1. Amp up my studies. 2. Start a business (which works well with 1st) 3. Get more stable sleep schedule without increasing hours slept 4. Quit smoking (as I am moving away from "bad influence") 5. Care less about others and start paying attention to my self. (Sounds bad but when it's something you've done for 10years in the row it is more burden than anything)
1. Getting better studying habits for school (I can do it! :D) 2. Start working out - getting into shape 3. Get a gf(!) 4. Find more time for SC2, get into masters, atleast top diamond. (I'm top platinum now)
1) try to avoid my shyness 2) work more at school 3) try to be high ranked in master league
my new years resolution was to not drink pop anymore, even though i didn't drink much anyway.
also during the night i entered in a raffle not knowing the prize and won a years worth of mountain dew.
I never make resolutions lol, never stick to them, bet a lot here wont either -_-, but GLHF!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
1) Improve my diet. 2) Drink more water. 3) Manage my finances more effectively.
1) Murder the ACT 2) Murder the AP tests
I have the usual stuff stop being lazy and do things mostly and also convince all the pc fps people i know that halo (for a consol fps) is great i saw this today and it just reminded me that halo gets a lot shit it doesn't deserve i know people like what they like and hate what they hate but hating something you don't know is kinda stupid imo.
1) Work harder at this college that I'm paying big bucks for 2) Manage my rage that seems to permeate my interactions with everything (relationships, gaming, politics) 3) Have more fun and enjoy this short life
1. Study harder 2. Train harder (gym) 3. Party harder 4. And get a good girlfriend.
1. Fitness goals, specifically cutting down on my 3 mile time 2. 4.0 GPA semester 3. get that promotion at work 4. get into diamond league (baby steps yo) 5. actually create a reservoir in my savings account instead of going paycheck to paycheck 6. Get into Code S
complete 1000 original conceptual designs, get my conceptart.org sketchbook up to 15 pages and get a comic series started. all my resolutions are challenges to complete artwise XD.
1. wanna get ALOT better in sc. 2. improve my flirt skills. 3. more streaming  4. finish my work and do a job I like. 5. never QQ`in again about imbalance.
1.Win 1 game vs. IdrA.... well I'm a bronze scrub sooooooo... 2.Less procrastination in HW and work 3. GET GOLD HONOR ROLL
Not getting hung over like a pig :/
Also get that 6pack going!
I resolve to play more SC2 and special tactics in 2012!
1. Lift more weights. 2. Start up MMA with a local training gym. 3. Get further in my career. 4. Quit my second job so I can spend more time with my family (coincides with 3.).