On August 17 2011 22:22 leakingpear wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:48 RavenLoud wrote:On August 17 2011 00:03 Nothingtosay wrote:On August 16 2011 14:34 RavenLoud wrote: I don't think Moletrap deserves this kind of shit from everyone. I was a fan of his BW and SC2 youtube vids before he went casting for Code A. Frankly he does pretty well, and I thought that he deserved more followers.
The way I see it, he's not very used to dual casting live in a setting like this so he gets nervous. The chemistry between him and Doa isn't as good as Wolf/Doa either.
Let's cut him some slack, he can do better than this after he gets used to it. why would I cut "someone some slack" for something I'm paying for? I'm not paying for the service to eventually be good I want it to be good now. Also considering the fact that moletrap has been casting for years, with part of that being a few months at gom already I don't see him changing much. He voice is extremely unpleasant, his game knowledge is lacking, his entertainment value is non-existant, and he has very few redeeming values in casting in my general opinion. What's with the entitlement? You pay to watch the games. If you don't like it mute it or leave. I'd prefer day9 or tastosis myself, but this kind of nonconstructive, intolerant hate shames our community imo. The sheer amount of nerd rage you people are gushing out is quite amusing. I would be curious to see how good any of you would do in his situation. Whatever, maybe I just got a more tolerant and relaxed mind listening to a starcraft 2 game than some. @features You basically took the words out of my mouth.  That's just plain wrong, you're paying for the GomTV GSL show, as produced by them. You don't tick a box when signing up that makes it so all your money goes to the operation of the league and not to the stage production or commentary. Also this pervasive idea that constructive criticism is the only valid response is frankly absurd, it's not the consumer's job to help the service provider improve their service, but the consumer does have the right to complain if the quality of the product drops significantly from what they are lead to expect. Also for god's sake can people please stop putting 'nerd' infront of everything anyone does related to starcraft 2, tastosis can barely get away with it and it's frequently awkward, what on earth makes johnny forumposter #3451 think it's going to be better when they do it? It's also ridiculously ironic you say how tolerant and relaxed you are and then call out the one guy who listed his issues with moletrap in an itemised and, gasp, constructive, manner. Constructive criticism doesn't mean sugar coating everything in a "well you were absolutely fabulous but if you could improve one thing it would be pretty much everything" sycophantic diatribe, it means criticising while providing enough information about what they're doing wrong so they can formulate a response. Lol wut? If you are so entitled to your 10$ then just stop paying. The idea that people can complain with this attitude is quite sickening to me. The company and the consumer are mostly on the same side when it comes to the quality of the service provided, except that the consumer mostly have no idea what's going on inside. Both sides just want to reach a satisfying conclusion that ends up with you giving them the dough. Crying on the internet with hateful comment isn't how you vote, stop paying and GOM will eventually improve their service. Even then, it doesn't give people the right to outright make personal insults. You can point out that he doesn't know the game very well or that he interrupts people. That is absolutely true. Unfortunately it's not what all the complaints are about...there are many rude and angry posts that just doesn't help anyone.
"Nerd rage" is a term in itself that's used everywhere, and you know it. (Our argument can be summed up with that word tbh.) I did not mean to call everyone in Starcraft a nerd, you're putting words in my mouth.
I never generalized that everyone that complains are wrong. Some of them do have valid arguments and I don't disagree. Moletrap has never been top tier, but I personally did like him mostly because I didn't expect much. Maybe I am wrong for seeing the potential in him, maybe he just sucks and can't improve ever, but I just like to see the glass half full. I don't believe that casters are born with talents, they come with experience. I believe that people deserves a second chance without everyone jumping to conclusions so fast.
I apologize if I did come off as a blind follower who denies criticism. I am not satisfied with Moletrap's recent performance, but I do see some potential in a guy who loves this game. I'm sure that's why GOM decided to bring him back.
Funny how you generalize everyone who defends him as being sycophants...
I like moletrap a lot personally. He doesn't tend to rely on running gags and repeating facts like many commintators tend to do. I understand people not liking the pitch of his voice but really if what you value most in a cast is the pitch of a voice shouldn't you be listening to music instead?
