On August 19 2010 15:34 DarthThienAn wrote:
From DarthThienAn: dear Piko, I updated it for you. Hope to see you around ^^. Princeton people - PM me, though I'm sure you don't exist. To everyone else - rather than complaining about her not updating it, why don't you just update it yourself? Maybe she was going to do it September 2010 when everyone went back to school. Or maybe she's moved on from TL (t.t). If people update it every page or so, it's only like minutes of work as opposed to a couple hours for one person. /endrant. Anyways, hf.
College Thread
Updated August 19.
Graduating year
Major/other info
Note: If you go to UMCP or CMU, PM me and I can hook you up with some SC peoples =D
+ Show Spoiler [College List] +
AGH University of Science and Technology
yenta ('09) - M.E. Applied Computer Science
Algonquin College
Kuo - Networking
Arizona State University
Xenixx ('09/'10) - Psychology / Network Admin, transfer from MCC
Pyrrhuloxia ('10) - Political Science
Atrioc ('12) - Economics
theKOT ('11) - Physics
Pervect ('13) - Electrical Engineering
pandaren.codemaster ('14) - Biomedical Engineering/pre-med
Auburn University
anotak ('11) - Software Engineering
Auburn University Montgomery
imabossdude ('10) - Accounting
Baylor University
ketomai ('13) - Biology/Premed
Berklee College of Music, Boston MA
Sentient66 ('14) - Guitar Performance, Music Production/ Engineering
Boston College
lowbright ('11) - Major: Chemistry / Minor: Economics
Two_DoWn ('11) - Economics & Communication
Boston University
omfghi2u2 ('13) - School of Hospitality Administration
sLiniss ('14) - Business (Finance/Marketing/other?)
dudeman001 ('13) - Business Administration
See.Blue ('11) - Economics/Mathematics
Brooklyn College
QuickStriker ('11/'12) - 2011-12? (unsure since I'm transferring with unknown # of credits that will be accepted, put me down for 2011 for now), Broadcast Journalism.....
Bloomfield College
d1sh0ng ('11) - Music Technology- Record Production/Audio Engineering
Brandeis University
Athos ('13) - History
Brigham Young University
Nylan ('14) - Philosophy (for now...)
California Institute of Technology
Saracen ('13)
klizzer ('13) - Electrical Engineering, might change this though
category ('10) - Mathematics
oxidized ('10) - Physics and Engineering & Applied Sciences
California Polytechnic State University
koreakool ('13) - Aerospace Engineering
frozenkatkiller ('11) - Electrical Engineering
California State University, Fullerton
anch ('10) - Finance
California State University, Long Beach
littlechava ('11) - Anthropology
Evopanda (Fall '11) - Accounting BS and Chinese BS
California State University, Northridge
NET ('12) - Environmental and Occupational Health
California State University, San Bernardino
Biochemist ('11) - Majoring in Biochemistry
California State University San Marcos
Carthac - Majoring in Psych
California State University Monterey Bay
zTz ('11) - International Business and Management
Cambridge University
Rope - Chemistry PhD.
Cardiff University
Megalolzz ('15) - medicine
Carnegie Mellon University
gzealot ('13) - School of Computer Science
R3condite ('11) - School of Computer Science
Snipinpanda ('12) - Electrical and Computer Engineering
piko ('13) - ECE, minor in CS
teh leet newb ('12) - Computer Science
Cobalt ('13) - Computer Science
Slynki ('12) - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
vishrut ('13) - ECE
d34gl3r ('13) - ece
Crunchums ('12) - math
nosliw - grad student in ChE
rotinegg ('11) - ece
Wineandbread ('14) - CIT; Materials Science & Engineering (possible double major in Biomed... pretty iffy on that though)
Send me or Snipinpanda a PM if you're interested in doing Collegiate Starcraft League next year, or are just interested in finding people to play with.
Case Western Reserve University
kNyTTyM ('13) - Bio (pre-med)
arlber ('11) - Electrical Engineering
yoden ('09/'10) - BS '09, MS '10, major: Computer Science
DreaM)XeRO ('14) - Biomedical Engineering
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Mavkar (since 2008) - Geography
Clark University
Noev ('13) - History
Clemson University
.Wilsh. ('11) - Computer Engineering
Colby College
Steelflight-Rx ('10) - Chemistry
The College of New Jersey
EFF_TotaL ('13)
Faronel ('14) - Combined Biomedical Engineering/Medical Degree program
College of San Mateo
TheComeback ('12) - Business
College of Southern Nevada
VorcePA - Mechanical Engineer
np.Resuscitate - Nursing major
College of William and Mary
EchOne ('10) - Marketing
Columbia University
skronch ('10) - Electrical Engineering
ydg ('12)
University ('13) - Econ and MESAAS
Cornell University
fanatacist (extramural) - first semester
hyst.eric.al ('12) - Biological Sciences
Cambium (?)
Dartmouth College
SpiritoftheTunA ('13) - probable major: physics / math doublemajor
Duke University
SilverskY ('11) - biomedical engineering
unsoundlogic ('12) - Biomed/Econ
ItchReliever ('10)
OneOther ('13) - poli sci (pre-law)
SerpentZFang ('14)
Emily Carr University
Emory University
LiLu ('12) - biology
DE_NaDA ('13) - Psychology with Minor in Music
ESSEC Business School, Paris
MK ('11) - International Management
The Evergreen State College
cgrinker - computer sciences
Fairfield University
Liquid`Zephyr ('10/11) - Psychology
Ferris State University
iSiN ('11) - Applied Mathematics; Computer Science Concentration, Computer Information Systems Minor
Florida Atlantic University
ubreakubuy ('11) - Civil Engineering
Full Sail Real World Education - Florida
Marahumm ('07) - Degree: Video Game Development
George Mason University
StorrZerg ('11) - Information Technology
theobsessed1 ('13) - Information Technology
Ranix ('14) - Information Technology
George Washington University
sharkeyanti ('11) - Music
ZlaSHeR ('13) - Mechanical Engineering
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Archerofaiur ('13)
Georgia Tech
hasuprotoss ('12) - mathematics
Ideas ('12) - computation media
Gettsyburg College
horang3 ('13) - Music Education
Glasgow Caledonian University
Eishi_Ki ('11) - Accounting and Finance
Grant MacEwan University
omgCRAZY ('14) - Computer Science Major/ Mathematics Minor. 1st year student
Grove City College
yeeuniie ('11) - International Business; people from CMU, hit me up!
