Can someone translate this? Was SK_MC the one who called Sleep 'Slayers trash'?
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Hong Kong117 Posts
Can someone translate this? Was SK_MC the one who called Sleep 'Slayers trash'? | ||
Korea (South)1389 Posts
On October 21 2012 19:19 Jintoss wrote:!/SlayerS_Jessica/media/slideshow? Can someone translate this? Was SK_MC the one who called Sleep 'Slayers trash'? no that screenshot is mc calling genius slayers trash the one who called sleep slayers trash is LG-IM dreamertt on ladder, though he had no idea who his opponent was lol. | ||
United States1268 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + I'm pretty sure someone will get to it before I do, but I will do my best to translate the entire conversation to the end (after I finish this essay...). Edit: Ok so, I know that a few people have already started translating but I'm going to try to go in chronological order so it's a little easier for people to follow. Here goes... Edit 2: I'm back, albeit much later than I expected, and I will try to finish it this time. Please upvote so people can see! ~^ Edit 3: I'M DONE!! Jessica: Mr. Darth Vader...would you have the confidence to tell us exactly which players on the Slayers team you contacted in a court of law? You say that I've been going around telling people I'm sick and tired of fighting? I've said that to exactly 4 people. Jessica: What is the point of putting these false truths online, causing our team and Boxer to be insulted? Do you really want me to go all out and argue with you? Or is it to get more hits on your site? Even if it's just an opinion, please don't post delusions. Jessica: If it's an opinion, please keep it to yourself. Please don't take our official problem and exaggerate it so much. Jessica: I have decided to keep this on Twitter because it's not something that should be in a newspaper article. I saw today's, empty apology. It seems they are not taking this very seriously. I'm just going to leave without any regrets. Jessica: MC...I am the mother of "Slayers Trash." Kim Ji Hoon...I raised that "Slayers Trash." Why don't you call me "Slayers Trash" instead? Please don't do that again to an innocent player. (To explain exactly what this "Slayers Trash" is, the pronunciation of Slayers in Korean is in 5 syllables. The first two are almost identical to the first two syllables of the word "trash." So essentially, it is an insulting play on words. Slayers = 슬래이러스 Seul Leh Ee Uh Seu trash = 쓰레기 Sseu leh gi "Slayers Trash" = 슬레기새끼 Seul Leh Gi Seh Kki The "Seh Kki" part is an insult that roughly translates into the equivalent of our usage of "bitch," so technically it means "Slayers Trash Bitch.") Jessica: Don't even try to get yourself out of this either...just know that I have something to show you if you do. MC: If you say that out of context you're making me look like the bad guy. At the time I was was going to be the first in the lineup in the match against Slayers and in the middle of a practice match Min Soo(SlayersBrown) came in and didn't leave, so I said "Leave Slayers Trash so I can practice" because we were close enough to talk to each other like that. MC: You didn't say anything at the time, did you? You should have something right there and then rather than bring it up now on Twitter. It seems a little back-handed to me. Jessica: @sk_mc Actually I think I said something when I saw it from behind...I thought something was strange so I watched Brown's replay. I saw "Slayers Trash." Just a friendly exchange between friends? Sure, but "Slayers Trash" is different. It seems you were setting up an important build with 45 minerals and 6 workers. MC: I'm only saying this because it came up but last year at the World Championship Team Matches, you called me, Sung Joon hyung(July_Zerg), Jaeduk hyung(NesTea), and Jong Hyun hyung(Mvp) and proceeded to tell us to ignore Coach Hong Seung Pyo (Cella), do you remember that? It was a traumatic experience at such a young age. ("Hyung" is a term used by boys/men when talking to older boys/men to show "respect.") MC: We had consulted with Coach Hong Seung Pyo and the players who wanted to play were going to play but the next day, you came in and scolded us for things we didn't even do. Our performances suffered because of that. MC: When they first told us not to practice with Slayers, we did anyways, and even though I didn't think of either of you any better than the other, I have never had negative feelings toward the members of team Slayers. Jessica: I was going to address this anyways. Be careful what you say. MC: Also, wasn't it you who openly disliked