It works fine for me and its kind of exactly what i was looking for. Do you also think it would be possible to edit it for Dota 2 hot keys, not so you remember them but so you can practice reaction times. So maybe have like a editable config file with what question the program will ask and the key required for answer. Something easy for people like me to understand
Sorry for my noobiness dont really know what i am talking about but i hope my idea gets across because this for Dota would help me a lot. Cheers
For those having problems with Alt Gr you can remap this key through the registry. Fire up regedit and go to :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
In keyboard layout add a new binary entry called Scancode Map
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 38 00 38 e0 00 00 00 00
Or you can make a new textfile anywhere and paste
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout] “Scancode Map”=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,38,00,38,e0,00,00,00,00
inside the file. Rename it to RemapAltGr.reg and execute then reboot. Should work. Worked for me. To revert, simply remove the reg key.
An OS X executable would be great! Please let me know when you get this up and running. I could really use it to learn TheCore layout.
I haven't been working on this at all recently, doesn't seem like the demand is huge. It actually does work on OS X from source, I don't have a mac to try to build an executable though.
If I do more updates it will probably be around HotS release time.
Cool program!
Hey im using a nordic keyboard and the program doesn't seem to recognize ALT Gr+ any number key. I.E. ALT+CONTROL+9(ALT Gr+9).
Good stuff. That's some great work mate.
There are no keyboard options for other languages yet right? It says you need to change this in the config.ini, but there is nothing we can change it too yet. Is that correct? If that's correct, I'm asking myself of what use I could be to you? I wish more people would ask themselves that.
I am German, have a German keyboard QWERTZ and would certainly be willing to help you with this. I'm in the process of making a PSD for my specific layout that overlays TheCore onto a typical German keyboard. I already have that file for TLM, but that is because I didn't understand TheCore at all and thought the L would simply move the layout to the left side of the keyboard, but instead it's truly for left handed mouse use. It also reverses the logic of what fingers are used for what actions and is thus completely impractical for me. I only started playing a few weeks ago, so the resulting completely illogical placement and hand gymnastics only became apparent, when I started practicing with it ingame.
So I scrapped using the TLM 0.6.3 layout and fired up the TRM 0.6.3. Then it hit me hard. The buttons are definitely different. Things aren't always where the TheCore Reference Spreadsheet assumes them to be. I think the mapping probably works fine, but they spreadsheet tells you different keys than what they are in reality, when you try to play. So this is probably the riddle you cannot solve without a different keyboard and language settings on your machine. Obviously you will have no idea what truly happens without that foreign keyboard in hands.
The good news is. I have one of the keyboards you will want, I speak pretty fluent English and I can translate and check where things are, etc. I'm not a programming wiz and don't understand anything about Python, but I'm sure I can still somehow help.
I'm now working on making the PSD for regular right handed mouse use. The PSD includes markers over keys for what buttons to press to make and add to control groups, set and use cameras, build basic and advanced and some strategy related stuff like lift building, siege/unsiege etc. It also features a legend that displays clearly what buttons are suggested to use for specific things. It is clearly labeled, intuitive and color coded. I did this, because I don't really know SC yet and a layout of what fingers you use to press where and where things are generally wasn't enough for me. I needed to actually see a lot more within one simple picture. Why is that you might ask? Let me explain.
For example if I press Shift-W for cam 1 and W for group 6 and the CC/.../... goes there, I needed something that would tell me all these things without having the spreadsheet open and the general map. Otherwise the process is as follows. I build a CC. I should set a camera here and bind it to a control group. Let's pull up the spreadsheet and look how to add to a control group. O.k. Now where do I add this to? Let's see what's suggested over here in a different place in the spreadsheet. Ahh, ok., so that goes to group 6 to make things flow easy. Hmm, so where is group 6 placed? Let's look that up, too. Ahh, yes. Wait a second how do I set the camera again? Right, I just use Alt and I'm good to go. Let's go back to the game. Wait, shit, how to set control groups again? Was that W or E? Let's check the spreadsheet. Now else might I want to do. let's look at the basic mapping again. And so on and so forth. At that speed it probably takes me a year to grasp the basics, so I figured I'd make myself a more telling graphic that tells me all I need to really know with one glance. Like I said I'm a total noob, so the graphics a resources they provide were simply not detailed enough for me to learn things within a reasonable timeframe.
