On September 05 2011 14:03 taLbuk wrote:It's just too convenient for Sixjax to basically blame Juan for everything because he already has a pretty bad reputation, what they are saying they have 'documented' doesn't exactly correspond with what Skew and other have said, and they go on to basically say Skew's perception of the company was 'Sour'. Also note how they make sure to reference Artosis just because everybody knows he's a good guy. I might be reading too much into it but if what Skew and others have posted has any truth to it Sixjax has a lot more explaining to do.
What more do they need to explain? They provided him with a jersey, he gave it away. Sponsors don't like that, since their logos are on the jersey. Why would a sponsor pay for a player who can't even wear their logo? He freaked out when he lost a match and was given a foul. I bet the people who ran the tournament can back that up. DDE complained when Major cursed him out at the same tournament.
And when they say documented, they likely mean "we have emails, because that is how most of our business is conducted."
So the real question is: WHY WOULD YOU KEEP A PLAYER LIKE THIS?
Oh Major.... sigh When will this ever end
Does anybody else not see the huge holes in Sixjax's story?
They said that they had a deal to send Major to Korea a month ago and they didn't and then they list a bunch of stuff that happened back in June. That makes no sense. They broke a deal because he swore to WBC? Sorry but that's not a good reason.
Also they didn't send anybody to Raleigh. You telling me DDE and Vibe were acting up as well and that's why they didn't send them to Raleigh?
Face it Sixjax, you didn't deliver on promises you made and Juan is a bm motherfucker who got pissed off at you because of it. Don't try to paint yourselves as the victim.
And after they mentioned his mother I fully believe the story that they threatened to sue his mom is true. That's as low as it gets.
On September 05 2011 14:06 Poky wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2011 13:46 FairForever wrote:On September 05 2011 13:45 Creationism wrote: lol, sue, minors can't make enforceable contracts. Very true, there's no way sixjax could enforce specific performance on Major's contract. However there is potentially a possibility, because Major is still a minor (lol) and his mom signed the contract, that they could find liability with his mother. Sixjax could not enforce specific performance, on the other hand if he was to start throwing his performance (as he apperently did, with not showing to CWs), I think it's pretty sure he woldn't get signed again. you can get specific performance as remedies through but it differs across countries so I can't say too much about it.
I wouldnt read one word of major's statement as the dude is full of shit. BM'er lier doesnt deserve a team with his attitude..
He said, she said thing going on here but tbh I am disinclined to believe Major since he's been pulling this shit for years now. What you think about SJ's business model has nothing to do with this discussion.
On September 05 2011 14:06 Doodsmack wrote: lol so SJ's new statement contradicts a lot of what Major said...at this point it's "he said she said." Although I will say that SJ shouldn't be surprised that their statement "it would be legally impossible for [you] to leave and join another team without being released from [your] contract" was interpreted as a threat. Of course it is a "threat", you sign a contract, then you break it, and you just want everything to be okay?
that's why you READ the contract, and before signing it, you make sure you will be able to follow what's stated there.
On September 05 2011 14:09 wats0n wrote: Does anybody else not see the huge holes in Sixjax's story?
They said that they had a deal to send Major to Korea a month ago and they didn't and then they list a bunch of stuff that happened back in June. That makes no sense. They broke a deal because he swore to WBC? Sorry but that's not a good reason.
Also they didn't send anybody to Raleigh. You telling me DDE and Vibe were acting up as well and that's why they didn't send them to Raleigh?
Face it Sixjax, you didn't deliver on promises you made and Juan is a bm motherfucker who got pissed off at you because of it. Don't try to paint yourselves as the victim.
And after they mentioned his mother I fully believe the story that they threatened to sue his mom is true. That's as low as it gets.
MLG Anaheim was over basically Aug 1st
And they broke the deal because he disrespected his teammates, he lied to management, he didn't wear his jersey, he cheated (smurfed) in a tournament and caused such a problem at MLG they gave him a penalty.
Those all seem like pretty good reasons to terminate someone's contract
interesting to me how sixjax posted that on their gaming site and not evoli - team manager should be addressing this stuff usually
dunno why people think this contract deal is so serious. If they arent willing to send there players or renegotiate contracts, they aren't going to spend a fucking dime on court fees.
So, apparently Major has sworn twice in his life, and lost some of his possessions at a hotel. I'm very glad Sixjax made a statement and cleared everything up.