Ogs at the group stage announcement? I was only in Code A at the time, but you told Choi Jong Hwan(CoCa) to pick our team, and it was really a really frustrating situation. MC: Obviously in an individual league it is possible for members of the same team to play each other but it would be good manners to not pick our own team to play. I had revenge on Slayers for that as well. MC: This is all very surprising. I have befriended and taken care of Slayers players while overseas and suddenly because of what I said to Brown you're making me public enemy number 1...sigh. I only came and wrote this because I heard what was happening from others while I was practicing; I'm going to go back to prepare for tomorrow's match. Jessica: Min Chul...and our team didn't get team killed? When it happens to you it's a team kill...but not for us? ("Team Kill is basically friendly fire.) Jessica: @sk_mc Oh...ok, but even though our emotions weren't in their best state, when we were in the states I made you food and watched a movie together at the hotel...thank you for eating the food I made you. If you had just stayed quiet in this adult argument I wouldn't have been like this. (This may sound bitchy to a lot of you, but please understand that this is still how many Koreans think.) Jessica: This is why I chose to write this on Twitter and not in the newspaper. Because this isn't really newspaper material. I will admit it has gone out of control. However, you should have apologized for what you said if you had even the smallest tinge of guilt. MC: So it's not bad manners to go to practice with the opposing team who has a match the next day(I wish I could word this better, but I'm not sure exactly what he means) but it's incredibly rude to curse at a close friend. Sure, I will apologize for calling him "Slayers Trash" but I still think you should have said something at the time rather than bring it up on Twitter now. MC: It just seems like you're trying to get publicity from this. I'm grateful for the food and movies and I have always been good to the members of Slayers. I don't understand why this is coming up now. Jessica: I glanced from behind and saw "Slayers" and "bitch" (see above for explanation) and I wasn't sure exactly what it said so I asked Brown but he didn't answer. So I asked him why he was cursing and he said "I was talking to Brown" Jessica: So I decided to watch the replay...when Coach Yohwan (Boxer) came and hastily got me away from there and told me there was no way he really said "Slayers Trash." No matter how much I thought about it, it looked like "Slayers Trash" to me and when I finally saw the replay...I couldn't believe it. Jessica: Friendly banter between friends? You think I'm stupid? What you did was insult a friend. No, you mocked him. And now look at and think about what you said. I have also done the best I could for my team. Jessica: I see that you are acknowledging what Coach Won Jong Ook is not. That is, when Coach Park Sang Ik told everyone not to practice with us....on January 14th 2012. Thanks for ignoring it for just 17 days. Jessica: If you look at MC's tweets you will see that Slayers and TSL together when they practice ban was put on us. On May 17th 2012, SK and IM were already together. Then I wonder who told MC of the ban while he was on the foreign team? MC: I'm only saying this because you are over-interpreting things. The TSL denial is old news and I had no relation with them whatsoever and I hadn't been told. Even in the Starleague I was carefully approached by a coach about the boycott. Jessica: You're not understanding what I'm saying...the practice ban on tsl and Slayers was after NASL Season 3 in 2011 while you were still in yourself said it is old news but what are you saying? (I have no idea what they're talking about so these translations are a little difficult for me...) MC: Also, OGS and TSL never really got along. There are no hard feelings now but that was not why we didn't practice with you. You are misunderstanding. Jessica: If you're going to lie, please keep it reasonable...ask Coach Lee Woon Jae of TSL yourself.. Because of the practice problem, the coaches between the players started to fight and argue. If you're going to make excuses, know what you're talking about. All you had to do was say you're sorry... MC: Actually, NASL Season 3 was this year and I got third place in that tournament. No lie, the relationship between Hwang Gyu Hoon and Coach Lee Woon Jae wasn't very good and caused trouble but it was handled nicely and we played/practiced together. MC: And I'm not sure if my memory is perfect but when Slayers was created