On August 28 2015 01:05 opisska wrote: Wouldn't that be a shame if fldrn stopped being weird? Without weird people the world would be pretty bland. I think if he could just tone it down a little bit, he would fit perfectly. A good start would be if every other page of this thread weren't about him
I don't recall, was fluffy actually shauni, np or neither? In any case, I am too newschool to know stimey, won't free shauni, would free np and 6strings and could think of a couple other people who would be fun to have around, but some of them probably are and I just don't know it.
edit: of silly me, stimey is the guy running the two-man forum with jd. I am afraid he's not lettable in, he would just only post about how bad TL mods are probably. Jd himself probably still has many 1000+ alts around, so he is not a "free X" candidate.
Sign me up for #freesixstrings. Never free shauni. Others couldn't care about, their posts never amused me, just the drama they created. If we're unbanning people for drama, lets #freezerglingshepherd
On August 27 2015 13:50 Deathstar wrote: Blacks are currently discriminated against because their mainstream ideology, including rap, violence, and mysoginy, has no place in modern workplace. The blacks that adapt by doing basic things like wearing appropriate clothes, smiling, and being nice rise past their neighbors, and the blacks that cling to their buffoonery culture will stay in poverty, and rightfully so.
Immigrants rise past blacks because they adapt to the environment and learn what's proper and what's not to work in a business environment.
User was temp banned for this post.
for some reason this was in the japanese music thread
On August 27 2015 22:41 Dasoomms wrote: Ich kenne Niemand
weird account
Dasoomms was just banned by KadaverBB.
That account was created on 2015-08-27 10:43:12 and had 5 posts.
Reason: Signed up today and made 5 low content posts in 5 different topics in about 10 minutes.
On August 27 2015 13:50 Deathstar wrote: Blacks are currently discriminated against because their mainstream ideology, including rap, violence, and mysoginy, has no place in modern workplace. The blacks that adapt by doing basic things like wearing appropriate clothes, smiling, and being nice rise past their neighbors, and the blacks that cling to their buffoonery culture will stay in poverty, and rightfully so.
Immigrants rise past blacks because they adapt to the environment and learn what's proper and what's not to work in a business environment.
User was temp banned for this post.
for some reason this was in the japanese music thread
That account was created on 2015-08-27 10:43:12 and had 5 posts.
Reason: Signed up today and made 5 low content posts in 5 different topics in about 10 minutes.
Deathstar with the kind of post normally reserved for people who comment on USA Today articles complaining about the repercussions of speaking your mind and a Confederate flag in the profile picture.
I see some grains of truth in Deathstar's post tbh
I think the use of "buffoonery" is a bit too much qualifying for the intended message. That being said, race relations is yet another topic I'll add to things I don't see the point in discussing on TL.
I see some grains of truth in Deathstar's post tbh
Acting like violence and misogyny (by which I'll assume he means 'domination of the male' more than 'hatred of women') is not a basic component of literally every culture these days (and well before these days) is a bit ridiculous tbh (':
I see some grains of truth in Deathstar's post tbh
Acting like violence and misogyny (by which I'll assume he means 'domination of the male' more than 'hatred of women') is not a basic component of literally every culture these days (and well before these days) is a bit ridiculous tbh (':
Depends what you call "culture". Almost nobody I know would even openly pick up a physical fight and the "traditional gender roles" are pretty much deprecated in my social bubble.
I see some grains of truth in Deathstar's post tbh
Acting like violence and misogyny (by which I'll assume he means 'domination of the male' more than 'hatred of women') is not a basic component of literally every culture these days (and well before these days) is a bit ridiculous tbh (':
I meant the part to the culture leading to continued poverty, the sort of "crabs in the bucket" mentality. Like there's the people trying to succeed, and then there's the people saying stuff along the lines of "So what, do you think you're better than us now?"
Or as Chris Rock puts it:
I mean it exists in all corners of the society to some extent, and maybe it's because I went to school with a lot of black people, but it was definitely the most out in the open among blacks from what I saw.
I see some grains of truth in Deathstar's post tbh
Acting like violence and misogyny (by which I'll assume he means 'domination of the male' more than 'hatred of women') is not a basic component of literally every culture these days (and well before these days) is a bit ridiculous tbh (':
Depends what you call "culture". Almost nobody I know would even openly pick up a physical fight and the "traditional gender roles" are pretty much deprecated in my social bubble.
Violence goes much further than just plain physical violence. And yeah what I call by culture is something big, larger than one individual's social bubble, usually something roughly of the size of a nation in Europe, and probably in the US you can separate white, black, latino and maybe asian cultures from each other, although since I'm no expert on the US population I won't get into details here^^
I see some grains of truth in Deathstar's post tbh
Acting like violence and misogyny (by which I'll assume he means 'domination of the male' more than 'hatred of women') is not a basic component of literally every culture these days (and well before these days) is a bit ridiculous tbh (':
Depends what you call "culture". Almost nobody I know would even openly pick up a physical fight and the "traditional gender roles" are pretty much deprecated in my social bubble.
Violence goes much further than just plain physical violence. And yeah what I call by culture is something big, larger than one individual's social bubble, usually something roughly of the size of a nation in Europe, and probably in the US you can separate white, black, latino and maybe asian cultures from each other, although since I'm no expert on the US population I won't get into details here^^
It's not completely separable, there definitely is a sort of "united" American culture. It's got mostly white origins because the majority of the US is white, but there's definitely a mainstream culture that doesn't fully belong to any one race or group. Kinda like how black slang becomes used by every race over time. And even when you look at all the different groups, they all borrow elements from each other.
On August 28 2015 01:47 cordellb wrote: only blacks want the MULE back... free money
User was temp banned for this post.
Winner signature on this one too, "arbeit macht frei"
Thanks for pointing it out. I meant to check out if it was what I thought it was but forgot when I was talking to some of the other mods on skype. KBB took care of it
#free stymey No seriously, I'm sure that he would make you guys laugh, if you more than peruse it, his site is a love letter to tl and in many a tl fred he proved it. Then again I never met the guy with a keyboard between us. I did try, he seemed like a deep end, something I am always a sucker for.
Sorry for sort of offtopicness. I really was sad to see about "action jezus" bad press, I find the name awesome (poster not so not so, and the pro cheeser awesome yet dirty as can be <3)