if blizzard doesnt fix the game, they fix the imbaness with maps, making maps p>z imba makes it fair i guess vs imbalord and imbafestor xD
no ok sry for trolling but seriously i think that its need change on mappools and ofc some maps will be bad but it will be a progress and at the end we have great maps ... but i would start with python, fighting spirit, even luna but not really gg and bifrost which was even in bw imbalanced^^
On November 19 2012 17:58 TaShadan wrote: nice but i wonder how it works out with sc2 balance the maps were made for bw balance
Even that is a stretch lol, most BW pro maps were imba as hell. But they were imba for different races in different ways so it kinda evened out in the end.
I'm excited to see how it works out in the leagues, but what i'm even more excited about is if blizzard will use some of them as ladder maps, cuz honestly the map pool on ladder is way too boring and old and stagnant. And if kespa tournaments are going to bust out new maps for every season, then putting the 2-3 best into the ladder map pool is a good way to get rid of old and shitty maps (yes, i'm looking at you shakuras and taldarim) and keep the pool fresh and exciting. (although gom is also regularly adding new maps to their pool and blizzard doesnt really seem to give a shit)
On November 19 2012 15:56 SidianTheBard wrote: I think most of you fail to realize what happens when a third base isn't somewhat easy to take. Yes, 1 or 2 base all-ins every game, which is basically what we saw for the first year of WoL. If Protoss can't get a safe 3rd, their only option is either 2 base all-in, or grab a very late 3rd. If you grab a late 3rd, you're behind because the zerg is still going to get his 3rd by the 6-7 minute mark. If the 3rd is too difficult, not only do we see 2 base all-ins constantly from protoss, but zerg also complain because they now can't hold their 3rds because they are too far away from their other bases. Terran probably have the best option but that's only because marines, tanks & pforts are good enough to hold bases fairly easily.
It's cool they are trying new things out, I'm all for tournaments picking up new maps, but man, these maps blow and would be so god damn awful in sc2.
Yes, we do realize we will see 1 or 2 base all-ins every game. But its better than seeing 20 minutes macro games(drone, drone, drone) with only one big final battle. And for those who prefer macro games there are plenty of tournaments with big macro maps(GSL, GSTL, MLG, IPL, Dreamhack and others).
Personally I prefer to watch sick micro with limited number of units than 200/200 deathball against deathball.
See and this is the problem. You basically want maps that say 1 or 2 base all-in or lose. At least with current maps where 3rds are somewhat safe you have the option of going 3 base and macroing for 20 minutes but they also have the option to 1 or 2 base all-in, which you still see plenty of those types of games. How many games do we still see the Immortal/Sentry all-in, even on maps where according to you it "should" be a 20 minute do nothing macro game?
Some of these maps have no ramp into the main, did they not learn from Tal'Darim that this basically forces 4gate in PvP? (Which hey, that's not getting fixed in HoTS, so it'll still be 4gates!) Did they not realize if the natural isn't safe enough that it'll just force 1 base all-ins? Remember how much people bitched about 1 base drop play on Lost Temple? Great, let's bring that back!
Most people in this thread are just blinded by the fact that a tournament in bringing in new maps, even though all but 1 of them are god awful, viewers are still excited because they are new maps. Hell, I'm kind of happy they are trying it out even though I know they all suck and will produce terrible games just because it's a change of pace that apparently no other tournament (besides GSL's 1 new map a tournament) does.
I really don't think this will work out. Porting BW to SC2 is something that has been over and over shown not effective with SC2 mechanics and abusable issues like bad cliffs, etc. I really think that they should just start from scratch and not mar some of the great old maps, after all Fighting Spirit is more than a map.
Well, the game that has just ended between Nyun and Creator on Daybreak(imho current best map) was sooooo BORING and IMBALANCED! So KESPA maps surely will be no worse than current maps. Will they be better? We will see. But at lest KESPA is tring to do something, kudos to them for that.
Google translate mentions Ace not participating, KeSPA possibly replacing them with a foreign team, and a possible December 8th opening day. However, some confirmation from a real translator would be greatly appreciated.
Google translate mentions Ace not participating, KeSPA possibly replacing them with a foreign team, and a possible December 8th opening day. However, some confirmation from a real translator would be greatly appreciated.
I'm a lazy nerd, when does the next pro league start and are all these maps gonna be in the map pool ?
Edit :
On November 20 2012 21:04 GTR wrote: What kind of foreign team has a roster deep enough to stay in Korea for an entire season of Proleague? D:
EG ? I would have added CoL but it's unlikely
Edit2 : Weirdly enough I can't get on Fomos anymore and someone posted that they were more detailed pics of the maps on the site, can some one post it here ? :O
Edit3: If EG or any other team joins proleague does that mean that they have to become a kespa team ? O_O
Thats a huge leap for the foreign scene if EG or whatever foreign team can participate in Proleague . I have not been a big fan of EG or any foreign teams so far , but i have to give credit where credit is due if this is true .