i'm scared/dissapointed/sad/mad either way.
Slayers to disband - Page 175
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4 Posts
i'm scared/dissapointed/sad/mad either way. | ||
1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:17 Hardigan wrote: ok cool, TB has released his/Crank's statement. Now what? Who should we trust? Who is in the wrong? According to TB, Crank is a sentimental angel who just wanted to save everyone in the Team and according to Jessica, he was exactly the opposite. Until now Jessica has more evidence backing her up and apparently she is still searching for more. What I am interested in is point 5 that jessica has though. Rumours that has nothing to do with the matter, embezzlement rumours? That's the only rumour that has been sprouting up this week | ||
Denmark7115 Posts
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United States42 Posts
T_T | ||
United States3849 Posts
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10003 Posts
It better be for being nearly an hour long. | ||
Canada8573 Posts
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Germany2516 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:21 Tachion wrote: Should have known better than to put up a weak statement after all the evidence that Jessica has been dishing out. Now she's threatening to release the audio recording. I hope crank knows what hes doing! Since Crank said in his statement that he's perfectly fine with the audio recording being published, my wild guess would be... yes. He does. | ||
United States77 Posts
The fact that Jessica is threatening to release an hour long recording means that it's more than the phone call that Crank referenced and that it involves everyone from MMA, to Alicia, to Ryung, and finally Crank. Anybody else get the feeling that loads of shit has yet to hit the fan? | ||
Netherlands643 Posts
Secondly, it's solely based on Crank's words. No so called chatlogs or evidence has been released by TotalBisquit which he did allude to earlier. This entire statement is a farce and not nearly enough to dispell any accusations. Because it's an audio statement it will take me a while to transcript parts of it to respond to, but I'll try to make an effort to show where I feel it's insufficient or simply a faulty thought process. | ||
44 Posts
Even with all the problems, slayers players were doing decently, which is no surprise since they were pretty much handpicked by Boxer who definitely knows how to pick talent. I do think it's unfair to pick on Crank, when Crank wasn't the reason why the team was dismantled nor MMA for that matter. They were simply the results of all the troubles that were brewing and the explosion that finally arrived when things were not fixed. | ||
Australia171 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:11 megacrack wrote: this shit is like ultimatum... ill try and somewhat translate it for now till someone else does it. im current in Thailand filming with a deadly schedule. i really wanted to forget and rest but you dont let me be. i saw what cranks team had to say. 1.you said you were going to prove that what i wrote in the initial statement was wrong. you have to specify where i got it wrong and you have to prove to your best of abilities. 2. you heard cranks point of view and posted a statement (recording) based on his view, if you didnt do proper research on what is truth and what is wrong and just posted that up, you got to be ready for your consequences. like the trickster, fruitdealer incident where the team only listened to their players for example. 3.while im at thailand working i double checked the recording between crank, boxer and i that goes for 57 minutes and 48 seconds. if axiom does not provide proper evidence and keep on pushing that crank is in the wrong, i will provide this recording in front of media, myself and coach cella. if i only small portion of the recording, there maybe people thinking that it may be manipulated, so i will provide the whole file. 4. ill tell you this story has crank and 3 other people involved, truthfully, even the parts that i do not want to show because of the good bond and bad bond ( korean saying) that we had before, will be shown. so for the other people involved i want you to think carefully. 5.if crank goes on about anything other than what i wrote, like my personality, my other social attributes, or creating rumors my agency and i will treat this very seriously. i will make sure and as soon as i arrive to korea i will start planning.. i will arrive in korea on monday 8:10am and have another shooting at 10am so i will finish late at night. i will make adjustments with the journalists for time schduling . i want to forget everything and forgive, but people cannot see this. im not doing this because i want to do thi, but im doing the way crank wants it to be. to whoever can translate this, please send it to cranks team | ||
