+ Show Spoiler +On July 31 2011 22:51 Ryo wrote:A twitter survey started by Korean fans, you can vote too: http://twitaddons.com/forum/detail.php?id=8416 / http://bit.ly/oPlKVH![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7mjXh.jpg) 설문제목: MBCgame을 지켜주세요 (Survey title: please keep MBCgame) 1.There are two options, both are the same thing: "MBC게임 폐지 반대합니다"(I object to the abolition of MBCGame). Click any one. 2. Then choose your region (지역). The last option under 지역 is 해외/기타 (overseas/others). The rest of the options are regions in Korea. 3. Then choose your age range (나이). 10s, 20s, 30s etc. 4. Then choose your gender. 남/여 (male/female) 설문기간 (survey period) is 2011-07-31 ~ 2011-08-14 5. Click on the link that says 로그인하시면 투표를 하실수 있습니다 (Login to vote). Edit: Okay, it seems to work for most people, pls add this to the OP, thanks! Signed. And apparently 60% of the petitioners are female. Nice.
i really dont see how this is going to affect sc2, Maybe in korea ever so slightly but sc2 is so world wide now.
On August 01 2011 03:27 bITt.mAN wrote:+ Show Spoiler +<3 all the help, and the cheerfuls I don't know how soon PoP will check his PM so I'll just post this here, because I need the help NOW + Show Spoiler [resolved, again ( +Dude, Thanks so much for helping out all that you've done with my thread, it'd be lost already without you so thanks tons. But one thing, I have no way of doing that thing you did and I want to ammend the message: @playmbcgame @mbcplus Please keep broadcasting E-Sports! We love MBCGame and the MSL! #savembcgame Should become @playmbcgame @mbcplus Please keep broadcasting E-Sports! We love MBCGame and the MSL! Sign ~~> http://twitition.com/eqmna/ <~~ #savembcgame Including the link to the twitition so that anyone who even SEES the Tweet will be able to vote (: I'll have it first thing and all over the OP once that's incorporated. ~bITt.mAN Ryo can you please make a picture of that, as in, fill it out properly (+ little red text of things if we aren't supposed to copy them direct) and SS it, plus an arrow pointing at what button to press to vote if we're already logged in? Thanks! Edit: See post below
Well I did it, but I was already logged in so instead of the one you wrote about there were two, so I'm not sure if it worked :E
On August 01 2011 05:47 bITt.mAN wrote: Well I did it, but I was already logged in so instead of the one you wrote about there were two, so I'm not sure if it worked :E Okay, I see what you mean, I've changed the instructions...
A twitter survey started by Korean fans, you can vote too:
http://twitaddons.com/forum/detail.php?id=8416 or http://goo.gl/vt03Q
설문제목: MBCgame을 지켜주세요 (Survey title: please keep MBCgame)
설문기간 (survey period) is 2011-07-31 ~ 2011-08-14
Step 1. Click on the statement that says 로그인하시면 투표를 하실수 있습니다.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XOP7Y.jpg)
If you have given authorization to twitaddons, you will arrive at this page:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/o0lMP.jpg)
Step 2.There are two options, both are the same thing: "MBC게임 폐지 반대합니다"(I object to the abolition of MBCGame). Click any one.
Step 3. Then choose your region (지역). The last option under 지역 is 해외/기타 (overseas/others). The rest of the options are regions in Korea.
Step 4. Then choose your age range (나이). 10s, 20s, 30s etc.
Step 5. Then choose your gender. 남/여 (male/female)
Step 6. Click on the link that says 투표하기 to vote.
After you've voted, this message will automatically be tweeted from your account:
"MBC플러스미디어의 MBCgame 을지켜주세요 채널폐지반대합니다 @MBCplus #savembcgame @withkcc (리트윗요청)" 설문에 투표하셨습니다 http://bit.ly/oPlKVH
Btw, the Korean fan who created the survey has added a link to this thread onto the voting site.
On July 31 2011 00:32 MK4512 wrote: I know that MBC game is important to E-Sports in general, but it is a little dis-ingenuous for me to trick them into thinking I will be watching it (I wont, I havent really gotten into bw at all), they may continue broadcasting MBC game for a little longer, but it might have even harder effects on the company itself (taking more of a loss).
Anyways, I hope it survives because it's obviously very important, but I can't justify creating fake interest that could hurt the company.
gl guys I felt the same way just now.. too bad I already voted.
I guess this finally gave me a reason to get twitter
Finally got twitter just for this... Save MBCGame!
Kkk, slight exaggeration maybe, but we're all familiar with computers and the interwebz
apparently Perfective is also showing his support to save MBC Game.
Someone should make a group on facebook about this.
On July 27 2011 23:55 Craton wrote: What are you even going to accomplish with this thread other than spam people who are already in favor of MBCGame not closing?
International fans do not factor into the earnings of MBCGame as a channel. They don't make money off of us.
-Players/staff associated with BW are already going to want MBCGame to stay, so messages to them are just spam. -Generic "save MBCGame" messages will consist of 99%+ people that are not MBCGame customers, so no matter how big an outpouring you get, it will just be ignored because it's essentially meaningless. As heatwarming as it might be to know there are people who still care, at the end of the day what matters for a company is earning money and international fans simply don't earn them money.
I fear all this thread will accomplish is aggravating people [Koreans] who are already in favor of this.
I completly agree with this guy, they dont give a f nuff said.
On August 01 2011 19:18 BLinD-RawR wrote:apparently Perfective is also showing his support to save MBC Game. oh?
ALl right im on here and did the tweets
I support this! - give me KOREAN ESPORTS :/