Congrats Moletrap! I'm miss your BW commentaries, but I will settle for SC2
was wondering why this thread was still going, though i'm not that surprised it's cuz of haters that are always gonna hate. guess i'll throw my 2 cents out here too.
frankly, when i look at the combination of wolf/moletrap, wolf/doa, and doa/moletrap, i like wolf and moletrap the best. wolf and doa pisses me the fuck off because doa doesn't seem to really know what he's talking about and on top of that he manages to distract wolf with a million different nerd stories while i'm trying to watch a casted game. it's one of the few times caster(s) force me to actually mute them so that i can actually enjoy the games, and i didn't ever mute casters just because i disliked them before this.
moletrap/doa, i don't think moletrap is that great, he's passable but that's not enough to carry doa. wolf is passable too, i'd prefer artosis/tasteless over wolf/moletrap by over 9000 times but it's tolerable. the thing i like about moletrap is that he really does try to focus on the games and do his job which is more than i can say for the others.
wolf and doa act like they're not even casting, like they're just chillin at home over skype shooting the shit. it's one thing to make a joke about something when nothing's going on, but they've crossed the line multiple times where they're talking about some retarded star wars or trading card game shit when the most important fight of the game is going on, and wolf is like "LOL hold on doa i have to do this casting thing real quick."
i never watched BW casts, the games i went to watch of BW after i started getting into SC2 from beta were official casts with maybe subtitles, but apparently moletrap was an established caster in that scene. i think he could become a legit caster, more than "passable" with time. for me, he's definitely an improvement to the regulars they have now
I was watching some BW vods and moletrap ur an epic commentator. Bring back the flair from the old days!
Why do they let him cast GSTL? You got to be kidding me -.-
sup with moletrap seriously? He doesn't let Doa finish his sentence .. EVER ! Feels like he is gonna die if he doesn't talk constantly
so many fanboys sittin on moletraps dick. besides the obvious trolls out there, there is a ton of truth to what people post here.
1. lack of game knowledge - this is the biggest factor for me.you have to have more game knowledge than the average casual sc2 player. if you dont, plz dont cast. moletrap again and again makes basic fundamental mistakes about the game that it makes me wonder if its actually disadvantageous listening to him.
2. his voice - god blessed people like catspajamas with a natural broadcasting voice. moletrap unfortunately wasnt. when he gets excited its absolutely intolerable listening to him squeal over the most standard engagements.
3. chemistry with co-casters - its neigh non-existent. its almost like he doesnt want them there. moletrap may be a good solo caster (highly doubt it) but gomtv games are dual cast. so if he cant be flexible enough to be able to co-cast.. its time to gtfo imo.
4. his 'jokes' - i get nightmares of him trying to make 'i smell epic with sauteed onions and garlic' sounds funny. revolting is not a strong enough word to describe how pathetic his jokes are.
5. there are other casters out there.. why are we being subjected to moletrap when there are better guys like day9, DJwheat etc?
6.i pay money for this. I want the best to be presenting.. not someone who has a shit ton of negative comments in each thread with his name on it.
Recently, Tastosis are taking their whole 'nerd' army thing to the next level. It is slowly getting fucking annoying as well. glad to see moletrap doesnt try any of that shit.. but i bet its only a matter of time before he gives it a shot for ratings.
in conclusion, moletrap, youve made some minor amendments to ur casting which is positive. but overall, its still the same hope you can take these criticisms and change it for the better.
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On August 17 2011 01:09 BLinD-RawR wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 00:54 EricCartman wrote:On August 17 2011 00:48 MKP wrote:Sigh, guys what am I suppose to do!?!? Code S was special for me.... I gave up code A already....... he makes me rage so hard cause he's so so so bad... I really wish he knew what he was talking about mkfgmfkj If you don't watch StarCraft because of Commentary, you're no real fan and should just go back to some Casualgame like WoW or Call of Duty, Kiddy  Moletrap, DoA, Wolf and Artosis are all great Commentators, nothing wrong with 'em. Only Tasteless(if he goes to "Funny"mode), Kelly and Unstable were so bad that you need to mute the VOD. u meant kelly and moletrap right? no,he meant what he said. you seem to think that it is impossible for someone to like moletrap or kelly and such behavior sickens me.
lol u troll. get back to you coconut shack.
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In all honesty, he seems to be trying to improve. He obviously knows a lot of people dislike him and he's trying to heed the flak he's getting. Props to him for that.
What do people think of making moletrap a lone commentator?
It happens a lot in sports commentary, there are some really good commentators who were amazing by themselves but were really bad in a duo.
Moletrap has always done lone commentary and I think that's where he shines.
On August 19 2011 03:35 sluggaslamoo wrote: What do people think of making moletrap a lone commentator?
It happens a lot in sports commentary, there are some really good commentators who were amazing by themselves but were really bad in a duo.
Moletrap has always done lone commentary and I think that's where he shines. #
i now make a really good point so please stay with me. lets just say moletrap was a professional caster even in broodwar. he did alot of solo casts and was a great caster in every aspect. then his professional situation changes and he has to cast with another guy.
it´s like with every job. unless your doing stupid work a monkey could do, you need time to learn and earn experience. this is the only way to become great at what you do. having talent just lets you start at a higher level.
this community sometimes is so small minded i feel. i´d say its because most are still in school and bitch about stuff they know nothing about but actually i just think peoples mind turn into some kind of shitmass when it comes to e sports. like it is so much different than everything else.
