I'm currently a student at a graduate of CSUS and I'm looking for other Hornets to play SC2 with! I know you fellow SC2 playing students are out there because I've seen you playing on campus! If there's enough interest maybe we could organize small tournaments, setup practice partners or something like that. The more the merrier, so please don't be shy!
Please post your player name and identifier (I'm assuming everyone is on NA server ) here so we can play together. I'll go first JessicaJung.423
The list of players may not be accurate as battle.net allows name changes.
CSUS Students sjon03 - JessicaJung.423 (PiplupPKM.801) Kenny.861 (Graduate) Coldazer.587 Zerrantoss.??? Chaiin.478 Rissoman.827 Hibahihi.152 Corran.456 karot.492 (Graduate) FuturE.724 Dubes.100 dafpoo.703
Sacramento Area (close enough to Sac for any possible get togethers) Zyvox.515 Shusaku.??? Slot.821 Vei.585 Darkstorm.174 ZebraSpots.746 PXTrials.519 MajiDe.649 Thiel.181 Sponge.447 DoobzChief.690 DougieFresh.904 Rochsolid.617 iseefor.323 Lochat.208 RukKus.899 tGRyan.840 zen.550 GyroScope .731 Omedius.630 GGZhypher 755 BustinChops.267 Perfect.761 Rhaegar.288 tQAtticus.572 Bassa.944 STIMthunderz.247 Gambit.195 LedOverlord.914 cVoRammlied 533 PIGnightman.797 MadFellow.332
I dont go to the school, but I live nearby in Stockton. I have a laptop that can run sc2 so I can meet up if you guys have anything. PM me for info. :D
I reside in los angeles but I have a trip coming up towards Sacramento. PM me if you guys want to set up a tournament or something. I'm not the greatest player, so be warned of my noobieness, but I'm really easy going
Yo! I don't go to CSUS, but i live in Sacramento and go to American River college. If we could get enough people in the area together we should get a lan going sometime! feel free to add me, Slot.821 and we can discuss it!
Nice, I'm glad there are people in the area. I'll add you sl0t and hopefully more people nearby will see this thread!
I'm friends with Jon and will add my info here in order to get more of a discussion going. I'm also not a student, but live nearby (in Folsom) and would be willing to participate if we can get some sort of group or event set up.
CSU Chico here, would be great to play a game or two!
I live in Sac I was just looking for a norcal thread! I'm Vei 585 if you guys wanna play! I have some friends at sac state =]
Nice, we're getting closer! Another CSU student and residents of Folsom and Sacramento! Not exactly what I had in mind when creating the thread, but good nonetheless.
Vei, tell your CSUS friends to post their info here so we can plan times to play together or a meetup of some kind.
Hello everyone,
My roommate told me that there is a Starcraft club at Sac State, so I looked it up in google and found this article. I'm pretty busy with school and work, but I'd also like to try to get some games going with people at Sac State! My username is Kenny and my friend code is 861.
If only there was a lan center in the sacramento area
We do have a SC2 club at Sac State. Only started couple days ago I think. The Prez says he got some 20+ people on the roster. So if you're a student at Sac State, you can sign up for the club with your mySacState account. Just look it up at OrgSync.com. That's where all the school's clubs are listed.
My addie is Coldazer.587
What great news! I followed your instructions Coldazer and requested to join the club since I don't know the password to join. At least I think I requested to join, I can't tell if my request has been submitted.
I'm looking forward to everything the club has to offer
Ooo, I forgot. The password is 'sacramento' I think all the clubs share the same password anyway. But yea, you need the pass to join.
My name is Victor Lim and I am the President of the SC2 on campus. I am glad the word is getting out there. This is my fourth day promoting and we now have about 30 members register and a expected: 50 members by the end of this week. Thanks Coldzer for telling the others. I am a big Starcraft 2 player and I hope this club will continue to grow. We will have SC2 LANs in the union and hold fun events. Whats best is that this club is free to join and no commitment needed. Hope to meet you all soon.
Contact Info: (916)479-2372 VLL22@saclink.csus.edu
That's good to hear, I just joined the club through orgsync. When is the next meeting? I'm also excited about what this club has to offer.
Also, Jon I was telling one of my friends about this and he said that he knows you. His name is Darren, he's also interested (I think) in joining.
if you guys end up getting some lans or something going let me know. im located near vacaville about 30 miles out of sac.
Ahhh yes I know Darren haha I forgot that he went to CSUS.
Sounds good Darkstorm, I'll add you to the list of those willing to come to Sac for some games.
Victor has created a Facebook page for the StarCraft 2 club. Simply search for "CSUS StarCraft" in Facebook and you should be able to find it. He also said that there will be a booth in the quad area (where all the other booths were during the first weeks of school) on Monday October 4 starting at 1PM I believe. Not exactly sure of the times, but if you're on campus that day, definitely check it out!
what if i used to go to sac state
I think this is so cool. I go to CSUF (Fresno State, Go Dogs!). It'd be great to have some college clashes. :D Maybe we can organize something down here in Fresberg.