yeah it must be hard being compared to tastless and artosis everytime someone steps up and wants to cast full-time. Well at least hes doing his thing. Why we love Artosis and Tasteless its mostly because it falls naturally for them casting. They got that humor we love.
I guess tastosis casting everything.. but I have to admit from not being able to watch games with moletrap casting.. lately I feel ok.. I think hes working hard..
I've always wondered what caster gets more hate, Moletrap or Gretorp. I don't mind either to be honest, but in any live thread with them in it, there's just constant hate for those two.
Moletrap just needs the right co caster for him to truly be enjoyable. Moletrap will never be a good solo caster, but with co casters like Wolf, I am sure he will continue to do well.
He's got a lot of passion and excitement, which brings a lot to the experience of the viewer. I'd like to see his game knowledge and ability to provide insight stepped up a bit, but I also think that is just a matter of time and experience. Best of luck to the guy. I hope gom doesnt can him as a response to the childish hate that is raking their message boards and vod comments.
The only thing I find distasteful about Moletrap's casting is his tendency to state something and then it's incorrect. It really disrupts the flow of the cast. I'm picky with my casting preferences, so my opinion is definitely biased.
6:34. Posts 136 PM Profile Quote # The only thing I find distasteful about Moletrap's casting is his tendency to state something and then it's incorrect. It really disrupts the flow of the cast. I'm picky with my casting preferences, so my opinion is definitely biased.
I agree with that. Many times he will state something and 15 seconds later it has the opposite result of what he said would happen. It usually is that he focuses on the wrong details in a game. I know i'm biased and I hope he improves as a caster, but currently he irritates me.
On February 01 2012 06:34 Moobutt wrote: The only thing I find distasteful about Moletrap's casting is his tendency to state something and then it's incorrect. It really disrupts the flow of the cast. I'm picky with my casting preferences, so my opinion is definitely biased.
The thing I find disruptive is when the other caster is talking about a topic then Moletrap abruptly changes the subject to something unrelated. It disturbs the flow of the cast and I feel as taken aback as the other caster does.
I don't like moletrap as a caster at all, tbh. He seems like a good guy, don't get me wrong, but I get this constant feeling that has no idea what he's talking about. I've also watched his stream, and he's very bad at sc2. Usually that's not an issue, but I don't look at GSL as shoutcasting, I want analisys. I don't mean to insult him personally, I just don't understand why he is casting for GOM.
Hmm I still think this thread is a pretty good representation of the majority opinion.. the people who like him also seem to be voicing their opinions? Most of this page is pretty positive
I dislike Moletrap as a caster but love him as a member of the community. I find his commentary to be extremely lacking analytically. Obviously he doesn't hold up to Artosis (who does?) but I think Wolf and Khaldor also far surpass him in terms of game knowledge and their ability to convey that in their casting. He always seems pretty involved with the fans and the community though, which I think goes somewhat under appreciated and which I think is great. But that doesn't mean I want to watch him cast GSL