The general help pictures were made for people that already have a general sense of what they are doing and they were meant to apply to all versions and all races. That ended up not being useful for me at all, so I figured maybe give this hotkey trainer a try and sure enough that absolutely helps to get things in order in my brain. But there are so many things you can do and control groups don't go left to right top to bottom either. They went with game related ergonomics for TheCore, so not much is intuitive until you get it. So in order to get better I had to see what your program wanted from me on a piece of paper and made myself a PSD that tells me it (at least for terran).
When I finally saw things like that I quickly realized that I had assumed wrong and that TLM was indeed for left mouse and they truly meant what they said. It's not just the layout on the left of the keyboard, it's all ergonomically and logically switched to be used with the right hand. So I went with TRM instead and then I looked at the spreadsheet and in game. A lot of shit is not where the spreadsheet says it should be, because buttons are labeled differently and at least in the case of löä#enter, we have one more button in the row. I remembered I read in your config.ini you could switch keyboards. Then I tried putting my country code de instead of us in there and it broke the hotkey trainer. So I tried finding out what I need to put in there and instead google brought me here.
I'm currently trying to jump through the hoops of figuring out where things are truly placed on my German keyboard for TRM. Once I figure this out I can finish the PSD and then I will have one for TLM on German QWERTZ and one for TRM on German QWERTZ. I guess I'm currently the only person with a German keyboard that has used your trainer for practice as it works just fine for left handed folks / left mouse users even on the German keyboard. The problems are really on the right side of the keyboard, where there are ö,ä,ü and all sorts of things mixed up. For example for the SCV to build a tier 1 building TheCore wishes the button to be ', but unfortunately the German keyboard has 3 buttons after L, before the enter, whereas the US keyboard has only two. So in game there is nothing happening when you press ' . Instead one needs to press ä to build tier 1 and also turrets (same button in TheCore). And that's just the beginning of it. There is so much different on US vs. German keyboards.
Long story short, I think the PSDs I'm working on can give you the answers to the questions you may have in one easy visual, at least for terran. I don't understand theCore well enough to know if this may be all you need to understand all races and all sizes for theCore, but I think it probably will.
Anyhow, do you want the PSDs once I finish? I will contact the maker of theCore Jaksomething was it? on his youtube channel. In fact I already talked to him there on one of his videos. I want him to see the PSD as well. Perhaps this can be of use for him as well. I think noobs like me will love having this visually before them and I think it could be adopted relatively quickly to different races and sizes now that one clearly layered, marked and color coded PSD is available for that. The PSD itself is 80MB though. It would speed up the process of learning with your trainer immensely in my opinion.
Other than offering the PSD (PSDs) I can try whatever you want and I'm willing to go into files and make translations, photograph my keyboard, etc. but I believe the PSD shows clearly a lot of the default TheCore mapping as it applies to a German keyboard an that may well be all you need. If you still want to make a different keyboard setup, I'm here to help you start with this version in any way you would like me to. I guess it would be the QWERTZ version, but I'm unsure if they all have 3 buttons after L before the enter button or just Germany due to our öäü.
So whatever help you want, just say the word. And to give you an idea of what the PSD looks like, here is the JPG it gives me:
Oh, no image for new users, eh? Great. Link maybe? http://postimg.org/image/p4mlxvp41/
This is on the background of US key Layout on the left side of the keyboard obviously. I have since renamed and restructured the graphic I overlayed the stuff on to match my keyboard and I'm working on the PSD for left mouse on the right side of things. I'm not done yet though.
I know, I know. I'm just trying to help and have a feeling that's exactly what TS was looking for. So I signed up just for this. I'm cross posting this to theCore thread as well. I hope that isn't against the forum rules and if it is that they make an exception. I feel a few people that read there may want to have that PSD as well, so I think the post isn't spam and the people that may be interested will be found in that thread more likely than here. So mods, please don't be very harsh to me, if I assume incorrectly here.