and after you accosted us four, is it true you told the members of Slayers not to greet us? Truthfully, I don't think I've been greeted during that time; I do apologize about the "Slayers Trash" though. (Greeting is a big form of respect, so if you refuse to do it, it's like a slap in the face.) MC: I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use me in your argument against KeSpA. It's been almost a year since I was affiliated with a foreign team, I have never once refused to practice with someone, and I have certainly never tried to wangdda(will explain below) Brown and I apologize for speaking to him like that. Wangdda (왕따) in a noun form is basically the equivalent of the English word "outcast." In its verb form it means to literally exile them. Jessica: Actually, the first time the coaches got together and decided this was back in February and when I heard this from a few players I met with Coach Won Jong Ook to resolve this problem on December 28th of 2011. Jessica: What I'm saying is that they decided among themselves to keep us out of practice and then deliberately kept us from practicing with them in February. Of course you don't know the detail; you're not a coach. Even I only began to find out the details after some digging around; how could anyone know exactly what was going on? Jessica: Let's just talk about the "Slayers Trash" incident. You don't have to take responsibility for anything else...I just want you to apologize for treating a fellow player and a fellow teammate (were they teammates???) that way. MC: There are some people who aren't getting it so I'll say again, after the creation of team Slayers, there were no "alliances" and not even greetings. Also, how did I become the asshole here? You haven't answered any of my questions and all you're doing is pushing past events on me. MC: I'm suddenly the bad guy here because you've said only what you wanted to say and frankly, it's strange to talk about such things on Twitter. It's obvious that you want to take this public, receive an apology and become the victim; I hope you succeed. Jessica: It's frustrating that I have to talk about these matters with you and not someone I should be talking to. At the time I told them to ignore you four and anyone else who ignored us. They need to see what it feels like. But the players said "let's just calm down and be respectful" so I said guys are right...but still.. when they showed respect and greeted you guys, think about how you just ignored them... I guess you didn't know that since you say you had no idea. Jessica: @sk_mc Let's get one thing straight. Let's say you're right and you had never heard from anyone to deny practice to our transferred on January 14th.. Coach Won Jong Wook claims March 10th.. So who tweeted on your account to deny practice to Slayers and TSL? Jessica: @sk_mc Because you said one thing wrong, you are making your team look bad. If you don't know exactly what the coaches discussed, stay out of it. Jessica: I'm sorry to everyone on Twitter.....for making such a bad thing explode like....should I delete it.....sigh... | ||
Australia171 Posts
On October 21 2012 19:33 Forgottenfrog wrote: From what I read on reddit courtesy of todobiennn (his translation, im just reposting it) + Show Spoiler + I'm pretty sure someone will get to it before I do, but I will do my best to translate the entire conversation to the end (after I finish this essay...). Edit: Ok so, I know that a few people have already started translating but I'm going to try to go in chronological order so it's a little easier for people to follow. Here goes... Edit 2: I'm back, albeit much later than I expected, and I will try to finish it this time. Please upvote so people can see! ~^ Edit 3: I'M DONE!! Jessica: Mr. Darth Vader...would you have the confidence to tell us exactly which players on the Slayers team you contacted in a court of law? You say that I've been going around telling people I'm sick and tired of fighting? I've said that to exactly 4 people. Jessica: What is the point of putting these false truths online, causing our team and Boxer to be insulted? Do you really want me to go all out and argue with you? Or is it to get more hits on your site? Even if it's just an opinion, please don't post delusions. Jessica: If it's an opinion, please keep it to yourself. Please don't take our official problem and exaggerate it so much. Jessica: I have decided to keep this on Twitter because it's not something that should be in a newspaper article. I saw today's, empty apology. It seems they are not taking this very seriously. I'm just going to leave without any