Harvard University
jinjohn ('11) - Math (advisor: Richard Taylor, Rapoport-Zink cohomology, number theory)
Harvey Mudd College
joewest ('12) - Chemistry
ReketSomething ('12) - Possibly engineering
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
shroomz ('14) - MEng Chemical Engineering
Illinois State University
Lemonwalrus ('11/'12) - Biology
Indiana University
Xenocide_Knight - Violin Performance
Iowa State University
mcgriddle ('12) - Civil Engineering
Jacksonville University
Osmoses ('09) - Computer science
Johns Hopkins University
DN2perfectionGM ('10) - Biology
asdfTT123 ('09) - Chemistry
Zeri ('14) - Civil Engineering
Kansas University
zizou21 - French & Philosophy
CatioN ('12) - Psychology. Plan on getting my my masters and medical degree from there aswell
SojT - Philosophy and English -- Technical Writing
Kennesaw State University
Colbi ('09) - Communication (Journalism)
Kent State University
Shotcoder ('12) - History/Political Science Major
Kettering University (GMI)
petzergling ('13) - comp sci
London School of Economics
Gomas ('12) - BSc Economic History
Longwood University (Virginia)
w_Ender_w ('10) - Pre-medicine/Molecular Biology
Louisiana State University
wanderer ('10) - Mathematics
Black Gun ('10) - major: m.sc. statistics
Macalester College
tree.hugger ('13) - No Idea
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
KOFgokuon ('12/'13) - chemical engineering
Ninja[SiN] ('12)
McGill University
seppolevne ('10) - Physiology
AssuredVacancy ('13) - Biology
Xxio ('13) - East Asian Studies
Freaky[x] ('10/'11) - Major : Electrical Engineering, Masters : Telecommunications & Signal Processing, I have an office in McConnell on the 8th floor aka the secret floor where you have to take the elevator to the 7th floor then go up 1 floor using the stairs
McMaster University
Lightswarm ('13) - Life Science
Miami Dade University
CfgosCub - "7/11; Nursing"
Miami International University
ShoCkeyy ('10/'11) - Major: Graphic Design, Minor: Advertising
Michigan State University
decafchicken ('12) - Business Pre-law
SkylineSC ('11) - Psych major
Midwestern State University - Wichita Falls, TX
Na[12]Sil - Sport Fitness Management; Minor in Business
Mount Allison University
tirentu ('13) - International Relations
Nazareth College
chekyosikz ('11) - Biology/Philosophy
New Hampshire Technical Institute
sYz-Adrenaline ('13) - Major - AGGP Animation Graphic Game Programming
New Jersey's Science & Technology University
Raithed - Electrical & Computer Engineering / 1.5yrs!
New York Institute of Technology
bumatlarge ('11) - Comp Sci
New York University
Carnivorous Sheep ('13) - International Business
GrandInquisitor ('11) - New York University School of Law, Rutgers University '08 (Alum), Computer Science, Chemistry
Olivebay ('13) - Majoring in Physics and Mechanical engineering (for two Bachelor degrees)
XellOs_PlutO ('12) - Finance and Economics, Class of 2012, Currently taking a leave of absence lol
StripedBlueCrow ('10) - Double major Finance and Management with minor in Psychology
masami.sc ('10) - International Relations
Nipissing University
TryThis ('11) - Major: history, but i think its going to change
North Dakota State University
Bosu ('10) - nursing
Northeastern University
-orb- ('11) - Studying Animation
Sunchyne ('13) - Civil Engineering
Northwestern University
darkmetal505 ('11) - Biomedical Engineering
Roffles ('12) - Not a fucking clue.
Orpheos ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Northern Illinois University
eMbrace ('12) - Computer Science
Oberlin College
BrownBear ('13) - CS Major, undecided Minor
Occidental College
TommyGG ('13) - Major: Econ with Mathematical emphasis/Minor: Chinese
Old Dominion University
Alpine - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Ohio State University
sidr ('11) - Mathematics + Physics
Okanagan College
Grobyc ('11) - Network and Telecommunications
The Ontario College of Art & Design
Friloux ('11) - Drawing/Painting Major
PACE University
Amber[LighT] ('09/'10) - Pleasantville Campus, Graduate Program: White Plains Campus
Pasadena City College
Penn State - University Park
Elite00fm ('12) - Economics
Cider ('11) - Economics/Mathematics
Princeton University
duckett ('13) - electrical eng-neuroscience
hazelynut ('12) - undeclared
DarthThienAn ('13) - Computer Science
azndsh, Pods, d.arkive, raiame, TheYango, Ja., [Agony]x90
Purdue University
chameleonia ('10) - History, Anthropology
JDPingpong ('11) - MS - Astrodynamics and Space Applications
Dr. Tran ('13) - College of Engineering, Specific discipline not yet decided
Reed College
Sabu113 ('12) - Economics
Queen's University
G3CKO ('13) - Major: Engineering
Quinnipiac University
HooTie ('09) - Information Systems Management
Radford University
CaucasianAsian ('12) - Business
Regis University
L_Master ('12) - Biology
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jaksiel ('09) - Economics
yenta ('07) - Computer Sci, Computer & Systems Eng, then went to AGH University of Science and Technology '09 - M.E. Applied Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology
SiegeFlank ('14) - Computer Engineering
Undisputed- ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
itzbrandnew ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
ShaLLoW[baY] ('12) - Aeronautical Engineering
Rutgers University
miseiler - Grad in computational biology
AoN.DimSum ('11) - Electrical Engineering
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
ggrrg ('12) - Electrical Engineering & business studies
Ryerson University
XDawn ('11) - Theatre Production
r4j2ill ('09) - Biomedical Engineering
Saint Leo University
TheAldo ('11) - Sport Business
Salem State College
iNCuBuS_ ('09)
Pengu1n ('11) - Computer Science
Sam Houston State University
lordmordor ('11) - Psychology + Education major, Philosophy minor
San Diego State University
Crimson ('14) - Biology/Premed
San Francisco State University
theshin2007 ('11) - Business Marketing
San Jose State University
scyper ('12)
x89titan - MIS
Savannah College of Art and Design
KCrazy ('12) - BFA, Painting, Will be x-fering in this fall
Seminole State University
Deadlyhazard - General A.A; Third semester; Knockin' out some general classes.
Silesian University of Technology
drug_vict1m ('11) - Chemical Technology and Engineering
Simpson University
boesthius ('12/'13) - major: applied music with emphasis on guitar/composition
South Seattle Community College
Amazn ('12) - Public Health w/ emphasis on Nutrition
Springfield College in Massachusetts
jcarlsoniv - Majors: Business, Mathematics. On competitive Men's Gymnastics team
St. Olaf College
Stratos_speAr ('13) - Music and/or Computer Science Major
Stanford University
Exteray ('12) - Mathematical and Computational Sciences
JWD ('09) - Economics, History
thunk ('13) - Electrical Engineering
hsidori ('11) - Electrical Engineering
phosphorylation ('11) - hoping to double major in music and bio
State University of New York Buffalo
Ilikestarcraft ('13) - Business
State University of New York Binghamton
mavz ('12) - PPL - American Politics and Law
NoobieOne ('14) - Engineering
State University of New York Fredonia
Kimaker ('13) - Major: Social Studies and Adolescent Education with a double in History. (Tossing around a Geo minor.)
