Yeah nice to see that more persons make difference between long and short term best player. To many people look at the last month and decided who is best foreigner.
Still I think Stephano is best over all now. Playing really well for 3-4 months now, just NA that did´nt notice him, and now in the last month when he started to join major tournaments he has shown just how good he is. He already is the foreigner with largest total prizemoney and I dont think anyone will take that spot from him anytime soon. I guess that Naniwa, Sjow, Idra and HuK could do it if they would win Providence but with MVP and Nestea joining that is going to be pretty tricky.
On October 24 2011 08:39 Jamial wrote: I wish people would stop referring to SelecT as a foreigner. He's Korean, is he not?
He is of korean ethnicity, but lives and plays in America. Then Huk should count as Korean?
Lived and played in NA for the Majority of their life = NA foreigner player. How do people still not understand this. When Huks time in korea becomes Greater than the time spent not in korea, then you may call him korean.
On October 24 2011 08:39 Jamial wrote: I wish people would stop referring to SelecT as a foreigner. He's Korean, is he not?
He is of korean ethnicity, but lives and plays in America. Then Huk should count as Korean?
Lived and played in NA for the Majority of their life = NA foreigner player. How do people still not understand this. When Huks time in korea becomes Greater than the time spent not in korea, then you may call him korean.
Pretty sure Select lived in Korea for a majority of his life and played other RTS there for longer than he's been in the US.
On October 24 2011 08:39 Jamial wrote: I wish people would stop referring to SelecT as a foreigner. He's Korean, is he not?
He is of korean ethnicity, but lives and plays in America. Then Huk should count as Korean?
Lived and played in NA for the Majority of their life = NA foreigner player. How do people still not understand this. When Huks time in korea becomes Greater than the time spent not in korea, then you may call him korean.
Sry but I cant prevent myself from getting into this discussion. To say that people that train in Korea becomes "korean" is just most absurd thing ever.
It is so freaking arbitary, like when do they start becoming "korean", after a week? Or a month? And once they have become an "korean" when do they stop being korean? Or is it once in a life time deal, once you have become "korean" does it stay forever?
Was QXC a korean? If so, is he still a korean? Sjow just got home from Korea so I guess that makes him Korean now, but will he still be Korean once Providence start?
Can I also become a Korean? Like say im in bronze, goes to korea for 2 weeks and train and when I come back I get into silver league! That should make me Korean right? And as long as I keep staying in silver I will forever be Korean, sweet! Or is there a minimum rank to become Korean? What rank does a player need to get the official title of Korean on this forum?
In case you missed my point here, this kind of thinking is ABSURD!
Object "Y" that is influenced by object "X" is suddenly transformed into object X! I dont know where people got this from, never heard of it anything similar before joining this forum, the reason for that being that you can make all kinds of weird conclusion in almost any matter with this way of thinking.
Further it is weird that everyone gives all the credit of Korean skill to just there location. Which btw is a circled argument, there are many skilled koreans because there are many skilled koreans. To me it sounds very much like a convinient "lie".
Like that people say that korean uprising has "nothing" to do with there RTS skill, that is in my mind just a little bit retarded. For instance; everyone and his mother on this forum seems to agree that training is the key to succes in SC2.
Okey so the fact that koreans just happens to be the people with most work hours/year, or that Koreans year after year happens to have top results in international survies of student knowledge/problem solving, has of course nothing to do with that Korean players practice more then foreigners do. This has of course nothing to do with the uprising, it is just a pure concidence. A little statistical anomaly.
I am sry but.... really guys?
Other things like that Korea been dominating in Go (Asias equivilent to chess) the last 30 years is of course also a concidence. I could probably write a book about this but I think I made my point.
Yes Stephanos crazy good mirror is another thing that give him edge over other foreigners.
Like IdrA for instance, IdrA is very strong, but his ZvZ aint that great in my mind. Like he has a 0-6 record against Nerchio for instance. One of the reasons IdrA has been going strong in the last tournaments is that he has been lucky with not running in to other zerg players. Now in ESWC on the otherhand he runned in to LiveZerg, in round of 8/16 (?) and was knocked out of the tournament.
On the other most of the players that usually go far in a tournaments are terrans, thus IdrA goes up against a lot of terrans which favors him since ZvT is his strongest matchup, imo at least.
The foreigners are so bad right now no one deserves to be called best. I do feel that Huk is the best in terms of skill and talent he’s been playing not so well lately by his standards what happened to his PvP? I think with all the new tournaments coming up MLG, IPL, Assembly, IEM we will find out soon enough. Foreigners Fighting!!!!!!!!!!