regrets. Jessica: MC...I am the mother of "Slayers Trash." Kim Ji Hoon...I raised that "Slayers Trash." Why don't you call me "Slayers Trash" instead? Please don't do that again to an innocent player. (To explain exactly what this "Slayers Trash" is, the pronunciation of Slayers in Korean is in 5 syllables. The first two are almost identical to the first two syllables of the word "trash." So essentially, it is an insulting play on words. Slayers = 슬래이러스 Seul Leh Ee Uh Seu trash = 쓰레기 Sseu leh gi "Slayers Trash" = 슬레기새끼 Seul Leh Gi Seh Kki The "Seh Kki" part is an insult that roughly translates into the equivalent of our usage of "bitch," so technically it means "Slayers Trash Bitch.") Jessica: Don't even try to get yourself out of this either...just know that I have something to show you if you do. MC: If you say that out of context you're making me look like the bad guy. At the time I was was going to be the first in the lineup in the match against Slayers and in the middle of a practice match Min Soo(SlayersBrown) came in and didn't leave, so I said "Leave Slayers Trash so I can practice" because we were close enough to talk to each other like that. MC: You didn't say anything at the time, did you? You should have something right there and then rather than bring it up now on Twitter. It seems a little back-handed to me. Jessica: @sk_mc Actually I think I said something when I saw it from behind...I thought something was strange so I watched Brown's replay. I saw "Slayers Trash." Just a friendly exchange between friends? Sure, but "Slayers Trash" is different. It seems you were setting up an important build with 45 minerals and 6 workers. MC: I'm only saying this because it came up but last year at the World Championship Team Matches, you called me, Sung Joon hyung(July_Zerg), Jaeduk hyung(NesTea), and Jong Hyun hyung(Mvp) and proceeded to tell us to ignore Coach Hong Seung Pyo (Cella), do you remember that? It was a traumatic experience at such a young age. ("Hyung" is a term used by boys/men when talking to older boys/men to show "respect.") MC: We had consulted with Coach Hong Seung Pyo and the players who wanted to play were going to play but the next day, you came in and scolded us for things we didn't even do. Our performances suffered because of that. MC: When they first told us not to practice with Slayers, we did anyways, and even though I didn't think of either of you any better than the other, I have never had negative feelings toward the members of team Slayers. Jessica: I was going to address this anyways. Be careful what you say. MC: Also, wasn't it you who openly disliked Ogs at the group stage announcement? I was only in Code A at the time, but you told Choi Jong Hwan(CoCa) to pick our team, and it was really a really frustrating situation. MC: Obviously in an individual league it is possible for members of the same team to play each other but it would be good manners to not pick our own team to play. I had revenge on Slayers for that as well. MC: This is all very surprising. I have befriended and taken care of Slayers players while overseas and suddenly because of what I said to Brown you're making me public enemy number 1...sigh. I only came and wrote this because I heard what was happening from others while I was practicing; I'm going to go back to prepare for tomorrow's match. Jessica: Min Chul...and our team didn't get team killed? When it happens to you it's a team kill...but not for us? ("Team Kill is basically friendly fire.) Jessica: @sk_mc Oh...ok, but even though our emotions weren't in their best state, when we were in the states I made you food and watched a movie together at the hotel...thank you for eating the food I made you. If you had just stayed quiet in this adult argument I wouldn't have been like this. (This may sound bitchy to a lot of you, but please understand that this is still how many Koreans think.) Jessica: This is why I chose to write this on Twitter and not in the newspaper. Because this isn't really newspaper material. I will admit it has gone out of control. However, you should have apologized for what you said if you had even the smallest tinge of guilt. MC: So it's not bad manners to go to practice with the opposing team who has a match the next day(I wish I could word this better, but I'm not sure exactly what he means) but it's incredibly rude to curse at a close friend. Sure, I will apologize for calling him "Slayers Trash" but I still think you should have said something at the time rather than bring it up on Twitter now. MC: It just seems like you're trying to get publicity from this. I'm grateful for the food and