Moletrap has no game knowledge. He needs to learn about the game and matchups before he can even commentate. -_-
On August 19 2011 01:53 EricCartman wrote:so many fanboys sittin on moletraps dick. besides the obvious trolls out there, there is a ton of truth to what people post here. 1. lack of game knowledge - this is the biggest factor for me.you have to have more game knowledge than the average casual sc2 player. if you dont, plz dont cast. moletrap again and again makes basic fundamental mistakes about the game that it makes me wonder if its actually disadvantageous listening to him. 2. his voice - god blessed people like catspajamas with a natural broadcasting voice. moletrap unfortunately wasnt. when he gets excited its absolutely intolerable listening to him squeal over the most standard engagements. 3. chemistry with co-casters - its neigh non-existent. its almost like he doesnt want them there. moletrap may be a good solo caster (highly doubt it) but gomtv games are dual cast. so if he cant be flexible enough to be able to co-cast.. its time to gtfo imo. 4. his 'jokes' - i get nightmares of him trying to make 'i smell epic with sauteed onions and garlic' sounds funny. revolting is not a strong enough word to describe how pathetic his jokes are. 5. there are other casters out there.. why are we being subjected to moletrap when there are better guys like day9, DJwheat etc? 6.i pay money for this. I want the best to be presenting.. not someone who has a shit ton of negative comments in each thread with his name on it. Recently, Tastosis are taking their whole 'nerd' army thing to the next level. It is slowly getting fucking annoying as well. glad to see moletrap doesnt try any of that shit.. but i bet its only a matter of time before he gives it a shot for ratings. in conclusion, moletrap, youve made some minor amendments to ur casting which is positive. but overall, its still the same  hope you can take these criticisms and change it for the better.
moletrap contacted me personally just now and said that he loves your criticisms and he is currently hard at work. he has removed at least 5 fanboys from his dick already and he is trying to get negative comments removed from this thread so you feel better about your money
keep up the good feedback ericcartman and the rest of you ! for the community !
For the most part I've been keeping out of the "This caster is terrible" threads but I've recently realized I have some thing to say about moletrap so eh, here we go.
At first I found his voice really annoying but I got used to it and it no longer bugs me, he doesn't have a particularly pleasant voice but whatever, after a few hours of listening to him I'm fine with it.
My two main criticism are sadly similar to a lot of this thread, almost every game I watch that he's casting he'll at least once make a statement that is painfully obviously wrong, incredibly simple stuff that's just not really excusable..
Moletrap: "There's dt's and he doesn't even started a robo!" Doa "Well actually his robo is about 10s away from being done..."
It's just awkward to watch him make statements repeatedly which are simply wrong. I'm fine with casters mis-predicting builds and intentions, that's not that bad, everyone does it, but seriously? you have your own computer to look at these things and you still just outright make calls which are disproven by the production tab being shown on stream, its embarrassing.
My other issue is that he really doesn't work well with any of the casters he's worked with at GOM, in the most recent set of casts I'm fairly certain doa never finished a sentence and the ones that he got close were almost all corrections of incorrect statements moletrap make in the first place, you just can't do that...
On August 19 2011 03:45 leecH wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2011 03:35 sluggaslamoo wrote: What do people think of making moletrap a lone commentator?
It happens a lot in sports commentary, there are some really good commentators who were amazing by themselves but were really bad in a duo.
Moletrap has always done lone commentary and I think that's where he shines. # i now make a really good point so please stay with me. lets just say moletrap was a professional caster even in broodwar. he did alot of solo casts and was a great caster in every aspect. then his professional situation changes and he has to cast with another guy. it´s like with every job. unless your doing stupid work a monkey could do, you need time to learn and earn experience. this is the only way to become great at what you do. having talent just lets you start at a higher level. this community sometimes is so small minded i feel. i´d say its because most are still in school and bitch about stuff they know nothing about but actually i just think peoples mind turn into some kind of shitmass when it comes to e sports. like it is so much different than everything else.
Ah no, and what you said is pretty insulting because that bottom paragraph I guess you are referring to me in that group? As with all huge generalisations, you are dead wrong, and it shows you ain't so smart yourself.
There are professional sports commentators that are solo, simply because they are much better solo than in duo. That doesn't make them bad, do dual-commentators have to learn how to commentate solo? No. So your really good point is not a really good point at all.
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In the entertainment business they are dependent on having an audience in order to make money. If this many people dislike Moletrap then i don't see why GOM would hire him back. Even if the guy loves the game it is not a charity, it is a business, and they need to hire someone who the community likes, because we are the ones who keep GOM in business.
On August 19 2011 05:04 Purple :D wrote: FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU...........................................
?? I didn't think his casting is too bad, he doesn't have the best game knowledge but he's not the worst in the world.
He is soooo annoying i stopped watching code A because of him :/