![TSL5 Logo](https://tl.net/staff/Julmust/2020/TSL6/announcement/tsl6_announcement.png)
Dear TL Community,
156 days ago, soO joined IefNaij, NonY, ThorZaIN, and Creator on the list of TeamLiquid Starleague champions. For us, the team behind TSL, it was also a big day because it was the first time we could really say “we made it”. We’d brought TSL back and crowned a champion for the first time in eight years.
On top of that, we managed to create something that stood out. It was important to us to do things differently from other tournaments, and our artistic style and musical choices evoked strong responses from StarCraft II fans. We chose to do things that made us happy and hoped that you’d like those things too. As it turns out, you did. Enough that we felt that just one TSL tournament in 2020 wasn’t going to cut it.
What better way to continue our unique take on StarCraft II tournaments than to host another one during the wonderful winter season? The broadcast will feature presents, competitions, surprise guests, and plenty of holiday spirit. And of course we’ll have prize money and EPT points for the players.
TSL5 was a learning experience for us. We made plenty of mistakes. Most were fixed before you, the fans, could notice, but some slipped through the cracks. We made some decisions that weren’t bad, per se, but we should have been striving for great. So we’re going to change things. Some of these changes will jump off the screen and some you might not notice at all—just trust us when we say we’ve taken a long, hard look in the mirror, and we hope we can take TSL6 to another level.
So what are the major changes? We’ll start off with the length of the tournament. TSL5 was played out over four weekends. This, combined with the amount of matches being played, meant that the last two days of play were much shorter than the previous weekends. We saw a number of viewers coming into the Twitch chat just as the tournament ended, surprised that it was over. That’s why we’ve decided to condense the schedule and make the final two days a bit longer.
Main Event | ||
Weekend 1 | Dec 5th | Dec 6th |
Weekend 2 | Dec 12th | Dec 13th |
Weekend 3 | Dec 19th | Dec 20th |
The qualifiers were also given a slight overhaul. Our biggest mistake during the qualifying phase of TSL5 was allowing NA and EU qualifiers to be played out on the same day. We made a post apologizing for that but it was, at that point, too late to fix. We also had a problem with Korean players not liking the double elimination format of the qualifiers and we will therefore change that to a single elimination bracket. We’ll release a post early next week with more detailed information.
The qualifiers will start at an earlier, regional, time than TSL5 and will be played out in a single day. The StarCraft II tournament schedule is very tight at this time of year, which is why we will be running all qualifiers in a single week.
In general, the rules will stay the same. Players wishing to compete in the Korean qualifiers must either be a) a Korean citizen, or b) living in Korea. Korean citizens are generally not allowed to play in the NA/EU qualifiers and anyone living in Korea gets to choose: KR or NA/EU, exclusively. The one major change is that all qualifiers will have a default server and the only way to change servers is if both players agree. Tournament admins will have no say in server decisions.
Qualifiers | ||
KR #1 | EU #1 | NA #1 |
Dec 1st | Dec 1st | Dec 2nd |
KR #2 | NA #2 | KR #3 |
Dec 3rd | Dec 3rd | Dec 4th |
Next up is daily start time. For TSL5 we started each day at 2PM CET. That was great for European viewers, but not so great for fans in North America—especially if you’re on the west coast. For TSL6 every play day will start at 5PM CET / 11AM EST / 8 AM PST. We understand that will make the tournament run very late for our Korean players but we have not been given any indications that that is an issue, and we’ll try to schedule their matches as early in the day as possible.
Now, about the format. We’re expanding the amount of players we’ll have in TSL6, from 24 to 32. They will be placed in a 32-player “double elimination” bracket, seeded according to EPT points at the start of the tournament. However, there’s a reason we placed “double elimination” in quotation marks. All games in the round of 32 will be elimination games. That’s right, players losing their series on day 1 or day 2 of the tournament are eliminated. If you make it through these “play-in” games, you get that extra life a normal double elimination style tournament awards you. If you want a visual representation of the bracket, Liquipedia has prepared an example bracket for you.
