I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
I have to agree. I don't know exactly the situation that prevented him from getting a visa, but lack of preparation screws over the other player (in this case aLive), the whole tournament which now has to give out walkovers, and Jim himself. Horrible all around.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did prepare ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't prepare ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
chinese people get denied visas all the time, just because
maybe Blizzard should use its multiquadrillion dollars to force the german government to give out visas to chinese nationals. if it were LoL/DoTA/whatever else that is what they would do!! oh wait, that argument didn't work in the other thread either.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did prepare ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't prepare ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
chinese people get denied visas all the time, just because
Well, if you say you go to China as journalist you will also get denied. Arbitrary rules.
Alright where are all the german people making fun of the US and their visa policies at, when jim/macsed were first denied US visas?! Good thing next season's finals will be in toronto, canada!....I will prepare myself to eat crow if the chinese are denied visas to canada!
On August 16 2013 02:28 Canucklehead wrote: Alright where are all the german people making fun of the US and their visa policies at, when jim/macsed were first denied US visas?! Good thing next season's finals will be in toronto, canada!....I will prepare myself to eat crow if the chinese are denied visas to canada!
Shhhh us Americans are trying to be hypocritical don't give it away.