wow this is great! Good luck Moon!
Moon joins Fnatic.SC2 - Page 65
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Germany63 Posts
wow this is great! Good luck Moon! | ||
Australia3421 Posts
Jang Jae Ho hwaiting~!! | ||
Guam5609 Posts
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2050 Posts
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Jamaica921 Posts
Here's to moon becoming a GSL champ. | ||
United States559 Posts
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Sweden7024 Posts
On January 18 2012 19:38 lessQQmorePEWPEW wrote: i hope moon completely focuses on sc2. this man is a legend and watching him pwn bomber in one of the international events proves that a true gamer like him will thrive in any scenario. Here's to moon becoming a GSL champ. They said that was one of the reasons that they would pick up Moon for, so yeah fulltime sc2! | ||
Canada5405 Posts
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France3270 Posts
On January 18 2012 17:33 89andy wrote: Foreigner scene is dominated by war3 players because it's the most recent successful competitive RTS game. The real measure is the korean scene, where the top tier pros are, where clearly players with pro-BW backgrounds are dominating. Your argument is... not really relevant since in Korea there were barely a few active War3 pros remaining, since the korean scene died a LOT of years ago. Who switched ? Check ? Maka ? Polt ? Are they shit ? Polt is a tournament winner even. Moon and Lyn are special hybrid cases. So of course players with BW background dominate, since there were nearly no wc3 pros anymore. | ||
Canada1730 Posts
I saw his games in PPSL and he looked beastly. Only MarineKing took him down to go on to win the PPSL qualifiers. | ||
Finland1166 Posts
On January 18 2012 17:24 paintfive wrote: Since everyone likes to cite TLPD so much, why don't we have a look at the top 5 current foreigners? Mana Kas Stephano SaSe Naniwa 4 out 5 are former War3 players. Mana being the only ex-BW player. Mana is good but his ELO is inflated due to various online tournaments (he'd still be up there, but he might not be deserving of #1, as many would agree). If you even go down the list of foreigner players, it's dominated by former war3 players. Who made it to TSL3 Grand Finals? Oh yea 2 ex-war3 players. Kind of sad how little respect many of these players get. I'll reply to this particular post while of course answering everyone else. When you look at the tournament results over the course of SC2, you will find that BW foreigners have done just as good if not better than WC3 foreigners. WC3 foreigners are not dominating the scene, that is simply not true. Start going through the results if you don't believe me, you'll be surprised. Currently, the duo Stephano and Naniwa could be better than any duo BW foreigners could field but I am not entirely convinced about that. In either case, ingoring that, you will find that BW foreigners can field a team that is just as deep as WC3 foreigners' team. I have always said that WC3 scene seems to have had a talent pool at the level of BW foreigners. But once you add the Koreans into the equation you will find that BW talent pool is far larger and deeper than WC3's. Korean BW was simply far more competetive than anything WC3 had. And Flash is the top dog there. What he has done is simply far more impressive because of the level of competition. It is the same as, say, in motor sports: you will find many different ways to race but some are more competetive than others. If Flash had played WC3, I have no doubt that he would have dominated it as well. If BW Koreans had migrated to WC3, you wouldn't have had Moon dominating the game. If Moon had played BW, I think he could've been an A-teamer but nothing special (although that it in and of itself is quite special). I am not saying Moon isn't talented or good. He is great. But he was succesful in a game that simply wasn't that competetive. And the fact of the matter is that Moon has already played SC2 full-time. He was technically splitting his time over WC3 and SC2 insofar as there were tournaments for both. He didn't attend any WC3 tournaments for quite a while meanwhile attending SC2 tournaments. That is why he practised SC2 and not WC3. (He said in an interview that he focuses on the game that has tournaments.) I am not saying Moon will suck. But he simply will not dominate. Nor will he ever win GSL. You can quote me on this. | ||
Australia8267 Posts
But Spirit_Moon stands out because his strategic thinking and absolute phenomenal decision making and execution. Watching his games in War3 was pure bliss, it was elegant even when he loses. | ||
Norway593 Posts
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653 Posts
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Bulgaria6 Posts
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Sweden765 Posts
On January 18 2012 20:24 dantemp wrote: Does this mean he will quit WC3 for good? Cause this is the only way to get something done at the SC2 scene... Yes he probably quit WC3 for good now. | ||
Serbia1449 Posts