movies and I have always been good to the members of Slayers. I don't understand why this is coming up now. Jessica: I glanced from behind and saw "Slayers" and "bitch" (see above for explanation) and I wasn't sure exactly what it said so I asked Brown but he didn't answer. So I asked him why he was cursing and he said "I was talking to Brown" Jessica: So I decided to watch the replay...when Coach Yohwan (Boxer) came and hastily got me away from there and told me there was no way he really said "Slayers Trash." No matter how much I thought about it, it looked like "Slayers Trash" to me and when I finally saw the replay...I couldn't believe it. Jessica: Friendly banter between friends? You think I'm stupid? What you did was insult a friend. No, you mocked him. And now look at and think about what you said. I have also done the best I could for my team. Jessica: I see that you are acknowledging what Coach Won Jong Ook is not. That is, when Coach Park Sang Ik told everyone not to practice with us....on January 14th 2012. Thanks for ignoring it for just 17 days. Jessica: If you look at MC's tweets you will see that Slayers and TSL together when they practice ban was put on us. On May 17th 2012, SK and IM were already together. Then I wonder who told MC of the ban while he was on the foreign team? MC: I'm only saying this because you are over-interpreting things. The TSL denial is old news and I had no relation with them whatsoever and I hadn't been told. Even in the Starleague I was carefully approached by a coach about the boycott. Jessica: You're not understanding what I'm saying...the practice ban on tsl and Slayers was after NASL Season 3 in 2011 while you were still in yourself said it is old news but what are you saying? (I have no idea what they're talking about so these translations are a little difficult for me...) MC: Also, OGS and TSL never really got along. There are no hard feelings now but that was not why we didn't practice with you. You are misunderstanding. Jessica: If you're going to lie, please keep it reasonable...ask Coach Lee Woon Jae of TSL yourself.. Because of the practice problem, the coaches between the players started to fight and argue. If you're going to make excuses, know what you're talking about. All you had to do was say you're sorry... MC: Actually, NASL Season 3 was this year and I got third place in that tournament. No lie, the relationship between Hwang Gyu Hoon and Coach Lee Woon Jae wasn't very good and caused trouble but it was handled nicely and we played/practiced together. MC: And I'm not sure if my memory is perfect but when Slayers was created and after you accosted us four, is it true you told the members of Slayers not to greet us? Truthfully, I don't think I've been greeted during that time; I do apologize about the "Slayers Trash" though. (Greeting is a big form of respect, so if you refuse to do it, it's like a slap in the face.) MC: I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use me in your argument against KeSpA. It's been almost a year since I was affiliated with a foreign team, I have never once refused to practice with someone, and I have certainly never tried to wangdda(will explain below) Brown and I apologize for speaking to him like that. Wangdda (왕따) in a noun form is basically the equivalent of the English word "outcast." In its verb form it means to literally exile them. Jessica: Actually, the first time the coaches got together and decided this was back in February and when I heard this from a few players I met with Coach Won Jong Ook to resolve this problem on December 28th of 2011. Jessica: What I'm saying is that they decided among themselves to keep us out of practice and then deliberately kept us from practicing with them in February. Of course you don't know the detail; you're not a coach. Even I only began to find out the details after some digging around; how could anyone know exactly what was going on? Jessica: Let's just talk about the "Slayers Trash" incident. You don't have to take responsibility for anything else...I just want you to apologize for treating a fellow player and a fellow teammate (were they teammates???) that way. MC: There are some people who aren't getting it so I'll say again, after the creation of team Slayers, there were no "alliances" and not even greetings. Also, how did I become the asshole here? You haven't answered any of my questions and all you're doing is pushing past events on me. MC: I'm suddenly the bad guy here because you've said only what you wanted to say and frankly, it's strange to talk about such things on Twitter. It's obvious that you want to take this