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For a little bit of background. PiG and I have come from Australia and been living in the mYi House for over a month now. DreamHack Summer was ENORMOUS. I still can't fathom how many people were all there with their BYOCs. Valencia was a lot smaller, but still great because a large portion of it was dedicated to sc2.
Before shooting, the only thing I had planned to do were the player shots from behind. I think they turned out okay. The zoom out was done manually and could have been cleaner. As I was editing, this EVO Moments video was released:
It absolutely blew my mind. I don't even know a thing about fighting games, yet I felt so emotional for all the players and the audience there. The video portrayed to me how I feel when I spectate esports/sports for something I really love. This is something I wanted to bring through in my own video.
If this is in the wrong section or whatever, please let me know.