Canada13379 Posts
On July 04 2012 10:42 Hoon wrote:Show nested quote +On July 04 2012 10:34 Noobity wrote: I don't see the appeal in Cowboy Bebop, personally.
I liked the episode, but there wasn't really anything groundbreaking here. Maybe it's just the fact that I watch Destiny constantly, but he didn't really say anything new or exciting.
First full episode of Real Talk I watched, and I enjoyed it. I hate the mouth-to-the-mic look, but that's kinda standard if you want good audio I guess, so no biggy.
Well done, JP, looking forward to the rest! There is a lot of depth in Cowboy Bebop, which stands out when you compare it to modern popular animes. Also, the music is retardedly awesome.
But some animes are just enjoyable to watch without needing to be super deep.
I like deep stories, I like interesting animes and films of any kind. But sometimes I just want to see where Naruto is at or go watch John McClane shoot stuff.
on topic: Watching some now, don't know If I will watch ALL of it since these are usually long but perhaps I will listen while doing some homework or something.
This episode felt very rushed, which is understandable with Destiny going to HSC V. Just wasn't as in depth as the others. Still entertaining though.
Really looking forward to the djWHEAT episode.
Can you get Hotbid? That would be pretty entertaining I think
Is there an mp3 for this by an chance? 3rd shifting tonight and would make things go by a little quicker.
Use a youtube-to-mp3 converter.
Please get LiquidNony or Day9. Your show is awesome !
I'd really love it if JP starts interviewing people we don't know that much about. I think for now interviewing people like Destiny is great because it will attract viewers, but after JP picks up more regular viewers it'd be cool to hear from players we don't know as much about. I think a real talk with a fairly lesser known player like MajOr would be really cool - there's a guy who's trained in Korea, been on a bunch of different teams, has some quirks and controversies, but we don't know very much about his backstory or who he really is. These are the kinds of players/personalities I'd love to see on real talk and get a new or better perspective of.
not sure if you guys saw JP's tweet or not, but after EVO he's gonna interview the legendary Justing Wong!
On July 05 2012 13:19 Universum wrote: Please get LiquidNony or Day9. Your show is awesome ! Why Day9? What ever you want to know about him can already be found on VoDs. And I'm not only talking about daily 100, go look at his AMA on his website and you'll pretty much know everything about him. If JP would do an episode with him I would still watch it, but I would preffer a lot more people than him.
On July 05 2012 13:24 Swords wrote: I think a real talk with a fairly lesser known player like MajOr would be really cool - there's a guy who's trained in Korea, been on a bunch of different teams, has some quirks and controversies, but we don't know very much about his backstory or who he really is.
Don't want to sound like a douche, but no thanks. Personality is key, and I hope JP continues to choose people who can maintain a conversation without dipping too much to the awkward side.
On July 05 2012 15:10 ilmeeni wrote:Show nested quote +On July 05 2012 13:24 Swords wrote: I think a real talk with a fairly lesser known player like MajOr would be really cool - there's a guy who's trained in Korea, been on a bunch of different teams, has some quirks and controversies, but we don't know very much about his backstory or who he really is. Don't want to sound like a douche, but no thanks. Personality is key, and I hope JP continues to choose people who can maintain a conversation without dipping too much to the awkward side.
I think more conversations can help in that regard. It's not like Major is swimming in interviews on stream with tons of viewers. He quietly streams with a few hundred viewers as one of the better Terrans out there in the foreign scene. I'd welcome an interview with him on Real Talk and he would be one of the few actual sc2 gamers who I would want to hear from; whereas most of the interesting ones already have plenty of their story out there.
United States83 Posts
Hey JP, I loved the Destiny episode! You did a great job keeping the interview moving and I enjoyed Steven's story telling as usual. I was also a fan of the IdrA episode. Keep up the good work JP!
I understand the need to interview people who are not awkard and that can make for interesting interviews but why do we get the same people we see all the time in other places anyway? Look at the players we have so far: Idra, Incontrol, Destiny, Grubby, these are already super exposed in the scene compared to other players, add to that some very familar personalities that you can see weekly in other shows and it feels like we just see more stuff about the same people.
I think there are many interesting players like Mana, Thorzain etc who are at the absolute top of SC that people don't know much about outside of the game. Even if you bring in very popular personalities, it's more interesting when you bring the ones that you don't normally see talking about personal/serious stuff, 2GD is a good example for a very well done choice. Stephano would be ideal too but I don't know if he would do it(He probably wouldn't have the patience for a long interview and wouldn't give a crap anyway :D).
Many of the guests so far(including ALL the players) are players that get much of their popularity due to their image and personality that they show to the people already, it would be interesting to at least mix in some episodes with people we don't know that much about as persons among the "heavy" ones which probably bring in more viewers.
Personally didn't enjoy the Destiny episode, probably just because he didn't have anything interesting to say and isn't really involved in anything important front line or behind the scenes. I think I got up to the bit where it went along the lines of "Well I streamed, people liked it so I kept entertaining. Did fuck all else, didn't train to get good or anything else", then I got bored and stopped. Didn't really care about his kid or his break up, I know enough people that have done that and it's really uninteresting. I was kinda biased going into this episode since I didn't care what happened to Destiny before this episode, and I still don't give a fuck.
Not sure why the Idra one was actually really interesting though, since didn't really give a fuck about him either, but it just was.
Anyways glad others enjoyed it.
I would prefer people that make a fuckload of things happen, since these people by default should be able to articulate well and put together a decent sentence, then you don't have to worry so much about "personality" (hate that word).
Great work JP. Keep 'em coming!
For those wondering about the shortness of the episode, Destiny said this on Reddit:
Sorry, I know a lot of people are complaining because I answered the questions a bit curtly (compared to how I normally speak), but I could literally talk for hours on any given subject and I didn't want to drag this out for 6-8 hours because I feel like I would have drowned JP, haha. I might do an AMA about this stuff in r/destiny if there's enough interest for it.
Lesser-known stories will come soon enough. Just be patient
Here's a vote for Scoots, he's awesome and ought to have stories to tell.
I've been really enjoying this series and look forward to more! Great work JP!
hmm I'd like to see someone that doesn't get enough credit as a player that is really quite good... HasuObs/Socke/Bly/Bling/dDoRo/Axslav/Torch(I believe he is more of management now, but has been a gamer his whole life I believe)/Naama/Moman(for lolz)/Cloud
I know your show is about getting a lot of viewers. Let's be real here(see what I did there ). I would hope though, it's more about having a great interview with a great player that people can learn a bit more about them too. Too many players are unappreciated for the time/effort they put into the scene. I'm not pointing out your show as the only way to get players noticed; it's more of it seems you are one of the few that would give them a chance and have the audience to appreciate it :D