On September 09 2013 12:46 I am KumA wrote: Hacker name : SuperGoose Server : NA Rank : High Master (he is in my division LOL) Replay: http://drop.sc/357687
Description: He pretty much blind counters me throughout the whole game. He "pretends" to hallu-phoenix scout but he sends them to exactly where all my tech and army is because he already knows where all my stuff is. He makes 0 observers throughout the whole game and in the end (when the game turns out messy for him) he blind counters without even scouting anything - he starts two robotics facility and immortals without scouting my hive or my ultra cavern. Msged him and he didn't even respond lol...
Played this guy three times tonight, was definitely suspicious. In one game I went for a three gate, he never scouted, and he built a robo for 2 immortals and waited at the ramp without expanding. Probably the first time I've seen someone overreact like that(without scouting), nowadays its 1 gate expo into robo with mship to defend even if you know a 3 gate is coming.
On September 10 2013 16:47 NinjaAUS wrote: Hacker Name : [EzBM] MasterTea Server : NA Rank : High Master/GM Replay : http://drop.sc/358998 Never scouting, blindly reacting, shameless maphacking, reported in-game.
Played him tonight as well, I wasn't too suspicious until the end of the game, even though he didn't build vikings as I went storm first but he never scouted. Towards the end of the game, he moved out towards my base as I sent a warp prism towards his, he types in "wanna play ball?" then leaves the game without engaging. Looking at the replay it was apparent that he would have never been able to beat my army, even though he didn't have actual vision.
you will have to provide more evidence of past replays he does this. it could be as much he was blind countering you since he knew he cannon rushes you before alot of times, ever think of that? now yes it seems pretty weird, but sc2 is a game of weird and blind counters.
less angst my friends. more proof. The fact that you used the word scum you are mad.
I feel in order to post on this thread you have to give it to a friend to watch and then he posts it. To many angry people posting and potentially ruining peoples names(even if he is not guilty his name appears on this thread)
Because 40 apm GrandMaster blind countering everybody he plays against is normal. If you save chronoboost for a zealot and make a full wall on your main ramp before you see ANYTHING AT ALL. You are a hacker, there is absolutely no question about it. Every good player will agree with me. Besides there is a lot of people complaining about this hacker.
All we ask for you to make a better case than
"lul he blind counter me lul hacker, plz report"
When you are accusing something of someone, if the proof is not point blank, youre going to have to make a case rather than "he blind counter me"
its not im supporting this "hacker" im supporting not jumping to conlusions.
Sorry for my aggressive attitude but what level are you people around here? He made a full wall with chronoboosting zalot without seeing absolutely anything anywhere. It is not blind counter, it is clearly being a hacker. Don't try to tell me you don't see that!
Anyway, here is another replay of this absolutely obvious hacker. http://drop.sc/355956 - no scout whatsoever, made a cannon rush, then with his absolutely digusting macro and 40 apm stayed on extremely low supply and no tech, then right when nydus started in his main, he immediately blindly turned probes and zealot there to kill the nydus and suddenly blindly started to mass phoenixes vs mutas. If you say this is not hacking, I am just done with you people. An average player would know he is obviously hacking just from my replay.
Edit: That loser even uploaded a replay vs Liquid Snute where he is hacking, feeling good about himself beating Snute with hacks and 50 apm lol.
While this guy does hack, using 50 apm as evidence of him hacking is silly. I would beat you with 50 apm and probably a handicap.
Name : reiko Serveur : EU Rank : GM Replay : http://drop.sc/359274 10 pools when I proxy rax, don't make a single gling when his pool is finished, only queens to defend against my reapers. Who the heck do a 10p and does nothing with it, at GM level lol.
On September 09 2013 12:46 I am KumA wrote: Hacker name : SuperGoose Server : NA Rank : High Master (he is in my division LOL) Replay: http://drop.sc/357687
Description: He pretty much blind counters me throughout the whole game. He "pretends" to hallu-phoenix scout but he sends them to exactly where all my tech and army is because he already knows where all my stuff is. He makes 0 observers throughout the whole game and in the end (when the game turns out messy for him) he blind counters without even scouting anything - he starts two robotics facility and immortals without scouting my hive or my ultra cavern. Msged him and he didn't even respond lol...
Haha. I played this guy last night and he started off by swearing and calling me a fag and other slurs. His opening made my kind of suspicious of him, but his play was so bad I didn't think he could be maphacking, guess he might have been.
On September 12 2013 23:32 Faust852 wrote: Name : reiko Serveur : EU Rank : GM Replay : http://drop.sc/359274 10 pools when I proxy rax, don't make a single gling when his pool is finished, only queens to defend against my reapers. Who the heck do a 10p and does nothing with it, at GM level lol.