public, receive an apology and become the victim; I hope you succeed. Jessica: It's frustrating that I have to talk about these matters with you and not someone I should be talking to. At the time I told them to ignore you four and anyone else who ignored us. They need to see what it feels like. But the players said "let's just calm down and be respectful" so I said guys are right...but still.. when they showed respect and greeted you guys, think about how you just ignored them... I guess you didn't know that since you say you had no idea. Jessica: @sk_mc Let's get one thing straight. Let's say you're right and you had never heard from anyone to deny practice to our transferred on January 14th.. Coach Won Jong Wook claims March 10th.. So who tweeted on your account to deny practice to Slayers and TSL? Jessica: @sk_mc Because you said one thing wrong, you are making your team look bad. If you don't know exactly what the coaches discussed, stay out of it. Jessica: I'm sorry to everyone on Twitter.....for making such a bad thing explode like....should I delete it.....sigh... i think people should know from the screen picture mc does swear but to genius not to brown.. i think they have the same name but different surname.. and the account is also does read out mvp in korean.. | ||
France3318 Posts
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1983 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:12 Boonbag wrote: Does jessica even realise how she sounds ? Have you got nothing better to say? Does that even contribute to this thread? Different people have different sounds, you know. | ||
Romania257 Posts
On October 21 2012 10:51 TotalBiscuit wrote: I love eSports and hate dumb people. Potent cocktail. We tried to just do the whole "he's going to release a statement" and got accused of PR bullshit and deliberately timing the statement so Jessica couldn't respond to it. Yeah, that's the community in a nutshell when it comes to dealing with drama. Nice people, until this kind of thing happens then they become sharks. Would have been better off by explaining the situation in a simple manner, not waiting to hit us with a wall of text. He could have negated all the accusations from Jessica and THEN go back to write a more detailed statement. This is just makes you guys look bad. But whatever, it's not like I will watch more or less of Crank now ( btw I have no idea how I could even if I wanted ![]() | ||
21253 Posts
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1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:17 dynwar7 wrote: Have you got nothing better to say? Does that even contribute to this thread? Different people have different sounds, you know. He is talking about Jessica, isn't that related to the thread? Different people have different sounds and you are targeting him who has a different sound from you? | ||
1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:28 HolydaKing wrote: For people not looking at the blogs: would be a quicker click yo, TB's statement, its in audio form. | ||
10003 Posts
On October 21 2012 19:19 Jintoss wrote:!/SlayerS_Jessica/media/slideshow? Can someone translate this? Was SK_MC the one who called Sleep 'Slayers trash'? No he called brown that since they were friends. Jessica got a hold of this and decided to explode it 10 million times. This woman...... ಠ_ಠ She is near 40 but even when I don't take translations literally, and just interpret the meaning and the actions, its like she has the heart of a high school girl. On October 21 2012 20:32 ImNightmare wrote: would be a quicker click yo, TB's statement, its in audio form. TB is so classy. Apologizes for audio quality. Proceeds to record pristine recording. Brits for ya. | ||
1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:32 Medrea wrote: No he called brown that since they were friends. Jessica got a hold of this and decided to explode it 10 million times. This woman...... ಠ_ಠ She is near 40 but even when I don't take translations literally, and just interpret the meaning and the actions, its like she has the heart of a high school girl. Too bad she has boxer. Boxer is a king in korean's gaming scene, so everyone in korea is taking her side even when MC questions her telling her players not to respect (greet?) Nestea, MVP, him and July. | ||
10003 Posts
EDIT: Yeah I listened to TB's thing. He could have just said this very old saying. The fish stinks from the head Jessica is saying a couple people in the team are responsible for the whole team falling apart. Absolutely ridiculous, and childish. Simply not in the real world. | ||