State University of New York Geneseo
rawk ('13) - Math/Physics double major
State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Fallen33 ('12) - crim justice / sports broadcasting
State University of New York at Purchase
choboPEon ('10)
Stevens Institute of Technology
Chiburi ('12) - Mechanical Engineering
Stevenson University
Craton (BS '11/MS 12) - Computer Information Systems (BS), Advanced Information Technology (MS)
Swinburne University of Technology
Imagist ('13) - Multimedia
Syracuse University
phyre112 ('13) - Biochemistry Major, Minor in Mathematical Analysis
Temple University
Inverted ('13) - "Film and editing major"
Tennessee Tech University
Zack1900 ('13) - Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M university
SS-guy ('11) - Industrial Engineering
holy_war ('11) - Civil Engineering
Evilmonkey. ('13) - Major: undecided, Going on an AFROTC scholorship
jw232 ('11) - Computer Engineering
For_The_Swarm ('12) - Nuclear Engineering
mOnion ('13) - "i'm mOnion on iccup, but more importantly i'm a proud member of the fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2013! A -A -A -A -AAAAAA"
Texas State university
Vencedor ('09) - Health and Fitness Management, May be moving on to Texas Tech University for graduate school.
Texas Tech University
HeavOnEarth ('12) - Chemical Engineering
selboN ('11) - Architecture
Tidewater Community College
Alpine ('09) - Associate of Science, Engineering
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
deconduo ('12) - Theoretical Physics
Truman State University
KurtistheTurtle (12) - Undeclared
Tulane University
CCGaunt ('13) - Major: Accounting/Economics
UMCS Lublin (that's in Poland)
Manit0u ('11/'13) - 2011 Bachelor; 2013 Masters; Sociology
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Night[Mare - Computer Systems Engineering
University i Agder
Erucious ('12) - Aerosomething something (Flymekanikk bachelor); Kristiansand, Norway!~~
University of Alberta
Chau ('12) - Psychology Major / Biology Minor
Chairman Ray ('13) - Software Engineering
Mikeymoo ('11) - Engineering Physics Nanotechnology
University of Auckland
Alethios - 3rd year civil engineering
WAAA - second year civil engineering
University of British Columbia
resonance ('12) - Major: Psychology
Kyuukyuu ('13)
GreenManalishi ('09) - Economics
onewingedmoogle ('13) - arts
Entropic ('13) - Economics and Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley
Last Romantic ('12) - Pre-business/Political Science
Kentor ('12) - College of Chemistry, Chemistry
dnastyx ('12) - Political Science/Biochem major
phase ('10) - Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
davidgurt ('10) - Bioengineering
radiumz0rz ('10) - History, Classics Double Major. Latin minor
Djabanete ('10) - music
evanthebouncy! ('11) - Computer Science, Math
wolfe ('13) - Molecular and Cell Biology
terr13 ('11) - Math
MuffinDude ('14) - Applied for bio. Maybe transfer to Molecular and cellular biology when I have to choose a major.
Apex ('14) - Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
javy925 ('12) - Bioengineering
University Of California - Davis
intothewrx ('10) - Economics, Chinese
m4gdelen4 ('13) - Biological Systems Engineering
orz.fail ('13) - major: Civil Engineering
BanZu ('13) - Biochemical Engineering
dangots0ul ('11) - Philosophy / sociology / political science *assuming "UD Davis" is UC Davis
Humbug ('14) - Dramatic Arts
University Of California - Irvine
krazymunky ('10) - international studies, economics
Polar_Nada ('13) - major: chem
shindigs ('12) - Biology
r1fl3m4n ('12) - Major: Biomedical Engineering (Premed)
ShoeFactory ('11) - Biomedical Engineering
dimfish ('11) - Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Centric ('11) - Physiological Science
aZnvaLiaNce ('09) - Mathematics/Economics
CommanderFluffy ('11) - International Economics with Computing
Blind ('10) - Major/other info: Philosophy
Save Your Savior ('12) - didn't pick one yet
PyroDog ('11) - Philosophy
neohero9 ('12) - Philosophy
jalstar ('12) - applied math
University of California, Merced
De4ngus ('13) - Major: Biology
FuJi ('13) - Physics
University of California, Riverside
theron[wdt] ('12) - History
University of California, San Diego
JinSol ('12) - Electrical Engineering
Fontong ('12) - Music/Biology
iloveHieu ('09) - Structural/Civil Engineer
T.O.P ('12) - ERC College, Biochemistry/Chemistry
shavingcream66 ('13) - Biochemistry and cell biology
ForTenPoints ('10) - Chemical Engineering and Chemistry/Biochemistry
hipaul ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Chupacabra(UCSD) ('13) - Computer Science with an emphasis on bioninformatics
HaruHaru ('14) - Economics
Wala.Revolution ('14) - Earl Warren, Psych
University of California, Santa Barbara
Braintricks ('12) - former comp eng
FragKrag ('14) - Physics
University of California, Santa Cruz
Koof ('13) - Undeclared (probably math)
Rainmaker5 - Business/Econ
University of Central Florida
Whiplash - Digital Media
michael. ('13) - Undeclared
Fr33t ('13) - Computer Science
University of Chicago
Caller - Economics premed
University of Colorado Boulder
Meta ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Endymion ('14) - Business (finance)
scrdmnttr ('11) - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado Denver
Hypnosis ('12) - mechanical engineering
University of Connecticut
Rotodyne ('12) - Biomedical Engineering
University of Dayton
vivalavirtue ('12) - Software Engineering & Physics double major
University of Denver
Jonoman92 ('13) - Engineering
University of Dubrovnik
University Erlangen
poilord - English, history
University of Florida
deverlight ('11) - Computer Science / Graphic Design
huameng ('13) - Math / Computer Science
ActualSteve ('13) - Pre-Health
poppa ('11) - Information Systems
Live2Win ('11) - Education
University of Georgia
omninmo ('05) - Philosophy, Chinese
tinman ('11) - English Literature (MA program)
University of Houston
Fallen_arK ('12) - Entrepreneurship/Bio-engineering
University of Houston - Downtown
EsX_Raptor ('10) - Computer Science
University of Hradec Kralove, (Czech Republic)
Khyrandor ('14) - applied informatics (computer science)
University of Illinois
Comeh ('11) - economics
MannerMan ('12) - Finance
University of Indiana
uglymoose89 ('12) - Major: Business (finance)
University of Illinois Champaign
paymeinrice ('09) - Mechanical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
waxypants ('10) - Computer Engineering (probably continuing for Masters)
BlackMesa ('14) - Aerospace Engineering
Prdors ('13) - Law
University of Lima (Peru)
josemb40 ('10) - Software Engineering
University of Manitoba
VelRa_G ('12) - English/History Honours
University of Maryland, College Park
shudmeyer ('11/'12) - Major in Political Science, possibly also American Studies or Philosophy
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
QuoC - pre-med
bbq ('12) - Biochemical Engineering
DCLXVI ('13) - Computer Science
ShineShineBear ('10) - Chemical Engineering BS10'
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dknight ('10/'11) - History; Masters program 2011!
