2012 is just around the corner guys and girls of TL! I wonder if you too have anything that you want to change or improve. As we are about to end 2011, let's reflect and write down our New Year's Resolution for 2012!
Me first
1. Have a more rigid study schedule 2. Read more, especially the classics, play SC a little bit less 3. less QQ on ladder. No more nerd tears 4. Save more money to buy stuff parents refuse to buy me next year :p 5. Be more patient and kind to girlfriend and have more time for her
Your turn...
1. Hit my fitness goals, which would mean that I'd add 140kg to my squat in only 17 months, as well as a bunch of other stuff. 2. Kick the GF out earlier; gotta get those 8 hours of sleep each night 3. No more beers, no more peer pressure into having a few each month. 4. Take SCII seriously and get good
1. Develop and implement better study habits 2. Finish and release an EP 3. Get a new job I love 4. Save money 5. Be ready to move out by the end of the year 6. Bring alcohol and MDMA consumption down to half of what it was in 2011
1. Run that marathon. 2. Get all the classes I've skipped done. 3. Cutting down on drinking, starting with an alcohol free January.
1.Masters. Masters or die. 2.Also going to try to accomplish some fitness goals. 3.Maybe start giving a shit about school but still undecided about that. EDIT: added numbers
1. Top class beach body by my Birthday (May 31st). 2. Finish Grade 12 with a 85% average or better. 3. Prepare for real-life more. 4. Go to Australia with my girlfriend next winter. 5. Leave my current shitty $14/h job and enter a non-retail position.
6. Quit SC2 ):
Avoid the NYR people in the gym. Buy an apartment.
1. Find a stable job. 2. Quit drinking soda (Was going to do this last year but it's so delicious ;_; ) 3. Find a place of my own. 4. Exercise more, get back into shape.
1. Learn to play Terran and reach atleast diamond. 2. Stop being so lazy 3. Separate myself from the people who might bring problems in my life.
And ofcourse
Attempt to transition from community pharmacy to an industrial setting if possible! =(((((
1 Get rich 2 Finish school with a 4.0+ gpa 3 Do more exercise 4 Masters rank 50+ 5 Don't watch streams while "working"
Start lifting more seriously Train my memory Get adequate sleep
(junior in highschool so bear with me lol)
4.0 GPA for last semester. 3.86 at minimum Masters (diamond now) bench: 195 max to 240 max by next august (start of football season) squat: max from ~350 ish now to around 415 by august. get a girlfriend for christ sakes Put on weight. 185 pounds now, want to be 215 by august.
meh i'm not necessarily giving up anything, just trying to add on.
1 no chinese restaurants for me 2 wake up on time
Most of the points have to do with a fundamental flaw in my psychological profile. I get satisfaction from doing various things but I don't get any from being particularly good in them. Also, I have a tendency to get satisfied from making a girl fall for me and not going through with the relationship, which is sad both for me and the girl... SO!
1. Many more books (and find time for them) 2. Much more guitar practicing (and get the group together again) 3. More studying for the university and for the swedish language classes 4. Finally get top dia/masters with my beloved zerg 5. Almost done but I have to set it as a goal here: Get that girl
1. Spend quality time with my gf and daughter and upcoming child 2. at least 300k profit, hopefully run like god and win a MTT 3. No more starcraft 4. Oh and maybe work out, meh T_T
1. Go to burning man (Already have my ticket!) 2. Finish my first invention 3. get into masters 4. get my pilots license
I want to save money for at trip to South Korea and say hallo to Artosis & co.
1. follow through on my new years resolution 2. nothing
i win
but seriously not to be a downer or anything 90% of you guys won't follow through on even half of your list... new years resolutions just dont work (for me personally but i'm assuming it applies to most people)
Lose the flab, get my bench up to 2 plate, 4.0 for rest of year, get a good summer job, get a car, master league (probably the most unlikely one here).