1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:35 Medrea wrote: Yeah well maybe they should stop doing that. BoxeR is not infallible, with that being said, all I am hearing is Jessica over and over, not Boxer. And I doubt Boxer really feels like this, though he isn't stopping it anyway. Ohhhhhh shiet, you didn't just say that. O.O | ||
10003 Posts
That better? | ||
1575 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:42 Medrea wrote: Im talking about his human half, not his divine touched other half. That better? I don't know anything! I don't know you,we aren't friends, don't quote me. I am not with this guy! | ||
Korea (South)1389 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:32 Medrea wrote: No he called brown that since they were friends. Jessica got a hold of this and decided to explode it 10 million times. This woman...... ಠ_ಠ She is near 40 but even when I don't take translations literally, and just interpret the meaning and the actions, its like she has the heart of a high school girl. TB is so classy. Apologizes for audio quality. Proceeds to record pristine recording. Brits for ya. Brown??? theres no slayers brown in that screenshot, what are you talking about? read my post. there were two different players who said "slayers trash" one is LGIM dreamertt calling Sleep slayers trash, and the other being MC in the screenshot calling Genius slayers trash. | ||
1378 Posts
he doesnt tell us why there was a lack of motivation to begin with. was it because the team was run poorly or was it because of the practice ban? if it is because the team was run poorly (which is what crank and tb are implying), why did they do so well a few month ago? (actually crank left july 26th and slayers won the semifinals of gstl just 5 days before that happened) something doesnt add up. | ||
10003 Posts
On October 21 2012 20:47 mongmong wrote: Brown??? theres no slayers brown in that screenshot, what are you talking about? read my post. there were two different players who said "slayers trash" one is LGIM dreamertt calling Sleep slayers trash, and the other being MC in the screenshot calling Genius slayers trash. DreamerTT is Korean Idra. Like Korean Super Idra. | ||
1378 Posts
최재원소속팀에 알려드립니다. 아직도 태국에서 정말 죽음의 일정으로 촬영중인데,, 이젠 정말 모든걸 잊고 쉬고싶었는데... 절 가만두지 않네요. 최재원의 소속팀에서 올린 글 잘보았습니다. 1.제가 슬레이어스팀의 대하여 올릴때 최재원 에 대하여 기술한 부분이 틀리다는 반박 자료를 공개한다고 했는데. 제가 명확히 어느부분은 말한것인지 그 논점에 대해 최대한 반박을 하셔야 할것입니다. 2.현재 최재원의 얘기만 듣고 이를 그대로 올린다는 것인데. 그것이 사실인지 아닌지 그것의 정황여부나 진실 조사없이 올릴경우 팀대 팀으로서의 파장을 감수하셔야할것입다. 서기수 김원기 사건과 같이 사건 파악없이 선수말만 듣고 팀의 입장을 발표했을경우를 예시로 제시합니다. 3.태국에서 일하는 짬짬이 제가 가진 최재원,저 그리고 임요환선수가 통화한 음성파일 57분 48초 짜리를 다시 한번 체크했고 만약 최재원소속팀에서 이번 일에 대한 명확한 자료 제시없이 일방적인 주장을 하게 될경우 이를 매체 기자님들. 저 그리고 연관이 되어있는 홍승표코치 까지 대동한 자리에서 공개하겠습니다. 이 녹음 내용은 일부 편집만 공개할시에 조작의 의혹을 낳을수도 잇으므로 어쩔수없이 전체를 공개할것입니다. 4.미리 말씀 드리면 이 내용은 최재원 외 3명의 얘기가 들어가있으며 사실상 그래도 마지막까지 미운정 고운정때문이라도 조금은 감춰주고싶었던 부분도 함께 공개될것입니다. 함께 하고있는 사람들을 위해서라도 신중한 선택을 하길 바랍니다. 5.최재원의 잘못을 대한 저의 인터뷰 내용과 무관한 제 개인적인 인성이나,,사적인 부분을 들먹이며 이 사건과 무관한 루머를 유포시엔 저의 소속사 차원에서 엄중히 다룰것임을 미리 알려드립니다. 저도 확인하고 서울가는대로 일을 진행할테니 제가 월요일 아침8시10분에 도착하여 바로 10시부터 촬영이라 밤 늦게 끝납니다. 기자님들 스케줄을 조정하여 빠른시간 내에 처리하도록 하겠습니다. 정말 모든것 잊고 용서하고 떠나려는 제 마음을 이리도 몰라주는지 답답하지만 저도 이건 제가 원해서가 아니라 최재원이 선택하는 방향에 맞춰 하겠습니다. 이글을 번역이 되시는 분은 최재원 소속팀 쪽으로 전달 좀 해주셨으면 합니다. I am currently shooting in Thailand so its hard to respond. I wanted to close all this but they are not leaving me alone. I have seent he statement of Axiom and crank. 1. I heard that you will give us proof that my accusations where wrong. Please specify where I was wrong. 2. I believe you just heard what Crank said and posted it. If you did not investigate the situation this is a team to team matter. Same as the Trickster, Fruit Dealer situation, if there is no investigation and only a team statement that only bases on the players words. 3. i have a audio file that is 57 minutes and 48 seconds long. I have checked the file over and over again. i will publish this if you dont give us the proof of your one sided accusations in front of journalists and Cella. I will have to disclose the whole file since partial disclosure will lead to misunderstandings. 4. This file contains background about crank, mma, alici and ryung. i did not want to disclose this since I do still have feelings ("정" hard to translate) for them. please select the best way for the people you are with. 5. i will also have to warn you that you we will not tolerate rumors that have nothing to do witht he matter. I will be finished with the shooting monday night. I will do this as fast as I can. I wanted to finish this as is but crank seems to want more. | ||
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