Stropheum ('12) - Sound Recording/ Technology major
University of Michigan
brjdrb ('11) - college of engineering (aerospace atm)
DeathByMonkeys ('13) - Computer Science (College of Engineering)
Funnytoss ('10) - Political Science, Asian Studies (LS&A)
anImaru ('10) - Math/Econ
Hapahauli ('12) - Economics, LS&A; Piano Performance, SMT&D
petered ('10) - Actuarial Math
[p]Drake ('09) - Aerospace Engineering
Prdors ('10) - Economics
University of Montana
zOula... ('10) - Archaeology
University of Montana - Missoula
Guilford ('13) - Biological Chemistry
University of Nevada Las Vegas
kidd ('09) - planning on graduating this year. I think I might stay at the Boyd Law School (also at UNLV) here or maybe do my masters instead.
University of New Brunswick
DownMaxX ('12/'13) - Software Engineering
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
KiLL_ORdeR ('13) - International Business, minor in digital art. hoping to work @ blizzard someday
University of New Hampshire
DEN1ED ('12) - Civil Engineering
RyanRushia ('11) - Psychology
University of New Haven
vx70GTOJudgexv ('12) - Music & Sound Recording (B.S.), Minor in Computer Sciences
University of New Mexico
University of New South Wales
lazz - accounting/mathematics
University of North Florida
GGTeMpLaR - Chemistry
The University of North Carolina
StarN ('12) - Media Studies + Screenwriting
University of Oklahoma
zOgeL ('13) - Computer Network & Security
University of Oregon
trancey ('12) - Computer Science Multimedia
University of Regina
puttputt ('13) - Software Systems Engineering
University of Rochester
asianskill ('14) - Double major: Economics/Statistics
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP)
Metal[x] ('12) - pharmacy
University of Southern California
LosingID8 ('10) - East Asian Languages and Cultures (Korean) and Biology
SoLsiTO ('13) - School of Policy, Planning, and Development, masters of public policy program
Day[9] - MFA in Interactive Media!
KimTaeYeon ('13) - Business and East Asian Languages and Cultures (Chinese)
ShineShineBear ('15) - Chemical Engineering PhD
University of South Florida
Poriyan1 ('13) - Mechanical Engineer
RushWifDietCoke ('10) - Psychology
University of Sydney
Bockit ('09) - Bachelor of Design Computing
iCCup.deL ('10) - Structural Engineering
University of Tennessee
Myst- ('11) - MBA in Business with a minor in Engineering.
University of Texas
Urth ('12) - aerospace engineering
University of Texas at Austin
SoLaR[i.C] ('11) - graduate student, Petroleum Engineering
1337o ('13) - Biomedical Engineering
iceburn ('10) - Psych/premed
IndecisivePenguin ('14) - Psychology (Bachelor of Science)
zerglingsfolife ('11) - Management Information Systems
cHaNg-sTa ('10) - Petroleum Engineer
University of Texas San Antonio
XoXiDe ('09) - Criminal Justice
iPF[Div] ('12) - Architecture w/ Art minor
Beloth(OD) ('14)
University of Toronto
Kwidowmaker ('13)
illu ('09) - Honours Bachelor of Science 2009 (Major in Mathematics and Major in Integrative Biology)
OpticalShot ('11) - "Engineering Science - Infrastructure; 1T1 ('11) + PEY"
University of Utah
shreepy ('12) - MS/BS in Mechanical engineering
University of Vermont
Fog-of-War ('13) - The Environment and Natural Resources
University of Vermont College of Medicine
Toyotomi ('12) - Medical Student
University of Victoria
tarpman - graduating whenever I get around to doing some more courses. Major: Computer Science, Minor: Latin (if I can convince them :D) half done third year, idk why I didn't bother posting here until now. on co-op for another term, back in spring.
University of Virginia
Try ('13) - Economics/Math Double Major
topspinserve ('13) - Computer Engineering
University of Washington
Scooter ('11) - In Computer Science, aiming to dual class in Japanese
EpiK ('12) - Biology/Korean
falls ('12) - Chemical Engineering
dl2agon ('10) - Mechanical Engr
Chaos- ('12) - Computer Engineering (Hardware Specialization)
Seraphim ('13) - Biology/Pre-Pharmacy
University of Washington, Bothell
instantnoodles ('12) - Computer Science but might change
University of Waterloo
infinity21 ('12) - Honours Math program with major in Mathematical Finance
18zotbob ('09) - Honours Biomedical Science
Chromyne ('12) - Honours Nanotechnology Engineering
ShOoTiNg_SpElLs ('12) - Mathematical Finance
ZerglingShepherd ('13) - Electrical Engineering
Cambium ('10) - Systems Design Engineering
Mumblee ('09) - Major: Computer Engineering. I still live in the area so it still counts
Vin{MBL} ('14) - Chemical Engineering
Sunhay ('14) - Major/other info : Computer science
Weasel- ('14) - Nanotechnology Engineering
villagepark ('10.5) - 2010 (but fall convocation not summer so '10.5), Major: Honours Mathematical Studies with Minor: Pure Math
monkxly ('12) - Computer Science
PureReborn ('12) - (but Fall term 2010 so really 2013) Major/other info: Computer Science (B.math) with Business Option. Formerly Act Sci student.
University of Western Ontario
DragoonPK ('13) - BMOS
o3.power91 ('13) - BMOS
Vassar College
Darrun ('13) - History w/ chem minor (possibly)
Virginia Tech
tec27 ('11) - Computer Science
MorningMusume11 ('09) - Statistics
Floophead_III ('12) - Electrical Engineering
Washington University
Smix ('12) - Anthropology & Psychology / Korean
Washington University in St. Louis
triangle ('13) - School of Arts and sciences
SIUnit ('10) - School of Arts and sciences
justdweezil ('10) - School of Arts and Sciences
Wire ('14) - Psychology/Economics
Lglow ('14) - MPM
SpartiK1S ('11) - East Asian Studies
Wesleyan University, CT
Always ('11) - Psychology
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
RageOverdose ('12) - Computer Science
Western Carolina University
ZaplinG ('10) - Creative Writing / Marketing minor
Magnitude ('12) - Economics
Wichita State University
Slaughter)BiO ('11) - graduate student studying Biological Anthropology
GoShox ('14) - Undecided
Williams College
miNi ('13) - Chem/Music
Xavier University
DarkKiwi ('13) - Biology and Philosophy
Yale University
wok ('12) - CS
York University (Ontario, Canada)
WaveofShadow - B. Sc. Spec Hons. Biology 2007
From DarthThienAn: dear Piko, I updated it for you. Hope to see you around ^^. Princeton people - PM me, though I'm sure you don't exist. To everyone else - rather than complaining about her not updating it, why don't you just update it yourself? Maybe she was going to do it September 2010 when everyone went back to school. Or maybe she's moved on from TL (t.t). If people update it every page or so, it's only like minutes of work as opposed to a couple hours for one person. /endrant. Anyways, hf.