On September 05 2011 14:04 Jank wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2011 13:59 Plansix wrote:On September 05 2011 13:51 Jank wrote:On September 05 2011 13:21 Daniel C wrote:On September 05 2011 11:27 Jank wrote: I'd just like to add in my support to major and his efforts. It's pretty sad to see such a large chunk of the community take any opportunity that they can to shit all over a player. Especially considering the extremely unprofessional way in which sixjax announced this and the other shady shit surrounding them.
Before you make a negative post insulting the guy just because you dislike him and there's a bunch of other bandwagoning assholes behind you remember this: He is putting 100% into this game and practicing his fucking heart out for the chance to fulfill his dreams. Yeah he's made some mistakes in the past but nothing that deserves the amount of hate launched at him. I'm just glad his sheer amount of determination and love of the game has helped him keep working towards his goals. Other people when faced with this much negativity might have given up ages ago.
Good luck man you're one skilled mother fucker. <3 Elementary fallacy. How does "putting 100%" and practicing "his fucking heart out" have anything to do with his immature behaviour, which others (including sj) has rightfully pointed out? Nothing. Thanks for being condescending, I'm glad you passed your intro to logic course. I referenced his hardwork in an effort to show that people come to judgements about his character too quickly and that there is more to him as a person than some mistakes he's made in the past. I think we're all here because we love this game and the community involved with it. Someone who puts that much time and energy into the game deserves at least some morsel of respect. Some of the personal insults I've read in the various threads about gositerran have been downright hateful and mean spirited. I don't think anyone is being mean spirited when they say Major is unprofessional. The amount of effort he puts does matter, but it doesn't mean his past actions can be ignored. Major is laying some claims that Sixjax threatened legal action against him. But judging by his recent attempts to smurf into a tournament for diamond level players or lower, I would say that SixJax has to stern word for him. I would not be shocked if the phrase "legal action if you ever do this again" were used. They are right to do so, because that's a really scummy thing to do. People who are citing his immaturity or lack of professionalism aren't really who I'm talking about (although it seems a little ridiculous how often it's brought up.) I'm more referring to posts like this: Show nested quote +On September 05 2011 13:33 DDKz wrote: Major is a dick. He acts like a spoiled, bratty, child and has broken his contract multiple times and as a result is removed from the team, I don't see a problem here?
Just look at his reaction to Evoli's post in the OP, he can't even put in the fucking effort to spell words correctly in something so serious how can he be expected to act professional?
At the end of the day a player like Major is being payed to represent the company that sponsors him, now I don't know about you guys but personally I wouldn't pay someone to make me look like a fucking joke. These seem a little fucking unnecessary -.-
Its a bit harsh, but from most accounts Major and how he acts, its not far off. He cursed out his own team mate(DDE) in person, at a professional event. How much worse does he need to be? Does he need to assault someone on the main stage?(EGincontrol, I would pay to see it)
And the smurfing into the tournament thing is such a jerk move. A profession, sponsored SC 2 player, entering a tournament(for money, I believe) for non-professional players. That is fraud, plain and simply. It cheating and wrong. People over look it, but what if he won and took the money? How terrible would that have been?
Seriously, a lot of the hate seems overly harsh. But I can't say the Major didn't earn a lot of it.
On September 05 2011 14:16 hydra21 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2011 14:09 wats0n wrote: Does anybody else not see the huge holes in Sixjax's story?
They said that they had a deal to send Major to Korea a month ago and they didn't and then they list a bunch of stuff that happened back in June. That makes no sense. They broke a deal because he swore to WBC? Sorry but that's not a good reason.
Also they didn't send anybody to Raleigh. You telling me DDE and Vibe were acting up as well and that's why they didn't send them to Raleigh?
Face it Sixjax, you didn't deliver on promises you made and Juan is a bm motherfucker who got pissed off at you because of it. Don't try to paint yourselves as the victim.
And after they mentioned his mother I fully believe the story that they threatened to sue his mom is true. That's as low as it gets. MLG Anaheim was over basically Aug 1st And they broke the deal because he disrespected his teammates, he lied to management, he didn't wear his jersey, he cheated (smurfed) in a tournament and caused such a problem at MLG they gave him a penalty. Those all seem like pretty good reasons to terminate someone's contract
What's your role in sixjax, anyways?
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On September 05 2011 14:09 wats0n wrote: Does anybody else not see the huge holes in Sixjax's story?
They said that they had a deal to send Major to Korea a month ago and they didn't and then they list a bunch of stuff that happened back in June. That makes no sense. They broke a deal because he swore to WBC? Sorry but that's not a good reason.
