You have to provide some kind of evidence/proof (screenshots/replays etc.) if you are going to accuse somebody.
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Canada16217 Posts
Waystation is a 2 player spawn map not a 4 player spawn map, you spawn diagonally from your opponent, so there's 2 possible sets of spawn locations, bottom right and top left, bottom left and top right.
Who played vs [RHBs] Naniwa, [PnCdN] Ricardo and [BR101] BrasileiroBR ? this dudes is maphacking in team games. damn. Sc2MacroTrainer maybe
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On May 09 2014 04:38 WhoJohnGalt wrote:Hacker name: [OD] BelieveServer: NA League: Protoss master Replay: http://drop.sc/3801996:30: Leaves his base for the first time, to take a third with no vision nor scouting, with a single gateway. He doesn't even know if I took my natural, but whatever, greedy play can be possible without maphack. 9:20: He moves his chilling stalker to complete his natural wall, just a second before my ling runby reaches his vision. This wall was untight the whole game until now, he completes it just a second or two before my lings reach his vision. Brilliant! 10:50: I start my mutas and he immediately goes for a massive attack. Right call, too bad he still doesn't know if I took my natural, much less which tech I've chosen. But whatever, lucky guesses might happen. 11:30: He still hasn't seen my spire, much less my mutas, but he blindly starts warping stalkers at home, at the exact mineral line that my mutas were heading. Brilliant! After I hold his blink stalker allin with almost purely lings, the real fun starts, where his army movement reveals, in case we weren't still sure, that he, indeed, has maphack. 14:50: He has his army between his third and his natural, but as soon as I rally some mutas into his natural, he immediately sends his whole army to the natural, before my mutas reach any vision. 15:30: So since he has all his army at his natural, I prepare a squad of roach ling outside his third, outside his vision. He, of course, again, as in all game long, immediately warps a round of stalkers and sends half his army to his third, while keeping the other half in his natural to deal with the mutas. Brilliant. Then I send all my army to the middle, outside his vision, so he does the same. So brilliant. Anyways there is more but that's all I care to explain. Gl hf. Pretty sure this guy is playing in tourneys that have money on the line, unless this is just someone with the same name that plays the same race this should be looked at more closely.
This is why you should at least post the ingame profile link.
ran into this pathetic protoss called Blessyou He did not scout my base at all and just blindly takes a 3rd without even knowing where i spawned and drops 3 stargates right after i drop my spire, he later on attacks hidden bases without even having any vision of them going down at all. funny thing is i ended up winning anyway.
replay: http://drop.sc/381419
Server : NA ID: SnakeMarine
I know the title says "grandmaster/master" and this is only diamond, and I know bad play was part of my loss. But this guy has been using MH so obviously it would be a shame not to report it.
Incidents go from scouting every proxy probe/ pylon with no proper scouting paths but going there directly to rallying units at home once a warpprism is about to arrive. Have a look.
Hacker name: SayNoToStim Server: EU League: Master Zerg Replay: http://drop.sc/381493
Does early pool and sends zerglings straight to my base without vision. I do lots of zealot warp ins and void ray attacks which he sends units to defend perfectly every time without vision. Never scouts apart from the first overlord yet build perfect composition. Finds proxy pylons aswell as my proxy base. Attacks where my army isn't. It's very clear that he is maphacking doesn't even try to hide it.
On May 05 2014 06:50 Gen.Rolly wrote:Show nested quote +On April 29 2014 05:49 aBstractx wrote:gm protoss named soulstar seems pretty obvious to me he hacks. im not salty at all either for losing lol. it felt like mh in the game as i played it live and watching it on replay just confirms it for me. he has really good control or he has blink micro hack but idk. part of a team called aGtv or agile, may no longer be with that team though, i think he may have been kicked off. http://drop.sc/379535mu is pvp. he mirrors my build 100%, nothing wrong with that. but to go 4 gate blink, which is an all in, and sit in your base and not play aggressive and not know that im going blink is fishy. if i put a shrine down i can bet you he wouldnt have sat in his base or not built detection lol. when he finds my scouting probe in his main instead of clicking top left of his base to clear the corner, he clicks to the left almost as if hes trying to deny the scout, np here coulda been coincidence. then he absolutely destroyed me in our blink battle, i think i was down a stalker or 2 but ill chalk that up to me being terrible. so basically the battle ends and its like 12 stalkers vs 3, which he chases down (i dont think he saw their initial direction, but was able to find them) coincidence maybe. now normally when its blink vs blink and you win a battle that lopsided you just go attack, and the games over, i was crippled, but instead of attacking me which he was already out almost halfway on the map, he send his units back home. this would be because i warped in 4 zealots in his natural using a pylon he hasnt scouted. he defends, kills my pylon, i warped in 2 zealots and hid them for a run by at my second pylon, and as he goes to kill the pylon with a perfect click (without seeing it) he changes direction to find my zealots, then his waypoint to kill all my hidden pylons is right on the money directly on top of each one. 100% hacker imo Back in April, I was in a clan, Nova Esports, with Soulstar (then known as BarcodeKiller). He was a master then, but I beat him in ZvP as a diamond zerg player. Shortly after meeting him, he was kicked out of the clan for using blinkhack against members of the clan in friendly scrimmages. He was also kicked out of the clan Immortals shortly after beating booted from Nova. He has confessed to using hacks to me in private chat and has even said he regrets it, but apparently old habits die hard. What's strange is that he is one of the nicest dudes to talk with and even organized clan battles for Nova Esports before he was kicked.