College Thread
Updated August 19.
Graduating year
Major/other info
Note: If you go to UMCP or CMU, PM me and I can hook you up with some SC peoples =D
+ Show Spoiler [College List] +
AGH University of Science and Technology
yenta ('09) - M.E. Applied Computer Science
Algonquin College
Kuo - Networking
Arizona State University
Xenixx ('09/'10) - Psychology / Network Admin, transfer from MCC
Pyrrhuloxia ('10) - Political Science
Atrioc ('12) - Economics
theKOT ('11) - Physics
Pervect ('13) - Electrical Engineering
pandaren.codemaster ('14) - Biomedical Engineering/pre-med
Auburn University
anotak ('11) - Software Engineering
Auburn University Montgomery
imabossdude ('10) - Accounting
Baylor University
ketomai ('13) - Biology/Premed
Berklee College of Music, Boston MA
Sentient66 ('14) - Guitar Performance, Music Production/ Engineering
Boston College
lowbright ('11) - Major: Chemistry / Minor: Economics
Two_DoWn ('11) - Economics & Communication
Boston University
omfghi2u2 ('13) - School of Hospitality Administration
sLiniss ('14) - Business (Finance/Marketing/other?)
dudeman001 ('13) - Business Administration
See.Blue ('11) - Economics/Mathematics
Brooklyn College
QuickStriker ('11/'12) - 2011-12? (unsure since I'm transferring with unknown # of credits that will be accepted, put me down for 2011 for now), Broadcast Journalism.....
Bloomfield College
d1sh0ng ('11) - Music Technology- Record Production/Audio Engineering
Brandeis University
Athos ('13) - History
Brigham Young University
Nylan ('14) - Philosophy (for now...)
California Institute of Technology
Saracen ('13)
klizzer ('13) - Electrical Engineering, might change this though
category ('10) - Mathematics
oxidized ('10) - Physics and Engineering & Applied Sciences
California Polytechnic State University
koreakool ('13) - Aerospace Engineering
frozenkatkiller ('11) - Electrical Engineering
California State University, Fullerton
anch ('10) - Finance
California State University, Long Beach
littlechava ('11) - Anthropology
Evopanda (Fall '11) - Accounting BS and Chinese BS
California State University, Northridge
NET ('12) - Environmental and Occupational Health
California State University, San Bernardino
Biochemist ('11) - Majoring in Biochemistry
California State University San Marcos
Carthac - Majoring in Psych
California State University Monterey Bay
zTz ('11) - International Business and Management
Cambridge University
Rope - Chemistry PhD.
Cardiff University
Megalolzz ('15) - medicine
Carnegie Mellon University
gzealot ('13) - School of Computer Science
R3condite ('11) - School of Computer Science
Snipinpanda ('12) - Electrical and Computer Engineering
piko ('13) - ECE, minor in CS
teh leet newb ('12) - Computer Science
Cobalt ('13) - Computer Science
Slynki ('12) - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
vishrut ('13) - ECE
d34gl3r ('13) - ece
Crunchums ('12) - math
nosliw - grad student in ChE
rotinegg ('11) - ece
Wineandbread ('14) - CIT; Materials Science & Engineering (possible double major in Biomed... pretty iffy on that though)
Send me or Snipinpanda a PM if you're interested in doing Collegiate Starcraft League next year, or are just interested in finding people to play with.
Case Western Reserve University
kNyTTyM ('13) - Bio (pre-med)
arlber ('11) - Electrical Engineering
yoden ('09/'10) - BS '09, MS '10, major: Computer Science
DreaM)XeRO ('14) - Biomedical Engineering
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Mavkar (since 2008) - Geography
Clark University
Noev ('13) - History
Clemson University
.Wilsh. ('11) - Computer Engineering
Colby College
Steelflight-Rx ('10) - Chemistry
The College of New Jersey
EFF_TotaL ('13)
Faronel ('14) - Combined Biomedical Engineering/Medical Degree program
College of San Mateo
TheComeback ('12) - Business
College of Southern Nevada
VorcePA - Mechanical Engineer
np.Resuscitate - Nursing major
College of William and Mary
EchOne ('10) - Marketing
Columbia University
skronch ('10) - Electrical Engineering
ydg ('12)
University ('13) - Econ and MESAAS
Cornell University
fanatacist (extramural) - first semester
hyst.eric.al ('12) - Biological Sciences
Cambium (?)
Dartmouth College
SpiritoftheTunA ('13) - probable major: physics / math doublemajor
Duke University
SilverskY ('11) - biomedical engineering
unsoundlogic ('12) - Biomed/Econ
ItchReliever ('10)
OneOther ('13) - poli sci (pre-law)
SerpentZFang ('14)
Emily Carr University
Emory University
LiLu ('12) - biology
DE_NaDA ('13) - Psychology with Minor in Music
ESSEC Business School, Paris
MK ('11) - International Management
The Evergreen State College
cgrinker - computer sciences
Fairfield University
Liquid`Zephyr ('10/11) - Psychology
Ferris State University
iSiN ('11) - Applied Mathematics; Computer Science Concentration, Computer Information Systems Minor
Florida Atlantic University
ubreakubuy ('11) - Civil Engineering
Full Sail Real World Education - Florida
Marahumm ('07) - Degree: Video Game Development
George Mason University
StorrZerg ('11) - Information Technology
theobsessed1 ('13) - Information Technology
Ranix ('14) - Information Technology
George Washington University
sharkeyanti ('11) - Music
ZlaSHeR ('13) - Mechanical Engineering
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Archerofaiur ('13)
Georgia Tech
hasuprotoss ('12) - mathematics
Ideas ('12) - computation media
Gettsyburg College
horang3 ('13) - Music Education
Glasgow Caledonian University
Eishi_Ki ('11) - Accounting and Finance
Grant MacEwan University
omgCRAZY ('14) - Computer Science Major/ Mathematics Minor. 1st year student
Grove City College
yeeuniie ('11) - International Business; people from CMU, hit me up!