So, this only took 25 minutes to write, lol. I'm outta here and will check back for a possible response from you. In the meantime I shall now head to youtube and give Jakforgetwhatitwas the link to here. Like I said maybe he has use for the PSD as well.
Cheers and thanks again for our great program. It would be an honor for me to help make it a little better.
I run StarCraft II on Linux, and found the software/source very helpful although all the key-bindings were off.
Here is the us.ini file I changed to work on Linux without a hitch. I renamed it us.linux.ini to keep the old one in tacked just remember if you do that you need to updated the config.ini file to look for the us.linux.ini file.
Also note I didn't bring over the extra mouse buttons as I do not play with them. However, they would be easily added in if someone needed it and had the mouse to test it with.
+ Show Spoiler + [Keys] 9=Escape 67=F1 68=F2 69=F3 70=F4 71=F5 72=F6 73=F7 74=F8 75=F9 76=F10 95=F11 96=F12 1=Grave 10=1 11=2 12=3 13=4 14=5 15=6 16=7 17=8 18=9 19=0 20=Minus 21=Equals 22=Backspace 23=Tab 24=Q 25=W 26=E 27=R 28=T 29=Y 30=U 31=I 32=O 33=P 34=BracketOpen 35=BracketClose 51=BackSlash 66=CapsLock 38=A 39=S 40=D 41=F 42=G 43=H 44=J 45=K 46=L 47=SemiColon 48=Apostrophe 52=Z 53=X 54=C 55=V 56=B 57=N 58=M 59=Comma 60=Period 61=Slash 65=Space 90=NumPad0 87=NumPad1 88=NumPad2 89=NumPad3 83=NumPad4 84=NumPad5 85=NumPad6 79=NumPad7 80=NumPad8 81=NumPad9
I just started using this yesterday, and works awesome! (Helps me with the "Core" cameras and control groups, which hotkey trainers in-game don't have) I just have one slight problem, when it asks me "Center Camera on Selection" and the key to press is "Alt," it doesn't work. The only one I am having problems with, even though "Alt+O" works fine. For now, I just click the window when I get that one and it skips it and resets my score. Would be great if you could update that or help me out with it. Thanks!
Are you ever going to change the skin of the window? I like the simplified version myself, but would be neat to have it look like the bar in-game and the group that highlights would be the one you need to select. Just an idea.
Preety much digging up old thread but download link is dead ;/
I cant access the link to download the program.
here's what most of the text looks like on the page I get:
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: Error The system returned: (104) Connection reset by peer An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. Your cache administrator is webmaster.
I really want to try this out.
edit: sorry I didn't see the post above mine haha
I am waiting for months for your next release. I am located in Germany so it doesn't work at all atm, unfortunately: :-(
In the meanwhile I found an in-game solution on the NA region, it is called:
HOTS Hotkey Trainer (starcraft://map/1/203953)
Definitely worth a try!
Keep up the good work, I am very eager to use your hotkey trainer offline while I can't play SC!
Warm regards, propagare
Hey guys, I still do exist, however my personal life has most of my time right now. If I get a bit of a break I'll see what I can do about updating the program.
It would be just awesome if you could implement German keyboard support! Many thanks for all your work on this.
Thank's for this tool. I am having a problem with undetected "Control+Shift+0" key by the trainer program. Its concern --> Control Group 6 (core PRM.sc2Hotkeys) us keyboard.
Is there a way to fix it in any config file ?
thanks again.
hey kasor, that might be a windows issue. Did you check TheCore FAQ?
I propose the following for hotkey training ng.
Hotkey "sequence groups" to enhance the training.
"Build a Viking and regroup it with the Viking groups on hotkey x" "Build a worker, jump to the natural build a supply depot and re-group army units to hotkey x" "Build depots with the two idle workers." "Select Barracks control group and train marines." "Select CC control group and train (x) workers."
I don't know if my intention about this "feature" is clear but tried my best after some short SC night with only a few hours of sleep here in Germany.
gl hf gg!
PS Maybe there is already a mod, an arcade map or a 3rd party tool that can do this?!? Please let me know!
Thanks in advance