up over the whole natural without giving any orders 6:23 he selects his Marines before and gives themattackorder the order the milicsecond my overlord gets in line of sight - but ok that could just be perfect control and minimapwatching 9:36 he pokes again my front with some Hellions, before he retreats he scrolls again over my natural to see how many roaches there really are, the hellions could only see the first few but the ultimate proof is: 10:29 he grabs all his units and attackmoved in his own base right on the position of my nydusworm building. He did not not scouted before if got nydustech, he did not knew there was an overlord in that corner, he did not spot that area the whole game long (not only fog of war, there was dark fog so he never spotted that area) for 10minutes and 29seconds but he sent all his units there about 1 second after i started nydusworm
The accuser deserves a ban for this unwarranted mess of an accusation. There is literally no proof of anything other than incompetence from the Zerg player in the replay provided. Every single time stamp provided shows perfectly normal behaviour from the Terran player.
4:23: he gave a move command to his scouting SCV! 5:13: he sent the marines out before the trajectory of the lings was even visible 5:53: that's an artifact from having a high scroll speed, certainly not the "he's looking at my natural through the fog!" as suggested by the accuser 6:23: perfectly normal response from a high level player 9:36: he literally scrolls up slightly to get a better view of the sunkens and roaches, which were already in visibile range... 10:29: the only even remotely suspicious action, nowhere near enough to accuse a player of map hacking. I'd rank this under luck, more than anything. GehHeim added five 'lesser' suspicious moves to pad his (extremely weak) case.
GehHeim is a terrible player and it makes sense for him to make terrible accusations.
Format: 1v1 Realm : Europe Your name : RAGECyclone Hacker Name : xitoxicNL Replay : http://drop.sc/4681 Description : Obvious map hack, looks through fog of war in my base (4 players map) and makes in-base gate/forge to counter my 7pool.
Since Blizzard is so slow with the bans, this kid will probably get in Grand Master League soon ...
Realm : Europe Your name : Daydreamer.101 Hacker Name : Enigmatic Replay : None (Crashed/Drophack) Description : Me and two friends was playing 4v4 on Megaton, clearly about to win, had armies in their base then all 3 of us got SC2 crash error, logged in back instantly and found ourselves with a loss, so obviously the 4th guy got dropped too. Two of the guys from the other team already GG'd out before this happen.
Since all 3 of us got a crash error report we thought this was very suspicious and decided to check people's profile and found Enigmatic with an extremely fishy profile/history.
http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/903797/1/Enigmatic/matches This is how it looks at the time of my posting: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/1.jpg
I've tried my best to take as much screenshots as proof of drop from his games. There are ones where the he wins before 1 minute and others before 6 minutes. I've included some screenshots of graphs from games hes won, looking at graphs its fairly obvious the people dropped mid way, as everything from army and economy value is high but there is no sign there was a final battle for example.
Here is the score for our game: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00003.jpg and the graph: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00004.jpg
1v1 drop http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00005.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00012.jpg
2v2 drop http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00013.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00014.jpg
3v3 drop http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00006.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00015.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00016.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00017.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00018.jpg
4v4 drop http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00010.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00011.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v718/Wanime/SC2 cheater/2011-04-09_00019.jpg
I would want to add more screens but do not want to spam, again I like to add why I screenshot graphs as there are many games above 6minutes where he got a win and looking at graphs it's quite obvious nothing happened when the game stopped as there was no battle etc, or you can see he lost his army or workers and he just rage'd and dropped everyone.
He has clocked over 1000 wins unchecked and it seems he mostly does it on team battle, he does a few 1v1 but as screenshots show they are always instant drop. A lot of his games he is shown near the bottom of the score as well so it doesn't match up with his 1v1 ranking.
If people want to see his match history and scores closer can see for yourself going to his profile from my match history (Megaton loss -8 game). Almost all the games you see the graph stops showing no battle or anything happening. Really angered me seeing he must been at this for quite a while and still going 1300+ games :|
Sorry for long post, but since me and my friends crashed there was no replay saved, and since it's a suspected drop hack or whatever I've tried my best to provide evidence through match history and screens.