Flash: I am really glad. I planned out my first ever ceremony ever since becoming a pro gamer. To Action who is standing beside me, I want to thank him for what he did. If I get the chance to, I will try to do ceremonies often.
How did you come up with this ceremony?
Flash: I don’t remember who brought the idea up first. Supervisor H.O.T-Forever and my teammates were very forward about this. So it’s fine to think of this as a team product. We thought of Action as soon as we saw the dinosaur costume. TY was also a candidate but it looked like it would suit Action more.
Weren’t you a little worried that you had to put on this dinosaur suit?
Action: I didn’t care about wearing it since everyone was having fun. I was actually more worried about not pulling it off well.
Since you had a ceremony prepared, the pressure to win must have been huge.
Flash: I told myself that I could not lose no matter what. I was able to win because of that.
Thanks to this ceremony, you will probably remember it for a long time.
Action: I did a ceremony once in the past before. This one was just as good so I wasn’t worried.
You must have been flustered by Stork’s five gate blink stalker build.
Flash: While I had control of the watch towers, I noticed that there were no movements from Stork. I got flustered a lot after I saw his stalkers but the thing is, rather than cancel my third CC I actually wanted him to attack it. Thanks to that, I was able to buy time just like I thought I would.
Was the widow mine drop an improvised strategy?
Flash: It was improvised. There really wasn’t anything else I could do at the time other than a widow mine drop. I don’t know how many kills I got with those drops but because I noticed that Stork hyung wasn’t pumping out that many units, I saw that the game was playable.
You must have a desire to grab the ceremony award.
Flash: I would like to get it but I think people will think of it differently. This is my first excessive ceremony in seven years. Honestly, I didn’t really have a desire to get the ceremony award, but now that I’ve gone and done one, I think I’m starting to desire it now.
Things are looking good for you for Round 3.
Flash: I started off with two losses in the beginning of round two, but this time around, I’ve started with two wins. My confidence is booming. I think I’m going to be able to do well again. It’s fine if people have expectations for me.
You will play your GSL Code A matches and your GSL Global Championship matches this week.
Flash: Since I’m doing well right now with this kind of feeling, I am confident. I think it’s going to be fun. The most important match is going to be the Code A match tomorrow.
Anything else you would like to say?
Flash: I want to thank the coaching staff and Action for assisting me so that this ceremony could happen. If I do end up getting the ceremony award, then I will treat them to something nice. Action: Since I was a part of this ceremony, I hope people saw it as a good one. For next time, I will return with a good performance.
Methods to locating SC2 interviews!
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