On March 17 2017 08:07 EESCLuna wrote: Every map pool is targeted to be hard to defend to protosses. Z and T can drop everywhere on all maps currently. While the season goes on and protosses learn how to stop these agressive styles (only protoss have cheeses right now coz no strategy is allin anymore thanks to the new eco to T and Z) ,they stop playing. 23% now and dropping.
no strategy is all-in??? i can think of a few... Sure blizzard wouldn't know a good map if it walked up to them but is this real
Btw i dont get that sequencer hype at all. Everyone is suddenly a choke-layout fan? Or may be it's innovative? Nope. SPL was played on Maze once. Similar concept. NOTHING extraordinary.
"choke layout fan"? There are some temporary rocks that close the map up a bit, but you have to realize that once a few of those rocks go down it's pretty much the most open map in SC2 history if it makes ladder. If you removed the rocks it would be super Z favored, so they need to be there. Anyhow as plexa said it consistenly gave great games in the tourney. Of course the tourney can be misleading since it's only a handful of games on each map, but it's all we have to go on.
On one hand I'm happy they want to include Ascension to Aiur, on the other hand I'm sad they want to get rid of Honorgrounds. All the ladder must belong to me!! I'd actually love to do some balance tweaks to Honorgrounds if they were going to keep it in the pool for next season. Although I'm not sure if they'd actually allow that to happen.
I created a map thread for Ascension that has some up to date information as well as some more screenshots if people are interested.
So the community just gets to decide among specificly chosen maps which one of the map makers gets the money? How can they even consider this rush map a potential ladder addition? I don't like Blood Boil one bit.
Paladino is awful, but i gotta say i'm glad honorgrounds is being removed, the xelnaga/brush interaction is the only thing interesting about that map, it is otherwise a free 5 bases map that tends to lead to boring games. At least in my ladder experience, honorgrounds rarely produces good games.
First im glad to get near in time informations about the end results.
What i see is all together AWESOME. RETARDED and what so ever.
First of all, sure the old maps need to go, glad we get rid of them finally.
Acenscion to Aiur, Sequencer as expected did it so far so good. The aweseome thing to me is that blood boil did it, love the layout great job. Aswell glad that paradise lost and hwangsan didnt make it, also good job im proud of blizzard here i need to say.
Now the more nasty decisions to talk about.. Like what is that? Paladino stays?????????? and Honorgrounds goes offline? u wanna kidding me? Paladino to me is unplayable so instant veto and a wasted map to me again this season. This decision i will never understand.
I understand that blizzard wants to have also a short distance map which is macro oriented ok. But to be honest i dont get it to choose a map which isnt even involved in the contest. Thats like the middle finger to the community im sorry. Like someone said the rush maps were trash and blizzard ignored em aswell so far so good....instead of taking another map of the pool, like paradisia or Acolyte (which is clearly my faourite) or windwaker u take this nasty crapy short distance map which should be macro orientied. Blizzard dont you really get it? Thats impossible. Do you even look how close the bases would be in a macro szenario while the rush distance is very short. Sure some interessting games between 3.4 base and that was it maybe 5th. For more this Map is unuseable, maybe only you add as terran everywhere planetarys or as toss pylons then its kind of ok. So this decision is to me the most annoying one of all.
Overall i can live with the results. Im happy blood boil did it. And 2 decision with the new map and honorgrounds i cant understand. I think you want to keep it mixed but to be honest then take hwangsan straight up with 6 bases and dont make like a map where zerg has no chance if this 7 or 8 bases were taken on this short distance new map.
i hope my words got heared, gl hf everyone on the new ones......
Glad that windwaker didn't make it in, the layout felt super boring when I played on it.. Dissapointed that Defenders Landing is in the map pool at the same time as Paladino given that they're both rush maps with nat chokes that suck to wall off.
On March 17 2017 09:55 ihatevideogames wrote: Why even hold a map contest with community votes if Blizzard pisses on the community's face again and they go and do their own thing?
The community is awful at choosing maps, and TL polls are a poor way of deciding what the community wants. The only problem with what happened is that Blizzard typically does a poor job judging maps as well.
On March 17 2017 04:53 Charoisaur wrote: Wish they'd replace blood boil or defender's landing with windwaker/Hwangsan. Than the mappool would be perfect.
So much this. I can live with blood boil on ladder but this defender's landing looks awful tbh - instant veto for me.
On March 17 2017 04:53 Charoisaur wrote: Wish they'd replace blood boil or defender's landing with windwaker/Hwangsan. Than the mappool would be perfect.
So much this. I can live with blood boil on ladder but this defender's landing looks awful tbh - instant veto for me.
They also want to keep Paladino. So you run out of vetoes quick next season if they stick with this.
On March 17 2017 04:53 Charoisaur wrote: Wish they'd replace blood boil or defender's landing with windwaker/Hwangsan. Than the mappool would be perfect.
So much this. I can live with blood boil on ladder but this defender's landing looks awful tbh - instant veto for me.
They also want to keep Paladino. So you run out of vetoes quick next season if they stick with this.
Yeah just noticed that :|
The Dream: Ascension to Aiur + Sequencer + Windwaker + Hwangsan + keep 3 best maps from current pool
It's not on topic but someday I was thinking why couldn't we have bigger mappool like 9 or 11 and more vetos? After the season blizzard could check which maps were voted the most and replace them with new ones + add map lifespan of idk 2-3 seasons so after that time I had to be replaced.
I 'd feel so extatic if I had made a map that everybody would be playing. especially if I'd see real pros take a go at it. So, huge congrats to the creators of the picks! I hope you enjoy it
I have never been as exited for a LotV map as I have been for Sequencer, but Blizzard: 1. Please replace Paladino with Hwangsan, Paradisia, Windwaker, Paradise Lost, Acolyte, Asteroid Barricade or Keres Passage. 2. For Defender's Landing please put (preferably above regular health/armor) rocks at natural ramp OR replacing the destructible tower. 3. Check if siege tanks can cover main ramp on Defender's Landing while being behind rocks/tower, and if so please move rocks/tower forward so they cannot. I look forward to the end of the tyranny of old maps. >:3