My iterations are done.
- Vertical third base has been shifted closer to the natural, the natural has been rotated 45 degrees counter-clockwise.
- Xel'Naga Watchtowers were moved Diagonally, North West and South East, to now cover the far reaches of the map, as well as a slight sliver of the high middleground.
- Made the map slightly more yellow, for namesake.
- Sand made less blinding.
Blood Boil
- "Pocket" base philosophy changed from less economy, to less gas but more minerals.
- Natural Choke made slightly smaller, and backdoor ramp into natural is now a size 1 ramp.
- Pocket "Natural" rocks moved from the main to the ramp towards the natural.
- Base met by three down-ramps changed into an 8 gold 2 geyser base.
- Xel'Naga Tower position adjusted slightly.
- Exposed Fourth Base mineral line rotated 45 degrees. It is still exposed, but not as much as it was previously.
- Debris added to front ramp, has 350 hp and 5 armor.
- Natural choke made smaller.
- Rock Towers added in the middle.
- Long rocks under LOS blockers by natural removed.
- Coolant Tower added to down-ramp by natural.
- 9th mineral patch in main removed.
- Some ramps removed amongst the middle.
- 4th base philosophy changed. Vertical 4th has a high mineral income, but little longevity, as well as only one geyser. The opposite 4th, has 10 minerals and 2 gas geysers, for longevity.
- Lowground late-game bases have 5 mineral patches, but 3 geysers as a risky base option after the longevity base was taken.
- Xel'Naga Rocks added to help defend the vertical base after taking the gold option.