Hmmm. I beat this guy last night and I definitely caught him off guard a few times, so I don't think he maphacks. I opened Stargate into Zealot pressure and the pressure really caught him off guard, and from the way he reacted to my Warp Prisms I don't think he maphacks.
On September 12 2013 23:32 Faust852 wrote: Name : reiko Serveur : EU Rank : GM Replay : http://drop.sc/359274 10 pools when I proxy rax, don't make a single gling when his pool is finished, only queens to defend against my reapers. Who the heck do a 10p and does nothing with it, at GM level lol.
Hmmm. I beat this guy last night and I definitely caught him off guard a few times, so I don't think he maphacks. I opened Stargate into Zealot pressure and he the pressure really caught him off guard, and from the way he reacted to my Warp Prisms I don't think he maphacks.
His build order is still complete non sens if not to hard counter my build order. Why would you 10 pools and not harassing with glings? It would have put him so fucking behind if I had CC first or anything.
A lot of people seem to have a problem with low APM being presented as evidence. And you're right, it is almost irrelevant, but I'd like to make a case for it; when you couple it with other things, it becomes more likely that the subject is indeed hacking.
First off, we know that: 1. Players who are in GM/High Masters and have low average APM (sub-100) are the exception, not the normal case. 2. A quick look at replays from SjoW, GoOdy and Elfi, who are by far the slowest players (APM-wise) in the pro scene, shows they average between 75 and 115 APM, depending somewhat on the length of the game. 3. All three of those players are, for the most part, on top of their macro, micro and decision-making.
So while APM alone isn't a prime factor in determining whether someone is hacking or not, low APM is in fact a trait that is very uncommon for the high ranks on the ladder, especially at the sub-75 point.
I'd say players with 50-80 average APM who go for unreasonable builds AND/OR have clunky mechanics, are likely to be playing out of their league, i.e. cheating their way up. It makes it more difficult to prove hacks when a player has high APM, because usually that would come with better overall play, and it could be argued that the player is just plain solid/had a fluke.
He cannon rushes me and I lose because I'm bad. I noticed in the replay his first probe's movements are quite suspicious. He initially has it set to hide in my main but changes course when my scouting probe leaves my base, even going so far as to run away in another direction when my probe gets nearer and would have seen him. He then goes and hides in my base as soon as my probe has passed.
Also I want to add that I don't lose due to maphacking (I should be able to hold a cannon rush regardless), it was just something I noticed and wanted to post in case someone else has played him and had their suspicions.
Game 1: Pay attention to the scouting pattern (important for game 2, not evidence in itself) and note the reaction to pull his third back into natural along with pulling his army when I move across the map with my army (he has no vision of this). I stopped watching during this replay as I viewed this reaction alone as conclusive.
Game 2: I get him immediately after and decide to proxy marauder to see. His scouting pattern this time changes to include scouting for proxy marauder (same map) and finds it right away. I cancel it, go CC first in my main and soon after he tries to contain me and types: Greedy. Without seeing any of my buildings. At 17:15 he reacts to a few dropships heading into his main with his vikings before he has vision of the medvacs. Again, stopped watching the game at this point as that was conclusive in my eyes.
Replay Download: http://drop.sc/359410 Character Name: MyDroopySack.107 (THIS PLAYERS HAS A YOUTUBE CHANNEL) (http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3246474/1/MyDroopySack/) Game: HoTS Server: NA League: Master in 2v2, 3v3. Diamond in 4v4. No record in 1v1. <There are more evidences below the description>
Description: After we had a huge advantage, he started to spam messages so fast that we were forced to drop. He spammed 2853 times to us. We weren't able to reach the server and hen the countdown dropped us. Moreover, there are evidences that I have posted on Youtube. He even falsely accused me of map hacking just because I joked him with "Map HACKED" on his team's canon rush failure. Moreover, this guy has a youtube channel and he wants to be a caster. I commented on his video about his cheating and he left my comments there to "boost views" while he deleted my video evidence so that I can't justify myself. Please help. The Blizzard haven't responded to my post. But I want clean gaming
On September 09 2013 12:46 I am KumA wrote: Hacker name : SuperGoose Server : NA Rank : High Master (he is in my division LOL) Replay: http://drop.sc/357687
Description: He pretty much blind counters me throughout the whole game. He "pretends" to hallu-phoenix scout but he sends them to exactly where all my tech and army is because he already knows where all my stuff is. He makes 0 observers throughout the whole game and in the end (when the game turns out messy for him) he blind counters without even scouting anything - he starts two robotics facility and immortals without scouting my hive or my ultra cavern. Msged him and he didn't even respond lol...