On January 18 2012 20:08 Squeegy wrote: I'll reply to this particular post while of course answering everyone else. When you look at the tournament results over the course of SC2, you will find that BW foreigners have done just as good if not better than WC3 foreigners. WC3 foreigners are not dominating the scene, that is simply not true. Start going through the results if you don't believe me, you'll be surprised. Currently, the duo Stephano and Naniwa could be better than any duo BW foreigners could field but I am not entirely convinced about that. In either case, ingoring that, you will find that BW foreigners can field a team that is just as deep as WC3 foreigners' team. I have always said that WC3 scene seems to have had a talent pool at the level of BW foreigners. But once you add the Koreans into the equation you will find that BW talent pool is far larger and deeper than WC3's. Korean BW was simply far more competetive than anything WC3 had. And Flash is the top dog there. What he has done is simply far more impressive because of the level of competition. It is the same as, say, in motor sports: you will find many different ways to race but some are more competetive than others. If Flash had played WC3, I have no doubt that he would have dominated it as well. If BW Koreans had migrated to WC3, you wouldn't have had Moon dominating the game. If Moon had played BW, I think he could've been an A-teamer but nothing special (although that it in and of itself is quite special). I am not saying Moon isn't talented or good. He is great. But he was succesful in a game that simply wasn't that competetive. And the fact of the matter is that Moon has already played SC2 full-time. He was technically splitting his time over WC3 and SC2 insofar as there were tournaments for both. He didn't attend any WC3 tournaments for quite a while meanwhile attending SC2 tournaments. That is why he practised SC2 and not WC3. (He said in an interview that he focuses on the game that has tournaments.) I am not saying Moon will suck. But he simply will not dominate. Nor will he ever win GSL. You can quote me on this. I have never red so much stupidity and trash emptytalking in one post. 1)EU wc3 players are doing a lot better then EU bw players (I mean former). All top players are from wc3, except Ret,Dimaga and Whitera and mb few others. I respect former BW players since I see they got better thinking about game, but it is laughable to compare scenes, since 80% or more are from wc3. 2)How can you compare bw and wc3 talent pool if you never followed wc3 scene, EU neither Korean one. I could write so much names which would never get in your mind because I assume you only followed bw. All that players was great(est) in their time but simply retired. Like someone retired from BW, mostly players who played from early begining of the game. So thats questionable, but we will never know becaues I assume top wc3 koreans will not move in sc2 and its sad. Besides Polt,Anypro,Moon and Zenio I cant remember any other doing so, being fulltime progamer. But if you look deeper you could see that Anypro was code A, Polt won GSL code S,Zenio being in code S also, and about Moon there was enough achievement list's. 3)About competitiveness I couldnt believe what you wrote. Wc3 was in every tournament game pool for nearly 10 years. Reason why BW is still active is because it was released first. That has nothing to do with comparison which game is better. Those games are uncomparable. So cunclusion is I dont think those 2 games can be compared and your bias towards BW pro's are unfounded. I am sure that Moon will win at least 1 GSL code S and then you will quote me about this | ||
Canada731 Posts
On January 18 2012 20:08 Squeegy wrote: I'll reply to this particular post while of course answering everyone else. When you look at the tournament results over the course of SC2, you will find that BW foreigners have done just as good if not better than WC3 foreigners. WC3 foreigners are not dominating the scene, that is simply not true. Start going through the results if you don't believe me, you'll be surprised. Currently, the duo Stephano and Naniwa could be better than any duo BW foreigners could field but I am not entirely convinced about that. In either case, ingoring that, you will find that BW foreigners can field a team that is just as deep as WC3 foreigners' team. I have always said that WC3 scene seems to have had a talent pool at the level of BW foreigners. But once you add the Koreans into the equation you will find that BW talent pool is far larger and deeper than WC3's. Korean BW was simply far more competetive than anything WC3 had. And Flash is the top dog there. What he has done is simply far more impressive because of the level of competition. It is the same as, say, in motor sports: you will find many different ways to race but some are more competetive than others. If Flash had played WC3, I have no doubt that he would have dominated it as well. If BW Koreans had migrated to WC3, you wouldn't have had Moon dominating the game. If Moon had played BW, I think he could've been an A-teamer but nothing special (although that it in and of itself is quite special). I am not saying Moon isn't talented or good. He is great. But he was succesful in a game that simply wasn't that competetive. And the fact of the matter is that Moon has already played SC2 full-time. He was technically splitting his time over WC3 and SC2 insofar as there were tournaments for both. He didn't attend any WC3 tournaments for quite a while meanwhile attending SC2 tournaments. That is why he practised SC2 and not WC3. (He said in an interview that he focuses on the game that has tournaments.) I am not saying Moon will suck. But he simply will not dominate. Nor will he ever win GSL. You can quote me on this. You are off your rocker. 