I am bringing this case to everyone’s knowledge because according to NewRoSoft website (http://www.nrsteam.com/about.php) he is the team owner and at the very least he carries NrS tag on the ladder. Thus he is “someone” in the esports scene, and as such if caught hacking should be brought to the public knowledge.
Andrei Gireada aka Egomancer or [NrS]LionHeart on the ladder. Bnet profile http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/245593/1/LionHeart/
There is enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt to make such an accusation, mostly in GM/Master hacker thread http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=340614¤tpage=331 Pages 331 and then from 334 onwards until 347.
I am going to break down here all the evidence I have gathered from the GM/Master hacker thread and the 4 replays posted in there. Common to all four replays is very low/non-existent scouting. A lot of the evidence is circumstantial, however, there are few pieces of very damning evidence which are rather impossible to explain. With everything brought together, the case is very strong if not impenetrable.
Also, here is a good video on the topic created by Generalul
Replay one http://drop.sc/352984 :
This is by far the most important replay mostly due to 12:50, 16:47 and the burrow ling episode which is quite hilarious.
-10:30 Slightly after the spire goes down, he reacts with 2 stargates (no knowledge of the spire) Followed with Fleet Beacon for Phoenix range upgrade.
-12:15 3 Cannons Blindly at natural
-12:50 to 13:00 His camera jumps to the natural to warp in stalkers into the mineral line in anticipation of mutalisks that are not in his vision. If you pause at 12:58 and watch his vision it is clear that he sees the mutas before they are in his legit vision.
-16:47 This is the single most important piece of evidence in my opinion. Without any kind of warning he proceeds to active Photon Overcharge in anticipation of attack that is out of his vision range. This is hard evidence.
-17:25 He sends his whole army and a probe to potential 4th location. Burrowed Zergling is there to deny this move. However, he shouldn’t know this. Still, he does not even try to build the nexus and finally starts an observer without ever getting the error message that something is actually blocking the nexus construction.
-17:40 He immediately pulls back when Zerg army starts moving on the map. (He has no vision still). Around the same time he warps in 4 Zealots to block his main base from an attack which he does not see until after the warp in.
19:00 Pulls his army towards natural mineral line yet again in anticipation of an attack he has yet to see.
Replay two http://drop.sc/354364 :
-6:40 He selects the mothership core in anticipation of marine poke. He activates the Photon Overcharge when the marines come into the vision. (Looks rather weird in his camera)
-12:20 Moves his whole army to intercept drop at third location without any vision.
-17:05 He conveniently builds forward pylons on the exact moment double drop is coming towards his 4th. This looks like maphack masking especially since there are no other forward pylons for scouting purposes in the game.
He also selects his army on the very same moment and immediately sends it to clear the attack when he sees first units.
18:45 When Terran is preparing to move out with maxed army he walks to the middle and creates perfect concave where the terran army walks and dies. No vision.
Replay three http://drop.sc/354369 :
Because I don’t understand PvP I will copy paste from the General hacking thread.
On August 16 2013 04:00 Nyast wrote:
More proof on [NrS]LionHeart:
I remembered this thread, so I decided to go for a very agressive build to see how he'd react. Here are the results:
- 5'15: chronoes a stalker without scouting that I'm arriving with 2 zealots and 2 stalkers. It makes no sense to go for a 3 gate build and to suddenly chrono a stalker in the middle of it like that.
- 5'25: his camera jumps at my army at his natural right before he has vision of it. He has his army already pre-selected too.
If it was an isolated incident it could have been a coincidence, but in the light of the 2 previous posters, I have no doubt he's indeed hacking.
More proof on [NrS]LionHeart:
I remembered this thread, so I decided to go for a very agressive build to see how he'd react. Here are the results:
- 5'15: chronoes a stalker without scouting that I'm arriving with 2 zealots and 2 stalkers. It makes no sense to go for a 3 gate build and to suddenly chrono a stalker in the middle of it like that.
- 5'25: his camera jumps at my army at his natural right before he has vision of it. He has his army already pre-selected too.
If it was an isolated incident it could have been a coincidence, but in the light of the 2 previous posters, I have no doubt he's indeed hacking.
Replay Four http://ggtracker.com/matches/3883079 :
-3:45 Scouting (finally). However the pathing is a bit weird. He is about to skip the main where enemy is. When the probe finally arrives it gets funnier, he passes the main, seeing a bit of creep. Then pulls back in a move which looks a little bit masking.
(However, this move is not exactly the most suspicious on the list. It is simply weird)
-9:25ish He conveniently gets out of his base to catch the Zerglings.
-9:50 Again, slightly after the spire goes down he drops down two stargates, and later on Fleet Beacon without seeing scouting mutalisks. This is too much of an coincidence in my opinion.
-11:15 Observer arrives in Zerg base. He never ever makes an effort to scout anything with the observer, he simply moves it to Zerg base into a spot where it gives zero useful scouting information and then forgets about it (Mind you, player is at master level).
-11:30 Watch his vision. Whilst his vision is in main base he selects his army in anticipation of an attack yet to come, and when first ling or two hits the vision reacts immediately by sending army via minimap to defend the 3rd.
-12:40 Moves phoenix fleet in anticipation of a mutalisk attack.
There is the replay evidence. I would like to point out once more that most of the evidence is circumstantial, however few parts with unexplainable moves coupled with other weird moves and the fact that he is without scouting information pretty much always in the right place makes the case.
I would like to point out also, that Egomancer has been derailing conversation in the original GM/Master Hacker thread (Pages 334 to 343), accusing his opponents of maphacking (including me, I play the Terran in Replay two) and giving right out bizarre explanations for his weird gameplay. Everything taken into consideration, this is not a personal witch hunt against anyone, since the evidence is there. You may see it for yourself.
Egomancer has has been banned today from Team Liquid.
Edit// Added Bnet profile and personal information
Edit2// Do not blow back this on NrS players, they have never showed cheating behaviour.