You have to provide some kind of evidence/proof (screenshots/replays etc.) if you are going to accuse somebody.
Additionally, a supporting comment of what people should be looking for and when will be necessary if you are posting replays/evidence. |
Name: ClubGLAM Server: NA Replay: http://drop.sc/324044
Descrption: Seems like this old map hacker is at it again. I seen threads about this guy since back in 2010. I guess Blizzard doesn't care to ban this map hacker. He just blindly puts a pylon in my base on Korhal City and decides to two gates while looking at a blank fog of war.
On April 15 2013 10:13 iAmJeffReY wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2013 08:58 BigAsia wrote:On April 14 2013 19:10 nunez wrote:Hacker name: goobyplsServer: NA Description:vs iAmJeffblatant hacks. no scout, blind armymovement and countering. He doesn't hack. This is actually Theognis from ROOT, probably his smurf account. He was actually streaming while he was playing under the name goobypls, so it would be hard to hack. I am sure that I wasn't the only one watching his stream and other people can testify. http://www.twitch.tv/rootheognis Watch rep. Moves all stalkers to stop an unscouted drop, then blinks under it instantly. And has blink hack. Watches army in fog. Just watch the rep.
Well, in that replay Blink doesn't actually finish researching; however, the army movements at the end of the game, the perfect attack move on to an incoming unscouted medivac drop with accompanying Stalker warp in through its path and the proxy Stargate outside a base which is unscouted for the whole game is suspicious. Accompanying fog of war peaks make it look pretty bad too.
Name: FearlesS Server: EU Replay: http://drop.sc/324111
Description: pretty obv hacktard, just started hacking it seems as no reports for him while its too obvious hes hacking.
yea this guy is using maphack extremly obvious , played him once too .
On April 15 2013 23:43 Iyerbeth wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2013 10:13 iAmJeffReY wrote:On April 15 2013 08:58 BigAsia wrote:On April 14 2013 19:10 nunez wrote:Hacker name: goobyplsServer: NA Description:vs iAmJeffblatant hacks. no scout, blind armymovement and countering. He doesn't hack. This is actually Theognis from ROOT, probably his smurf account. He was actually streaming while he was playing under the name goobypls, so it would be hard to hack. I am sure that I wasn't the only one watching his stream and other people can testify. http://www.twitch.tv/rootheognis Watch rep. Moves all stalkers to stop an unscouted drop, then blinks under it instantly. And has blink hack. Watches army in fog. Just watch the rep. Well, in that replay Blink doesn't actually finish researching; however, the army movements at the end of the game, the perfect attack move on to an incoming unscouted medivac drop with accompanying Stalker warp in through its path and the proxy Stargate outside a base which is unscouted for the whole game is suspicious. Accompanying fog of war peaks make it look pretty bad too.
DOh thought that was the 2v2 game. No this guy was obvious. Proxy above my base, FoW ramp looks. Perfect army movement etc.
Name : DragonStyle (used to be a barcode) Server : EU Rank : Master Bnet : starcraft://profile/2/10987556052987281408 Replay : http://drop.sc/324142
We are playing at a top master MMR, and the way he is playing on this game is really strange. It's a PvZ, and this guy react very well to everything I am doing. The problem is that he doesn't scoot anything, (really NOTHING !!) and react well to everything. He adds spines to counter the zealot push, he adds spore when I am putting the dark shrine (while he doesnt scoot anything, ah), he doesnt take the xel naga right in front of his base...
Notice that he probably used a farm bot to obtain the dark voice picture, aswell as the 90th level.
Tell me if more replay are needed, I will add some if necessary.
Name : IIIIIIIIIII Server : NA Rank : Master Replay :http://drop.sc/324193
obvious map hacking, blind counters everything but with low/shitty apm he got shat on.
Italy12246 Posts
Name: Dragon Server: EU Rank: Master Replay: http://drop.sc/324208
Submitted by a team mate of mine. Dude goes blind 3gate zealot off 1 pylon and no gas (which is a hilariously bad response too) vs an unscouted 11/11. His camera doesnt even move from his main.
On April 16 2013 07:22 Teoita wrote:Name: Dragon Server: EU Rank: Master Replay: http://drop.sc/324208Submitted by a team mate of mine. Dude goes blind 3gate zealot off 1 pylon and no gas (which is a hilariously bad response too) vs an unscouted 11/11. His camera doesnt even move from his main.