1. The current Warcraft 3 "foreigners" you keep mentioning were not top Warcraft 3 players. Stephano was never considered "professional" in Warcraft 3 I'm saddened to say. Naniwa, ThorZaiN, Satiini, DeMusliM and a few more - were never on the level that Grubby, Moon and ToD were. They were damn good don't get me wrong, their skill levels were very high, most even considered professional for a time - but they never won major tournaments like ESWC or WCG, etc. My point here being that, these were not "the top" players in the world (some not even in Europe) and yet they are some of the most phenomenal Starcraft 2 players we have ever seen. They represent themselves, for the most part*, as professionals not only in the game, but outside as well. 2. Other than the ones already mentioned, Professional Korean Warcraft 3 players either still play Warcraft 3, or quit eSports altogether. - Shy: Players Poker - Fov: In Military - Lucifer: Plays Warcraft 3 in China - Moon: Up until today, played Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2 and Heroes of Avalon (combined with sponsor work while in WMF) - Lyn: Plays Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2 and while in WMF played Heroes of Avalon combined with sponsor work - ReMinD: Full time focus on Warcraft 3, plays Starcraft 2 on the side - FoCuS: Plays Warcraft 3 full time and studies on the side - SoJu: I am unsure, but I think military - Susiria: Quit playing after Beta phase, unsure of activity now - Space: Plays WoW and Warcraft 3 That leaves you with whom? maka (never professional Warcraft 3) and Check (coached and managed/founded Prime and has performed well on top of that). 3. How is Warcraft 3 not considered competitive? It was, next to Counter-Strike, the largest eSport in the Western world - it's skill level was massive. Saying Flash would just waltz over and drop Moon on his head if he played Warcraft 3 is insulting. Moon was and I am sure still is, widely regarded as one of the best gamers in the world - even by BW professionals. 4. Moon has done more for eSports and professional/competitive gaming than you can possibly comprehend. The amount he has sacrificed in order to become what he is today, and share that and promote that with the rest of the world is amazing. Show some respect. | ||
Finland1166 Posts
1. Nope. Results disagree. There are probably more WC3 foreigners though but that is just because there actually were more players. 2. But I did follow the scene. 3. By competetive I mean the talent pool. That is Grubby and Moon were so dominating because there weren't that many players of high enough talent. Fams: 1. Actually, I mentioned them just once. I don't see your point though. Stephano and Naniwa are quite a bit better than Tod, Grubby or Moon. We were talking about WC3 foreigners results. If you wish to use the former, BW foreigner's will outshine them quite clearly. 2. I am not sure what your point is with this either. I don't think anyone of them would make a big difference in the Korean SC2 scene. There are so many known and unknown BW Koreans that are as good or better. 3. I didn't say it wasn't competetive. That is of course rather subjective. I am saying it wasn't anywhere near as competetive as BW. Insulting or not, that is what I believe. You may find it ironic that I found your comment about Moon dominating SC2 quite insulting too. (I have not seen any BW professional ever mention Moon though. Well, Nada maybe, through acquantaince.) 4. I think that is quite the overstatement. Boxer is someone you could say that about. But that is because he is far more than just a gamer. Moon was of course very popular, succesful and idol to many. But I can comprehend that. | ||
Sweden2712 Posts
On January 18 2012 20:44 fams wrote: You are off your rocker. 1. The current Warcraft 3 "foreigners" you keep mentioning were not top Warcraft 3 players. Stephano was never considered "professional" in Warcraft 3 I'm saddened to say. Naniwa, ThorZaiN, Satiini, DeMusliM and a few more - were never on the level that Grubby, Moon and ToD were. They were damn good don't get me wrong, their skill levels were very high, most even considered professional for a time - but they never won major tournaments like ESWC or WCG, etc. My point here being that, these were not "the top" players in the world (some not even in Europe) and yet they are some of the most phenomenal Starcraft 2 players we have ever seen. They represent themselves, for the most part*, as professionals not only in the game, but outside as well. 2. Other than the ones already mentioned, Professional Korean Warcraft 3 players either still play Warcraft 3, or quit eSports altogether. - Shy: Players Poker - Fov: In Military - Lucifer: Plays Warcraft 3 in China - Moon: Up until today, played Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2 and Heroes of Avalon (combined with sponsor work while in WMF) - Lyn: Plays Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2 and while in WMF played Heroes of Avalon combined with sponsor work - ReMinD: Full time focus on Warcraft 3, plays Starcraft 2 on the side - FoCuS: Plays Warcraft 3 full time and studies on the side - SoJu: I am unsure, but I think military - Susiria: Quit playing after Beta phase, unsure of activity now - Space: Plays WoW and Warcraft 3 That leaves you with whom? maka (never professional Warcraft 3) and Check (coached and managed/founded Prime and has performed well on top of that). 3. How is Warcraft 3 not considered competitive? It was, next to Counter-Strike, the largest eSport in the Western world - it's skill level was massive. Saying Flash would just waltz over and drop Moon on his head if he played Warcraft 3 is insulting. Moon was and I am sure still is, widely regarded as one of the best gamers in the world - even by BW professionals. 4. Moon has done more for eSports and professional/competitive gaming than you can possibly comprehend. The amount he has sacrificed in order to become what he is today, and share that and promote that with the rest of the world is amazing. Show some respect. Infi and Th000 play sc2, I dont know if they have attended any tournaments (Infi was supposed to play at Dreamhack Valencia, but cancelled). I have read that both these players grind ladder a lot. | ||
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