1. Go to the gym more regularly during the school year 2. Get ~40 on my MCAT (stupid test I hate you I'm going to study the crap out of you - poof goes a good chunk of summer) 3. Stop finding new ways to goof off after I stop playing SC2 during the school term (I played minesweeper this past semester omfg - 1000 games of 99mines in less than a week) 4. Meet new people! 5. Find a superawesome approach to life
1. Without a doubt a 4.0 gpa for the year 2. Reach top 8 rank of masters 3. Move on....cant emphasize this enough 4. Have a better year than the previous 5. Enjoy life
1. Best year from Day #1 2. Get priorities straightened out (School 1st etc.) and follow through 3. Less SC2 and more social life, my last year I burned my bridges to a lot of people 4. Go from AFC ---> PUA this year 5. Masters League
1. get enough points to permanently migrate to australia 2. get a real job 3. quit smoking 4. lose weight to at least under 100kg, currently at 115kg if possible, even down to 90kg or 80kg! in a healthy way of course 5. buy my own car 6. get a real computer (not a shitty craptop) 7. get a marshall tube amp (or equivalent), complete my pedal board (another 3-4 more) and possibly learn to improv if i have time and energy left after teaching kids all day 8. get a cat :3 (requires me to move out of my current place, decision will depend on location of work)
Having more than one or two things on a NYR list is pointless and things like "get in shape" and "study better" are horrible, horrible goals. Goals should be something you can actually work towards i.e. go to the gym 3 times a week and lose 5lbs or study for 2 hours, 5 days a week.
Be able to wake up at 6:30-7:30 and still be productive/alert for the rest of the day Get a job and do well at it Do better at school work Be more social
If I achieve all these things I should be able to complete a longer list of goals throughout this year. These are just the backbone of things that I will do to improve myself.
1 Reaching fitness goals. Rework my 100kg so that there are more muscles in there and little less coca cola. 2 Succesfully write a raycasting engine in Java or C#. 3 With my teams android game, win the sponsorship my school is offering. 4 Masters league 5 Becoma good at starcraft 2(currently diamond) 6 Make money of a game i'vewritten
I for one will find a divorced couple with 2 kids ( it was 2 right ? ), 1 fast Russian that is likely afflicted with the Mafia and has 2 girls and a body guard that know how to pilot industrial sized plane, an inexperienced that is starting a relationship with the divorced women and escape the end of the world ... thats what really matters. That and i have a 700 pages long book on physics from the 80's and a chemistry book about 500 pages long... also quite old but didn't found the date that i found in my dads library, they are really well translated and explain shit quite well compared to school books ( also they are way more in depth and cover way more things ), i only reed about 50 pages this month since i found them but maybe i will finish them next year if i have free time ( aka time when im not to lazy to do it :p ).