Also they didn't send anybody to Raleigh. You telling me DDE and Vibe were acting up as well and that's why they didn't send them to Raleigh?
Face it Sixjax, you didn't deliver on promises you made and Juan is a bm motherfucker who got pissed off at you because of it. Don't try to paint yourselves as the victim.
And after they mentioned his mother I fully believe the story that they threatened to sue his mom is true. That's as low as it gets.
To be fair to Sixjax, Anaheim did happen ~1 month ago. He did stuff there like not where a Jersey, and getting in trouble for swearing. Its one thing to swear/get angry at someone, but it be given a technical foul by the refs is kinda big. These things coupled with the other stuff before Anaheim probably sealed the deal on Major on being released.
On September 05 2011 12:59 Slider954 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2011 12:55 Doodsmack wrote:On September 05 2011 12:53 Slider954 wrote:On September 05 2011 12:49 Doodsmack wrote:On September 05 2011 12:44 Slider954 wrote:On September 05 2011 12:39 Chriscras wrote:On September 05 2011 12:37 Destiny wrote:On September 05 2011 12:35 TheHova wrote:On September 05 2011 12:27 Destiny wrote:On September 05 2011 12:23 TechSC wrote: [quote]
My guess is he'd eluding to the fact that if a contract is broken, you can be sued. Being sued can definitely ruin your life and your families life. It depends on the terms of the contract. Just because you're being "sued" doesn't mean it will destroy your life. If I make a contract with you that you have to pay me $50 if I show up to your friend's birthday party, and then I skip out on it, you can't suddenly take me to court for $100000000000000 and my first-born son. I seriously doubt anything in any pro gaming contract would give a company enough lee-way to sue for any dramatic amount of money. You're clutching at straws here. Any sort of legal case is going to an effect on your family, and usually a negative one. I'm not "clutching straws", what the fuck is wrong with you? "Having an effect on your family" IS NOT THE SAME AS "life-ruining". I completely agree with Destiny. The worst that Major and his Mom would go through would be hiring a lawyer. I doubt judicial resources would even be wasted on such a ridiculous lawsuit, it would never go to trial. Still wouldn't be cheap though... Have you actually seen some of the lawsuits that make it to court, ridiculous is the norm not the exception. Not true, you've probably read too many media stories about crazy lawsuits. Please peruse these lovely examples http://www.all-top-10-lists.com/7-top-stupid-lawsuits-that-won-big-money/2009/07/ Lol you're using that as evidence for the "norm" in the US legal system? Fine, I'll just leave it at just google 'stupid lawsuits that won'. Not going to argue all night on tangential issue. Edit: added the 'that won' part
Incase you didn't know, it's all fake. http://www.snopes.com/legal/lawsuits.asp.
And there were damn good reason for why the spilled coffee case ended up like that. http://www.caoc.com/CA/index.cfm?event=showPage&pg=facts
On September 05 2011 14:00 JediGamer wrote: Major is a better person than any of you. That is just a fact, whether you like it or not. Go win some tourneys, then say he doesn't deserve props.
People like all of you would have given up already after "pplz on the internetz dont luv me" hit in. However a player at that level probably understands that the vast majority of people criticizing him are bronze - diamond scene vultures who are jealous they weren't endowed with a brain capable of competing let alone thinking.
What the hell are you talking about? No one's doubting his skill, and his skill has absolutely nothing to do with his personality. He's displayed time and time again that he is immature, and honestly I'm surprised sixjax didn't cut him the second he stepped out of line. You call someone who curses out other players at MLG and has to be given a technical foul from the tournament organizers a good person? What about someone who BMs someone on their own team? Major's a great player, sure, but he's about as mature as a five year old, and doesn't deserve as many chances as sixjax gave him. He handled the situation terribly, too. Insulting the people who are signing your checks is not a good way to go about doing things.
This guy... I was wondering where sixjax was at the last mlg though.
I think the latest statement from SixJax is blatantly transparent. Dunno what more people want from them. All I see is three pages of people spewing, "LIES!!!"
They basically shot themselves in the foot with this info. They admit that they were looking to send him to Korea which implies that was an agreement between both parties. Then they admit that they decided not to send him.
And Major aside, why didn't they send their other players to Raleigh? Then they list a bunch of incidents all the way back to Columbus why they broke off sending him last month? Sorry, not buying it.
Fly your players around or gtfo Sixjax. Nothing more needs to be said.
im just going to wait till artosis gives a statement. This is all just one giant he said she said.