Harvard University
jinjohn ('11) - Math (advisor: Richard Taylor, Rapoport-Zink cohomology, number theory)
Harvey Mudd College
joewest ('12) - Chemistry
ReketSomething ('12) - Possibly engineering
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
shroomz ('14) - MEng Chemical Engineering
Illinois State University
Lemonwalrus ('11/'12) - Biology
Indiana University
Xenocide_Knight - Violin Performance
Iowa State University
mcgriddle ('12) - Civil Engineering
Jacksonville University
Osmoses ('09) - Computer science
Johns Hopkins University
DN2perfectionGM ('10) - Biology
asdfTT123 ('09) - Chemistry
Zeri ('14) - Civil Engineering
Kansas University
zizou21 - French & Philosophy
CatioN ('12) - Psychology. Plan on getting my my masters and medical degree from there aswell
SojT - Philosophy and English -- Technical Writing
Kennesaw State University
Colbi ('09) - Communication (Journalism)
Kent State University
Shotcoder ('12) - History/Political Science Major
Kettering University (GMI)
petzergling ('13) - comp sci
London School of Economics
Gomas ('12) - BSc Economic History
Longwood University (Virginia)
w_Ender_w ('10) - Pre-medicine/Molecular Biology
Louisiana State University
wanderer ('10) - Mathematics
Black Gun ('10) - major: m.sc. statistics
Macalester College
tree.hugger ('13) - No Idea
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
KOFgokuon ('12/'13) - chemical engineering
Ninja[SiN] ('12)
McGill University
seppolevne ('10) - Physiology
AssuredVacancy ('13) - Biology
Xxio ('13) - East Asian Studies
Freaky[x] ('10/'11) - Major : Electrical Engineering, Masters : Telecommunications & Signal Processing, I have an office in McConnell on the 8th floor aka the secret floor where you have to take the elevator to the 7th floor then go up 1 floor using the stairs
McMaster University
Lightswarm ('13) - Life Science
Miami Dade University
CfgosCub - "7/11; Nursing"
Miami International University
ShoCkeyy ('10/'11) - Major: Graphic Design, Minor: Advertising
Michigan State University
decafchicken ('12) - Business Pre-law
SkylineSC ('11) - Psych major
Midwestern State University - Wichita Falls, TX
Na[12]Sil - Sport Fitness Management; Minor in Business
Mount Allison University
tirentu ('13) - International Relations
Nazareth College
chekyosikz ('11) - Biology/Philosophy
New Hampshire Technical Institute
sYz-Adrenaline ('13) - Major - AGGP Animation Graphic Game Programming
New Jersey's Science & Technology University
Raithed - Electrical & Computer Engineering / 1.5yrs!
New York Institute of Technology
bumatlarge ('11) - Comp Sci
New York University
Carnivorous Sheep ('13) - International Business
GrandInquisitor ('11) - New York University School of Law, Rutgers University '08 (Alum), Computer Science, Chemistry
Olivebay ('13) - Majoring in Physics and Mechanical engineering (for two Bachelor degrees)
XellOs_PlutO ('12) - Finance and Economics, Class of 2012, Currently taking a leave of absence lol
StripedBlueCrow ('10) - Double major Finance and Management with minor in Psychology
masami.sc ('10) - International Relations
Nipissing University
TryThis ('11) - Major: history, but i think its going to change
North Dakota State University
Bosu ('10) - nursing
Northeastern University
-orb- ('11) - Studying Animation
Sunchyne ('13) - Civil Engineering
Northwestern University
darkmetal505 ('11) - Biomedical Engineering
Roffles ('12) - Not a fucking clue.
Orpheos ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Northern Illinois University
eMbrace ('12) - Computer Science
Oberlin College
BrownBear ('13) - CS Major, undecided Minor
Occidental College
TommyGG ('13) - Major: Econ with Mathematical emphasis/Minor: Chinese
Old Dominion University
Alpine - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Ohio State University
sidr ('11) - Mathematics + Physics
Okanagan College
Grobyc ('11) - Network and Telecommunications
The Ontario College of Art & Design
Friloux ('11) - Drawing/Painting Major
PACE University
Amber[LighT] ('09/'10) - Pleasantville Campus, Graduate Program: White Plains Campus
Pasadena City College
Penn State - University Park
Elite00fm ('12) - Economics
Cider ('11) - Economics/Mathematics
Princeton University
duckett ('13) - electrical eng-neuroscience
hazelynut ('12) - undeclared
DarthThienAn ('13) - Computer Science
azndsh, Pods, d.arkive, raiame, TheYango, Ja., [Agony]x90
Purdue University
chameleonia ('10) - History, Anthropology
JDPingpong ('11) - MS - Astrodynamics and Space Applications
Dr. Tran ('13) - College of Engineering, Specific discipline not yet decided
Reed College
Sabu113 ('12) - Economics
Queen's University
G3CKO ('13) - Major: Engineering
Quinnipiac University
HooTie ('09) - Information Systems Management
Radford University
CaucasianAsian ('12) - Business
Regis University
L_Master ('12) - Biology
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jaksiel ('09) - Economics
yenta ('07) - Computer Sci, Computer & Systems Eng, then went to AGH University of Science and Technology '09 - M.E. Applied Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology
SiegeFlank ('14) - Computer Engineering
Undisputed- ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
itzbrandnew ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
ShaLLoW[baY] ('12) - Aeronautical Engineering
Rutgers University
miseiler - Grad in computational biology
AoN.DimSum ('11) - Electrical Engineering
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
ggrrg ('12) - Electrical Engineering & business studies
Ryerson University
XDawn ('11) - Theatre Production
r4j2ill ('09) - Biomedical Engineering
Saint Leo University
TheAldo ('11) - Sport Business
Salem State College
iNCuBuS_ ('09)
Pengu1n ('11) - Computer Science
Sam Houston State University
lordmordor ('11) - Psychology + Education major, Philosophy minor
San Diego State University
Crimson ('14) - Biology/Premed
San Francisco State University
theshin2007 ('11) - Business Marketing
San Jose State University
scyper ('12)
x89titan - MIS
Savannah College of Art and Design
KCrazy ('12) - BFA, Painting, Will be x-fering in this fall
Seminole State University
Deadlyhazard - General A.A; Third semester; Knockin' out some general classes.
Silesian University of Technology
drug_vict1m ('11) - Chemical Technology and Engineering
Simpson University
boesthius ('12/'13) - major: applied music with emphasis on guitar/composition
South Seattle Community College
Amazn ('12) - Public Health w/ emphasis on Nutrition
Springfield College in Massachusetts
jcarlsoniv - Majors: Business, Mathematics. On competitive Men's Gymnastics team
St. Olaf College
Stratos_speAr ('13) - Music and/or Computer Science Major
Stanford University
Exteray ('12) - Mathematical and Computational Sciences
JWD ('09) - Economics, History
thunk ('13) - Electrical Engineering
hsidori ('11) - Electrical Engineering
phosphorylation ('11) - hoping to double major in music and bio
State University of New York Buffalo
Ilikestarcraft ('13) - Business
State University of New York Binghamton
mavz ('12) - PPL - American Politics and Law
NoobieOne ('14) - Engineering
State University of New York Fredonia
Kimaker ('13) - Major: Social Studies and Adolescent Education with a double in History. (Tossing around a Geo minor.)