TSL5 had an issue where the first round matches weren’t particularly meaningful, with wins not conferring much of an advantage. We felt that this new, modified, double elimination format was the best way to make sure every match felt meaningful and exciting, maintain the competitive integrity of the tournament, and also address some practical concerns of the tournament (scheduling, broadcast hours, etc).
We are also happy to announce that we'll have the same title sponsor for TSL6. The love for StarCraft runs deep in the halls of Shopify and they've become so much more than a partner for us. We'll introduce them better in a separate post, closer to the start of the tournament, but here's what Shopify had to say about partnering with us for another TSL.
One of our missions in esports is to enable creators and creatives to think freely and focus on creating engaging innovative content; with TSL we can do this while supporting the competitive scene we have so much passion for.
As esports fans, it was an absolute joy to see TSL5 come together. It's unique character bridged the gap in quality between online and live event in a way few events have accomplished. We can't wait to see the stories coming out of TSL6.
— Dario
Esports Program Manager at Shopify
After working with TL to revive TSL earlier this year, I think we knew pretty quickly we'd be getting back to work on a 6th edition pretty soon.
It really is a tournament that's made with a lot of love from the designers, organizers and everyone else that helps put it on, and I'm really happy we've been able to stay involved as a partner.
— Jeremy
Gaming and Esports Lead at Shopify
That’s it for now. Over the next couple of weeks we’ll have plenty of more announcements for you such as casters, guests, broadcast partners (this one will take you back), partners, competitions, and more. Thanks for making TSL5 great and we look forward to seeing you in chat for TSL6!
- TeamLiquid팀리퀴드 스타리그 6
+ Show Spoiler [한국어 보기] +
다른 대회와 차별화되고 개성있는 대회를 치루자는 목표로 TSL5를 개최했는데, 팬들이 배경 음악, 방송 그래픽 등 대회의 특이한 요소들을 즐겨서 또한 기뻤습니다. 그리고 팬들 여러분의 뜨거운 반응 때문에 2020년에 대회를 한 번 더 치뤄야겠다고 결심했습니다.
올해 연말은 TSL6과 함께해주시길 바랍니다!
(상금, EPT 포인트 배정, 예선 신청 정보는 추후에 공지)
TSL6 주요 정보 및 변경점:
예선전 방식 조정
TSL5때 한국 선수들의 불편한 점을 고려해서 한국 서버 예선 방식을 2일에 거친 더블 엘리미네이션에서 하루에 치루는 싱글 엘리미네이션 방식으로 변경했습니다. 예선전은 TSL5와 동일하게 한국 서버, 북미-유럽 서버 두 지역으로 나눠서 진행하고, 한국 서버 예선은 대한민국 시민권자 또는 거주자만 참가 가능합니다.
또, 지난 대회의 북미-유럽 예선 일정 중복 문제 고려해서 같은 날에 진행하지 않습니다.
한국 서버 예선 3회: 12월 1일, 3일, 4일 진행 (각자 별도의 예선).
북미 서버 예선 2회: 12월 2일, 3일
유럽 서버 예선 1회: 12월 1일
본선 일정 및 시간대
대회 기간을 4주에서 3주로 단축했으며, 최종 경기일이 너무 빠르게 끝났다는 팬들의 피드백을 반영해서 대회 마지막 주의 경기 수를 늘렸습니다.
1주차: 12월 5-6일
2주차: 12월 12-13일
3주차: 12월 19-20일
한국 팬들에게 안타까운 소식이지만, 지난 대회의 방송 시간이 북미 시청자들에게 굉장히 불편했다는 점을 고려해서 TSL6의 방송 시간을 밤 01:00시(한국 시간) 시작으로 조정했습니다. TSL5처럼 한국 선수들의 경기를 최대한 앞서서 치룰 수 있도록 경기 시간을 정하도록 하겠습니다.
본선 방식
전 대회의 24강 더블 엘리미네이션에서 32강 복합 방식으로 대진표를 변경했습니다. 전 대회의 방식이 1라운드 경기가 무의미하다는 지적을 .
32강: 싱글 엘리메네이션 방식 (EPT 포인트로 시드 배정).
16강 이후: 더블 엘리미네이션 방식.
대진표 방식 보기 (클릭)