Ahh i remembered i played this guy. "barcodekiller". Everything was normal until i just a mass ling surround on his stalkers and i just sat there watching the hack work its magic. Its difficult too tell if someone is blink hacking if you attack straight on but when you surround it with upgraded lings, it shows everything. I may have a replay but I would have to search for it.
EDIT: http://drop.sc/381503 here we go. you can skip to 11:40 on his view. you can see that he has not left his base at all to scout. and watch the magic happen and me bm him after. hands down no arguement.
On April 15 2014 09:04 danbel1005 wrote:Hacker name: dwqidoqoqwd Bnet Profile: starcraft://profile/1/7971077796610965504Server: NA League: Master Replay: http://ggtracker.com/matches/4926776Description: Just take a look at the replay, ZvZ 17 minutes no scouting at all, not even using the first overlord, no creep, no lings to scout, absolutely nothing, yet he moves his army a couple of times to defend my run-by attempts.
confirmed just played against him and he knew exactly when my army moved.
On May 22 2014 14:45 tektonic wrote:Hacker name: [Mc] KiRuZ League: Rank 1 Diamond (Master MMR) Replay: http://drop.sc/381203Server: NA Description: At the ~12 minute mark aborts drop because knows i have defense. At ~14 minute mark aborts drop because knows i have defense without actually being able to see it. Also more conclusive evidence. watch and have a laugh at how blatant this guy is... Bliz plz ban You were also hacking LMAO, you moved half of your army to your base right when he loaded the drop, Bliz plz ban...
Hacker name: Barcode Bnet Profile: starcraft://profile/2/10841719042587230208 League: Master Rank 22 Replay: http://drop.sc/381656 , http://drop.sc/381657 Server: EU Description: There are two replays. There is overwhelming amount of proof that he has some sort of vision hack. ZvZ, no scout, 3 player map, first overlord is rallied in a very suspicious way. Both games no scout at all in any way, AT ALL, makes double spine defense without any scout -.- yeaaa . Ban this guy without mercy.
is this still active? Thank god his nick is LOL since all I could do was laugh at it. It's so obvious it hurts my heart. Name: LOL (Terran) League: Diamond 13-1 and counting (new account) Replay: http://drop.sc/381673 Server: NA Description: No scout at all, blindly builds three bunkers to counter my supposed bane bust. I try to sneak an ovie, marines just hunt it down. Mutas? Turrets everywhere. I was just so mad that I couldn't do a thing, and I was playing way from behind since I commited heavily on those lings.
i'm played with this terran player LOL. I suspected but i was quiet...
Maphacker: [iDevo] TrainerRed Server: EU Race: Protoss Profile link: starcraft://profile/2/9043783330901786624 Bnet profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4254746/1/TrainerRed/ Replay: http://drop.sc/382253
Description: This one is just disgusting, the guy starts to cannonrush my base before even seeing it, he cancels the pylon to avoid my scouting drone and then he rebuilds the pylon, and still, he doesn't see the hatckery. Then he kinda prevents my follow up, but he still manages to lose the game. This is seriously the most obvious and retarded maphacker I've ever seen in my entire life. If you want to laugh really hard you just have to watch it. Downloading the replay is truly worth it in my opinion.
lol anyone played vs summer before? lol he actually just blindly maphacks
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On June 08 2014 06:09 Nogard wrote:Maphacker: [iDevo] TrainerRed Server: EU Race: Protoss Profile link: starcraft://profile/2/9043783330901786624Bnet profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4254746/1/TrainerRed/Replay: http://drop.sc/382253Description: This one is just disgusting, the guy starts to cannonrush my base before even seeing it, he cancels the pylon to avoid my scouting drone and then he rebuilds the pylon, and still, he doesn't see the hatckery. Then he kinda prevents my follow up, but he still manages to lose the game. This is seriously the most obvious and retarded maphacker I've ever seen in my entire life. If you want to laugh really hard you just have to watch it. Downloading the replay is truly worth it in my opinion.
Hahaha, that is the most blatant I've seen in awhile, +1 for laughs though.
On May 30 2014 03:13 HyDrA_solic wrote:is this still active? Thank god his nick is LOL since all I could do was laugh at it. It's so obvious it hurts my heart. Name: LOL (Terran) League: Diamond 13-1 and counting (new account) Replay: http://drop.sc/381673Server: NA Description: No scout at all, blindly builds three bunkers to counter my supposed bane bust. I try to sneak an ovie, marines just hunt it down. Mutas? Turrets everywhere. I was just so mad that I couldn't do a thing, and I was playing way from behind since I commited heavily on those lings.
Another blatant hacker...
tsk tsk, so many these days.
On June 10 2014 17:09 ScLight wrote: lol anyone played vs summer before? lol he actually just blindly maphacks
Yes that guy hacks. Does he also ask to pause the game 1 minute in? He has done that the 4 games I've played him.