On August 05 2010 04:58 qxc wrote: Looking for a place to stay / hotel to split. PM me if you can/will.
On August 05 2010 05:10 CauthonLuck wrote: Also looking for place to crash/play sc or hotel splitting buddies, PM if interested. and why did you LOG OFF MSN RIGHT AS I MSG'D YOU BACK QXC!?!
On August 06 2010 01:24 SUGGY wrote: also looking for a place to crash/game. pm me.
obvious solution in 3...2...1...
On August 03 2010 03:41 KnightOfNi wrote:I go to school in greensboro...probably won't be able to make it over to raleigh though Man if you had told me this sooner..
I live in the mountains but im gonna try to make it
I'd be interested in splitting a room perhaps. PM me if anyone is interested.
totally want to go D: and play O.o no place to crash tho halp me out willing to split rooms ^.^ PM me if you are interested ya? :D
Okay, looks like we are hopefully housing all of root gaming at NC state university. If anyone else needs a place to crash for the weekend let me know asap and I will see about finding you a place for free. Should be an epic weekend
Ill probably be heading down, if anyone else is interested in getting a place or splitting rooms le tme know.
OK, roommates are cool with people crashing here. I will have crash space for 2-4 people depending on how much space everyone needs. It's all gonna be floor space so bring pillows/blankets. My apartment's like 15-20 minutes from the venue, not much farther than the NC State guys and honestly we'll be seeing the NCS guys because I swear to god if they host a bunch of players and don't show up at the saucer I'm going to hunt down ever single one of them and make them beg for mercy.
Having said that, if you need somewhere to stay, PM me and we'll work it out. Like I said it's an apartment floor, it's not great but it's free, so if the NC State rooms fill up we can still help out.
I'm going as a spectator, potentially as press, and will be keeping a travel blog/vlog, so I would love to get in with you Root guys and Masq and Joseki. =)
Message me in-game, I may even just book a room at the Marriott if any are left and we can decide what to do from there.
I go to ECU but am from Raleigh, hopefully going to the event.. (was looking for a shirt so I can get in free.. too bad every hot topic is sold out) I can maybe see about having someone crash at my place.
This is awesome, can't wait to see you guys there.
do you buy spectator passes at the door or what?
Going to be Driving up from UNC Charlotte (and most likely stopping by in Greensboro to get my car since a friend is taking is taking me to greensboro from Charlotte) for the weekend as a spectator for the event and staying in a friends dorm, if anyone need a ride I might be able to help you out send me a PM and we can work something out (you Will probably have to find a place to stay though since my friends dorm is pretty small)
I'll sell floor space in my hotel room to the highest bidders! LOL :D
i'm starting at nc state this fall i wanna find tl people i am going to mlg
Hey bluewolf, wonkman, and GG Win I pmed you guys about sharing hotel rooms. If anyone else would like to split a hotel let me know, the group rate ends very soon I believe.
If that doesn't work out, I'll pay 20 bucks a night for floor space -_-
hey i'm going to raleigh and looking for a room to get in on, or share with someone. PM Me!
So where are all you lovely TLers hanging out for the night? Protoss lf fun
Looking for a place to stay or split hotel with PM me if interested, thanks!
Ya I'm deff trying to go and spectate. If we go to the saucer im gonna get trashed and might need a floor to passout on.
I'm going and I might have a room that people can stay in already, but if not why don't we (Everyone whos posted needing one, Cauthon, Qxc, Suggy etc...) all just split the costs of a room?