Played this guy three times tonight, was definitely suspicious. In one game I went for a three gate, he never scouted, and he built a robo for 2 immortals and waited at the ramp without expanding. Probably the first time I've seen someone overreact like that(without scouting), nowadays its 1 gate expo into robo with mship to defend even if you know a 3 gate is coming.
I played him tonight and watched the replay after seeing this. A little bit suspicious due to his complete lack of scouting. The first time he saw my main beyond the wall was when he flew a Warp Prism in at around 14 minutes (coincidently just as my army was moving across the map for the first time, which he hadn't scouted).
I didn't spot any smoking guns, but the whole thing just seemed off. Especially since I mech TvP and this usually requires some sort of change by the Protoss when they scout it.
On September 14 2013 11:33 templarjer wrote: Replay Download: http://drop.sc/359410 Character Name: MyDroopySack.107 (THIS PLAYERS HAS A YOUTUBE CHANNEL) (http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3246474/1/MyDroopySack/) Game: HoTS Server: NA League: Master in 2v2, 3v3. Diamond in 4v4. No record in 1v1. <There are more evidences below the description>
Description: After we had a huge advantage, he started to spam messages so fast that we were forced to drop. He spammed 2853 times to us. We weren't able to reach the server and hen the countdown dropped us. Moreover, there are evidences that I have posted on Youtube. He even falsely accused me of map hacking just because I joked him with "Map HACKED" on his team's canon rush failure. Moreover, this guy has a youtube channel and he wants to be a caster. I commented on his video about his cheating and he left my comments there to "boost views" while he deleted my video evidence so that I can't justify myself. Please help. The Blizzard haven't responded to my post. But I want clean gaming
On September 07 2013 21:38 negativ wrote: Obvious hacker is obvious. Name: ddooomm Region: EU Look at this bunker before he seen any agresion/ empty natural, and many othaer moments.
He goes for a standard 1rax-FE opener, with he's first scv scout he sees no FE and blocks with an ebay to delay you. Also drops a bunker at he's natural which is a "by the book" way to 1-rax expand safely.
After that he meticulously checks AGAIN at 6:30 with a 2nd scv to make sure there's no shenanigans going on (keep in mind 6:30 is when warp-gate kicks in, hence a perfect time to double check with P expansion timing).
Seeing no expansion he deducts that there will be an all-in coming he's way and prepares for it by dropping additional bunkers on the high ground and withdrawing he's orbital command from the natural.
The only thing he didn't prepare for was saving scans for the DT possibility but then again, he had full vision around he's base and 2 orbitals racking up energy to deal with possible DT warp prism play and a wall-ed in choke point that could be repaired until he gets a turret up.
TL;DR - Solid play by accused player, OP pissed off/delusional for getting outplayed.
I can actually support the suspicion of ddooomm being a hacker. http://drop.sc/359440
He sends in some scapegoat scv's which he doesnt even really look at. He knows all my movements. Especially suspicious are the moves when he kills my first proxy pylon at the bottom of the natural ramp when i go back to defend his drop and also later on when he moves out he kills a probe to the right (which i didn't evne notice myself tbh). Also his drop timings are kinda perfect, although they came in after I stood at the xel'naga tower. Also, i forgot, in the beginning he doesnt see shit from me (he doesnt look at his scv, he sees only 1 single stalker) and he actually sends several marines to his main to defend the incoming msc.
All in all I can't say for sure he's a hacker because some stuff might've been pure luck, but I still think he's a hacker
- various "suicidle" forward blinks into areas he does not know if an army is waiting for him or not - questionable army positioning in front of his (not yet constructed) natural - 8:46 - microing his stalkers towards a mothershipcore he has no knowledge or vision of - 16:40-17:15 - various move commands barely outside of his field of vision while also moving the screen by moving his cursor to the side of the screen (if he's able to click this accurately on the minimap while moving his cursor to the edge of the screen and back to the exact same spot on the minimap in a fraction of a second he's a god) - also a very weird camera angle throughout that entire time period, he's mainly looking at empty space with only small parts of his army even on screen - generally odd playstyle/decision making based on the information he's been given; 1 base 4 gate blink + robo + forge + templar archive (all without any detection even tho he didn't get a glimpse at my main or natural for more than 7 minutes straight) into sending a probe to build an expansion at 16:30+ literally 2 seconds after my nexus shows up on the production tab and he's down to barely 1000 minerals in his main mineral line - no scouting throughout the entire game
He goes 6 pool and doesn't scout with overlord (sends it behind his mineral line actually) then when he sees that i 10 pool he cancels his 6 pool and drones and makes blind spines, its very very obvious watch replay..