All written in a professional manner.
IEM Katowice 2022 player list (MaxPax & MlorD out, Zest in…
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Poland104 Posts
All written in a professional manner. | ||
Canada8218 Posts
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Germany2655 Posts
On February 09 2022 12:04 geokilla wrote: Why is a visa needed for a weekend tournament to begin with? Can't they just play online? The SC2 scene has been waiting for offline tournaments to return since forever. I don t think they will make it offline just to accomodate 2 players. They didn t allow MaxPax to play online either. Would be pretty weired if on player was online and one was offline anyways. Also playing from home is a advantage for most players, so that would be unfair for everyone in person as well. | ||
United Kingdom792 Posts
On February 09 2022 15:31 dbRic1203 wrote: The SC2 scene has been waiting for offline tournaments to return since forever. I don t think they will make it offline just to accomodate 2 players. They didn t allow MaxPax to play online either. Would be pretty weired if on player was online and one was offline anyways. Also playing from home is a advantage for most players, so that would be unfair for everyone in person as well. MaxPax made a personal choice. The Chinese players didn't make that choice, and have made every attempt to get into the country and play. I don't feel that the two situations are comparable. That said, I agree that it would be unfair for some players to play in the comfort of their own home and others to play in front of a live audience. | ||
3191 Posts
On February 09 2022 19:25 MJG wrote: MaxPax made a personal choice. The Chinese players didn't make that choice, and have made every attempt to get into the country and play. I don't feel that the two situations are comparable. That said, I agree that it would be unfair for some players to play in the comfort of their own home and others to play in front of a live audience. Wont be "unfair" if those CN players at home are forced to play on EU server. | ||
Germany2655 Posts
On February 09 2022 20:23 tigera6 wrote: Wont be "unfair" if those CN players at home are forced to play on EU server. I would expect, that they would Play in NA West and Central, if that was the case. The Time/ Cyan situation just sucks Still MJG has a point, it s not realy the same situation with MaxPax | ||
361 Posts
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Sweden590 Posts
On February 09 2022 21:30 Kafka777 wrote: These players require a Schengen visa, therefore they can apply for a visa in any Schengen state and participate in the tournament if they recieve it. I just want to point out that the user Kafka is trying to help with the trial of getting papers. It is an arduous process of kafkainian proportions. | ||
347 Posts
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361 Posts
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Poland4690 Posts
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375 Posts
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3191 Posts
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Germany6686 Posts
On February 08 2022 20:12 MarianoSC2 wrote: I never understood this obsession about Maxpax. The guy is super weird and I mean it in a bad way, very unlikeable, 0 social skills, no personality and well, just acts like a jerk from what I saw. Who cares how he looks like or what his issues are? If he does not want to be involved in the scene like a normal person thats his choice just leave him be. After this comment I think YOU are "super weird and I mean it in a bad way, very unlikeable, 0 social skills, no personality" and you DO act like a jerk... | ||
347 Posts
On February 12 2022 03:43 Harris1st wrote: After this comment I think YOU are "super weird and I mean it in a bad way, very unlikeable, 0 social skills, no personality" and you DO act like a jerk... This kind of comment always appear when somebody acts against their expectations. Forgetting by the way there's individuals and not drones. He does what he wants, not what Mariano wants. And even if he could qualify as a jerk, compared to other active players he wouldn't be the worst of the lot. Interesting to see that, on the other hand, Nerchio throwing the usual lazy anti-Protoss ball doesn't draw that kind of comments. | ||
361 Posts
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31 Posts
Armani got replaced by Ryung and details about the replacement process. 签证通过了,但是不知道17号能不能拿到,如果17号拿不到esl会算我弃权,如果能拿到,18号下午飞上海,凌晨会从上海飞往波兰参加此次iem katowice TIME's visa got granted but he doesn't know if he'll receive by the 17th which is the esl deadline. 首先好消息是签证中心收了文件。 坏消息就是这边审核比较严格,首先成都使馆和北京使馆不是一个部门 ,这边签证中心没有收到使馆新的通知 说我要办理文体签 他们收到的还是之前的通知是我要办商务签,所以在这方面他们重新和使馆沟通了很久。 然后是资料问题,我们都忙于回程机票等等杂七杂八的事情,忘记了另一个重要的资料 28号之后到回程航班期间的额外住宿预定单,现场仓促又无法提供 第二就是没有工作证明 这东西我们开不出来也不能造假 所以就空着 。但是理论上是不能没有的,“星际争霸职业选手”也不是一个有确切证明和依据的“职业” 。只靠银行流水是不够的。 第三就是esl草台班子在新的邀请函上 活动时间写错了 不知道是印刷问题还是粗心 比赛时间应该是21-28他写成了21-23,我们自己大意了也没仔细检查,签证中心发现了这个问题……好在之前的原件帮大忙 总而言之,签证中心就这些问题和使馆沟通,按照规则资料不齐全是不可以收的,但是特殊情况他们允许我出具一封正式的解释信,来说明这些问题。这个时间点esl的人没有上班,时间又很紧,我只好死马当活马医自己写然后付费翻译 拼一枪了。 另外因为最近回山西照顾病重的姥姥姥爷,电脑也带回去了没法在成都练习,所以只能选择邮寄 希望来得及吧。 gggl Cyan still isn't sure, the visa centre has received the necessary documents but there were couple issues so he was allowed to submit a formal letter of explanation (not sure about translation) to explain them. All we can do now is hope he gets approved. | ||
6 Posts
Here is the replacement info just released by ESL. TLDR: Armani can't go to IEM, his spot was replaced by Ryung. Classic was supposed to be the replacement but he does not have a passport ready (probably did not make one after his military service and not enough time to make a new one within such short notice) so Ryung got the spot instead. TIME and Cyan are still waiting for the visa application result. If Time fail to get his visa, Ro36 will generate an additional spot into Ro24. If Cyan fail to get his visa, his spot will be replaced by uThermal. | ||
3191 Posts
Edit: nvm i just saw the explanation, moving on. | ||
Germany2655 Posts
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