Clear your browser cache, to fully refresh your browser for the updated cards. Hope that helps some people at least! You can also go to your tools or history settings and "clear browser data" depending on what browser you are using.
And the CSS transitions won't work in old IE browsers (9 and below). so don't bother with that :D
On October 23 2014 07:06 Meru wrote: Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Clear your browser cache, to fully refresh your browser for the updated cards. Hope that helps some people at least! You can also go to your tools or history settings and "clear browser data" depending on what browser you are using.
And the CSS transitions won't work in old IE browsers (9 and below). so don't bother with that :D
we should mod sticky this to every future blizzcon article.
works fine for me
I played and watched BW, knew of iron and the name suicide toss and actually never put 2 and 2 together even though I watched SO MUCH SC2 from 2010-2012.
As well written as this was, I feel like this article didn't have a lot of content. It just kind of ran around in circles saying the same few things over and over. Nevertheless, I love MC, and I hope he wins it all :D
Great write up~~ BUt....sorry there has to be a but....MC is one of those players that yes,,,,makes his coin off deadly timings....BUT NEVER FORGET HE CAN MACRO AND LONG GAME WITH THE BEST OF THEM. This is what makes him sooooooooo goood....and why he has been able to accomplish what he has. He can do both!!!!
Glad the article notes at least briefly MC's longevity. He was a top player at the time of the first GSL in september 2010 when he was #1 GM in Korea and is still a top player now. No one else can say that, not even close.
MC has the magnetism of a champion, and somehow always succeeds to climb back up to the top. No other pro in SCII has succeeded in coming back to prominence so many times, not even mvp.
On October 23 2014 09:21 ZigguratOfUr wrote: MC has the magnetism of a champion, and somehow always succeeds to climb back up to the top. No other pro in SCII has succeeded in coming back to prominence so many times, not even mvp.
No doubt my favourite progamer of all SC2! He may not be the champion all the time, but when he is a champ the crowd fucking knows it!
No other progamer has the charm and skill combined.
On October 23 2014 09:58 iViNtaGe wrote: gogo MC! I think the rumor about it being based on likelihood to win blizzcon is true because all the WCS EU players are getting write ups first xD