State University of New York Geneseo
rawk ('13) - Math/Physics double major
State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Fallen33 ('12) - crim justice / sports broadcasting
State University of New York at Purchase
choboPEon ('10)
Stevens Institute of Technology
Chiburi ('12) - Mechanical Engineering
Stevenson University
Craton (BS '11/MS 12) - Computer Information Systems (BS), Advanced Information Technology (MS)
Swinburne University of Technology
Imagist ('13) - Multimedia
Syracuse University
phyre112 ('13) - Biochemistry Major, Minor in Mathematical Analysis
Temple University
Inverted ('13) - "Film and editing major"
Tennessee Tech University
Zack1900 ('13) - Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M university
SS-guy ('11) - Industrial Engineering
holy_war ('11) - Civil Engineering
Evilmonkey. ('13) - Major: undecided, Going on an AFROTC scholorship
jw232 ('11) - Computer Engineering
For_The_Swarm ('12) - Nuclear Engineering
mOnion ('13) - "i'm mOnion on iccup, but more importantly i'm a proud member of the fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2013! A -A -A -A -AAAAAA"
Texas State university
Vencedor ('09) - Health and Fitness Management, May be moving on to Texas Tech University for graduate school.
Texas Tech University
HeavOnEarth ('12) - Chemical Engineering
selboN ('11) - Architecture
Tidewater Community College
Alpine ('09) - Associate of Science, Engineering
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
deconduo ('12) - Theoretical Physics
Truman State University
KurtistheTurtle (12) - Undeclared
Tulane University
CCGaunt ('13) - Major: Accounting/Economics
UMCS Lublin (that's in Poland)
Manit0u ('11/'13) - 2011 Bachelor; 2013 Masters; Sociology
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Night[Mare - Computer Systems Engineering
University i Agder
Erucious ('12) - Aerosomething something (Flymekanikk bachelor); Kristiansand, Norway!~~
University of Alberta
Chau ('12) - Psychology Major / Biology Minor
Chairman Ray ('13) - Software Engineering
Mikeymoo ('11) - Engineering Physics Nanotechnology
University of Auckland
Alethios - 3rd year civil engineering
WAAA - second year civil engineering
University of British Columbia
resonance ('12) - Major: Psychology
Kyuukyuu ('13)
GreenManalishi ('09) - Economics
onewingedmoogle ('13) - arts
Entropic ('13) - Economics and Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley
Last Romantic ('12) - Pre-business/Political Science
Kentor ('12) - College of Chemistry, Chemistry
dnastyx ('12) - Political Science/Biochem major
phase ('10) - Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
davidgurt ('10) - Bioengineering
radiumz0rz ('10) - History, Classics Double Major. Latin minor
Djabanete ('10) - music
evanthebouncy! ('11) - Computer Science, Math
wolfe ('13) - Molecular and Cell Biology
terr13 ('11) - Math
MuffinDude ('14) - Applied for bio. Maybe transfer to Molecular and cellular biology when I have to choose a major.
Apex ('14) - Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
javy925 ('12) - Bioengineering
University Of California - Davis
intothewrx ('10) - Economics, Chinese
m4gdelen4 ('13) - Biological Systems Engineering
orz.fail ('13) - major: Civil Engineering
BanZu ('13) - Biochemical Engineering
dangots0ul ('11) - Philosophy / sociology / political science *assuming "UD Davis" is UC Davis
Humbug ('14) - Dramatic Arts
University Of California - Irvine
krazymunky ('10) - international studies, economics
Polar_Nada ('13) - major: chem
shindigs ('12) - Biology
r1fl3m4n ('12) - Major: Biomedical Engineering (Premed)
ShoeFactory ('11) - Biomedical Engineering
dimfish ('11) - Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Centric ('11) - Physiological Science
aZnvaLiaNce ('09) - Mathematics/Economics
CommanderFluffy ('11) - International Economics with Computing
Blind ('10) - Major/other info: Philosophy
Save Your Savior ('12) - didn't pick one yet
PyroDog ('11) - Philosophy
neohero9 ('12) - Philosophy
jalstar ('12) - applied math
University of California, Merced
De4ngus ('13) - Major: Biology
FuJi ('13) - Physics
University of California, Riverside
theron[wdt] ('12) - History
University of California, San Diego
JinSol ('12) - Electrical Engineering
Fontong ('12) - Music/Biology
iloveHieu ('09) - Structural/Civil Engineer
T.O.P ('12) - ERC College, Biochemistry/Chemistry
shavingcream66 ('13) - Biochemistry and cell biology
ForTenPoints ('10) - Chemical Engineering and Chemistry/Biochemistry
hipaul ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Chupacabra(UCSD) ('13) - Computer Science with an emphasis on bioninformatics
HaruHaru ('14) - Economics
Wala.Revolution ('14) - Earl Warren, Psych
University of California, Santa Barbara
Braintricks ('12) - former comp eng
FragKrag ('14) - Physics
University of California, Santa Cruz
Koof ('13) - Undeclared (probably math)
Rainmaker5 - Business/Econ
University of Central Florida
Whiplash - Digital Media
michael. ('13) - Undeclared
Fr33t ('13) - Computer Science
University of Chicago
Caller - Economics premed
University of Colorado Boulder
Meta ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
Endymion ('14) - Business (finance)
scrdmnttr ('11) - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado Denver
Hypnosis ('12) - mechanical engineering
University of Connecticut
Rotodyne ('12) - Biomedical Engineering
University of Dayton
vivalavirtue ('12) - Software Engineering & Physics double major
University of Denver
Jonoman92 ('13) - Engineering
University of Dubrovnik
University Erlangen
poilord - English, history
University of Florida
deverlight ('11) - Computer Science / Graphic Design
huameng ('13) - Math / Computer Science
ActualSteve ('13) - Pre-Health
poppa ('11) - Information Systems
Live2Win ('11) - Education
University of Georgia
omninmo ('05) - Philosophy, Chinese
tinman ('11) - English Literature (MA program)
University of Houston
Fallen_arK ('12) - Entrepreneurship/Bio-engineering
University of Houston - Downtown
EsX_Raptor ('10) - Computer Science
University of Hradec Kralove, (Czech Republic)
Khyrandor ('14) - applied informatics (computer science)
University of Illinois
Comeh ('11) - economics
MannerMan ('12) - Finance
University of Indiana
uglymoose89 ('12) - Major: Business (finance)
University of Illinois Champaign
paymeinrice ('09) - Mechanical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
waxypants ('10) - Computer Engineering (probably continuing for Masters)
BlackMesa ('14) - Aerospace Engineering
Prdors ('13) - Law
University of Lima (Peru)
josemb40 ('10) - Software Engineering
University of Manitoba
VelRa_G ('12) - English/History Honours
University of Maryland, College Park
shudmeyer ('11/'12) - Major in Political Science, possibly also American Studies or Philosophy
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
QuoC - pre-med
bbq ('12) - Biochemical Engineering
DCLXVI ('13) - Computer Science
ShineShineBear ('10) - Chemical Engineering BS10'
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dknight ('10/'11) - History; Masters program 2011!