Sweden5626 Posts
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1575 Posts
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Korea (South)1389 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:20 Seraphic wrote: lol... I'm not surprised CranK's letter was so weak. Didn't Jessica say so long ago she HAD the entire conversation recorded? And yet CranK proceeded to just say such a weak excuse (like I have expected completely.) Good going TB, you'll probably earn the wrath of the Korean Netizens Already happening... LOL | ||
Germany2516 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:01 farnham wrote: TB you just got mail from jessica 최재원소속팀에 알려드립니다. 아직도 태국에서 정말 죽음의 일정으로 촬영중인데,, 이젠 정말 모든걸 잊고 쉬고싶었는데... 절 가만두지 않네요. 최재원의 소속팀에서 올린 글 잘보았습니다. 1.제가 슬레이어스팀의 대하여 올릴때 최재원 에 대하여 기술한 부분이 틀리다는 반박 자료를 공개한다고 했는데. 제가 명확히 어느부분은 말한것인지 그 논점에 대해 최대한 반박을 하셔야 할것입니다. 2.현재 최재원의 얘기만 듣고 이를 그대로 올린다는 것인데. 그것이 사실인지 아닌지 그것의 정황여부나 진실 조사없이 올릴경우 팀대 팀으로서의 파장을 감수하셔야할것입다. 서기수 김원기 사건과 같이 사건 파악없이 선수말만 듣고 팀의 입장을 발표했을경우를 예시로 제시합니다. 3.태국에서 일하는 짬짬이 제가 가진 최재원,저 그리고 임요환선수가 통화한 음성파일 57분 48초 짜리를 다시 한번 체크했고 만약 최재원소속팀에서 이번 일에 대한 명확한 자료 제시없이 일방적인 주장을 하게 될경우 이를 매체 기자님들. 저 그리고 연관이 되어있는 홍승표코치 까지 대동한 자리에서 공개하겠습니다. 이 녹음 내용은 일부 편집만 공개할시에 조작의 의혹을 낳을수도 잇으므로 어쩔수없이 전체를 공개할것입니다. 4.미리 말씀 드리면 이 내용은 최재원 외 3명의 얘기가 들어가있으며 사실상 그래도 마지막까지 미운정 고운정때문이라도 조금은 감춰주고싶었던 부분도 함께 공개될것입니다. 함께 하고있는 사람들을 위해서라도 신중한 선택을 하길 바랍니다. 5.최재원의 잘못을 대한 저의 인터뷰 내용과 무관한 제 개인적인 인성이나,,사적인 부분을 들먹이며 이 사건과 무관한 루머를 유포시엔 저의 소속사 차원에서 엄중히 다룰것임을 미리 알려드립니다. 저도 확인하고 서울가는대로 일을 진행할테니 제가 월요일 아침8시10분에 도착하여 바로 10시부터 촬영이라 밤 늦게 끝납니다. 기자님들 스케줄을 조정하여 빠른시간 내에 처리하도록 하겠습니다. 정말 모든것 잊고 용서하고 떠나려는 제 마음을 이리도 몰라주는지 답답하지만 저도 이건 제가 원해서가 아니라 최재원이 선택하는 방향에 맞춰 하겠습니다. 이글을 번역이 되시는 분은 최재원 소속팀 쪽으로 전달 좀 해주셨으면 합니다. I am currently shooting in Thailand so its hard to respond. I wanted to close all this but they are not leaving me alone. I have seent he statement of Axiom and crank. 1. I heard that you will give us proof that my accusations where wrong. Please specify where I was wrong. 2. I believe you just heard what Crank said and posted it. If you did not investigate the situation this is a team to team matter. Same as the Trickster, Fruit Dealer situation, if there is no investigation and only a team statement that only bases on the players words. 3. i have a audio file that is 57 minutes and 48 seconds long. I have checked the file over and over again. i will publish this if you dont give us the proof of your one sided accusations in front of journalists and Cella. I will have to disclose the whole file since partial disclosure will lead to misunderstandings. 4. This file contains background about crank, mma, alici and ryung. i did not want to disclose this since I do still have feelings ("정" hard to translate) for them. please select the best way for the people you are with. 5. i will also have to warn you that you we will not tolerate rumors that have nothing to do witht he matter. I will be finished with the shooting monday night. I will do this as fast as I can. I wanted to finish this as is but crank seems to want more. "I will publish an audio recording that will hurt third parties (MMA, Alicia, Ryung) unless you do exactly as I say. And it'll be totally your fault because you dared to respond to my accusations." Wow. Just wow. | ||
New Zealand5356 Posts
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1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:27 Conti wrote: "I will publish an audio recording that will hurt third parties (MMA, Alicia, Ryung) unless you do exactly as I say. And it'll be totally your fault because you dared to respond to my accusations." Wow. Just wow. Aka, keep your mouth shut, even if you don't fear the audio recording it can destroy 3 other people. Isn't this intimidation? my goodness.. | ||
365 Posts
wtf is this the watergate scandal of sc2? :/ so pathetic! just let the team die and get on with life. | ||
1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 21:29 malaan wrote: whats with all the voice recordings and secret calls? wtf is this the watergate scandal of sc2? :/ so pathetic! just let the team die and get on with life Ahhh...might want to edit out the part I backspaced for you dude...bashing will get you banned here | ||
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