Same as this dragon i presume:
On April 14 2013 05:12 Daumen wrote:Hey guys, I just encountered a weird Master Protoss on the Ladder, heres the Replay: http://drop.sc/322927I cant say anything definite here :O He played pretty weird and somehow bad (lots of overmins). He never scouted my base but 4 Gated me on this 4 player map and then somehow aborts the 4Gate, Never seeing anything of my base. He couldnt know where my base was, but maybe he thought it was there because my Reaper ran in that direction or something... He never really looked at my Base though, I watched the Replay from his cam, I know there are hacks that prevent that from being seen, also if I hit "B" to rewind 10 secs while watching his cam, the camera comes in from weird angles and is sometimes weirdly fucked up. Can someone analyse this for me? Is it conclusive? :O
Thanks for Confirmation.
Hacker name: llllllllllll Server: US League: Masters Replay: http://drop.sc/324621
Description: Pretty obvious hacking. He has 0 overlord spread on the map and to be more specific:
11:12 Sends spore to his 3rd and overseer along with lings into his main to defend double drops blindly 14:20 Makes random banes as I am advancing my army across the map 14:50 Blindly attacks into my army while I am getting closer to his base There are more instances but I hope this is enough evidence.
Hacker name: llllllllllll Server: EU League: Masters Replay: http://drop.sc/324716
15:20 kills burrowed infestors without seeing it 22 (?)min: again later on moves in roaches the sec my ultras leave (without vision).
lot of this stuff. and is really REALLY bad (even lost somehow...) so is 2 leagues above skill thx to hacking...
this is the first time i am 100% sure my opponent hacked. is there any other way than ingame to report shitheads like this?
Email to hacks@blizzard.com
Hacker name: RachelZane Server: EU League: Platinum Replay: http://drop.sc/324809
Description: He goes directly to my base, looking dark places with his camera, and blindly puts a pylon to do double proxy gate. I think that is one of the most clear cases...
Hacker name : Apocalypzer Server : EU League : Silver now Master Replay: http://drop.sc/309998
Description : 8:05: Blind a-click on overlord. 9:19: Blind a-click on overlord. 12:42: He watches my b3. 12:53: He watches my army. 13:12: He watches his b3 (southeast), he sees nothing then at 13:17, he watches his b4 (north) and he do a-click on the zerglings. 14:31: He watches my army.
On April 17 2013 11:11 monkiw wrote:Hacker name: llllllllllll Server: US League: Masters Replay: http://drop.sc/324621 Description: Pretty obvious hacking. He has 0 overlord spread on the map and to be more specific: 11:12 Sends spore to his 3rd and overseer along with lings into his main to defend double drops blindly 14:20 Makes random banes as I am advancing my army across the map 14:50 Blindly attacks into my army while I am getting closer to his base There are more instances but I hope this is enough evidence.
havent watched replay but some zergs never spread ovi's
also for 11:20 : more or less drop timing so standard to keep units on main if you're not gonna be agressive 14:20 : you don't need necessarily make banes only when you're gonna be attacked 14:50 : if he hit a timing on upgrades/units then why not just attak?
as i said, haven't seen the replay, just being a little critical here
Hacker name : Pldr Server : NA League : Masters replay http://drop.sc/324961
playing without observers, knows how and when he has to move stalkers, best example is when im walking to his 3rd base and try to drop his 2nd base location, he moves his stalkers perfect.
On April 14 2013 20:36 nunez wrote:Hacker name: KimJongUnServer: EU League: master Description:vs Hawthornautomation 19700 KimJongUn Hotkey Select 9 19700 KimJongUn [MinimapClick] Spawn Larva (Queen); target: Hatchery (10240); 19700 KimJongUn 19700 KimJongUn Spawn Larva (Queen); target: Hatchery (10240);
Just got him also, sad thing is he's pretty high ranked 1450 points and rank2. He might get to GM soon.
Hacker name: KimJongUn Server: EU League: high master Description: He builds 6 spines vs my roach allin, without scouting an inch of my base, ever. I still won, but I thought something was fishy when I saw the wall of spines. 
EDIT: Just saw he is a confirmed hacker, oh well extra proof can't hurt.
Hacker name: [OD] LaBrutte Server: Americas League: Diamond Description: Picks random, blind forge expand with 0 scouting. Zerg makes nydus, protoss has 0 vision of it, yet sends all units and probes to kill it.
This guy is on OD. Get him kicked!