Stropheum ('12) - Sound Recording/ Technology major
University of Michigan
brjdrb ('11) - college of engineering (aerospace atm)
DeathByMonkeys ('13) - Computer Science (College of Engineering)
Funnytoss ('10) - Political Science, Asian Studies (LS&A)
anImaru ('10) - Math/Econ
Hapahauli ('12) - Economics, LS&A; Piano Performance, SMT&D
petered ('10) - Actuarial Math
[p]Drake ('09) - Aerospace Engineering
Prdors ('10) - Economics
University of Montana
zOula... ('10) - Archaeology
University of Montana - Missoula
Guilford ('13) - Biological Chemistry
University of Nevada Las Vegas
kidd ('09) - planning on graduating this year. I think I might stay at the Boyd Law School (also at UNLV) here or maybe do my masters instead.
University of New Brunswick
DownMaxX ('12/'13) - Software Engineering
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
KiLL_ORdeR ('13) - International Business, minor in digital art. hoping to work @ blizzard someday
University of New Hampshire
DEN1ED ('12) - Civil Engineering
RyanRushia ('11) - Psychology
University of New Haven
vx70GTOJudgexv ('12) - Music & Sound Recording (B.S.), Minor in Computer Sciences
University of New Mexico
University of New South Wales
lazz - accounting/mathematics
University of North Florida
GGTeMpLaR - Chemistry
The University of North Carolina
StarN ('12) - Media Studies + Screenwriting
University of Oklahoma
zOgeL ('13) - Computer Network & Security
University of Oregon
trancey ('12) - Computer Science Multimedia
University of Regina
puttputt ('13) - Software Systems Engineering
University of Rochester
asianskill ('14) - Double major: Economics/Statistics
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP)
Metal[x] ('12) - pharmacy
University of Southern California
LosingID8 ('10) - East Asian Languages and Cultures (Korean) and Biology
SoLsiTO ('13) - School of Policy, Planning, and Development, masters of public policy program
Day[9] - MFA in Interactive Media!
KimTaeYeon ('13) - Business and East Asian Languages and Cultures (Chinese)
ShineShineBear ('15) - Chemical Engineering PhD
University of South Florida
Poriyan1 ('13) - Mechanical Engineer
RushWifDietCoke ('10) - Psychology
University of Sydney
Bockit ('09) - Bachelor of Design Computing
iCCup.deL ('10) - Structural Engineering
University of Tennessee
Myst- ('11) - MBA in Business with a minor in Engineering.
University of Texas
Urth ('12) - aerospace engineering
University of Texas at Austin
SoLaR[i.C] ('11) - graduate student, Petroleum Engineering
1337o ('13) - Biomedical Engineering
iceburn ('10) - Psych/premed
IndecisivePenguin ('14) - Psychology (Bachelor of Science)
zerglingsfolife ('11) - Management Information Systems
cHaNg-sTa ('10) - Petroleum Engineer
University of Texas San Antonio
XoXiDe ('09) - Criminal Justice
iPF[Div] ('12) - Architecture w/ Art minor
Beloth(OD) ('14)
University of Toronto
Kwidowmaker ('13)
illu ('09) - Honours Bachelor of Science 2009 (Major in Mathematics and Major in Integrative Biology)
OpticalShot ('11) - "Engineering Science - Infrastructure; 1T1 ('11) + PEY"
University of Utah
shreepy ('12) - MS/BS in Mechanical engineering
University of Vermont
Fog-of-War ('13) - The Environment and Natural Resources
University of Vermont College of Medicine
Toyotomi ('12) - Medical Student
University of Victoria
tarpman - graduating whenever I get around to doing some more courses. Major: Computer Science, Minor: Latin (if I can convince them :D) half done third year, idk why I didn't bother posting here until now. on co-op for another term, back in spring.
University of Virginia
Try ('13) - Economics/Math Double Major
topspinserve ('13) - Computer Engineering
University of Washington
Scooter ('11) - In Computer Science, aiming to dual class in Japanese
EpiK ('12) - Biology/Korean
falls ('12) - Chemical Engineering
dl2agon ('10) - Mechanical Engr
Chaos- ('12) - Computer Engineering (Hardware Specialization)
Seraphim ('13) - Biology/Pre-Pharmacy
University of Washington, Bothell
instantnoodles ('12) - Computer Science but might change
University of Waterloo
infinity21 ('12) - Honours Math program with major in Mathematical Finance
18zotbob ('09) - Honours Biomedical Science
Chromyne ('12) - Honours Nanotechnology Engineering
ShOoTiNg_SpElLs ('12) - Mathematical Finance
ZerglingShepherd ('13) - Electrical Engineering
Cambium ('10) - Systems Design Engineering
Mumblee ('09) - Major: Computer Engineering. I still live in the area so it still counts
Vin{MBL} ('14) - Chemical Engineering
Sunhay ('14) - Major/other info : Computer science
Weasel- ('14) - Nanotechnology Engineering
villagepark ('10.5) - 2010 (but fall convocation not summer so '10.5), Major: Honours Mathematical Studies with Minor: Pure Math
monkxly ('12) - Computer Science
PureReborn ('12) - (but Fall term 2010 so really 2013) Major/other info: Computer Science (B.math) with Business Option. Formerly Act Sci student.
University of Western Ontario
DragoonPK ('13) - BMOS
o3.power91 ('13) - BMOS
Vassar College
Darrun ('13) - History w/ chem minor (possibly)
Virginia Tech
tec27 ('11) - Computer Science
MorningMusume11 ('09) - Statistics
Floophead_III ('12) - Electrical Engineering
Washington University
Smix ('12) - Anthropology & Psychology / Korean
Washington University in St. Louis
triangle ('13) - School of Arts and sciences
SIUnit ('10) - School of Arts and sciences
justdweezil ('10) - School of Arts and Sciences
Wire ('14) - Psychology/Economics
Lglow ('14) - MPM
SpartiK1S ('11) - East Asian Studies
Wesleyan University, CT
Always ('11) - Psychology
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
RageOverdose ('12) - Computer Science
Western Carolina University
ZaplinG ('10) - Creative Writing / Marketing minor
Magnitude ('12) - Economics
Wichita State University
Slaughter)BiO ('11) - graduate student studying Biological Anthropology
GoShox ('14) - Undecided
Williams College
miNi ('13) - Chem/Music
Xavier University
DarkKiwi ('13) - Biology and Philosophy
Yale University
wok ('12) - CS
York University (Ontario, Canada)
WaveofShadow - B. Sc. Spec Hons. Biology 2007
wow except for Waterloo, UC's are kicking ass