The Champions Feedback ThreadGeneral Warning: Do not caster bash in this thread. If there's something specific you don't like about OGN's casting, use the Feedback thread above for constructive criticism. Otherwise, don't comment about it. ~ Neo, 30.03.12, 20:25 KST |
On April 11 2012 10:37 NeoIllusions wrote: Pool matches so far have been completely underwhelming. But I would still suggest you take a look at some of the VODs if you have the spare time. If you're a bona fide LoL fan, getting to know the Korean scene will be helpful.
To say the least, KR scene a different playstyle from NA and EU. Even if we're talking simply about picks and bans. Just to second this, currently in the pool stages there is a large discrepancy in ability between the favourites in the group and the rest, unlikes say IPL4 where legitimately anyone could make it through to the next round. Once we move to the Quaterfinals though, I suspect the competition will be much more fierce.
And MiG v Hunters is live!
Hunters Bans: LULU, Lee Sin, Kassadin MiG Bans: Shen, Vayne, Mundo
Hunters Picks: Janna; Caitlyn Swain; Jax Riven MiG Picks: Graves Ryze; Alistar Olaf; AMUMU
20,000 people watching Dyrus play and only 3000 people watching korean tournament with English commentary.
Crazy LoL community.
Interesting picks to say the least, we don't see much Mummy, Swain or Jax...
Really good help on blue for amu and he can save smite to steal red. I'd say mumu is slightly ahead at this point, very nice
Wait, they picked Jax after Olaf? Doesn't he get destroyed like all melee-only champs?
I would think Olaf shits on Jax, Q and E too stronk, but never played the matchup. Yeap, he is definately winning those trades.
Ryze gets ganked for FB y Riven and Swain, gold still pretty much equal as MiG farmed better (except bot). Ryze had flash down so he couldn't avoid Nevermove after the flash-Q from Swain.
Nice juke on both jax and riven stun and then YOU CANNOT BE DISABLED
Can't gank ghost Olaf after level 6. He didn't eat too much damage from Jax but had to ult to avoid Riven's stun.
Cait stays at lane far too long, low hp, no summoners. Gets tower dove.
MiG 800 gold ahead at the 10 minutes mark, score is 1-1.
Edit: make it 1.5k gold, score 2-1 for MiG, I missed a Mummy ult-gank on Swain while I typed. Ryze almost died tho.
Ryze nearly gets ganked mid, flashes at last moment and gets clipped by nevermove but manages to W riven under turret range, mumu follows up with ult, turret finishes riven and ryze escapes below 100 health.
MiG clearly winning top lane, winning bot lane and even on mid.
Nice headbutt by Alistar sends Jax flying during his Leap Strike, before he can trigger the stun. Cait was ahead in the midgame but she's now clearly behind in cs and getting pushed/zoned from turret by Alistar's aggressiveness.
@above: I missed the gank but I saw Riven alive at the end. Tab also says death is from Swain.
Lot of ganking all around map and small skirmishes, but nothing really gained by either side from them. Dragon still uncontested at 13 minutes. Next death mid/jungle/bot is gonna signal a dragon for the victor.
4v4 mid and olaf dives like a man on Swain far past mid turret, gets him down and CANNOT BE DISABLED as he runs away, MiG goes for a drag.
And Olaf dives between both mid towers to finish off Swain, then ult to escape disables to safety. Alistar follows him under outer turret then Flash-Pulv near wraiths to slow down Hunters and ensure everyone's safety.
Looks like Olaf goes for Shurelya. Now you know where HS got his build from.
MiG invade blue, ryze gets a double kill and the blue for none. MiG firmly in the lead in every lane.
Olaf is smashing his lane, 50 cs up and a kill and 2 assists. Jax has to stack multiple dorans to survive.
Gank at Hunters' blue while MiG is trying to steal it, Ryze comes and both Riven and Jax get killed by him, Amumu was getting kinda low though.
MiG clearly in the lead simply from better farm and trades in lane giving them a big item advantage.
~6k gold advantage and 5-1 for MiG @17 minutes