On May 05 2012 11:32 redDuke wrote:but..but I like the vile tag  ah well gl to them all. hopefully this spurs PsY to play more and be less sad about the game. Also, Spanish - where'd u go man?
One of the better logos, to be sure.
Spanishiwa is on Quantic now, too.
On May 05 2012 11:32 redDuke wrote:but..but I like the vile tag  ah well gl to them all. hopefully this spurs PsY to play more and be less sad about the game. Also, Spanish - where'd u go man? I think that Spanishiwa is focusing on school right now.
glad that theyre able to have a smooth transition onto a new team together
Yes! So happy to hear that the Vile players found a home. I always root for those guys and I hope both they and the original members of Quantic become even better as a result of this pickup.
What ever happened to spanishiwa? I have litterally heard nothing about him for months! He like dissapeared. I hope QxG can rerelease the beast again. :D
I have serious misgivings about a team this size being able to sustain so many talented players. If it is sustainable (even with the G$$gle backers) then it seems clear the salary of all sc2 players needs to take a few % pnts of an upward climb.
Damn. I foresee layoffs incoming >_>
A lot of these guys are small fry compared to Naniwa and even SaSe.
spanish goes to UC davis. UC davis is hard. Also, davis is hot. That last point isn't related, it just sucks.
On May 05 2012 01:34 Promethium wrote:This is terrible news. We can't quickly roll "QxGPsY" off our tongues as easily as "vilePsY".  I wonder if we'll see Illusion and State in Korea sometime soon as they seem to be the two top members of vile.
They're both still in High School so I doubt it. Maybe over summer though.
On May 05 2012 15:24 AlexanderSC2 wrote: What ever happened to spanishiwa? I have litterally heard nothing about him for months! He like dissapeared. I hope QxG can rerelease the beast again. :D
Isn't he focusing on college. Hopefully we'll see more of him this summer.
On May 05 2012 15:31 OrD_SC2 wrote: I have serious misgivings about a team this size being able to sustain so many talented players. If it is sustainable (even with the G$$gle backers) then it seems clear the salary of all sc2 players needs to take a few % pnts of an upward climb.
Many of these players are young living at home, and probably don't get much of a salary. Most likely the money they receive is for travel and expense at tournaments.
That's pretty cool to hear. I chanced upon the YouTube video Psy posted and came here to see if it's true. lol
"After getting to know the Vile players and becoming emotionally invested in their success, they decided to financially support the group in order to further their eSports careers."
Did not expect, but I'm very happy with this, great news! Their roster is looking so strong now.
Some of the ID's sound so badass with the new tag btw
I like the phrasing "absorbs", I can imagine Quantic as this giant, cthulhu-type of thing that just liquifies Vile and rubs it on their skin.
+ Show Spoiler +For clarification, I do not in fact think that cthulhu is an apt metaphor to describe quantic and their business practices
Congrats on the pickup! Looking forward to see Illusion rock the house! And also it is interesting that PsY is Quantic now as well wonder what his thoughts behind this are.
ah omw for youtube ..
QuanticState sounds just as cool as QuanticIllusion
wtf software engineers at google make enough money to sponsor entire teams? Thats amazing haha. "QuanticState" is a great name ^^
So how big is Quantic now?
Hey look Spanishiwa, didn't know he was still around after he was FOTM a while back. Hope to see more cool stuff from him!
Getting rid of Destiny and picking up Vile -- a fantastic week fro QxG! Grats guys.
now they might actually have a slight chance to win anything in teamleagues... but now 2 less vile players will actually get to play in teamleagues so i have mixed feelings about this i don't know why quantic would do this because there are many more talented teams they could have aquired imo...